26 Mar 2012 - Update Highest Rated Pain Stories Highest Rated Gain Stories Vodafail Local Facebook Page
Dear visitor,

Since its inception Vodafail.com has made a significant contribution towards raising awareness of the problems and issues faced by Vodafone customers.

Vodafone Australia customers have had the opportunity to voice their concerns, their fears and their troubles from every corner of Australia and beyond our borders. You have gathered the courage to stand up for your rights as consumers and to make your voice heard.

Each and every person who shared their story should have a sense of pride in this achievement and the changes that have occurred since the start of Vodafail.com.

More recently, traffic to Vodafail.com has declined significantly. Having achieved the goal of raising awareness and promoting concrete action in early 2011, we have now reached the point of closing Vodafail to new complaints. The site will remain online for as long as possible as a reminder and an example of what is possible when we share our experiences.

It has been a privilege to run this initiative and I'm am forever grateful for the help and support I've received. In particular I would like to thank Melissa, David and Travis for their continued efforts over the past 15 months. I'm also thankful and humbled by the support of ACCAN, Choice magazine and a wide range of media outlets, blogs and websites.

You can still browse existing stories and find out how to file a complaint if you are experiencing problems.

Until next time,

Adam Brimo

Share Your Pain

Vodafail.com is no longer accepting complaints.
Over the past 6 months traffic to Vodafail has declined significantly. Therefore we have closed off Vodafail to new complaints. We think you will find more joy in posting on any one of these fine product / brand review sites.

You can also post directly on the Vodafone community forums.

Other People's Pain

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12850 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Ben-Hur sized fail at 17 Jan 2011 04:15:47 PM
I was a happy pre-paid Vodafone customer for five years, but two months on contract has me looking back wistfully on my days as a Telstra mobile customer.
I'm currently looking for work, and last week a manager at a prospective employer told me they'd been unable to get through to me on the phone or leave a message. "Incoming call restrictions" was the recorded message. A two-hour wait for the call centre was followed by a rapid denial that the message was possible. Has anyone else come across this problem?
7 May 2011 07:43:18 PM: I have had "incomming call restictions" on my Vodafone prepaid before. The prepaid balance was in credit, but Vodafone refused to accept that there was something wrong with their network. They said it was the phones settings, which is BS. No one could call me. Now I am with Amaysim.

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12849 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is ABSOLUTELY EXCELLENT IN ALL ASPECTS at 17 Jan 2011 04:10:01 PM
Hi, I'm just here to advise all our Vodafone customers who are upset with our fantastic products and services to stay with us. Please give us another chance, we are taking our time attempting to somewhat resolve the national UMTS network issues via adding more GSM towers. That will alleviate capacity, since Vodafone has an strong client base of about 4.5 million highly satisfied customers and counting. Our merge with 3 has boosted our client base even further to about 7.5 million+, proving that Vodafone Australia is clearly the best option for a provider. If you all are still not satisfied with your current network service, then you should gently contact our wonderful foreign call centre. The adept technical support team will resolve the issues you are experiencing as fast as possible by offering unlimited escalations, language barriers, and misinterpretations. How great is that? You shouldn't be unhappy about our state-of-the-art Lara voice menu because she will provide you with all the transfers you need, including a bonus of up to 3 hour wait times, countless hours of exclusive music on hold, and the typical call cut off when you need it. We even conveniently provide no call back option since we don't want you calling back about how fantastic we are. Not only that, we have specifically poured our vast investment into Lara's voice recognition option so you all can enjoy a aggravating experience. We hope you believe she is a human, complete with our finishing touch of fake keyboard typing noises when she handles your account recharge or status. Vodafone is proud to announce the Infinite Plans. Not only do we want you calling and messaging as much as possible, we want every new or loyal customer to benchmark our network beyond the limit, leaving it unusable for other angry customers here. Included with the plans are super generous offers. You get frequent call dropouts points, almost no reception across the nation, exclusive sent messages arriving ages later, special barring of sending messages, lucky jackpot of erratic working calls, guaranteed lightning fast 3G speeds of 10Kbps average, and even limited access to your My Vodafone account. That's just unbelievable! If you are still not convinced to stay with Vodafone, then we'll let you in on a VIP offer. Your customer details will be accessed by criminals via our respectful employees. Don't worry, nothing is wrong, we'll reset the passwords every 24 hours and you won't be able to login to your My Vodafone account because we locked it down. If you are still concerned with that great offer, then just gently contact customer care, we'll offer you a special limited time 50% discount on your plan for 3 months. If you are going to leave Vodafone, then we'll give you another incredible offer of 3 months credit to your plan, so that you're stuck with us. Please stay, we don't want to face the TIO. Visit your local Vodafone store, the excellent caring staff will troubleshoot your mobile device or offer you another plan. This is Vodafone's primetime, please if you do leave, refer us to another potential customer because we need a big market share. Don't worry, Vodafone will take respectful and honest care with their customers. As you can see, there is no reason to leave. We offer the best products and services compared to other competitors. If you have any further inquiries, please gently contact our helpful customer care. If they can't get to you, try turning your phone on and off many times, otherwise find the ultra elusive call back option and we'll get back to you shortly as we are always so busy handling countless appraisals from our caring customers. If we don't get back to you, then wait 5 business days. If we get back to you and you're issue is not resolved, then it's not our problem. So please, we beg you not to abuse our sensitive compassionate staff in store. They are trying their absolute hardest to help you while serving under the company's oppressive commands. If your issues are still not resolved then give us a year to fix it, otherwise just leave with the help of TIO. All I can say is that those who leave are missing out on our famous marvellous products and services. We have the Infinite Plans, what more could you want? We are proud to be an Australian registered company with a call centre overseas. We hope you enjoyed reading this and are reconsidering your complaints. We hope you are convinced by what is stated here, to stay with us because you chose us for the best possible network in the first place. Thank you for choosing Vodafone. Power to you. - "An abused Vodafone Employee" P.S. - If you are having bad service for extended periods, please cancel your Vodafone plan as soon as possible, with the help of TIO for no penalty if you have to! They are so terrible recently. Rest assured.
17 Jan 2011 04:16:00 PM: http://www.smh.com.au/technology/technology-news/i-just-hate-going-to-work-now-abused-vodafone-dealer-to-sue-20110117-19t4j.html

17 Jan 2011 04:18:40 PM: Bullshit, bullshit, bullshit!!
17 Jan 2011 04:20:09 PM: Sorry, just read a bit more and realised they were being sarcastic.
17 Jan 2011 04:22:18 PM: Yeh I wrote that LMAO! Just wanted to lighten up the mood around here and see what Vodafone would have said in our shoes.
17 Jan 2011 07:39:42 PM: hahaha. glad i kept reading
18 Jan 2011 10:10:31 AM: 'Excellent caring staff' What a joke, all they care about is protecting their own arses. Don't forget to vote using device near the main counter. My experience, first time bullied and threatened by 'manager', second time - someone who tried to help despite being hung up on 3 times by VF...ed 'Accounts' staff. Third time, didn't listen to my complaint despite restating it several times, could not understand I had a Virgin phone and a VF...ed mobile broadband and insisted on punching my mobile phone number into their system. Do I need to explain? Just utterly useless.
20 Jan 2011 06:38:41 PM: I knew it was fake because they were being polite.
21 Jan 2011 01:09:09 PM: I used to be a Vodafone staff member, I was always polite and used to get just as angry at the customer (non) care people as every one else. I left the job because my hands were tied by ridiculous policies. In the old days if your phone didn't work because it was faulty we just gave you a new one, none of this repair for months on end bullshit. If you dropped your phone in water that was it and there were options. If your service was shit you got released from your contract and when you wanted to upgrade there was an amazing team in Sydney and Hobart that we had DIRECT lines to and could upgrade from store stock on the spot.
There are very few of us old schollers left because the company , depite all their happy happy corporate meetings. DON"T CARE ABOUT THEIR STAFF. How are they in a position to give a shit about customers if they don't even give the staff the ability to help them.

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12848 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Atrocious failure at 17 Jan 2011 03:56:54 PM
Dropped calls as a vodaFAIL customer, delayed SMS which arrives a few days later after sending, Reception issues in CBD, long waiting hours to get to an operator, you name all the faults that can happen to a telecomms provider.. VodaFail has it all in one company...

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12847 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Ridiculous at 17 Jan 2011 03:52:11 PM
In Beecroft NSW, I've been on an emergency only connection for two thirds of the day, today, according to the my Iphone. WTF?

Occasionally the letter E disappears, but NO 3G all day!

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12846 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Extreme at 17 Jan 2011 03:41:20 PM
Every time I need to discuss billing issues (almost every month) I need to go to the TIO to speak to someone who is remotely interested in my complaint. I am shuffled between rude, arrogant, dismissive call center people who do not accurately report my calls and refuse to put me through to a supervisor (a real one that is, rather than their friend sitting next to them. they even recently told me that the TIO is irrelevant and that they would cut me off (which they did)even though I am not in arrears, I pay my bills (even when they are wrong) and now my children cannot contact me or their mother. The rudeness is beyond reasonable. I have now requested the TIO to get me released from the contract so i can get back to enjoying my life.

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12845 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is broadband at 17 Jan 2011 03:37:42 PM
broadband service is hopeless in chadstone vic over two hours on saturdaday 15.1.00 dropped out 5 times . but this happens all the time we log on , always drops out ,have never had fast broadbanb speeds mainly bps somtines kbps always drops back to dial-up service then dropps out if you are on more than 25 minutes without dropping out extremely lucky
you send an complaint over the internet
all we have received is an computer generated response
no human has ever looked at our complaints
always received a standard genric response
vodafone refuse to accept any responsiblity for their poor service

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12844 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Super fail at 17 Jan 2011 03:19:33 PM
I got my brand new HTC phone for Christmas on a 24mth contract. Its going to be a long 24 months with Vodaphone. I get very minimal service if any and the majority of my calls drop out if I'm lucky enough to be able to connect. The internet is so slow on the phone so i don't even bother using it. Thanks Vodaphone for a totally useless and unreliable service.
18 Jan 2011 09:28:36 AM: I got the same phone only a month ago. I complained due to the coverage, call drop outs and lack of data. They blamed the handsets and every other possible problem. I contacted the Telecommunications Ombudsman and Vodafone and released me from my contract with the option to buy my phone for $500 or send it back.

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12843 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Its so hard to get in contact with anyone at 17 Jan 2011 03:17:23 PM
Ok so me and my partner are both with Vodafone ATM and we both have problems with out recption, delayed sms's, voicemails coming in like 30 min or more after they were left via person trying to contact us, problems with loading internet pages and over estimated bills, where do i stop.
My biggest concern is im 38 weeks pregnant and if i go into labour and cant get in contact with my parnter let alone anyone else (we dont use a house phone) well im kinda stuck arnt I. Not one bit happy with the service.

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12841 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is history! at 17 Jan 2011 02:39:32 PM
I'm finally FREE!!!!!

Took months and the TIO, but it worked!
17 Jan 2011 07:48:09 PM: hooray!! party at ur house!

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12840 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is completely at 17 Jan 2011 02:32:02 PM
My mobile is my business phone. How do you explain (and get a client to believe you) that the messages they have left on your mobile - which is serviced(or not serviced) by such a large corporation - that these messages are arriving 3 and 4 days later or not at all ?? It tends to sound like a very poor excuse. Tried talking to someone about it and was told I had it wrong there was no problems with Vodafone !!!!!

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12839 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Vodafone is horrid. at 17 Jan 2011 02:23:41 PM
Reception, they are not providing a wide enough coverage, it drops out, it fails out phone calls, i get important texts 15 minutes after they were sent, this is pathetic. Also, 3G is not working, at all, it takes 10 minutes to load my facebook wall, it is ridiculous. I am sick to death of Vodafone.

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12835 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Rude and offensive at 17 Jan 2011 02:00:21 PM
Vodafail took 26 days for a human to reply to my email. 3 hours for a human to answer my phone call. I signed up to Twitter as it seemed to be the most effective way to get answers to simple questions. How absurd that I am forced to communicate in 140 characters with a company that owns a mobile network. When I finally spoke to a human and I asked about the security breach they told me it was a rumour spread by competing companies. Days later Vodafone fire staff over the breach. So exactly who is it that is spreading rumours about competitors? Vodafail management appear to be compulsive liars.
20 Jan 2011 12:21:12 AM: appear????? I'm yet to see any evidence that they're not!!!

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12834 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Extremely frustrating at 17 Jan 2011 01:51:59 PM
I have a constant problem with trying to call my husband (who is also on Vodafone), it constantly tells me his phone is "unavailable" (which I have confirmed that it wasn't off or out of range) I have to try several times before it will finally ring through. This is really a problem when he is out at night alone or if I need him urgently for business/health issues and I cannot get hold of him sometimes for hours (if at all)...We have mobiles for piece of mind, so we know we can stay in contact with our loved ones...however Vodafone just causes me anxiety...
I have people telling me the same problem..."I tried to call you but your phone was off" ...funny when I don't turn my phone off and barely go anywhere there shouldn't be signal!!

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12832 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Super-fail! at 17 Jan 2011 01:40:12 PM
I like many, ordered a new Iphone 3 through the Vodafone online store upon it's release in Australia last year. After waiting 3 weeks, over the mentioned, wait period of 4 weeks, for the delivery of this phone I started receiving bills. I spent hours trying to speak to someone at Vodafone, only to waste time and money and get hung up on while the were looking into my file, on at least three occasions. I was eventually told that an iphone was delivered to me. When I expressly stated that it was not, I was told they may have attempted to deliver it to my address and I wasnt at home. Although it was my work address and I didnt leave the office during the delivery hours in case the delivery was made. After waiting over 7 weeks, and wasting time and money on this fruitless excercise i gave up. I have been receiving bills for the mystery Iphone, since it was not delivered. After several weeks Vodafone got back to me to let me know that the bill and amount owing had been removed. Today I receive a bill for an outstanding amount of over $350.00 dollars and a threat that I will be taken to a collection agency to recover the debt of a phone and service I never received. I have a pre-paid mobile. Electing to buy a Iphone trhough Vodafine was the biggest consumer mistake I have ever made. Not only did I not receive the phone, but I now have a debt against my name for a product I never recieved. Why should I sit on the phone to listen to Lara for half a day and attempt to have her recognize my complaint from a lit of options that does not cover Vodafone inneptitude to resolve this issue, not of my causing?

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12830 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is often at 17 Jan 2011 01:37:39 PM
I often do not receive text/pxt messages (including precious picture ones of my newborn niece) and often the ones I send go astray. Some others that do deliver can be very delayed...sometimes hours, sometimes days.

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12829 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is consisent at 17 Jan 2011 01:34:22 PM
I consisently have calls wherby I cannot hear the other person or they cannot hear me, resulting in me needing to hang up and re-call, even around my own house, less than 15km from the CBD. Can handle it every now and then but getting very annoying that it happens on most phone calls over say 4 minutes.

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12828 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Very at 17 Jan 2011 01:33:48 PM
I went to pay my bill online (i am on a contract) the day before it was due. As the payment was processing the webpage failed and did not reload. I was unsure whether my payment had gone through or not, so I called the help like, where i got the automated Lara. I could not find anywhere how to check the balance of my account or to check if my payment had gone through. Luckily it had, but it was a very long night full of worrying.
17 Jan 2011 04:24:24 PM: Same here, even trying to BPay it bombed twice. Tried again using Internet Explorer instead of Google Chrome and it went through, fortunately only once! ie with BPay

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12827 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Extremly of Late at 17 Jan 2011 01:29:22 PM
3G calls drop in and Drop out.

Browing internet on my phone not stable and very slow a 9600 BPS modem is faster

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12826 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is The Great Fail at 17 Jan 2011 01:27:49 PM
Walking around the house in North Melbourne results in calls dropping with full bars. 3G network performance in North Melbourne is nothing short of atrocious.

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12825 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is at 17 Jan 2011 01:24:02 PM
I'm another disgruntled customer putting up with almost no signal and slow data speeds. I'm in the process of leaving Vodafone, which we all should do, should we have these pathetic problems for weeks unfixed. The TIO will need to help us get out of Vodafone's illegal contracts. - @ Vodafail.com/mod: As suggestive feedback for extra useful statistics on Vodafail.com, I think there should be a rating bar of 0-100%, in a section known as 'Rate Your Pain', on this site so we can rate how angry or upset we are. That section should include check boxes for if we are still angry and if the problem remains unresolved. It should also include a dropdown box for choosing how long we have been having this pain (days, months, weeks, etc) and how long it took us to cancel our contracts, accounts, etc. A rudenessmeter may be necessary for us to rate how rude Vodafone has been depending on the situation. The 'On Hold Again?' section should include a dropdown box for us to choose the number of times the call centre has cut us off per day, the number of times our calls dropped per day when we call other people, the speed rate we are currently experiencing for 3G (0-1500+ Kbits per sec, for 3G anything below 300 Kbits per sec or about 38 KBytes per sec is just pathetic), and a textbox for us to briefly note the lame responses the call centre employees give us (for eg. 'We have technicians at the site and the network issues will be fixed by the end of this week.' These comments can be placed into categorised list, like the topic categories in Share Your Pain. It would be amusing to see which responses are most often heard from the call centres daily). A voluntary textbox for noting down the suburb where the customers are currently experiencing network issues may be necessary for further informative feedback, so we can see where the problems are and perhaps avoid those areas. A lyingmeter may be necessary for us to flag how many times the call centre or VHA staff lied based on us reporting their usual responses as is, in both the textbox for sharing call centre employee responses and the Share Your Pain section. All this may seem like we are doing an audit for Vodafone's network problems (which I strongly think Vodafone should be doing themselves), but if we actually provide enough information here, we can better inform eachother as well as other people about these issues. I believe the Share Your Pain is an excellent section for us to express our complaintful opinions and experiences of the Vodafone issues. The call centre is like a brick wall. At least here, there ARE Australian multicultural human species that can understand our problems. Cheers.

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12824 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Extremely at 17 Jan 2011 01:10:18 PM
My Vodaphone bill for the last 3 months has drastically exceeded my contract. When i appraoched a Vodaphone dealer they informed me that the terms of my contract had changed. I received no notice of this. I think this is totally unfair and somewhat greedy. I would like Vodaphone to better their communication with customers and appologise for making changes to a contract without my knowledge. Also- my 3G constantly disconnects, my phone calls are regularly cut off,and my broadband never has signal.
17 Jan 2011 08:21:59 PM: Vodafone never has and never will change the inclusion or call rates on your contracted plan unless requested by you! The dealer is lying to you as he simply does not know how to check why you have gone over.

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12823 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is 3months free access at 17 Jan 2011 01:07:28 PM
just spend another hour on the phone with vodafone (second time i've spoken to them)... couldn't get out of my contract without having to pay $600 plus still left....but i did manage to get 3 months off from paying my vodafail bills... which for a uni student works out well... yell, yell, yell a little louder and yell again for good measure. the louder, more forceful you are, the more likely you are to get free stuff...just don't be rude. also they seem to respond a lot faster when you start referencing the law suit and contacting the ombudsman to complain about there services....
17 Jan 2011 05:51:53 PM: at least you are gettign somewher with them, a friend of mine had vodafone pay her bills for 3 months as well but after the 3 months had ended she now has endless problems

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12822 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is BAD INFO at 17 Jan 2011 12:58:06 PM
Its intersting that the Vodafone coverage map shows mobile coverage in the town of Bruthen, Vic even with zooming in it shows coverage in the town.

There is only Testra nextG coverage in the township from the local base station, there is no other 2G or 3G service in the town itself.


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12821 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is vodafone and 3 at 17 Jan 2011 12:54:30 PM
Im with 3 but ever since the merger, the drop outs have increased dramatically. And Planet 3 freezes all the time. Have to turn off and take battery out to restart. Woeful.

Ring them up and get a call centre in India which makes you more frustrated cause you have to wait 10 minutes and nothing is solved.

Contract runs out end of this month so im lucky. Is Telstra better thesedays all should i go to optus??

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12820 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Unacceptable at 17 Jan 2011 12:45:27 PM
phone drops out when i have full coverage, messages are sent and i get them hours HOURS!?!?! later, internet is never above 2 bars satellite even though i am in a fully covered area, the internet is incredibly slow, most of the time i can't even connect to the internet. Have called and complained to little effect, problems still persist.

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12819 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is VERY at 17 Jan 2011 12:33:23 PM
almost never have any internet let alone 3G, frequently have "No Service", text messages delayed by days sometimes.

No reception even in the centre of the city, calls drop out, when there is reception its never more than one or two bars.


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12818 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Useless at 17 Jan 2011 12:30:04 PM
Trying to get my phone unlocked. Waited for hours with the call centre (still unanswered) and when you walk into a shop they tell you to ry the call centre. Waiting for hours to speak to someone is unacceptable.

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12817 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is 10/10 at 17 Jan 2011 12:03:41 PM
dropped call, slow internet, no mms support (no, i dont want sending link to recepient) etc etc.

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12816 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is 9/10 failure at 17 Jan 2011 11:41:15 AM
I looked at the coverage map 100% phone and data. In reality ~5%.
I called to complain 3.5hrs on home phone waiting, battery ran out.
Finally got through "we are currently updating your area" was the reply but with no time frame. It did get marginally better ~7%.
I was lucky I got out of my contract and returned the phones. No penalty.

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12815 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is A JOKE! at 17 Jan 2011 11:39:54 AM
Have to try numerous times just to call one person.
Always dropping out
Signal is always 'SEARCHING'
Not to mention I can't understand anyone from '3 CARE' !!!!!

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12814 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is truly, truly shite at 17 Jan 2011 11:33:49 AM
As a follow up note. Do not call Vodafone to enquire about your account. Apparently Vodafone are not able to look on their own system to see if they have charged you for something - i.e. usage information - only after the bill is processed is the company able to see what services they are charging you for! (by which time obviously you have seen it yourself on your bill) Useless b@st2rd5
17 Jan 2011 01:17:31 PM: RE " Vodafone are not able to look on their own system to see if they have charged you for something - i.e. usage information - only after the bill is processed is the company able to see what services they are charging you for!

Love to know what their auditors this of that.
17 Jan 2011 02:45:41 PM: correct, once the bill is generated, then they can look into your account and apply in credits if applicable
17 Jan 2011 04:31:47 PM: I'd be happy if they would simply credit payments I made on my paper bill to my web account. Monthly payments credited but NOT EXTRA PAYMENTS SUCH AS FOR EXCESS USAGE. Their system can't do something this complex. I've sorted out their pathetic networks problems by using Googles servers, and avoiding their's like the plague. For Christ sake, someone tell them that it is a reasonable expectation for your 'ISP' to provide a primary DNS server if it is listed in their software as the one to use! Using Google Chrome and Google's servers helped me a lot, thanks very much for useless accounting and customer service and technical staff Vodaf..k

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12813 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is at 17 Jan 2011 11:22:41 AM
1 bar signal all around melbourne, snail speed 3g interent browing, just terrible

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12812 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is very at 17 Jan 2011 11:19:46 AM
Mobile Broadband my Foot....... My Vodafail mobile schtick drops out every 5 minutes and is useless. I called Vodafail this morning, went through the 5 minutes of automated scripts and was directed to a service centre. A recorded message informed me that Vodafail are too busy to talk with me and told me to call back later then hung up on me. Priceless!!! Cheers, Genuine G- Melbourne.

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12811 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is its pretty fail at 17 Jan 2011 11:07:08 AM
I have a cap of $79/mth and i use my mobile phone as an address book, often asking strangers on the street if i can use their phone and holding up my shiny new phone to assure them that i'm not homeless or destitute. I get reception roughly 30-40% of the hour if i'm lucky, which seems to be pretty standard in the remote areas of Sydney CBD. Many times i have tried to call the customer support but it drops out while i'm waiting in the queue listening to the ad loop. Thanks vodafone, you've managed to make Telstra look good.

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12810 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is Bad at 17 Jan 2011 10:52:08 AM
1. Impossible to keep track of spend on contract. Sometimes takes up to three days to update which often means I go over my cap and charged ludicrous amounts.
2. When I tried to arrange an installment plan to pay off one such excessive bill they took it out in one installment and sent me overdrawn.
3. Constant dropouts.
4. Useless useless telephone helpline.
5. Even more useless internet site. Fails to recognise my password, fails to recognise my new password that they just texted me and when I finally get online to check my account I get an unknown error and am told to call the useless useless useless telephone helpline.
When I am lying on my deathbed pondering my life, I will think of all the hours I have wasted dealing with Vodafone!.
(Didn't realise they were Poms. I'm Irish so now everything makes sense...)

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12809 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is The pits at 17 Jan 2011 10:48:01 AM
Vodafone are heavily promoting their Cricket Australia app for iPhone. For $2.50 per match you are supposed to be able to watch live cricket. Sure, if Vodafone were capable of providing any reasonable amount of bandwidth perhaps. I was in Melbourne CBD, full reception, 3G signal set go. They took the 2.50, I got about 1.5 mins of video. Then, alas, it froze and I could not get sufficient data rates to even download the latest score, never mind stream video. When later in the day I managed to get web access again (remembering i still have full reception and a 3G signal), tha app wanted me to pay another $2.50, neglecting the fact that I had already paid. In a nut shell, Vodafone - Fail!

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12808 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Very Bad at 17 Jan 2011 10:35:37 AM
Every Phone call i make it will not connect.
I have to try at least 3 times per number to get the signal to call anyone.
Sms takes 24 hours sometimes to reach the person in the same room.
3G is not connecting or says its searching for a signal when im standing in the city.

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12807 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is terrible at 17 Jan 2011 10:34:26 AM
I entered into a contract with vodaphone as i was told they had no drop out at all, but i have experienced nothing but drop outs as well as recieving my text messages a day after they were sent, anything up to 48 hours late.
They seem to be quick to send you the bill but not quick to rectify any complaint or problem associated with you coverage.
Also why is it that when i dial a number it can take up to 5 minutes to connect and begin to ring? i am always on 1 bar of reception whilst other phone users from other companies have full coverage, this company is full of non compliance as far as i am concerned.

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12806 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is terrible at 17 Jan 2011 10:30:25 AM
I entered into a contract with vodaphone as i was told they had no drop out at all, but i have experienced nothing but drop outs as well as recieving my text messages a day after they were sent, anything up to 48 hours late.
They seem to be quick to send you the bill but not quick to rectify any complaint or problem associated with you coverage.

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12805 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is massive at 17 Jan 2011 10:07:06 AM
Why is it I am in a shopping centre and people around me are talking on their phone and mine shows no reception? I now stop and ask people who they are with to make sure that its not just my phone. I struggle to get reception in my office, my manager who is with telstra never has a problem, her phone rings all day but I miss calls because my phone doesn;t have service. I cant wait until I am out of this contract and I can move on.

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12804 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is made me cry in frustration at 17 Jan 2011 10:01:48 AM
I bought an iphone, internet didnt work, over six hours on phone to India over a two day period. On hold for 20mins then line drops out. Ring Lara go through same procedures, do teh same routine with the operator, reset settings, reset everything, sim swap then transferred to another dept. On hold for 10 mins, then line drops out, ring Lara, speak operator then again through same procedure, over and over again. I ended up crying on the phone in frustration, was promised it would be fixed- nada. Into shop same procedure finally agreed to replace phone, new phone- internet didnt work again, third phone lucky. This was a business account and it cost me dearly.
17 Jan 2011 04:38:49 PM: It appears to be an oversubscribed network congestion problem in some areas. Don't bother with Lara. Go to a VFu.k shop and embarass the sales staff while they go through the crap. Revenge is sweet. Besides ties up sales staff, their phone line and system and makes it harder for them to sell more useless plans.
17 Jan 2011 06:57:41 PM: mate half of vodafail staff dont care....they do this job as a secondary job plus according to what i heard they dont get paid by the sales they make its hourly either way they win we fail....look into a more reliable way of solving your problem such as sending a mail to nigel dews.....

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12803 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Super Mega Awful at 17 Jan 2011 09:59:44 AM
I ended up with a four phone contract because of dodgy ex business partner. Vodafone agreed to settle the outstanding amount. However no-one in their organisation can credit my account. This has been going on for about two years. On the anniversay of the issue I get in touch wtih the Telecommunications Ombudsman. I have wasted countless hours waiting on the phone to try and speak to someone who has no idea and cannot help me.

Thanks Vodafail for providing a vehicle to make Vodafone listen.

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12802 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Giant Turd at 17 Jan 2011 09:15:27 AM
My texts never go directly through, they take up to nearly 10 minutes.
Ive witnessed myself sending a text to someone, and then 10 minutes later seeing them and they get the text when im with them!
A few nights ago i was waiting to pick someone up from work, sent them a text saying i was out the front. waited and waited and they never came, ended up going inside and looking for them for a bit, found them and ended up having a drink with them coz they didnt think i was there. and about half way through our drink she gets a the text i sent! GRRR.
Happened again last night. my friends car pulled up out the front, i sent them a text saying come in coz im not ready. and wondered why they were just sitting out with the car running. and i wasnt ready so i was stuffing around for ages. finally finished and got in the car as they get my text.
its so frustrating coz im usually nto even 100m away from them!!! probbaly not even 10m away from them and my texts take way to long!!!

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12801 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is cunts at 17 Jan 2011 09:01:54 AM
i had the car and my girlfriend finished work 2 hours earlier then she was supposed to (late at night) but i had no reception where i was and she couldnt get onto me and had to wait alone at night. thanks vodafone. assholes.

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12800 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Hopeless and ripped-off at 17 Jan 2011 08:52:50 AM
I rely on my phone for my business. Vodafone offered me the service based on my home location but even there it is only patchy, varying from one bar to no bars. At my business it doesn't work at all. I have "no service" inside the building. If I go out the back door I sometimes get a signal. If I need a definite signal I need to cross the road and walk up the hill 50 metres before I can receive or make a call. I complained but was told that there is no guarantee other than for your home location.

I also travelled this past weekend along the Hume Highway. There was no phone coverage at Holbrook and nothing until I got to Marulan on the return to Sydney. From then on it was merely patchy until the Mt Annan turnoff.

When I travel overseas, as happens several times a month, I get no coverage for hours until I force the phone to reset by turning it on and off numerous times. Even then, this doesn't always work. When I've been overseas for several days or more, the phone won't connect to the Vodafone home network again when I get back without numerous attempts to find the signal.

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12799 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is HTC Desire HD not getting 3g at 17 Jan 2011 08:47:17 AM
Well I purchased a HTC Desire HD a couple of months ago. The phone is wicked! I know the phone was exclusive to Vodafone. Ive been with Vodafone for years now, till only a few months ago I've never had any problems. Lately I've been getting drop outs and very poor data speed. After many hours on the phone getting nowhere I had the phone unlocked. Hearing that Telstra have a great 3g signal (sick of talking to Vodafone at this point, waiting 45mins on the phone just to be cut off the line). I know nextG is not compatible with this phone, tho 3g should be. Even hours on the phone with telstra, Vodafone and HTC I still can not get 3g with Telstra. I'm only picking up a 2g signal. I am in a strong 3g area... had anyone had this problem, or know how to fix it?

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12797 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is bunch of rip off clowns! at 17 Jan 2011 08:27:26 AM
Im not one to ever to have made a complaint about any company at all, but vodaphone has popped my cherry! the major inconvenience's they have caused me, not to mention arguements with my fiance over delayed msgs and aborted late night lifts from the train station, have forced me to vent my anger at this disgraceful company who takes our money and provides no service I signed up for. I sometimes wonder how many vodafone employees who defend vodafail are actually happy with the provider themselves? Back to Telstra for me, and no support for Vodafail's V8 Supercar team or F1 team anymore. I see red!!!!

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12795 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Epic fail at 17 Jan 2011 07:45:34 AM
I have been with Vodafone for About 5 year. this last 6 moths has been unbearable.i have an iPhone 4, which is practically useless on the Vodafone network. Hundreds of dropped calls, the phone tells me i have a full signal yet cant use the internet because everything times out. No one can ever call me.

Im paying for a large data cap that i can never use. What an Epic VodaFail

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12794 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is wt.. at 17 Jan 2011 07:36:02 AM
The phone is still unable to make call or receive call since yesterday night. Anyone having the same issue? I called the Customer service line (the 1300 number from landline) but once i get into technical issue option, the voice machine just told me to call it back later as they are busy. No option to press a call back button. So where do I find the call back button? Oh my god, this is killing me.
17 Jan 2011 08:16:05 AM:
We feel your pain..............see post 12790............you are not alone!!!
17 Jan 2011 10:48:03 AM: & post 12749

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12793 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is super at 17 Jan 2011 07:34:37 AM
htc desire hd 3 hour battery i take it off charge in the morning go to use it for the first time that day and it says connect your charger, but for the three hours i do use it i have to reconnect calls 4 or 5 times in 2 minuts, voicmail coming through weeks later at 4am while im sleeping so its been sent away FOR THREE WEEKS to be fixed very up set with the peolpe in vodafone even the shop its hard to get a smile and the customer care poor and i carnt get out grrrr

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12791 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is 5 bars and NO INTERNET at 17 Jan 2011 06:42:55 AM
Here we go again - 5 bars reception 3G but try to go to a web site (news or otherwise) and no connectivity. Its not the towers, its not the floods, its something somewhere on the network. How difficult is it to troubleshoot, detect, analyse and fix. If your technical staff can't hack it get some people who know what they are doing and fix it.
17 Jan 2011 06:48:58 AM: Some other networks have already stated that in Qld they are giving priority to voice and text over data during the flood crisis. Not sure is Voda is also doing this also or your problem is just lack of Voda capacity.
17 Jan 2011 09:00:28 AM: well if there priority on vodafail is phone and text they arent doing a very good job of it coz those are the 2 things i have the most trouble with!!

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12790 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Hopeless at 17 Jan 2011 06:23:27 AM
Called to cancel my mobile broadband, they said engineers are working on resolving issues and I have to speak with technical department first, they transferred the call, got a recorded message along the lines "We have more calls than usual for our fantastic products and services today" then they hang up...
17 Jan 2011 06:46:03 AM: Looks to me as though Vodafone has thrown in the towel and just doesn't want to hear from customers anymore about their technical problems. In my opinion this just represents an organisation in denial.
17 Jan 2011 08:14:48 AM: "We have more calls than usual for our fantastic products and services today"

Oh my golly gosh, talk about shoot yourself in the foot and wonder why you are limping!!!!

They are not doing themselves any favours with the above!!!!
17 Jan 2011 10:55:11 AM: I feel your pain....see post #12749

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12789 Someone from Somewhere else thinks vodafone is unprofessional and doesn't know the meaning of customer care at 17 Jan 2011 06:18:16 AM
I upgraded to an iPhone 3GS eight months ago. I have always been led to believe you could downgrade your tarriff - specifically during the last six months. I have called to do this and have been told this rule does not apply to iPhone contracts. I have asked to hear the call when their adviser sold me my upgrade as I was keen to hear back the part when this was explained to me. Vodafone UK are refusing to let me hear this call. I have called and have emailed back and forth (six emails in total). A different person replies each time and the emails are badly written, with very poor English, and very rude.

I am going to cancel my contract with them. I have sent a complaint to the uk telecommunications ombudsman.

I will never buy a product or service from Vodafone again.

Has anyone had similare problems? Are they not legally bound to let me hear my call? I stronly believe I was mis sold to.

17 Jan 2011 07:57:13 AM: I have requested a copy of my Vodafone AU contract several times. Each time Im told it will be posted out to me within two weeks. It has never arrived.

The last time i called the person told me they could not locate a copy of my contract. Maybe i should stop paying my bills until they find my contract
17 Jan 2011 09:06:31 AM: if they cant find it u can pretend you never signed one hehe
20 Jan 2011 12:12:29 PM: Or that someone used your details illegally and created it.
There have been many people statingthey have received other people's bills, including details of all their sms. Perhaps your contract details have been sent -to someone else.
7 Feb 2011 03:54:50 PM: I'm fairly sure that a person has the right to "access information about them held by Vodafone". In Australia, this is National Privacy Principle 6. UK law should have similar.

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12788 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Bad at 17 Jan 2011 01:02:15 AM
Vodafone have changed my plan without my consent in the last month which seems to me to be a massive breach of contract and privacy. Complete with their lack of security and inability to converse correctly with their customers it seems like we might have the next Dodo coming through unfortunately.

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12787 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Pretty Bad at 17 Jan 2011 12:53:01 AM
Having copious amounts of SMS delayed in either sending or receiving leading to some very awkward circumstances. I know of 4-5 other people with the same issue. This has been going on for 6-7 months so far.

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12786 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is :-( assuming that only a small insignificant percentage of customers are having network service issues... at 17 Jan 2011 12:00:30 AM
Firstly, I give true credit and gratitude to the creator of this Vodafail site, and the moderator(s), for allowing us disappointed customers to vent our anger about our concerns of Vodafone. Without this site, we would remain unheard and we wouldn't know what other issues are occuring as well, nationally. With almost 13000 complaints here and counting, we can only deduce that there is a large sample size of troubled customers, since we do not know how many more customers are experiencing problems that do not post on this site. We also don't know how many of those 15000+ customers who signed up for the class action lawsuit, posted their complaints on this site. We also don't know how many customers of Vodafone Australia's approx. 4.5mil that have complained in various other ways (via email, phone, etc) excluding the internet forums, and have not resolved their issues. I've seen other people or Vodafone staff attempt to prove that there is minimal evidence of any problem with the network, by quoting the number of posts here against the total of Vodafone Australia's 4.5mil client base. That is not right and is plainly misleading. They need to reconsider the external undisclosed figures counting each customer with unresolved complaints, particularly from the call centre overseas where it should be logged. The key point is that if many customers are experiencing similar issues nationally, then there is a real problem that must be addressed, audited, and resolved. I really hope Vodafone is not purposely ignoring us just because there are only 12700+ complaint posts here, with the exception of repeat posts, posts defending Vodafone, or other undetailed complaints. Vodafone should not only take our customer data security extremely seriously, but their poor network too.

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12785 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is is making customers suffer from VODAFONITIS at 16 Jan 2011 10:11:41 PM
I've got mobile broadband with no 3G reception for months. It's unusable. Vodafone actually stands for Very Obnoxious Denying Arseholes Failing Over Network Exacerbation. No secret anymore Vodafone shitheads.

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12784 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Never reccommend again! at 16 Jan 2011 09:42:57 PM
For many years I was very happy with the vodafone service so much so that I talked friends into leaving other telecommunication companies that they were unhappy with. THIS I WILL NEVER DO AGAIN!! I am very disappointed that for the past six months there has been many problems with the service, such as;
* Calls dropping out
* 'Emergency Calls Only' more and more often being displayed
* Messages sent and receiver not receiving for days, if at all
* Sent text once and recipient receiving it three times!!
* Unable to use free vodafone to vodafone calls on xmas day
* Due to poor service battery life shortens trying every so hard to find
a signal!!
So Vodafone I shall never recommend your company again and very shortly will no longer be a customer.

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12783 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is unacceptable fail at 16 Jan 2011 09:33:41 PM
I've been a loyal vodafone customer for 7 years starting from when I got my first phone. Vodafone were always a great option for value, I thought it was great when they brought in the Maxi cap deals too... their contract deals were good too, so I made the switch over to a contract.... but unfortunately now it's gotten to a point where paying $99 a month for mobile and $59 a month for internet (This is how loyal I am to vodafone - I have ALL my services with them) is no longer value for money because the signal is constantly cutting out and I normally end up turning off my computer in a rage or just not calling the person back (but attempting to email them later on using the dodgy internet connection that drops out again - it's a mad circle)

I've emailed Vodafone countless amounts of time about coverage issues long before I switched to a contract, and all I ever got in return was some email saying to take the battery out of my mobile and put it back in or to check the SIM card..... I gave up complaining to Vodafone years ago. And when I tried to ring up I got some person who didn't understand what I was saying, and I couldn't understand what they were saying.

So overall Vodafone has gone from a good value option to an epic circle of fails. Once my contract is up this previously loyal customer is walking.
16 Jan 2011 09:40:02 PM: You may be able to get out of your contract earlier. If you lodge a complaint with the TIO and explain all of your issues (calls dropping, poor service etc), they should be able to assist you out of your contract. Check the How To Complain link at the top of the page.

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12782 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is at 16 Jan 2011 09:28:29 PM
wow hutchisons share price is down nearly 20% since october
16 Jan 2011 09:32:11 PM: GOOD!
16 Jan 2011 10:16:48 PM: Is there a link to this market share info? Serves VHA right.
16 Jan 2011 10:50:45 PM: @ 17 Jan 2011 12:16:48 AM

Google is your friend

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12781 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is laughable at 16 Jan 2011 09:10:35 PM
I've recently changed from plan to pre paid. I still get emailed a bill for zero dollars and a reminder sms.....go figure???
16 Jan 2011 09:12:57 PM: Same thing happened to me with 3 for 6 months after I left them. I finally lost the plot at them, and they fixed it up (2 phone calls later >_> )
23 Jan 2011 01:05:54 PM: I used to get this with Telstra, sending me a "bill" for $9.70 credit, for six months. I had to actually "request" that they send me a cheque!

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12780 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Extremely at 16 Jan 2011 08:34:56 PM
Well I have been on Vodafone for many years now, and I can only say I have never really had issues with coverage. I am a prepaid customer all these years. A few years back, I tried to get a contract with Crazy Johns. At the time my application was declined on "bad credit". My credit rating was clean, and I found out it was Vodafone (who is the service provider for Crazy Johns) that was declining me. I called them to ask what the problem was and it was a bill I had forgot to pay 4 or 5 years or so earlier. Said bill DID get paid all those years ago, but it had been forwarded to their debt collection office. Because of this, I was "not a good customer" even though I had used their pre-paid service for all those years. The customer "care" call ended in me requesting to talk to someone else as the operator I had was not helping me, only telling me I was a bad customer. She said someone would call me on Monday morning - that never happened.

So I forgot about that episode and still, remained as a pre-paid customer with Vodafone. This year (about 7 years after my late paid bill) I tried ot sign up with Crazy John's again. "7 years" I thought, "surely I'm not still blacklisted". DECLINED. Ok, so now I was seriously considering another provider but then Vodafone brought out their recent infinite package, and I have been trying to hold out long enough to see what competition comes out.

Today I went to call on my pre-paid and had no credit. No worries, I'll use the website to recharge. Go to Vodafone website, cant log in. "incorrect password". I had this happen before. Vodafone changes my password or just loses it or something (i don't know? no other website on the entire internet does this to me?). So I do "Forgot my password?" and it says, "your phone number isnt in our system" WTF!!?!?!?! Ok, so then I'll resign up. Step 1 enter phone number, step 2 get temp password SMS to my phone, put it in the form FAIL. Website just... FAILS. Doesn't load up the next step. Just sits there. Not loading. Not waiting for data. Just "Done." Status bar should have said "FAIL".
So now, more pissed off, I thought, how about I try that password just SMS to me to log into my account? Go to login page, try that, now it still says wrong password. Ok, try "forgot password" again. This time it decides that I _AM_ in the system and asks my secret question! Ok, type in the correct answer and it sends me a tem password to my phone to login with.
Get temp password from SMS, try to login - FAIL.

Now seething, I decide to call Customer "Care" as a last resort. After fighting with some voice automated menus, I get forwarded through. From what I heard of the message, it said something like, "We've got more calls than we expected. Please call back later." and it hangs up on me. After seeing red and considering through my phone THROUGH the plaster board wall I decided rather to drop the phone on the bed next to me and say to my wife,

"I'm sick of this. I'm getting a new provider."
17 Jan 2011 04:47:05 PM: Just curious was this after the '3' merger? '3' used to label me as a 'bad customer' if I downloaded some files. I'm not talking movies here either, maybe a CD.iso, then they would cut me off and I'd have to ring them etc etc. I was not over my limit at any stage, just used more data download than they deemed ok apparently. Unfortunately I joined Vodaf..ked to get away from this nonsense with '3'.

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12778 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is bad at 16 Jan 2011 07:14:26 PM
got another problem....could not log in to my account and keep trying new temporary passwords!!! I did not forget my password of course! just can't log in and temporary passwords not working as well!! What's wrong with vodafone?
16 Jan 2011 07:20:55 PM: http://forums.whirlpool.net.au/forum-replies.cfm?t=1620441#r1

Voda faiiiiiillllll again!
17 Jan 2011 04:53:13 PM: Trying that on another tab just now. They did this routine on me a few weeks ago and now again. Of course customers records were not hacked and that is why we are doing this again. Have just entered my secret answer. Have sent me a password to my phone. Should be interesting, phone is with Virgin! I don't expect and nothing has popped up on screen either due to my router [to guard against their crappy network].

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12777 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is network coverage at 16 Jan 2011 07:13:16 PM
i am so sick of hanging off the edge of my deck with half a toenail to make a text/phone call...... It has been raining a fair bit here in Queensland.... Over It entirely.

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12776 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Data network speed at 16 Jan 2011 07:02:48 PM
My displeasure comes from network speed here in Perth. My job involves travel and I can easily compare speeds between Australian Capital Cities. Perth is one of the slowest.

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12775 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is terrible at 16 Jan 2011 06:57:12 PM
is this a lot by the OTHER TELCOS to make the competition FAIL.....Susan Crisp

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12774 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is FAIL at 16 Jan 2011 06:54:59 PM
after the third sesssion of at least 3 hours EACH to 'register'my vodaphone(phone number,Password,LOGIN )so I can check accounts ,pay accounts etc my correct 'login' told me I had the wrong password and yes they would give me AOTHER ONE BECAUSE I HAD FORGOT.......NOT!!!!!!! they then said I had been deregistered.......if only it would all go AWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY....SUSAN CRISP
16 Jan 2011 07:04:12 PM: Contact the TIO, they can make it all go away. Check out the How To Complain link at the top of the page :)

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12773 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is Exellent at 16 Jan 2011 06:50:03 PM
Had issues with network sent mail to (PERSONAL DETAILS REMOVED) u issue got resolved :)
16 Jan 2011 06:52:52 PM: So they let you out of your contract? Or did you get something else out of it?

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12772 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is at 16 Jan 2011 06:49:35 PM
not sending text messages, always failing and defering!
everytime i go too call anybody it says network busy or connetion error.!!
what if it was an emergency and needed too call someone quick smart!
also loosing reception all the time!!

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12771 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is No Net, Mobile or Customer Service at 16 Jan 2011 06:27:23 PM
It has taken two weeks but finally managed to beat call drop outs and lack of call backs from "customer service reps" and have put through a request for a network investigation. Now a week long wait to see whether the contract can be scrapped and I can put the frustration behind me. I have my fingers crossed!!!

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12770 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is bad reception at 16 Jan 2011 06:21:27 PM
signed up and was told reception was crystal clear in our area.. i DONT think so!!!!!!!!!!!! i run a business and this is ridiculous.

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12769 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Constant loss of network at 16 Jan 2011 06:14:52 PM
I've been trying for the last 2hrs but I cant make a phone call. It shows on my phone that I have full network but i still cant call anyone.

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12766 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Ok at 16 Jan 2011 06:11:10 PM

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12763 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is at 16 Jan 2011 05:29:29 PM
Major reception issue in the Ballarat area. Despite being in a "3G Coverage" area, I have no reception and cannot make calls from my home. Often I will have 1 or 2 bars, yet cannot send SMS or make phone calls let alone internet.

I have thought about terminating my contract, but I don't foward to the messing around with call centre's it's going to involve.
16 Jan 2011 05:35:09 PM: Its easy - one phone call to the TIO and you will be called backed by a rep from vodafail who will end your contract.
16 Jan 2011 05:35:49 PM: That rep from vodafail will be an Aussie too by the way.
16 Jan 2011 05:48:53 PM: where in ballarat area?
16 Jan 2011 05:58:57 PM: Rubbish, The TIO take a week to contact you, then say if your problem isnt resolved with vodafone in 10 working days, call us back. I have had no phone service for over a month now despite being a loyal vodafone customer for 8 years and never having a problem. One month of...."im sorry we dont know what the problem is, someone will call u back" No one calls back, on hold for hours and hours every day, nothing ever resolved. Get set for a long drawn out battle to even speak to someone, let alone someone you can understand.
16 Jan 2011 06:27:15 PM: TIO for the win :)
16 Jan 2011 08:38:26 PM: when i rang the TIO, got a call 2 hours later and was out of my contract.

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12762 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is at 16 Jan 2011 04:59:51 PM
check out the VHA call centre in hobart, looks like they do more sitting around, playing ping pong or pool. When were sitting on hold for hours waiting to speak to someone in Mumbi.


they've probably already been made redundant.
16 Jan 2011 05:33:45 PM: well done vodashit.......do you see this all you customers still hanging onto this shit company and there even shittier network. Look where your money goes - on fags and losers buying shit heap commodore utes and playing ping pong.
16 Jan 2011 09:02:44 PM: where do you think the money goes when you are on optus or telstra dipshit?
16 Jan 2011 09:17:34 PM: Hobart's call center is actually Direct Sales, not a customer help line. When you order over the internet or call to buy that's who you deal with.
16 Jan 2011 10:40:39 PM: Can the name calling please cease now?

Further posts with derogatory names and statements will be removed.......like the one that was just above this post..........now you see it..............now you don't.......vodafail.com mod

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12761 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Its simple at 16 Jan 2011 04:50:51 PM
It's simple. If you're with Vodafone, cancel your contract. The whole point of a phone is so you can call people and they can call you. Vodafone fails in this simple ability. Get out of it.
17 Jan 2011 09:48:50 AM: i wish it was that easy. they dont just let people out of there contracts u know

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12760 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is I Hope You Go Down Hard! at 16 Jan 2011 04:49:38 PM
Me: 18/10/10

"I am located in Canberra and have been having major problems with the speed of my wireless Internet connection. For the past week it has been less than a quarter of the usual speed and is constantly dropping to 0 bps. This is becoming a major nuisance, and tonight it has been particularly appalling. This is happening on multiple computers so I'm assuming the problem is either with the modem or at your end. Do you have any idea what is going on?"


Vodafone: 26/10/10

"Thank you for your email.

I recommend that you contact our specialist Data Support team in regards to the issue you are experiencing.

They can be contacted from a landline on 1300 650 410 between 8 am - 8 pm, 7 days a week. When you are connected to our automated assistant "Lara", say "Data Services" and your call will be directed to the correct department.

I regret I am unable to troubleshoot data issues via this medium.

Kind regards"


Me: 31/12/10

"It has been three months and I am still having major problems with my Internet connection, and after a little bit of research I find that you were aware of these network problems but rather than telling me below, chose to direct me to datasupport knowing that it would be a waste of time. Do you have any idea when these problems may be resolved? I have three Vodafone services and am about ready to get rid of them all."


Vodafone: 4/1/11

"Thank you for your email.

I can advise that Data Coverage issues are investigated on a case by case basis, hence you will need to contact our Data Support Team for the relevant troubleshooting.

I am not able to assist with Data issues via this medium as was previously advised.

Kind regards"


Me: 10/1/11

"And as was previously stated, the problem is at your end. I'm assuming that due to the class-action lawsuit you have been ordered not to admit that. You are going to lose many customers as a result of your network problems. You will lose even more if you mess them around.


I direct your attention to the many complaints from people ringing data support."


Vodafone: 11/1/11

Hi ,

Thank you for your comments.

You will need to contact the relevant area if you wish to have your data issue investigated.

As previously advised each reported issue is being investigated on a case by case basis.

I am unable to troubleshoot data issues via email.

Kind regards"


And I haven't even started on the phone issues yet.
21 Jan 2011 11:08:27 AM: Absolute imbeciles! I spent a collective 5 full days on the phone talking to people in India who would repeat questions because they weren't paying attention, and would go silent for mins until you yell are you still there!?! Almost a week of my life wasted on this company. 4 yrs of bad credit rating because they lodged a default claim for an unpain mobile device that they did not bother contacting me at all!!

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12759 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is not worthy at 16 Jan 2011 04:31:28 PM
Vodafone Australia network is giving me bad reception where I live and at work. I'm going to switch providers and get out of this pit. Is Optus and Telstra 3G services functioning fine? because I don't want to be stuck with bad reception and no service for months. Need some advice from people who switched telcos. Thanks in advance.
17 Jan 2011 05:58:54 AM: I switched from telstra to vodafone(for 5 days). I thought telstra was bad but vodafone is useless. Back with telstra now ,best of a bad bunch.

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12758 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Very at 16 Jan 2011 04:11:11 PM
Is it just me or are vodafone the only telco who give contracts to people who can't afford them?? I've just done a dummy phone application and it seems they don't ask for much info to check with credit reporting agencies??

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12757 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is FAIL at 16 Jan 2011 03:48:50 PM
My phone always goes from 100% coverage to none. This happens all day at no particular time. Yes this has been costing me income as i am in high end sales, self employed and i have had clients lose my call only to call a competitor and purchase from them. I once was a Vodafone dealer with 4 stores in 1998 and the network was great. The massive increase in users has not been matched in network capacity, now its catch up time at everyone elses expense.

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12756 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is at 16 Jan 2011 02:51:09 PM
We are having numerous problems.
1) Receiving sms messages days late sometimes don't get them at all, also mms messages have not been received at all.
2) Phone will constantly cut out during a phone call. Also when dialling a number it will connect then instantly disconnect.
3) 10 minutes into a phone call it will disconnect,when we call them back it will do it again at 10 mins.
4) One minute wew will have reception and then the next we will have nothing even at home where we should have reception.
5) When we contact customer service we are put on hold for more than an hour, or if we get them to call us back they don't at all we end up trying to call them back.

We have been a loyal vodafone customer for years and have never had a problem until now and we have not had the response we should be getting. They are not being loyal to us at all.

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12755 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is totally need to be sued at 16 Jan 2011 02:10:31 PM
It has just taken me over an hour to connect. I have USB wireless internet on PC and can rarely connect. Signal strength always very poor. Takes ages to load a page and randomly disconnects. Everytime I manage to get on the internet, I have a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach waiting for the next drop out of the connection. I used to enjoy surfing the net and now it is a traumatic experience everytime.

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12754 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is 100% at 16 Jan 2011 01:06:25 PM
STUPID VODAFONE i dont have reception and you could not care less THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH MY SIM CARD stop making excuses for your lack of service and shit network. no i dont want a new sim, there is nothing wrong with my phone so fix the bloody problem or allow me to cancel without paying a 500$ cancellation fee its fu*cking ridiculous. AND STOP PUTTING ME ON HOLD FOR more than 2 hours at a time. OH and you think after waiting that long i would be able to speak to someone that understands propper english or even speaks it. NOT MY PROBLEM IF YOUR PHONES ARE TOO BUSY OF PEOPLE with prolems from your shit service.
my vodafone experience
*1 hour wait
explain my problem or shit service
told its my sim card or perfectly fine phone
told to hold
*25 minutes later
sorry there are too many important calls right now i will need to call you back later
then hung up on

16 Jan 2011 01:10:32 PM: When in doubt, give the TIO a shout. They should be able to assist you out of your contract penalty free. Check out the 'how to complain' link at the top of the page.

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12753 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is criminal organisation at 16 Jan 2011 01:06:22 PM
vodafone are still advertising internet and mobile phone services/deals .... can you believe it,that is fraud they need to be shut down
16 Jan 2011 01:12:24 PM: Why? Aint they allowed to advertise!!
16 Jan 2011 01:16:57 PM: They shouldn't be allowed to advertise because they can't provide a service to their existing customers let alone signing more people up to it.
16 Jan 2011 02:41:15 PM: I agree with this poste. Sure they are allowed to advertise, but NOT when they are not able to deliver what they advertise to do. This is against the Trade Practices Act, surely...
16 Jan 2011 04:03:20 PM: @ 16 Jan 2011 04:41:15 PM Don't call me Shirley!!

Sorry could not resist that............!!!!
16 Jan 2011 07:21:05 PM: Comedy gold! Vodafone works fine where I am!
16 Jan 2011 07:26:18 PM: You are about the only one :(
16 Jan 2011 09:04:23 PM: works fine for me to
17 Jan 2011 09:53:12 AM: they cant handle the amount of customers they have already, they should be forced to STOP signing more till they fix there shit problems
17 Jan 2011 11:21:10 AM: It's already too late.

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12752 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is MEGA FAIL at 16 Jan 2011 12:26:57 PM
after a litany of failures from these pommy clowns - i decided to sell my soul to the devil and return to where it all began, telstra.

been 26 hrs since porting procedure commenced and telstra still haven't heard from those useless pommy clowns.

telstra tell me it could take days for them to respond to the porting request.

vindictive jerks - cant wait to see the back of these a-holes.
16 Jan 2011 12:46:04 PM: From experience porting is qucikest on business days Ports arranged on a Saturday and Sunday seem to be delayed until the next business day being natually Monday. So from my experience you should be ported by midday Monday.
16 Jan 2011 01:17:45 PM: a mate ported at jb hifi last week - by the time he left the store 25 mins later, his account was online.

i don't think i'm being overly critical here - even a delay of 24hrs for a procedure done entirely electronically - is gobsmackingly ridiculous.

business days = 7 days a week for most of us.

vodafone = typical eurotrash incompetence.
16 Jan 2011 01:20:42 PM: oh - he ported on a saturday.
16 Jan 2011 01:21:26 PM: Porting a number to another carrier can take anywhere from 5 minutes to 48 hours.

If it hasn't been ported within 48 hours, just contact Telstra again :)
16 Jan 2011 01:23:56 PM: Porting it handled by an external company that deals with all networks. Neither Voda nor Telstra's fault. Chances are you've provided incorrect details.

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12750 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is .............everything customers have previously typed in this spot at 16 Jan 2011 12:09:10 PM
There may be some 'selfish' and indirectly 'racist' comments in previous posts, but considering the fact that Vodafone continues to ignore us, those comments are expressing our concerns about the failing network and the foreign based call centre that we can barely call. Due to the Vodafone call centre being inconveniently place many kilometers north of Australia, I can only just imagine it as a business tactic to make our calls to that call centre become dropped or not even reach them. If there are foreign employees working in there, then it is only respectful that Vodafone ensures they are well trained to speak understandable english, accent or not. If they have an indian accent but can be clearly understood, then there is no reason to imply 'racist' comments about their accent. Furthermore, Vodafone should open up an Australian call centre that is multicultural so that it caters for Australian concerns. We Australians are quite capable of being employed for call centre work. So in other words, Vodafone Australia, as an Australian company, has outsourced their call centre. So if we Australians take that in an alternate perspective, why won't they hire Australians for their call centres? Thus, we see that even Vodafone Australia is being indirectly 'racist' to us, as if we Australians are not capable for that. I will be cancelling my account with Vodafone due to their network getting worse everyday and they do nothing about it. My phone and mobile broadband needs a service to function. Does anyone know if Vodafone is doing anything with their network to fix this in the upcoming weeks? Evidence please.
17 Jan 2011 04:56:38 PM: I suspect they use cheap overseas labour with the added bonus that customers cannot understand their English, get frustrated and just let Vodaf..k walk all over them.

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12749 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is apparently 'fantastic' at 16 Jan 2011 11:28:50 AM
I just called Vodafone technical support moments ago and this is what Lara told me before she cut me off: "OUR 'FANTASTIC' PRODUCTS AND SERVICES ARE CAUSING SO MANY BUSY CALLS TODAY. PLEASE CALL BACK LATER ON." "FANTASTIC"?! Vodafone if there are so many customers calling technical support, I don't think it's fantastic. Your network services are actually spastic. Get it right. I think Lara is having serious issues at attempting to allocate her several stupid generic responses. I have almost no 3G reception since the beginning of Jan, near adelaide. 2G is even slower...Vodafone is dead. Let's arrange a funeral for this appalling business.
16 Jan 2011 08:19:51 PM: *Cringe*

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12748 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is 80% at 16 Jan 2011 10:37:51 AM
I get dropped on calls.I cannot make calls because of no coverage.

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12747 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is at 16 Jan 2011 10:20:14 AM
I have been with Vodaphone for at least 10 years. I rang them in December to complain about the latest plan I had been sold, and to enquire about what they could offer me that would be be economical for my rate of calling. A Rep came to see me and I signed up for $49 per month plan which was supposed to be more suited to my needs. I received my first bill in January and saw that I was still on the old plan. I rang the rep who I had seen and he told me that I had to insert my new SIM card into my old fone, that I would be without mobile coverage for 24 hours, but that I would be on the new plan when the reception resumed. That was on Thursday,today is Sunday, and I still have no fone reception. I have tried to ring Vodaphone on numerous occasions over the past 3 days, but have been unable to get thru despite waiting on the line for in excess of 40 mins each time. On Friday I received 3 bills from Vodaphone, all with different account numbers and 1 for a phone number that I have never had. My dissatisfaction with Vodaphone knows no limits.

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12746 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is Veryfail at 16 Jan 2011 10:09:45 AM
I live in a new suburb in the north of Canberra.
No matter where I stand in my house, I get at best two-bars of reception.
The type of work I do requires the ability to take after-hours calls.
Whenever this happens, the call drops out multiple times before I can resolve any problems.

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12745 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is terribad at 16 Jan 2011 09:44:58 AM
I have to turn my iPhone 3G on and off or switch on Airport mode then back off nearly everyday because the phone will show no signal/3G or EVEN WHEN IT DOES SHOW SIGNAL OR 3G calls wont go through or the internet will drop out. This has been going on for over a year. A lot of the times when friends are around I will compare my signal strength with their optus handsets while they get full reception and I have none. I am on the Northern Beaches of Sydney where millions of people live just north of the CBD, I'm not living in the middle of a mountain range in the middle of nowhere. This is unacceptable.

Also, whenever I try to view my usage online the website is never working.

I'm paying $79 a month + $10 insurance. Not happy.

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12744 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is all over problems at 16 Jan 2011 09:22:14 AM
Where do I start drop out of calls no reception and sms messages arrive up to a week later. I have just signed up to vodafone in December 2010. And have had issues with my phone since day one I am disabled so need to have a phone to be reached at all times and now I have to wait till 2012 before I can get a better phone provider cause I cant afford to break my crontact
17 Jan 2011 06:08:05 AM: Ring the ombudsman , explain your situation, they will direct you .I broke our contract after 5 days ,it was either that or go broke,Vodafone could not deliver their end of the contract,the evidence of incompetence and deception would last 5 minutes in court. I encourage everyone to LEAVE.

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12743 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is worst at 16 Jan 2011 08:35:03 AM
everytime i send messages and use the phone to ring someone i have to walk out of the house out in the yard till signal bars appear veryvery frustrating i wont evereverever get vodafone again even if its free never!!!!!!!!

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12742 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Very fail at 16 Jan 2011 07:31:28 AM
I joined vodafone about 10 months ago due to the great plans and promised "good quality coverage", about 4 months into my contract my calls started dropping out 3G dropped every single time and text messages were coming 2 or 3 weeks later sometimes. I contacted vodafone and was told to send my phone back after about 2 months of paying my bill with no phone to use I finally recieved a brand new iPhone 3GS saying that the problem was resolved by giving me a new phone, a week or so later, the same thing has happened till this day, I tried getting out but they would not let me without paying the remaining amount left on the contract which I do not have.

Thanks vodafone regards... >_>
16 Jan 2011 08:45:40 AM: Sounds a lot like my daughters situation. Her new contracted phone failed and her plan included UNLIMITED INTERNET ACCESS. After they flick passed her for two weeks regarding a 'Loan Phone' while her's was repaired, she was finally give an old prehistoric handset THAT DOESNT ALLOW INTERNET ACCESS. She waited 2 months for her phone back but they refuse to subsidise her for two months worth of no internet. They havent keep up there end of the contract and charge her full price for half a service. Blatant thieves as far as im concrened
16 Jan 2011 08:51:00 AM: P.S. Not to mention the two week battle for this loan phone WITH NO PHONE OR SERVICE AT ALL. It's like paying a mortgage to a builder but yr not entitled a house!!!! Oh, until they re-stand it because it fell over. CAN YOU NOT UNDERSTAND VODAFONE.

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12740 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is completely abysmal at 16 Jan 2011 07:24:35 AM
16 Jan 2011 07:58:57 AM: Story of my life
16 Jan 2011 02:48:11 PM: I feel your pain - I lose it without moving. April 2011 will be here soon. I have to wait until November. They gave me a 12 month contract after I complained about degraded network coverage on my then current three contract. They said oh move to vodafone and all your problems will be fixed. Yeah right. Now have to wait until November 2011. Lying sods!

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12739 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is at 16 Jan 2011 07:05:49 AM
I need to often make international calls and it's really annoying when these calls drop out and I have to call again. This happens with every international call I make. I've now changed to Amaysim and not one call has dropped out.
16 Jan 2011 07:24:34 AM: Is there any chips with this???

2nd one in 4 posts............vodafail.com mod

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12738 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is STOP BEING MEAN at 16 Jan 2011 06:49:00 AM
After having worked in a call center for an electricity supplier for several years, i can tell you it's a very stressful job, half of the time people are just yelling at you, whether there was an outage or not!

For one thing the call center I worked in was mostly Indians anyways as they are the most qualified and actually are the majority of staff in what Australian call centers there are, we had many incidents of people complaining that they want Australia and not to be transfered to Mumbai, they weren't, people would just assume so.

On top of this, if your ringing a call center for an Australian company or service who's call center is in Mumbai, that means these people are working all sorts of weird hours to match our time zone.

These people have families, these people have bills to pay, these people are people, how about a new era in the call center debate, why don't we actually give understanding and respect a go, cause I can tell you from very personal experience, there is a real person on the other end and all your doing when you are being disagreeable is making someone feel bad inside!

It's really not very nice!
16 Jan 2011 07:00:48 AM: How about a bit of loyalty to your Australian counterparts who also have families to feed. It's all well and good to be a bleeding heart, but how about bleeding for us here in our country. A business is a business and can't survive without customers. To keep customers you need to provide good customer service and this can't be provided when you they don't speak the language properly or have such a strong accent that it's not understandable. Get your mind back to Australians who also need jobs to support their families.
16 Jan 2011 08:59:28 AM: HAHAHA..... Am I reading this right? It seems to me like your saying 'Business would be great if it wasnt for customers'Well we all have difficulty work hours from time to time but we do it for a reason, to provide for our family's. It isnt much fun working in Norway with 3hrs daylight a day for 3months on and 1 month off. But I accepted the terms due to great benefits. Rather than feel sorry for Mumbai staff, I would say dont take the job if yr not up for it! Or quite possibly the australian business can understand that a profit is a profit, and rather than maximise it by sending jobs abroad, keep them in house and provide a service for those in your own country that are lining your pockets.
16 Jan 2011 11:46:26 AM: The best people to give customer support are those that actually use the services themselves.

So the best way to give Voda support should be to have an Australian call centre with staff that actually use Vodafone and thus understand how the network is set up. Also such people would have a better idea about locations i.e will not think Sydney is a State and Melbourne is in a country area. So that when one rings up about a problem is Perth you are not advised that it is due to the floods in QLD.
16 Jan 2011 02:52:00 PM: is there a mobile provider that doesn't use india? If so maybe not using a mobile at all would be the answer?
16 Jan 2011 02:54:20 PM: Vodafone is not an Australian company at all! its a UK company
18 Jan 2011 04:54:49 AM: worked in a call centre, it is no ones job to to take personal abuse and personal threats from people, some of the things that have been said to me simply because they are not happy with a one way procedure that I have absolutely no control or input into and that almost no one else has any problems with.

Some of the things that have been said about me and how people hope such and such will happen cannot even be repeated.

If you really believe it is my job to have threats made against me then I think there defiantly is a big misinterpretation of basic human respect.

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12736 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is POOR FORM VODAFONE. at 16 Jan 2011 06:23:37 AM
i am seriously considering switching providers for both my internet and moblie. i now have very random coverage in my home, when it was ok before. yesterday i had to take my laptop outside before my internet would work. i had a week down the coast where i had to drive to the next town to even get service. i dont see the point in paying for poor coverage! in this day and age it really is unacceptable. lift your game vodafone.

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12734 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is IM SICK OF PAYING FOR POOR SERVICE!!!! at 16 Jan 2011 06:16:01 AM
im am sick of having service drop out during important calls. it is really difficult to run a small business or just to have a life when i cant recieve or make calls reliably. lift your game vodafone.

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12733 Someone from NT thinks vodafone is at 16 Jan 2011 06:13:27 AM




Veda/Bay-corp will not care one little bit about the Vodafone factor, yes you have rights to do this sort of thing, but its not going to work doing it that way.

there is a very specific way to complain which is explained here in a link at the top of the page, don't wreck your credit file just cause your angry, you could end up not being able to get a contract with anyone else in the future.
16 Jan 2011 08:58:07 AM: Absolutely right !Guard your good credit rating !
It might make you feel warm and fuzzy not paying your Vodafone bill,but you will simply just destroy your Credit Rating. You will be blacklisted at the credit agencies as a "defaulter" which will jeopardise your ability to get a home loan, or rent a fridge, etc etc.
You are much much wiser to pay the bills in full and then take legal action to recover same.
Unless you are loaded with hard cold cash to pay everytime,all your life, do not underestimate the value of a good credit rating in todays society.
I work in a personal loans/home loans dept and trust me, dozens of applicants are turned down every day because they have not paid bills on time.
16 Jan 2011 09:08:51 AM: At 40yrs of age, I HAVE NEVER HAD A BAD LISTING IN MY LIFE, until I refused Vodafone. Now they listed and I cant get a contract elsewhere due to this ONE listing. So while I have left, I am on prepaid with Telstra and dont get the benefits I would on a contract. LISTEN TO WHAT THESE PEOPLE ARE SAYING. Dont ignore this, fight it through the correct channels and leave without any damage to yourself. Let's just damage Vodafone beyond repair and save others the nightmare

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