26 Mar 2012 - Update Highest Rated Pain Stories Highest Rated Gain Stories Vodafail Local Facebook Page
Dear visitor,

Since its inception Vodafail.com has made a significant contribution towards raising awareness of the problems and issues faced by Vodafone customers.

Vodafone Australia customers have had the opportunity to voice their concerns, their fears and their troubles from every corner of Australia and beyond our borders. You have gathered the courage to stand up for your rights as consumers and to make your voice heard.

Each and every person who shared their story should have a sense of pride in this achievement and the changes that have occurred since the start of Vodafail.com.

More recently, traffic to Vodafail.com has declined significantly. Having achieved the goal of raising awareness and promoting concrete action in early 2011, we have now reached the point of closing Vodafail to new complaints. The site will remain online for as long as possible as a reminder and an example of what is possible when we share our experiences.

It has been a privilege to run this initiative and I'm am forever grateful for the help and support I've received. In particular I would like to thank Melissa, David and Travis for their continued efforts over the past 15 months. I'm also thankful and humbled by the support of ACCAN, Choice magazine and a wide range of media outlets, blogs and websites.

You can still browse existing stories and find out how to file a complaint if you are experiencing problems.

Until next time,

Adam Brimo

Share Your Pain

Vodafail.com is no longer accepting complaints.
Over the past 6 months traffic to Vodafail has declined significantly. Therefore we have closed off Vodafail to new complaints. We think you will find more joy in posting on any one of these fine product / brand review sites.

You can also post directly on the Vodafone community forums.

Other People's Pain

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2540 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Very at 27 Dec 2010 01:29:22 PM
Signed a month-to-month contract $49 for mobile broadband in July. My connection constantly dropped out. Sometimes, it showed there was a connection. However, I was able to download anything.
I called the customer service to terminate my service at the end of November after realizing this is widespread issue with Vodafone. 3 weeks later, I got an invoice again. Bloody hopeless. Now I am with Telstra Next G and could not be happier.
Vodafone, shit!!!

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2539 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is big fail at 27 Dec 2010 01:29:13 PM
Very unreliable coverage which has been a big problem given my job as a doctor.
will be changing to telstra as soon as contract expires

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2538 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Soooo Bad!! at 27 Dec 2010 01:28:51 PM
I signed up with Vodafone and got a Iphone (which I love) and was told that the coverage covered my area (Derrimut)! What a bunch of crap! I have to stand in a certain spot to get bars and my calls are always dropping out! Purposely got the contract as partner and friends all have Vodafail and thought it would save me money, but I still have to use a landline as coverage is sooo bad!! Thank god I have WiFi, otherwise I prob, couldnt cope as I know the other times, I have tried to get onto the internet, its soooo slow!!! Now, I have to wait nearly 1 1/2 years to move on, or pay a heafty leaving fee!! CRAP!
27 Dec 2010 03:33:20 PM: You can break the contract. Tell them you are going to contact the Telecommunications ombudsmen and lodge a complaint for failing to provide the service you signed up for. Also quote them "IT IS AGAINST THE LAW TO ENTER INTO A LEGALLY BINDING CONTRACT IF YOU CAN NOT LIVE UP TO THE SERVICE DESCRIBED"

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2537 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Awful at 27 Dec 2010 01:28:46 PM
I run 3 businesses and my phone is integral to this. My home office seems to be in a dead zone, with calls going straight to message bank when I still have a bar or two of signal. Best I can get is 2 bars. One in 5 calls drop out. Usually unable to connect with voicemail. Have spent waaay too much time on hold. Only Optus was worse for hold times. I too am stuck in a contract for my iphone.

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2536 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Very fail at 27 Dec 2010 01:28:06 PM
I am having to change my network to Telstra as I am very extremely annoyed and cannot handle it any longer. Since signing two years ago I have been unable to use the internet on my phone (even though it is unlimited) as it takes at least 5 to 10 minutes to load, and even then it gives me an error. My phone has constant issues with it dropping out and I am sometimes not getting text messages.

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2535 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is going to cost me my job and people their lives at 27 Dec 2010 01:28:05 PM
I'm a doctor in the northern suburbs of Brissie, I've had Vodafone for almost a year and it wasn't too bad to start out. Now calls keep falling out in my own home and there is no reception in the main emergency room. When I'm at work, people get frantic they can't reach me..and think I'm on the beach or something. I have to change, I can't find another job atm.

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2534 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Sigh at 27 Dec 2010 01:27:47 PM
Virtually no coverage whenever I am in Hobart. Emergency calls only.

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2533 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Very poor service at 27 Dec 2010 01:27:45 PM
I have an Iphone 4 and have a very hard time getting internet service. Vodafone customer service appears to be non existent as I have waited on the phone up to 40 minutes without being put through to a Vodafone operator.

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2532 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is OMG ITS BAD at 27 Dec 2010 01:27:11 PM

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2531 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is big fail at 27 Dec 2010 01:26:58 PM
I bought an iphone through 3 (now owned by vodafone) for the purpose of home phone, modbile phone and internet usage.
I live in Macloed 18km from the cbd and can't get regular signal. I have since had to buy alternate internet and a home phone plan ontop of the 24 month mobile plan that I am locked into.
My phone is continually in and out of signal. My hunch is that the I Phone is no good as I get better signal with my old crappy $96 Nokia, however 3 coverage is terrible.

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2530 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Massive Fail at 27 Dec 2010 01:26:48 PM
I was unable to get reception in my home in the middle of Surfers Paradise, not exactly a remote area! Everytime I needed to make a phone call I would need to walk down the street. The best choice I made was to change to optus and have had no problems since. Vote with your feet.

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2529 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Absolutely appauling at 27 Dec 2010 01:26:16 PM
I live in a fairly big City and am always having to find "hotspots" within my house just to be able to use my service. But even when you do locate one of these areas if you move your phone even in the slightest receiption drops completely. Making a call is unheard of, answering a call is hit and miss as the person on the other end 9 times out of 10 cant hear you even though they are crystal clear. Vodafone tells me this is due to a problem with my brand new iPhone4 that THEY sold me. I also waited 13 weeks for a replacement handset of another phone THEY also sold me only to be accused of trying to get something for nothing. And on Christmas eve I woke to find my service had been disconnected due to Vodafone failing to credit my account with over charges that they had placed on my bill and then promised to credit which they didnt. After 3 hrs 45mins I finally got sense out of them and got my phones switched back on. Vodafone is the worst telco company I have ever delt with. I too want to cancel my contracts and leave. Sorry its so long winded but believe me this is only a very small part of my grip with this company.

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2528 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Failed at 27 Dec 2010 01:25:44 PM
Good on ya vodafone from christmas eve i havent been able to use my phone (vodafone pre paid) i couldnt send any txt call etc really dissappointing ,worse thing my partner also has vodafone (iphone - contract) so we both couldnt call out or txt ?????? i could also repeat most of the complaints that have already been mentioned ! Not happy
27 Dec 2010 08:36:32 PM: The network is over sold. Now I'm sitting at home & upset with my boyfriend why he didn't ring me. Vodafone should pay back all the money to their customers for this December as no one can really call or the phone keep cut out!!!!! This is really so shame on them VODAFAIL.
28 Dec 2010 10:37:30 AM: Exactly the same problem here. Coming to realise that the Vodaphone network is absolute rubbish. Have only had major issues over last 1.5 months. Today, no network connectivity for 3 hours. Bizarre FULL bars on Nokia 6120 Classic phone but no ring tone, just comes up as "Network Busy" (when calling out), or "Not in service" when being called :( :( Nokia N95 on Telsta plan right next to it, no problem!

Not happy Jan!!!

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2527 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is ARGH! at 27 Dec 2010 01:25:30 PM
I'm with Three (bought out by Vodaphone earlier this year)and was in a two handsets on one plan deal. In order to upgrade my handset I was told I needed to transfer the service into my name (it had been in my mother's name as we signed up when I was 17 although I have always paid my own bills). I was told this would take a month, then I could upgrade. I worked my way through the Kafkaesque red tape and agreed to wait the month it would take for the transfer of service. The transfer went through two days ago and now I discover that after having been with them for 10 years and having a phone that is four years old because it was too dificult to get a new one on the contract I was on, I now have to wait another three months to upgrade my handset on my new plan because they consider me to be a new customer with a new phone. No one mentioned this when they told me I had to sign up to a new plan in my own name. I now have a four month wait for a new phone and am locked into a contract when I was given the impression by their staff that I could upgrade right away which was why I agreed to the new contract in the first place. Deceptive conduct, no?

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2526 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is very very baaaaaad at 27 Dec 2010 01:25:01 PM
drop out , not recieving masseges not abel to send masseges properly. iam sick of it so i dicided not to pay thier bills as simple is that and cancel the contract.
28 Dec 2010 12:45:07 AM: I'm an Idependent ACN Representative,I understand how everyone are totally dissatisfied with the Vodafone phone, internet and customer service qualities. Our ACN customer services are incredible. You can reach them less than 10 mins pratically everytime. They are fast and effiecient and never transfer your call unlike Telstra or Optus as I heard, If you want to know more about us, contact me in my email at cengiz@acnrep.com I loves to turn UNHAPPY customer to HAPPY customer.

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2525 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is at 27 Dec 2010 01:24:54 PM
Constant loss of signal, cannot find network, coverage away from city areas is haphazard at best, none most of the time. Data downloads are slow and fall out regularly.

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2524 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Poor at 27 Dec 2010 01:24:23 PM
New prepaid phone service does not recognise payment made therefore unable to use phone.Service centre has advised payment has been received but we should try again in approx 5 days

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2523 Someone from TAS thinks vodafone is Mega-fail at 27 Dec 2010 01:24:17 PM
Try getting coverage in Tasmania - 2 bars max in Hobart and that is when it decided to stop switching between 3g & EDGE. Tech support for Blackberry & iPhone can't even speak & understand English. Calls dropping out CONSTANTLY and the slowest data service known to man. 3g my arse.
27 Dec 2010 06:20:50 PM: Also, why do I get nothing but silence for 25-30 seconds before a call to another mobile will connect?

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2522 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is No signal in my street at 27 Dec 2010 01:23:13 PM
Vodafone map shows full signal strength in my street (Chapell Hill, Brisbane) but there is no signal at all. Vodafone Technicians acknowledge this and say the map is just a guide, and that sales staff don't have access to actual coverage maps. I sent my USB modem back and they cancelled my contract however each month I get a threatening notice saying I haven't returned the modem, and I owe them money. Each time I've phone them and they finally acknowledge I have sent the modem back and I owe nothing. When I asked for an apology and a letter or email acknowledging receipt of the modem and confirming my contract is dead and I don't owe them any money, they refused both requests. Great customer service!

My understanding of a contract is that both parties have obligations. Your obligation is to pay the account when its due, and theirs is to provide a service. If you're paying and they're not providing the service you signed up for, they've broken the contract - go straight to TIO.
27 Dec 2010 01:39:50 PM: well said mate it appears vodaphone are in constant breach of all their supply contracts.
27 Dec 2010 01:50:42 PM: See "decrepit reception & service" above - I told Vodaphone they had broken my contract and also asked for similar receipts & letter to no avail. Seems we have all been kept isolated until now but the game is now up for this bad deal.

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2521 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is no reception at 27 Dec 2010 01:22:51 PM
on boxing day, i went to shopping with my mates, and i lost them in rush, i just amazed to see that my phone has no coverage even in the city and in the end i reach home paying $54 for taxi, i am in contract with voda otherwise i will never be with this shit
27 Dec 2010 01:24:47 PM: Dude, I feel your pain ! Ive another year to go on my contract!
28 Dec 2010 03:39:03 PM: i just signed up in sept for my kid and she cant even get online like shes meant to and they arent emailing me the bills!! im gonna try and cancel it soon ...vodafone suck....
28 Dec 2010 09:20:36 PM: payphones only cost like 50c ..why did u get a taxi for $54 when u could have just spent 50c? ...LOL

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2520 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is Useless at 27 Dec 2010 01:22:44 PM
Ever since signing up have suffered poor 3G network coverage, with data services often completely unavailable as the handset switches between 2G and 3G signal - in the Adelaide CBD!!!
Vodafone's solution in store was to turn of 3G functionality on the handset as they were performing "network upgrades".
Have ended up getting a wireless router at home to enable me to get internet access on my iPhone, but without this would find it futile to try and do anything meaningful on vodafone's 3G network.
Put a complaint in over the website and was told I would be contacted shortly - and then after receiving a automated email with FAQ's I never received any follow up.. Got another automated email advising that since they had not heard from me they will assume my problem is solved.
Meanwhile I am having to put up with not being able to properly use my phone at work or at home due to poor signals, and even miss out on many phone calls as I am being told by people that when they call my number it will often advise unavailable, not even diverting to voicemail.
Had I know there were significant network issues - I never would have gone with Vodafone, but feel trapped now that I have a handset on contract with them.

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2519 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is at 27 Dec 2010 01:22:29 PM
For the past 5 years my voicemail has called me with my messages, but since taking it off for an overseas trip then putting it back on, I now get a text message instead and have to ring my voicemail for each message which costs me every time.

I have called Vodafone atleast 5 times to have it fixed but each time I hit a deadend in frustration. For example, the last time I rang the automated voice said it was a 45 minute wait or I could leave my number and someone would call me back. I left my number, and someone did ring me back but after I explained what my problem was, she said she had to transfer me to another department to have the issue fixed...but when she transferred me I got the "it's a 45 minute wait" automated message again and no option to leave my number.

I'm so fed up and just glad that my contract is up in February.

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2518 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is at 27 Dec 2010 01:22:18 PM
Unable to log onto My Account on either of 2 Vodafones we have. Service centre has sent new passowrd but system does not recognise it

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2517 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is substantial fail at 27 Dec 2010 01:22:08 PM
Does anyone know how much it costs Vodafone to send a message? I can only assume it would be minimal, such as a few cents a message. So why are we paying over 20 cents a message? And with the millions Vodafone make, why can't they hire double the call centre employees, and hire them from Australia? Obviously every dollar counts more than customer service.
27 Dec 2010 03:53:47 PM: i used to work for a teleco and it costs them .5 of a cent to send a message the rest is pure profit......
29 Dec 2010 12:17:59 AM: If you have ever heard of the term outsourcing you would know it is better for a company to outsource their call centers. Thats why every carrier in AUS has indian call centers. I call the vodafone call center all the time and i can hear them fine its just the racist people in aus dont want to listen and when they can't understand it they say the indians can't talk properly.
29 Dec 2010 03:32:49 AM: I work with a LOT of Indians and I get along with them and can understand them all fine. And I am sorry but sometimes on the phone when you get a call centre in India or Egypt, their accent is just too thick to understand. Or they speak too fast with an accent, and its hard to follow. I often find that they have the same issues with our Aussie accents. Sometimes you ask them to explain something, and they just repeat the same explanation that you already didnt understand 5 times. Its really frustrating. It also doesnt help that they don't know various areas of Australia, and when there are 20 Mahmuts or Mohammeds in the Egyptian office (yes I actually found this out) then it makes it very difficult to put through a complaint also about a rude or dodgy customer service rep.
So while I have nothing against Indians as a race, I do agree with the above post, thats Australian based customer service reps are way easier to speak and relate to.
29 Dec 2010 01:55:27 PM: just for the record, 'race' is only a social concept. we're all human. you could be more genetically similar to someone born in india or china than to someone born down the street. just saying....
29 Dec 2010 02:29:48 PM: It's not just understanding THEM, there is a clear communication issue with them understanding ME and my issue. I don't know how many ways I can explain the same issue over & over again, but even if I use all the technical terms it just does not compute. I really have to speak like an idiot to get them to even remotely understand the basic concept of my issue. The last one I spoke to did not even understand 'add to cart' or 'add to basket' in their online store. Like... hello, why are you trying to communicate with me when you clearly cannot understand a single word of English. Surely there is someone better to speak to.

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2516 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is extraordinarily at 27 Dec 2010 01:22:00 PM
ive had several issues with vodafone... from being charged for data wen i am supposed to be on an unlimited data plan to being refused a replacement phone free of charge, when the phone they gave me to replace a previous phone was faulty from the start. i went into one of their stores and was spoken to very rudely and accused of causing the damage wen it was faulty from the moment i used it. and told to speak to their complaints department who spoke to me extraordinarily rudely and again accused me of causing the damage. i am have an ongoing medical condition and this confrontation caused me significant distress and aggravated my condition. When i sent the first phone in to be repaired i asked if the unlimited data would be still included even tho i wasnt using a blackberry. when i received my next bill it had over $250 dollars worth of internet fees. it took me an approximation of about 4 days to actually get a hold of someone who would actually be bothered to assist me. waiting on hold for over 3 hours at a time. it is unacceptable and something needs to be done. i am now stuck with 2 phones that do not work and vodafone has done nothing to offer a solution.
27 Dec 2010 03:31:11 PM: You can break the contract. Tell them you are going to contact the Telecommunications ombudsmen and lodge a complaint for failing to provide the service you signed up for. Also quote them "IT IS AGAINST THE LAW TO ENTER INTO A LEGALLY BINDING CONTRACT IF YOU CAN NOT LIVE UP TO THE SERVICE DESCRIBED"

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2515 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Pretty Bad at 27 Dec 2010 01:21:43 PM
I never complain, or go on customer support. I usually just wear it.
But, Vodafone has consistently unreliable and poor reception.
At least it is cheap.

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2514 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is at 27 Dec 2010 01:20:56 PM
New prepaid phone does not register payment made so I am unable to make calls. Service centre reported my payment has been made and they are unable to say why the payment is not registered, they have asked me to wait approx 5 days

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2513 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Massive fail! at 27 Dec 2010 01:20:22 PM
I had massive problems with voda around 5,6, and 7 years ago. People would call me and my phone appeared often appeared to be on a call, OR the "network is busy... try again later" massage would great my callers... I would have full reception bars on my phone at the time of the calls. I should point out this was NOT a hardware issue with my Nokia phone (other sims for other networks would work 100%.)

Also. Ive been with 3 (now voda) for around the past 5 years. The network used to good until around about the time iPhones came out. With the massive influx of customers joining 3 killed the network. Its as though NO extra lines were created, however there is a 5 fold increase in customers. The internet is slow, if non exist ant at times, I would be lucky to get a 3 minute call before I have to call back the person on the other end of the line. Most 10 minute conversations would require 3-4 calls to complete the conversation.

From using other networks overseas - then using the 3/voda network in a city like melbourne - in in my opinion this network is appalling, but I guess im preaching to the converted.

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2512 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is Voda - Grrr! at 27 Dec 2010 01:20:12 PM
I find I have no reception at night between 6pm and 10pm. I was informed by voda to switch over from 3G to 2G which works (go figure) - defeats the purpose of having a smart phone hey?
I also have disgustingly hit and miss internet reception, which I cant understand as I live 5kms from our city CBD.
And finally my phone battery is woeful and my phone continually switches itself off, despite the battery being charged, not sure if I can put this on voda but I do!

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2511 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Big Fail!! at 27 Dec 2010 01:19:50 PM
I have been with vodafone for a number of years. I was a Pre Paid customer for my mobile phone. I decided to become a Mobile broadband customer on thier pre paid service. BIG MISTAKE #1. The data speeds are terrible and very slow, but worse, in a 1 month period i am guaranteed to be comppletly un able to use thie Mobile Broadband at all!! This causes some horrific problems as i have a strong need to use interenet, my family and friends often are over seas.
As i am writing this i wonder why, but i then decided to go on a 12 month contract with my mobile phone, what was i thinking?????
In the first 3 weeks my contract was activated as a 24 month $49 contract and not the 12 month $49. And when i tried to call to fix this problem the fun really started! After trying to negotiate my way throught " LARA " i would then be put on hold, for a minimum of at least 20mins!! And when i eventually did get to speak to an operator, it would seem that apprently i do not speak very good English because i can never understand the operator, and nor can they understand me. I am Australian, and speak fluent english. Or at least i thought. Some times when i send text messages they often will not arrive at destination, and sometimes 10 duplicate messages get delivered, a week later!
On the whole my Mobile Phone does not seem to suffer too many problems, but the mobile broad band is a horror joke!!! Its shocking. And the customer help centre is nothing short of disgusting and a total joke!!!!
I want to join in this class action asap!!! I have had enough!!!!!

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2510 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Alexander Graham Bell would'nt put up with this C**P! at 27 Dec 2010 01:19:43 PM
Comment below as how you think the creator of the telephone would think of this!

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2509 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Terrible...just a waste of time at 27 Dec 2010 01:19:37 PM
Well when I was using vodafone wireless from february,2010 to september 2010, things slowly went from bad to worse speed doppped down ,getting account thing sorted out took aaaaages over the phone every phone call was at least 3/4 hour.BUT...I am not in any mess now because in late september I changed to Dodo wireless internet, 1/2 the price and twice as fast..

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2508 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is very at 27 Dec 2010 01:19:21 PM
.......Im a current 3 customer an ever sincevodafone took over...I receive text messages in bulk hours after they have been sent its disgrace

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2507 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is bad at 27 Dec 2010 01:19:15 PM
I live 85 klm south ofPerth, Vodafone reception is very bad at my house even though the local Vodafone shop showed me a lovely coverage map when I signed up 18 months ago on a 2 year contract that I was well covered by their network. I am not happy at all.
27 Dec 2010 01:22:24 PM: I have the same situation ! I send SMS's down from perth and there's always a delay! and sometimes SMS's aren't even sent !

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2506 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is extremely! at 27 Dec 2010 01:18:22 PM
Ive been with vodafone for years. my last contract i had no problems, seemed like a good carrier etc. so i decided to renew my contract for another 2 years (this is about 5 months ago). Since then i have had nothing but problems!! I don't get txts till 5-6 hours later, sometimes in the middle of the night. People try to ring me and it goes straight to voicemail, thus i miss out on work opportunities, as my work means i must be on-call and reachable at all times. If people do get through to me and i pick up the phone they cannot hear me, and end up having to hang up, ring back and hope that they can actually hear me the next time. My next problem, is i upgraded my plan because i was going over my cap, i was told i have $650 worth of included calls. I continually checked my usage online only to find out they started charging me after about $580, rang up to complain about being overcharged etc. only to find out that the 650 worth of included calls is after GST, but the amount they show u on their website when u login is BEFORE GST. I think this is total BULLS*&@*#&$@*T!!! Totally deceiving, and i believe intentional as a way of cheating people out of trying to stay within their cap. Overall, i am really angry at Vodafone and cannot wait to get off this joke of a company.

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2505 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Not Happy Jan at 27 Dec 2010 01:18:19 PM
Hi, thanks for your site, my frustration level is peaking with vodafone dissatisfaction. I am on the top cover, and still coverage is appalling. I have had little coverage at City Beach WA, and am moving to Margaret River and I get cut off every 6 minutes, thats if I can get a call through. Sms's sometimes dont get out and sometimes arrive days late?! I was also upset because I had a previous plan of $150 a month and for 6 months of that, they had changed to plan to $99 or something and did not move me down or notify me. I have signed up for the class action. And will contact the TIO. Thanks for giving me a place to vent and to validate. (ps didnt understand what 'How fail is vodafone?') regards

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2504 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is FAIL out of 10- at 27 Dec 2010 01:18:18 PM
One more note for the alternatives: Lebara Mobile (you know, those dodgy F**kers advertising everywhere for a "free sim" oh yeah you just have to pay $10 for credit or you can't get the sim... that's not a free sim chumps!) also use Vodafone... so AVOID.

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2503 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is Fail-er-ramous at 27 Dec 2010 01:18:09 PM
It's the Broadband. We signed up for the 2GB plan {yes, this was a little while ago}. The signal kept dropping out during a download of updates for some of my software. I'd carefully check the meter, and it showed we'd used less than 100Mb of data, so I kept going.

Turned out later that their meter can take up to TWO DAYS to update, which means if you're trying to be careful with the data usage to not get hit with an overuse charge, IT'S NO USE!!!! You could be over by 1GB {solely because THEIR CRAPPY CONNECTION meant the update had to keep on trying and restarting} and not know!!
27 Dec 2010 01:22:49 PM: Vodafone broadband is the worst ive ever used. i ended up ringing them between 10-20 times to get off the contract because it NEVER worked. They agreed saying i could get off contract and they would send me out a parcel so as i could return the modem. It took THREE MONTHS for me to receive this parcel after numerous (and sometimes abusive) phone calls to them, telling them i would not pay them a penny. Then i noticed they were trying to recover $100 off me through debt recovery!! I couldnt believe it, i didn't even have 1 day of working broadband. Needless to say, they didn't get a cent out of me and the letter eventually stopped... However i still don't know whether this will show up as a black mark on my credit or what. Extremely frustrating dealing with this company.

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2502 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is extremely at 27 Dec 2010 01:18:07 PM
severe lack of service in an otherwise very high use cellular area..

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2501 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Positively disgusting at 27 Dec 2010 01:17:55 PM
I signed up to Vodafone in early October 2010 based on very confident advice from crazy johns at Westfield Doncaster, stating that their coverage was better than Optus and the coverage map shown to me had all my areas of interest covered. To my horror on my drive to work the very next day I noticed signal drop outs as I drove south east on the Monash Freeway. I had no coverage at my place of work! After abut 6 weeks of constant painful calls and hours of listening to LARA's cheerful yet irritating rant of 'we'r flatout at the moment', Vodafone agreed to cancel my contract. I was informed that I would get a bag by mail and had to send by my phone. 5 weeks and a few more calls past I never received this bag! I am currently on holiday so was left with no option but to return my phone to the crazy johns store that I got it from.
Vodafone is honestly not fit to be a telco, I will be happy to invest some of my time in doing whatever it takes to teach them a lesson.
27 Dec 2010 01:27:07 PM: it took me 3 months to get this bag to return my broadband modem, and about 10 phone calls to the company (see above rant). Then i ended up getting 2 bags in one day. Fuckn idiots.

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2500 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Data Speed Equates to their Intelligence.....VERY SLOW at 27 Dec 2010 01:17:22 PM
Got told that have 3G coverage in area, but 80% of the time, it drops out, cannot go on net, download any apps......PATHETIC. Plus it took Vodafone 3 weeks to send my phone to Apple store for replacement....SLOW and got lied to about its status.....HATE IT
27 Dec 2010 01:34:18 PM: Their 3G service sucks, but for internet have you considered using Wi-Fi ?

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2499 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is Bigger than Ben Hur at 27 Dec 2010 01:17:10 PM
Minimal service in home, little if any in shopping centres. Live on the coast where the coverage maps say I get excellent service. What a load of cr**

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2498 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is Extreme at 27 Dec 2010 01:16:59 PM
Was in big mess. 2 years ago I was in Europe with my phone being my only communication. Vodafone smsed me that I had irregular usage on my phone and to sms to confirm that was expected (I thought that was a good idea actually, until it unfolded into a disaster). I smsed. No response - after many, many tries. Then they disconnected my phone. Long story short, it cost me thousands of dollars of phone calls to 'Lara', who could only repeat: "I don't understand, did you mean customer service?", not to mention hundreds in hotel phone bills to sort it out. Their apology? $100 gift voucher... Unbelieveable!! (and the technical support I finally got through to had no idea how to reconnect the service - that cost untold dollars - for their incompetence!)

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2497 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is #@$^&%###!@#$$ at 27 Dec 2010 01:16:20 PM
I have Never been with vodafone but was involved with a business where I was constantly on the phone to suppliers and workers on mobile phones, I constantly found (over a number of years) that drop outs and poor reception were a constant with people on Vodafone, I advised many many people to steer clear of them only to get "but they are such good value" I rekon they meant cheap, you get what you pay for but not always what you paid for. get rid of the mongrels.

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2496 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Confusing at 27 Dec 2010 01:16:19 PM
We have been charged many times for text messages which didn't arrive nor did we send any. We know this because we were flying at 36,000feet at the times and over the middle of the ocean and night.

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2495 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is complete at 27 Dec 2010 01:16:19 PM
locked into a contract with no proper data plan possible, data dropouts, call dropouts and useless customer service.

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2494 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is driving me up the wall at 27 Dec 2010 01:16:18 PM
I rang up voadafone cause I wasnt receieving my voicemails and they would come like a week or 2 later. The people on the phone told me it was a issue they were aware about and they were fixing it. The same problem was happening a couple of months or so later. I went to a vodafone store and they were laughing with their co worker saying they dont know why its doing that and that. I told them that I rang them up a few months before and told them that they were having problems and the workers at the phone shop they only tell me that to get me off my back. I dont think I can trust vodafone after that

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2493 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is poor at 27 Dec 2010 01:16:18 PM
drops out regularly particularly whilst driving
about 4 spots around my suburb drops out every time postcode 6027

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2492 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is tried to email this from my phone but had no reception . fubar at 27 Dec 2010 01:16:12 PM
very disappointed with the Vodafone service , i hate telstra with a passion but im looking at signing up with them , im on a pay-as-you-go with Vodafone and im not going very far.
27 Dec 2010 02:43:14 PM: suggest optus came back after 10 years, good service throughout perth, the bills and a bit weird to read but overall quite good. im just about to finish my contract in march might go for a iphone4 not sure which network az yet maybe if optus offer a good deal

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2491 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Very bad at 27 Dec 2010 01:16:08 PM
Keep dropping calls,bad reception even worse customer service.

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2490 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is On a scale of 1-10... FAIL at 27 Dec 2010 01:15:56 PM
Signed up at the end of November to get a Windows Phone 7 device. The phone is crap but that's a side issue. I blamed the phone for many problems at first until swapping the sim out to a new phone resolved none of the problems except battery life. Call dropouts are unbearable, data shows up as unavailable even when there's 5 bars of reception, their automated 'customer service' is a waste of time, and I can't disable voice mail which I never wanted and specifically said I was only signing up if voice mail was disabled.

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2489 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is FAIL PLUS!! at 27 Dec 2010 01:15:49 PM
Fortunately my company was paying the bill as the coverage in Melbourne's south east doesn't even rate a "pathetic" Changed to Virgin which uses Optus and the reception is patchy but as for Vodafone...

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2488 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is driving me up the wall at 27 Dec 2010 01:15:42 PM
I rang up voadafone cause I wasnt receieving my voicemails and they would come like a week or 2 later. The people on the phone told me it was a issue they were aware about and they were fixing it. The same problem was happening a couple of months or so later. I went to a vodafone store and they were laughing with their co worker saying they dont know why its doing that and that. I told them that I rang them up a few months before and told them that they were having problems and the workers at the phone shop they only tell me that to get me off my back. I dont think I can trust vodafone after that

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2487 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Very poor reception in Strathfield/Burwood area at 27 Dec 2010 01:15:35 PM
We still have almost 17 to 19 months left in our 4 contracts. Reception signals often is so bad that it takes hours for text messages to arrive. SMS texts once sent never leave because there is no signal. We have to step out of home to have phone signal strong enough to be able to make or receive calls. Never again, but we have no choice for next 17 months because of 24 month contracts.

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2486 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is THE ABSOLUTE WORST THING SINCE THE BLACK PLAGUE at 27 Dec 2010 01:15:31 PM
I have been on my current Vodafone contract (the 69 Cap+insurance/iphone.16gb/3G) for over a year now. And i have had absolutely below standard reception nearly, & i am not exaggerating this at all, (i don't see the point in that) the ENTIRE (whole) time. I signed the contract in Toowong and i live one postcode over..and about 2 km away and i get VERY-LITTLE TO NO SERVICE. By this i mean..no email, no internet, no google, no apps no service bars..and above all...THE MOST RIDICULOUS LACK OF ANY REASONABLE AND/OR USEABLE CONTENT AND/OR COVERAGE in the history of mobile phones, smart, internet capable phones, or mobile contracts in Australian Mobile history. Its has been the biggest, and most expensive, not to mention frustrating waste of time and money iv'e ever had THE PRIVILEGE TO PAY FOR. I miss calls i didn't even know HAD CALLED...I even went in to politely complain, i have been given 2 new sim cards..which did nothing. I sat in polite silence and often thought just how unfair and criminal my whole situation was..everybody else could use there phones to netbank...to chat ..to buy things..and yes, to even answer a call from a friend living next door, down the road or in the next state....i couldn't even successfully check my email....and yet, i was, have been, and still am forking out 79.00+ a month for the privilege to have a nice shiny expensive brick..Oh, yeah because its so useless i ended up buying a second pre-paid on another network so...yeah, i now use that and still pay for Vodafone...Im now so angry and disappointed with this company i cant even watch an add with the Vodafone logo...Cricket etc etc
I cannot go into a store anymore and listen to the endless and equally useless excuses and denials
I was so upset and angry and thought i would always just suffer in silence...but it seems that other people out there felt the same way..im glad i found this site..maybe, if just one person reads this, they may think twice before signing that contract and ending up wasting all there time and money too....and having to deal with the "VODAFONE EXPERIANCE" OR perhaps the lack thereof.

it makes me sick every time i see the logo..despite merging with 3MOBILE AUSTRALIA AND BECOMING VHA AUSTRALIA, I AND EVIDENTLY 1000'S Australian customers, who do the right thing and pay all our bills on time are being blatantly taken massive advantage of.

~Vodafone i despise you beyond contempt..i pray for your destruction and hope that one day, i may see you torn apart limb from limb..the things i would do you..if you were a person and not a corporation (difference?) and my (useless) i-phone had a sharpened stainless steel edge on it.~
--In all seriousness though, everything above is the absolute, absolute truth...why would waste my time on holidays to write this otherwise...

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2485 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is at 27 Dec 2010 01:15:09 PM
Recently bought a Vodafone plan with their Sony Ericsson phone included. Live at postcode 4561 Sunshine Coast but get zero reception at my home. The phone, depite not being used, has a flat battery each morning.

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2484 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is billing at 27 Dec 2010 01:15:07 PM
For three months they screw up my bill, not so bad as some complaints out there but....... They keep billing me dishonor fee of $20. When the bill was $00.00 and they didn't notice. Check your bills folks.

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2483 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Extremely Woeful at 27 Dec 2010 01:14:03 PM
I have been with vodafone since 1997.. i always recommended it to others. Now following the past year's pathetic reception I want to get OUT of it and go elsewhere. Probably Telstra. I work in a medical practice in Canning Vale and as it is considered a'developing area' the reception is PITIFUL in spite of my having lodged complaints with Vodafone. They of course say they are 'looking into it'.
PATHETIC. and no 'FREE SATURDAY' is going to make up for this.

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2482 Someone from Somewhere else thinks vodafone is Terrible at 27 Dec 2010 01:13:53 PM
I am from India. Vodafone's network is terrible. I am just waiting for the Mobile number portability to be implemented so that I can switch to a better network and not change the number. I have experienced call drops, Zero network when relatives of mine could call from the same place using other service providers, errors in billing and the worst customer care service. I would not reccomend this service provider to anyone. Please AVOID.

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2481 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is You get what you pay for at 27 Dec 2010 01:13:26 PM
In the telecommunications field you generally get what you pay for. Vodafone doesn't do a bad job in the major cities. Prosecuting this case for the solicitors will be difficult because of the greyness of the contracts regarding coverage and speed issues. No Telco guarantees these things. In a country as vast as Australia, i.e. 7 square million kilometres with 22 million people, coverage issues are a concern. We are not Singapore or South Korea. The issues of jurisprudence raised by this class action are numerous. The problem with many people in Australia is that they expect Rolls Royce chauffeur driven service and will are only prepared to pay for a Maxi cab. People's expectations have been raised to a ridiculous level as well. If a fifteen year old today does not have a mobile phone, internet and pay-tv they feel underprivileged. When I was that age if I had 20 cents for the phone booth I felt pretty good about myself. It is all about perspective. Conversely to this consumers do have a right to push the market forward through activism. Momentum can help move mountains, and even phone towers.

P.S. I do not work for Vodafone.

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2480 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Very at 27 Dec 2010 01:11:20 PM
Poor reception, bad voicemail service.

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2479 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is DROP-OFF & RIP-OFF!!! at 27 Dec 2010 01:11:10 PM

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2478 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Pathetic at 27 Dec 2010 01:10:45 PM
The list is quite endless: i send and get charged for messages my recipients never receive; phone calls drop out mid call; sometimes when my phone says i have full coverage - and i can make outgoing calls myself - people calling me are told that i am out of range; i have not received messages that others have sent me... and, of course, coverage is in general miserable. I am only 20 kms from the Melbourne cbd and coverage here - despite what network maps illustrate - is generally of bad quality, and regularly disappears. The only reason i don't change is due to my partner and several friends also using vodafone, so the vodafone to vodafone minutes work for us... when there is coverage.

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2477 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Enormously FAIL at 27 Dec 2010 01:10:26 PM
I'm onto my third i-phone because of drop outs ( now I realize) my phone just keeps dropping out. I have no reception in Canberra no reception in Wollongong bowral goulburn - continuous issues! My friends and family are used to me having to call them back 5 times for each call we make. My voicemail cones through every few hours after a call. I run a business with animals and have to send picture messages which never get delivered - I'm paying premium service $121 per month! VERY unimpressed and will never sign a contract with Vodafone again!

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2476 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is very bad at 27 Dec 2010 01:10:10 PM
Please advise! I have a house on market at the moment and on 11/12/2010 vodafone had problems with their service and the whole net work went down.In this period of time we had an offer made on the house and as a result could not contact the agent to accept the offer (the agent is a vodafone user too).4 hrs later the service was resumed, but in the frustration of not being contacted the client withdrew their offer, thus now vodafone owes me a sale of my house!!!
27 Dec 2010 01:16:39 PM: join the class action. Don't worry, you're not alone. Vodafone has cost many people thousands of dollars. I know of salespeople that have lost sales for the same reason.
27 Dec 2010 02:08:38 PM: how do we get involved? this looks like a good way of showing these big companies that we are tired of being ripped off!! WATCH OUT BANKS!!!!!

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2475 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is Dangerous for patients at 27 Dec 2010 01:09:57 PM
I moved house approximately 1 year ago into suburban Adelaide form the city and since the have suffered shocking reception and regular drop-outs with Vodafone. More recently the reception at the Royal Adelaide Hospital has dramatically dropped off with still no return after a recent "network upgrade" as I was told by the less than knowledgable in store staff. The main problem is I am an Orthopaedic Spinal Surgeon reliant on my mobile for on-call work. When trying to discuss a patient that need urgent Spinal surgery and coordinate what is happening at the hospital over the phone the constant drop outs are potentially disastrous. To avoid disaster I have to take everyone's phone number immediately when they call so I can call them back on my home line when the inevitable occurs, or I have to run out to the front of my house in the middle of the night to answer calls. I will be happily changing to another network in 1 month when my contract ends, and be free of Vodafail forever. Even the free radio I got at the cricket stopped working - they can't even get that right. Would be very happy to join a class action for failure to deliver service.

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2474 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Their service equals their signal at 27 Dec 2010 01:09:25 PM
Love the idea mate, well done. Vodafone peed me off with all the well known gripes we know off by heart, so much so that I was forced to cancel and take the Evil Empire's Next bizzo. Same mendacious idiots in management but at least I can phone them to say so, if of course they feel like answering.

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2473 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is extremely at 27 Dec 2010 01:09:22 PM
The wonderful regular 'billshock' despite using the 1512 text facility to supposedly keep track of my usage.

Used it and it told me I was approaching my download limit. No problem, I had an alternate provider, I just used them for the remaining 3 weeks.

3 weeks later, I get a text saying I was going to be charged excess usage of $200! Can't figure out why an instand text status check has to be 4-5 days in arrears? What's the use if the information is not timely? Is this deliberate?

Also the usual crap network coverage and speed, as well as the $10 extra charge per month once I came off contract... without notification or fanfare... they just helped themselves.

There are other things, but the inabilty to have an accurate idea of current usage is the big one.

Camperdown NSW

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2472 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is poor at 27 Dec 2010 01:08:44 PM
Been with Voda for almost 10 years. Happy to say that the first 7 or so were great. Brilliant customer service and plenty to smile about.
Then all went pear shaped. The alliance with 3 seems to have had a negative effect. All my friends on 3 that used to complain about service I used to laugh at. Now we get the same. Problems, yes we have had a few.
Overcharging on bill 3 times in 12 months.
Terrible coverage at home and work. Call drop outs and data failings.
Spent over 3 hours at Voda store trying to resolve an issue. It wasn't. The store ended up closing.
Just to name a few...

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2471 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Almost total fail at 27 Dec 2010 01:08:22 PM
I have been unable to send emails on my iPhone since early October. The inconvenience of this was compounded by the fact that the emails appeared to be going thru, and were listed in my Sent folder. It took a while for me to work out that people weren't getting the emails and during that time, chaos reigned supreme. Now I try a test email every week or so, but still no luck. The reason I got the iPhone was the convenience of being able to receive and reply to emails away from office/home. This has been totally impossible for almost 3 months and Vodafone still haven't fixed the problem or done anything to make me feel like they could care less. No responsibility seems to be taken, no remorse shown or apology given. And this is aside from the NO SERVICE, the voicemails coming 10 hours late and delay in the text messages getting to the recipients. I'M VERY AGITATED!

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2470 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is No Coverage at 27 Dec 2010 01:08:15 PM
I live in Clayton South (Westall) and everywhere in my house or my yard my reception never goes above 1bar. When i take the train to the city, same story. No coverage on 1/2 of my journey. How frustrating is that? On top is how slow is the data transfer? Downloading on vodafone? U would be crazy. Surfing? If u have 5min for every page to download. This apply to anywhere u r. In the middle of the city to outer suburb. I am tired of this, their plan r great value but the service is just crap.

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2469 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is shocking at 27 Dec 2010 01:08:11 PM
i have had vodafone broadband since april and its the worst internet, its slow all the time, i have 8 gbs per month and struggle to use 4 gbs as the net is so slow. when i signed up for the internet i asked the lady what the coverage was like in my area & she said great well im yet to experience that

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2468 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is HUGE at 27 Dec 2010 01:08:07 PM
I can only get 1 bar in the house and have to go outside so the neighbours can join in on my chats!!! Most times I lose service and have to move outside to help my SMS to go through. Bloody annoying. Also changed my iPad carrier because vodafone was just too slow. I live on the Gold Coast.

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2467 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is Very bad at 27 Dec 2010 01:07:41 PM
Had 2 mobile data dongles. The reception was pathetic and trying to get someone to take notice was even worse. Their Customer service line is a never ending loop of IVR (interactive Voice Response) "press 1" etc. Very Very frustrating. In the end we gave up, went to a Samsung galaxy on the Optus Network and use that as the internet access for the laptop. Poor show Voda.

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2466 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is very bad at 27 Dec 2010 01:07:41 PM
I am on 365 day prepaid plan. I have about 10 cents in call credit , over 1000 vodafone to vodafone minutes and 8 months to plan expiry. However, since Oct. I am unable to make any free V to V calls because of low credit. But all I want to make are FREE V to V calls! How ridiculous!

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2465 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is EXTREME at 27 Dec 2010 01:07:26 PM
I have minimal to no reception in my apartment I have constant drop outs for no given reason and everything takes so long to connect - calls, internet!!! Vodafone is a total failure wish I never signed up!
27 Dec 2010 01:08:51 PM: Ok, so you should have joined a carrier with coverage at your apartment. Not that big of a deal

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2464 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is at 27 Dec 2010 01:06:34 PM
Was with optus for years with no problems. Switched to vodofone as my kids were on 3mobile so I could take advantage of the free calls. My son lives at Glenelg and we can never talk by mobile due to the poor reception. Very disappointing. Also had problems with the phone when I first signed up, the phone was returned to the shop 3 times and eventually they sent it off for repairs. Due to the fact that it was now 3 days past the date of replacement phone had to be repaired rather than replaced, even though I had taken it back 3 times previously.

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2463 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Network failure at 27 Dec 2010 01:05:30 PM
Network where I am is utter crap!!! Take note of the date! I am still contacting them about the same issues... network failure. HaPPy ReAdInG

Please be advised that your current coverage issue is still being investigated. We apologise for any inconvenience this has caused.

If you are now able to use your mobile service please let me know so I may notify our technicians.

I look forward to your reply.

Kind Regards

Correspondence Team
Thank you for contacting Vodafone on 31/05/2009 10:28 AM, your query is currently being investigated. We appreciate your patience and we'll endeavour to respond to you as soon as possible
Thank you for your patience.

Vodafone apologises for the delay in responding to your enquiry within our normal time frames, and regret any inconvenience this may have caused. We understand that due to this delay, you may have utilised other avenues to resolve your query.

Please note that Vodafone are unable to assist with handset upgrade or mobile internet technical issues via email. For assistance with these queries, please call Vodafone on 1555 from your Vodafone handset or 1300 650 410 from a landline.

If you still require assistance via email, please advise us within 72 hours, and we will respond as soon as possible. Alternatively the answer to your enquiry may be found by registering and accessing the My Vodafone website.

Kind regards,

Vodafone Correspondence Team
I advise a time frame is not available as to when coverage may increase in the area.

Kind regards,

XXXXX name hidden
Correspondence Team


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2462 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Phone & Internet are extremely poor at 27 Dec 2010 01:05:28 PM
Continued network drop outs and time outs and I apparently live in a strong 3G location..
MMS and regualr text messages being sent hours after or not at all!
When are Vodafone gonna fix there so called "upgraded network"?

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2461 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is ultimate fail at 27 Dec 2010 01:05:25 PM
No reception/calls drop out frequently, no texts alerting to voicemail. Data coverage is dismal, not even 20% of the time do I get data coverage. Called vodafone, was on hold after speaking to a lady from a call centre initailly for 48 minutes......... needless to say I gave up and ended the call.

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2460 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Slow conection no service at 27 Dec 2010 01:04:59 PM
Was with vodafone wireless for 24 months in Brisbane November 2007 - 2009. Connection dropped out constantly, was sooo slow I could not do internet banking. Could not wait for my contract to expire so I could afford to change to TPG. Attempts to call vodafone for some explanation were met with 'we will look into the problem in your area and give you a call back'. Four weeks later I received a phone call to tell me they could not find any problem in my area. This happened constantly. Impossible to get any service from them. I would have sent them an email, but I couldnt even access their site! Changed to TPG, never had a prob with them,they are awesome. Dodo wireless is faster that vodafone.

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2459 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is No alert to voice mails & late texts at 27 Dec 2010 01:04:09 PM
So I haven't been getting notifications that I have voice mail messages and people have been getting texts from me too late to help them. While I have discovered that Vodafone coverage is extremely limited outside major cities, this is a new disappointing surprise. I was trying to buy a house before Christmas but missed it because I wasn't getting the agent's calls. Thanks for nothing Vodafone, and charging my for the privalage!

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2458 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Poor Service at 27 Dec 2010 01:04:05 PM
Two years ago I signed up for a two year contract. I just wanted to check email so this was for 1 GB per month and just under $30. In recent months the reception level has just dropped badly whether I am in Sydney, Central Coast or nearby. At the same time I am getting unusually high excess usage charges that I cannot check out. I cannot get into their account page as it requires active status of a mobile I got rid off a year ago. Calling the help number just means someone on the other side of the world who either hangs up or drops out in seconds. I do not want to deal with this company again.

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2457 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is TOTAL FAILURE at 27 Dec 2010 01:03:55 PM
I was not able to take or make very important calls that particular time and thus missed out on some important deals!

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2456 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Complete fail at 27 Dec 2010 01:03:07 PM
I was with Vodafone for 10 years and, after repeated calls to fix my voicemail (12 calls to try to get it fixed @ an average 27 mins per call....I should charge them my hourly rate...), at least 2 dropouts in every call (even in the CBD) and raging extra charges on every bill, I am now out of my contract.
I went with Telstra and have not had ONE dropout, their service has been excellent and I even got a $200 credit! SWITCH IF YOU CAN!!

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2455 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is at 27 Dec 2010 01:02:58 PM
sick and tired of connection drop-offs on wireless internet just 22km from Melbourne CBD! Vodafone stop ripping us off!!

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2454 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Fail wiqth capital F at 27 Dec 2010 01:02:57 PM
sick of bad reception and recieving transaction failed isufficient funds messages that mean nothing to me.What transaction ????

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2453 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is Epic Fail at 27 Dec 2010 01:02:24 PM
I paid for a 3G data plan via TransMobile which uses the Vodafone network. The data connection drops out frequently which makes it impossible to use without feeling frustrated all the time.
27 Dec 2010 09:20:48 PM: I can't even get reception inside my house, unless I'm outside. I live Northside, never figured there'd be a problem here!
27 Dec 2010 11:13:48 PM: I live southside, and I can't get reception in my house either. I use vodaphone, and my son uses Transact, and neither of them work.
27 Dec 2010 11:18:12 PM: I live southside, and I can't get reception in my house either. I use vodaphone, and my son uses Transact, and neither of them work.
27 Dec 2010 11:20:49 PM: I live southside, and I can't get reception in my house either. I use vodaphone, and my son uses Transact, and neither of them work.

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2452 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is at 27 Dec 2010 01:01:45 PM
I live in country Qld, their is no reception outside the country town i live in until i reach the city 2 hours away, the constant dropouts are so frustrating will be switching over to another service

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2451 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is very fail at 27 Dec 2010 01:01:39 PM
I live in an area where there is NO mobile reception, making my very expensive handset and plan essentially useless except for when I do go into town, even then the reception is abysmal with continuing call drop outs and very low reception necessitating wandering around town seeking a place for even just okay reception to be able to call out. The USB dongle for mobile broadband which I purchased for use when travelling is essentially useless with continuous low reception and signal drop out, requiring reconnection to the network every few minutes at best. I think Vodaphone and its associates should just release those people unhappy with their service from their contracts, unlock their phones and other devices as compensation, and let them find another carrier that will better service their needs.

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2450 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Bad at 27 Dec 2010 01:01:30 PM
Constantly the reception I receive from Vodafone/3 joint company is quite poor. On top of this many of the text messages I send do not get to the intended person therefore am I wasting my money on something that Vodafone is unable to efficiently provide on and if so, how will they cover these costs because it becomes a joke.

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2449 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is inconsistant at 27 Dec 2010 01:00:58 PM
Long time pre paid vodafone user. Got iphone on contract 6 months ago. Based on the Central Coast.
Now I have no reception in my office and have to go outside to make a call.
When I call people sometimes it says calling and never connects. Sometimes it connects with no voice and I have to call back (double connection fee).
I can be talking to someone with full service then it drops out, I look at signal and it is totally gone and then comes back full. (happens constantly).
People can call me and my phone never rings, I just get their voicemail.
Paid my bill and I kept on getting warning text saying it isnt paid. Called Vodafone and they said their network was having problems but they said it was paid. Now i get text messages all the time saying it is paid.
Would love to get out of the contact and just pay for the phone and go with another provider.

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2448 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Not at 27 Dec 2010 01:00:48 PM
Why does the site owner delete positive comments? Perhaps you need to start disclosing what links you have to Optus resellers?
27 Dec 2010 01:13:25 PM: Haha, that comment is so stupid is almost laughable. A poor attempt to re-focus the issue.

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2447 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Epic ! at 27 Dec 2010 01:00:45 PM
I have a work supplied phone on Vodafone.

The cell coverage in Martins Drive Kuluin QLD is appauling. I know who in my street uses Vodafone ... and I havent even met them ? How do I know who uses Vodafone in my street. Easy ... I just look out the window and see who is in the street trying to use their mobile. Yep .... they are the Vodafone customers.

When I complain to Vodafone that their cell coverage is crap ... I am told that its mine or the phones issue ! The remedy is turn the phone off and then on again. Hahahah. What a joke. Vodafone think they can hoodwink modern and intellegent IT users ... like we are granny's from a previous generation.

Afetr numerous complaints I was told to move away from GSM into 3G. Hahahaha. Again they think that they can hoodwink us with tech talk. 3G is NOT a cell coverage fix ... its a data transfer protocol. So I move to 3G (thanks to my gulible employer who bought the Vodafone story). Any difference in cell coverage ? Nope ... in fact is proberby worse !

Vodafone are note spending enough on infrastructure (ie Towers) and using cheap Mobile Carrier manufactuers equipement.

By the way .... i have a sencond really old mobile phone with Telstra. 5 bars signal ... in any area INSIDE the house ... all the time.

Vodafone should spend less time sponsoring corporate events and spend that money on more towers and better service.

Perhaps a trip to the courts will get their attention ?

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2446 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Shocking at 27 Dec 2010 01:00:28 PM
A friend recommend I move over to vodafone after my contract expired from another carrier. I did and what a disaster!! I was told that it would take 24 hours to change over and I can keep my phone number. 3 days later I was not connected I rang around 6pm and was on hold for 2 hours till 8pm and was disconnected. I tried 2 more evenings and on the 3rd day I was told they are experiencing technical problems. I was without a phone for 7 days. Finally someone told me that initially the staff did not ask me for my old carriers account number to do the transfer (so much for training!). I was connected. Now I am experiencing reception problem. My phone hardly rings and I can hardly hear the person on the other end. I cant wait to return to my original carrier.

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2445 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is No Internet connection at 27 Dec 2010 01:00:28 PM
I Brought a usb modem from vodafone in april of this year and I was told by vodafone if I had phone reception the usb Modem would work. well the fact is the modem diddn't work and i had good reception i wanted to usb when I was on the road.and tryed to contact to sort this problem out. and they have charged me for the account for a service i can't use and now they have put a default on my credit file and have debt collectors from the phillipines chasing the money. why should I pay for a service I could not use.

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2444 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is Positives at 27 Dec 2010 01:00:28 PM
Sure! You are disgruntled. But this is all one sided and focuses only on the negatives. Telstra, Optus including Vodafone have their short comings. Perhaps we need a Blog fousing only on positives to balance things a little. By the way" Just switch to a smaller and better provider. There are plenty instead of getting sucked in by the Big Players and then complaining about it.
27 Dec 2010 01:04:42 PM: Maybe you don't understand English. This site is called Vodafail.

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2443 Someone from NT thinks vodafone is Calls drop out at 27 Dec 2010 01:00:27 PM
Have been with Vodafone for a number of years but certainly the last couple of years things have declined -
1. Calls just drop out for no reason - even when I am in the centre of the the CBD and taking a call from my workplace (which is also located in the CBD)
2. There website absolutely sucks and is just a basket case to navigate
3. Asking for my bill to be emailed to me and never ever receive it. Confirm with their Support that they have the correct email address and they say "yes" but the bill still never turns up in my Inbox (and I have checked my SPAM filters etc).
4. Well, should I even start on the 3G....slow as the proverbial

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2442 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is wont listen to customers at 27 Dec 2010 01:00:11 PM
Wireless internet sometimes its ok and sometimes it is very poor and we are close to the city centre.Took it back to allphones and they tried to get in contact with vodaphone and it took them one hour of waiting on the phone to talk with someone

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2441 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Terrible at 27 Dec 2010 01:00:03 PM
I'm am sick and tired along with everyone else of poor coverage for phone calls and internet downloads. Constantly having to ring people back and apologize for my calls dropping out, which is very embarrassing particularly for business calls. Downloads are continually stopping or going at about a third of the speed of friends on other networks. Quite simply - NOT GOOD ENOUGH!!!

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