26 Mar 2012 - Update Highest Rated Pain Stories Highest Rated Gain Stories Vodafail Local Facebook Page
Dear visitor,

Since its inception Vodafail.com has made a significant contribution towards raising awareness of the problems and issues faced by Vodafone customers.

Vodafone Australia customers have had the opportunity to voice their concerns, their fears and their troubles from every corner of Australia and beyond our borders. You have gathered the courage to stand up for your rights as consumers and to make your voice heard.

Each and every person who shared their story should have a sense of pride in this achievement and the changes that have occurred since the start of Vodafail.com.

More recently, traffic to Vodafail.com has declined significantly. Having achieved the goal of raising awareness and promoting concrete action in early 2011, we have now reached the point of closing Vodafail to new complaints. The site will remain online for as long as possible as a reminder and an example of what is possible when we share our experiences.

It has been a privilege to run this initiative and I'm am forever grateful for the help and support I've received. In particular I would like to thank Melissa, David and Travis for their continued efforts over the past 15 months. I'm also thankful and humbled by the support of ACCAN, Choice magazine and a wide range of media outlets, blogs and websites.

You can still browse existing stories and find out how to file a complaint if you are experiencing problems.

Until next time,

Adam Brimo

Share Your Pain

Vodafail.com is no longer accepting complaints.
Over the past 6 months traffic to Vodafail has declined significantly. Therefore we have closed off Vodafail to new complaints. We think you will find more joy in posting on any one of these fine product / brand review sites.

You can also post directly on the Vodafone community forums.

Other People's Pain

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16594 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is 7.5 out of 10 at 1 Apr 2011 03:16:05 PM
I wanted to opt out of a no-contract sim and was given a fantastic deal on an iphone-4 with free calls and sms etc.
The reception is appalling! Constant drop outs. No signal/network.
Cant have a decent conversation on skype! I am within 34km from the cbd! This is shameful for a multinational telco.
Now Im stuck with a 12 month contract and I have an iphone to play with but not make phone calls!
1 Apr 2011 03:34:07 PM: under the trade practices act of Australia, they have failed to provide the products and services that were part of the contract I originally agreed to. So in effect, they have breached contract and I am free to do what I want.

i got the above paragraph from someone in the "share your gain" tab this may work for you. Because they are technically breaking your contract. if you cant get anywhere with them go to the TIO and complain thats what i did and im not out of my contract and with telstra (who have GREAT reception)
1 Apr 2011 03:45:47 PM: i mean i am out of my contract

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16592 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is shocking at 1 Apr 2011 03:00:01 PM
No coverage and even less slow internet access.

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16591 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Question at 1 Apr 2011 02:48:33 PM
So who do ya'll recommend outside Vodafone?
1 Apr 2011 03:41:23 PM: i got out of my voda contract and went to telstra, ive never had a problem with telstra and they have good reception

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16589 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is VERY at 1 Apr 2011 02:37:32 PM

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16588 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Baaaaaaad at 1 Apr 2011 02:29:35 PM
Had a direct debit order , due to Vodafones technical errors orders didn't go through and I ended up in arrears, called vodoafone and they needed the full amount the same month, shame on you Vodafone.

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16587 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Reception at 1 Apr 2011 02:22:38 PM
Move to my new home they said there should be no issues with reception for my phonr or moble internet. I had no reception at all. I complaned and complaned and got really nasty and they cancled my contracts a pack of shit loses

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16586 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Hello? Hello? at 1 Apr 2011 02:13:25 PM
I have been with vodafone for almost 13 years!! I am the very definition of a loyal customer - but when my calls drop out 3 or 4 times within 15minutes, I am not happy.
when people inform me my phone was "off" when I almost never turn my phone off, that also doesn't make me happy...
The problems I have been having with vodafone kind of make it pointless even having a mobile?

Even worse - when I rang vodafone to ask when my contract expired (to decide what I'm going to do next) they insisted on a reason before they would give me the information!!
when i explained I was assessing my options, instead of just telling me when my contract was up they transferred me to their technical department who then went on to say they were unable to answer my query and would I like to be transferred to someone else?

Sorry vodafone - you're just not worth it anymore....

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16585 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is omnifarious at 1 Apr 2011 02:07:57 PM
Hi guys,
more than a year ago I had the displeasure of attempting to 'deal' with a company called 'Vodafone'. I t was truely a negative experience. I was
fifty years old at the time & my basic understanding of Law meant that no written contract = you're stuffed( not a leg to stand on),., & therefore 'sort
of ' gave up ( which is exactly what they want). Regards, Michael.

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16584 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is very at 1 Apr 2011 02:07:28 PM
not really in a mess, just taking my business elsewhere

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16583 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is epic fail at 1 Apr 2011 01:32:09 PM
Sitting at work (Bris CBD) will regularly be sitting here with full bars yet get voicemail from a missed call, also calls drop mid-call randomly. At home often seeing my phone go from 3 bars to no service at all. Data access is pretty fail too. Its a company phone though, and so despite hundreds of employees all bitching about the same thing across several different states... we're stuck with Vodafail :/

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16582 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is major fail at 1 Apr 2011 01:18:53 PM
ever since their merge... voda sucks.. it sucks dogs balls to be exact... i used to be a voda advocate.. i now bag and bag them... i can hardly make calls.. the calls drop.. when i try to call someone who's phone is on, it tells me they are unavailable when they cna be sitting right next to me.. I have delayed voice and text messages.. i can't access facebook or twitter anymore without having the urge to smash my phone to pieces.. my contract ends on May 15... apparently i can leave on april 15 withotu incurring a cancel fee.. so i intend to port my number away to optus where i shouldve stayed to begin with

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16581 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Ancient wall drawings are more effect than Vodafone at 1 Apr 2011 01:13:01 PM
Vodafone gave me extra downloads when I signed up for the 1phone4 upon it's initial release. I consistently have data drops outs and sub dial up speeds (if I even get a returned page) every morning on the way to work.
I don't know why I have extra data when I can't use it during times I need to.
I was trying to do some internet banking for an urgent purchase but in the end took so long I hunted for an internet cafe (not via my iphone!!) and did what I needed there.
I will finish up my contract and NEVER go with Vodafone again. Other carriers may be more expensive but there is no point paying for a service if you're not getting it.

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16580 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is a massive fail at 1 Apr 2011 01:05:29 PM
I have to count myself lucky here are Vodafone agreed to release myself and my partner from our contracts with no penalty and it only took me a month of calling them! Argh... We had to move back to Telstra and pay extra to get new phones but at least we now have excellent coverage, 3G and our txts don't go missing.
Three months into our brand new iPhone contracts (about October last year) we suddenly dropped from adequate to almost non existent. It took 3 weeks of calling them every couple of days and spending ridiculous amounts of time on hold and being transferred all over the place. They finally conceded that they were at fault. The reason I was given was that they were upgrading their services and that meant some low priority areas lost some signal!!!
I wont ever use Vodafone again.

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16579 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is your kidding at 1 Apr 2011 01:03:21 PM
text message sent to the wrong random person instead of intended reciepient. you cant be serious

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16578 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is MEGAFAIL at 1 Apr 2011 01:02:22 PM
2 months ago, got a bill that included $800 excess data, Im on a 2gb plan. Endless calls to the Indian call centre. Getting the story that "If I didnt use the excess data then someone else must have" Said to them I will go to the telecommunications ombudsman, They said can you hold for a minute, comes back to phone and says I can have a full credit. Just today, exactly the same thing only with international calls. 1 threat to call the ombudsman, then they agree to credit. They are a fraud and only trying people on. Stuck with them for 18 more months.
1 Apr 2011 03:38:01 PM: Just complain about your reception and your consistent over charges on bills im sure there is something you can do about this to get out of the contract.

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16577 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Massive! at 1 Apr 2011 12:47:04 PM
Calls drop out all the time, I have to call people back 3-4 times to get a basic 5minute call completed. AND Vodafone is collecting a connection fee each time, what a surprise! I'm soooo sick of this company, rubbish call quality, constant drop out, slow 3g internet compared to Telsta...Can anyone recommend another 'low cost' high quality comparison? Thanks

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16576 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is 9 out of 10 at 1 Apr 2011 12:38:03 PM
My personal favourite Screenshot on my iPhone is a picture of the network providers in settings. Showing it clearly connected to Vodafone from the list of alternatives. And at the top it shows...
3G and next to it No Service!!!!!! A truly special 'service provider'...

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16574 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is at 1 Apr 2011 12:30:26 PM
Just absolutely sick and tired of constantly having connectivity issues around lower north shore with vodafone. Using 3G for iphone. Iphone constantly just chugs away waiting for network on email and apps etc despite showing full bars. Calls often fail (say 1 out of 5 at the moment) I have been patiently just putting up with this (perhaps the silent minority these days). When you pay over $180 a month for 2 phone accounts such a basic failure to deliver just basic connectivity has driven me to the point where I think I will just sign up with telstra (who I never thought I would use for mobile given there expense).

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16573 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Epic at 1 Apr 2011 12:20:02 PM
Lara is useless. If I'm calling, I'm generally calling about something not simple... Like Lara. I have ended up being stuck in the limbo that is the Lara IVR and have had to hang up and try again multiple times. I now just say complaint now so I get through to someone.
1 Apr 2011 01:22:07 PM: Lara is a slut lol

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16572 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Reception at 1 Apr 2011 12:09:46 PM
I have been struggling to get proper reception when I'm on the Eastern freeway. What if my car breaks down and I can't call for help. I've gor limityeed reception in Doncaster and when I'm in Abbottsford my calls are constantlky dropped. I won't even talk about connecting to Facebook or twitter which is a very ardeous process. I have 4 mobiles with vodaphone (2kids and wife) and cant even use my fre V2V calls, because we struggle so much with reception. I'm not a fan of Telstra, but when i was with them I never had so many issues. I will stick with Vodafone for the time being.

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16571 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is 1005 Fail at 1 Apr 2011 12:07:46 PM
Poor reception in my area. no custmer service and multiple droip calls+

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16570 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is obviously not listening at 1 Apr 2011 12:01:18 PM
I have just received an SMS from Vodaphone -(yes it got through, how delayed it was is anybodies guess) offering me an upgrade to an Iphone 4 for free---as if! There is no way I ma hanging around

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16569 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is No Internet connection at 1 Apr 2011 11:55:19 AM
Internet connection to my BlackBerry is so slow, I estimate that the attempt to connect times out 25% of the time.

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16568 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Poor mobile reception at 1 Apr 2011 11:53:51 AM
I have poor and sometime non existant reception at home and in the office, which is located in the Sydney CBD.

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16567 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Redundant information at 1 Apr 2011 11:52:42 AM
When seeking telephone support (1555) it is necessary to enter the mobile phone, account password and security information (DoB, address etc). Then, when you are transferred to another Vodafone person, you have to reenter all that information. Which is a pest when you're getting the run-around and end up talking to 3 or 4 different people.

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16566 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Can't unsubscribe at 1 Apr 2011 11:48:12 AM
I wanted to unsubscribe to Compass (paid GPS service) and was unable to, despite spending 2 1/2 hours in a Vodafone retailers store with them trying to help. Even 3 support technicians (via 1555 service) were unable to unsubscribe my from Compass.

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16565 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Terrible at 1 Apr 2011 11:47:11 AM
Tried to phone customer service to cancel after finishing contract period. Could not understand the female operator and asked to speak to another operator. Then spoke to a male operator again having issues with understanding. Perhaps I should learn Hindu.
6 Apr 2011 10:26:07 PM: Hindu is a religion, not a language. Though the religion would probably teach you a little racial tolerance.

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16564 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Poor voice recognition at 1 Apr 2011 11:40:42 AM
When I call 1555 and try to explain an issue (technical or administrative) the Vodafone voice recognition often fails so that I have to stay on the call for sometimes minutes before I can speak to someone. And then they have to redirect me to the appropriate service department, which results in further waiting.

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16563 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is bad at 1 Apr 2011 11:22:01 AM
Why is reception so bad along major railway lines? Traveling from Lilydale to Melbourne CBD there's 3G coverage at Lilydale itself, then it cuts in and out for the next 15 minutes, making it useless. Then coverage becomes OK but 3G is still lost at Nunawading (approaching road underpass), Box Hill (arriving in enclosed station) and Hawthorn.

I did find this handy however when I was using a Vodafone GSM/2G phone, every single time it passed Surrey Hills it would lose all coverage, if I ever had anybody annoying on the phone I knew it would lose signal there!!
21 Apr 2011 07:11:17 PM: Every time i arrive are Flinders street station I lose reception and have to reset my phone to get it back. Its the middle of Melbourne's CBD how can i not have access to the mobile network!?!

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16562 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is JUST A FAILURE! No planning of giving just taking... at 1 Apr 2011 11:21:10 AM
Watergardens shopping center. Try walking in the BIG W. As soon as you get in 2 meter, poof goes the reception to no service.

Within my home, one side of the kitchen get 1 bar and other side of the kitchen drops the calls!

1 Apr 2011 05:57:41 PM: Tell me about it, was leaving watergardens via the train statIon side and the phone went from about 3 bars to no service out of nowhere and wouldn't change back until after I had gotten home and reset the phone twice. Even now posting this at the southern cross shopping center the phone switches from 1 bar to 'searching' to no service and i've been sitting in the same spot for half an hour!

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16561 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is not massive fail, not fantastic at 1 Apr 2011 11:15:27 AM
Is this the only company that in 2011 provides no customer service at all other than face to face? I don't bother calling any call centres of using any online support of this company, the only way to speak to anybody is to annoy their staff in their stores, who get pissed off that you're wasting their time inquiring about your bill when they have people lined up wanting to buy iPhones. And despite being told they were updating me to a 1.5GB data limit, it still bills me an exorbitant rate for data used over 500MB.

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16560 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is beyond brain damaged at 1 Apr 2011 11:02:10 AM
Tried to get Voda dongle unlocked to move to another carrier - said in store it was done. It wasnt.

Called up and 'transferred'. proved my identity twice, on hold for 20 MINUTES! Couldnt hear operator. Then the call just dropped! and i had to do it again.

No joke - this whole process happened more or less exactly like this, FOUR TIMES.

So so so enraged with Vodafone!! Boycott!!

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16559 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Not Good at 1 Apr 2011 11:00:13 AM
Living in outer eastern suburbs of Melbourne. Have been with 3 for a few years and reception in my area was never great but there was always one or two bars and it would switch to other providers when necessary. Since Vodafone took over, the reception has been much worse and the phone is constantly switching to No Service. I need to turn the phone off and back on to pick up a signal and it no longer switches to another provider when reception is poor or unavailable.
1 Apr 2011 11:24:53 AM: Samething here. My wife had a phone with 3 and even though the reception was bad, it was still ok. Now with VodaFail, shit just hits the fan...
1 Apr 2011 03:21:15 PM: I am also in the outer eastern suburbs of Melbourne and am experiencing exactly the same problems as you. Since the frigging merger with Voda, my reception is worse, from 3 bars to 0 with a total drop out (without moving the mobile). Also have to turn the mobile off then on to pick up a signal, which it does, then drops off again. And consequently also receive delayed missed-call messages 24 hours later, as others have reported. Whats with this crap service!!!!
11 Apr 2011 04:14:50 PM: I get this exact problem, but I live one block from the Victoria Market (Howard Street)! This never happened when it was just 3 backed up by roaming on Telstra. Fail! If I didn't have the Pennytel app on my iPhone working, then most of the time I would struggle to send a text message while at home.

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16558 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is 3G performance is rubbish at 1 Apr 2011 10:57:46 AM
I have Voda 3G on an iphone business plan and I sit there slowly browsing the web and refreshing in apps while my friends on optus and telstra sit at the same table with the same phones zooming away. This happens all over the place...

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16557 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is so much fail! at 1 Apr 2011 10:56:53 AM
Random reception black spots everywhere in Brisbane! Only with vodafail!

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16556 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Very at 1 Apr 2011 10:53:13 AM
I'm with 3 which is now using Vodaphone networks I assume and the problem I have is that my phone regularly drops out connection (reception) during any phone call in my house(In Glen Waverley which is only <20km from the CBD) and at other various locations around Melbourne. Not only is this the case with reception, the internet connection is horrid. Even on full reception in the city my phone still loads pages very slowly if at all. I have a HTC Desire with the recent 2.2 Froyo upgrade. I hope that this message can be passed on in unison with the thousands of other complaints and something can be done and most of us are locked on contracts with this third class network.

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16555 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Extremely poor reception, slow web speeds, reception black spots at 1 Apr 2011 10:46:58 AM
Been using Crazy John/Vodafone for over 2 years now with 4 different handsets and have had constant lousy reception, reception black spots, constant drop outs, slow web speeds, rarely able to get a 3G connection/2G connection, scrambled calls with lots of interference.

Logged a call with Crazy Johns, apparently the call was forwarded onto the Network Engineer team. No improvement since then.

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16554 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is Its the 'Charlie Sheen Winning' of all fails. at 1 Apr 2011 10:37:41 AM
(1) Cant seem to connect for about 70% of the time I try to call. There's no ring tone, I hear an awkward silence and then an abrubt disconnection. I was for a couple of months, immediately trying to redial and call again until I noticed in my bill that I was being charged a connection fee and an average 6 seconds of talk time (cleverly billed in 30 second blocks) for each of these failed connections. Thats around 60c per vodafail. I could tell it was for the failed connections as I found repeated instances in my bill where I had dialled the same number 4 or 5 times in a 20 second period each call for around 6 seconds. When I spoke to the guy in the Vodafone shop he told me that I shouldnt worry as even with these incurred costs I was no where near my cap. The fact that the reason I was no where near my cap was because I could never actually connect to anyone I was trying to call seemed lost on him.
(2) Cant get SMS's out. I keep getting a fail message and asking me to re-send. I also dont get new text messages unless someone calls me or miraculously I manage to get through to someone (this seems to wake up the network in regards to my phone).
(3) In the middle of Canberra's CBD I cant get bars....repeatedly.
(4) In remedying this Vodafone both in the stores and on the phone ask me to do really techincal things like .....wipe my sim card, or blow on it. Have had the sim replaced and still no joy.

Am now thinking of contacting the ombudsman.

Any thoughts?

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16553 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is Massive at 1 Apr 2011 10:37:25 AM
Extremely poor reception in the CBD (Botanic Park)and in the inner subsurbs of St. Peters' and College Park

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16552 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is 3g Coverage at 1 Apr 2011 10:30:46 AM
I have just got an i phone 4, and even though i am in areas of full 3g coverage, i get constant, calls failed, and broadband, speeds, that are so slow that Safari, times out.

If i knew this was going this bad, i would never of signed up.

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16551 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Very at 1 Apr 2011 10:19:18 AM
Two phones sitting side by side, both with full reception. Telstra phone calls Vodafone mobile and goes straight to message bank twice, rings on the third time then goes to message bank on the 4th...

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16550 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Brendon Fevola at 1 Apr 2011 10:19:01 AM
Went to the TIO great service, gave me an offer to get out of my contract or stay on half price till May when problems should be resolved, and if I still wanted out a note would be left on my account allowing me to.
Problems got worse and rang up vodafone, there apparently was no note and they did not know which phone I owned and they wanted me to pay the full contract.
Went back to the TIO, they re-opened my claim and put it up to level two, now vodafone has 21 days to respond. It's currentely day 12, and after 21 days the TIO will take further action.

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16549 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Mega at 1 Apr 2011 10:13:21 AM
I am sick of the drop outs that happen on a regular basis. I am sick of my attempts to complain getting ignored or not getting answered. I am sick of speaking to customer sevice people who cant understand my english (I was born in UK, lived in Oz 56 years) Grrrrr I have had enough....

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16548 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is They're trying at 1 Apr 2011 09:56:00 AM
I've been a customer for 5 years and over the last 6-8 months noticed calls dropping out frequently (evry second or third call) or not connecting at all. I contacted Voda to find out how much I had to pay out my contract to leave them and join another carrier and I dealt with 'very helpful' (or worried) staff and I was offered 3 months worth of free bills (the cap). I was told that they are working on the problem and to 'see' that the coverage issues will be improved. We'll see...
1 Apr 2011 02:17:16 PM: don't believe it... they told me the problem was my phone as they had a record of me getting an iphone with my plan - pity that phone broke and I've been using an old Nokia - They had nothing to say to that!!

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16547 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is Vodafone sent my phone to the wrong address and insisited I pick it up from there, it took 2 months to get a replacement! at 1 Apr 2011 09:54:10 AM
I went on a contract, Voda sent me a faulty handset, I ordered a replacement handset from Voda & they sent it to the wrong address! For two months they insisted that it was the right address and air express got it wrong; after receiving the order from air express it was evident Voda got it wrong (Vodafone still to this date imply that I gave them the wrong address, because I don't know where I live...). Anyway, they told me to pick it up from this wrong address, as they didn't want to incur additional costs in fixing their screw up. In the end, after making a big enough noise (and 5 hours on the phone) they agreed to send a new handset & would recall the one sent to the wrong address. The handset I got was also faulty, DOA to be exact... (HTC Desire HD).

After all the issues with dropped calls on the network as well as never working data, I decided to can Vodafone and go with Telstra :)
1 Apr 2011 03:49:54 PM: it sounds like when i re-signed my contract with voda and got a new phone the girl used my debit card medicare card and license for I.D. and then went on to give vodafone my debit card details. But of course their workers wouldnt do that i MUST have given them the details and authorized the direct debit?? To which i replied "if i gave it to her why would i be ringing you saying i didnt??" in the end i got a refund of what they took from my account and got to add this to my TIO complaint which helped my case.

dumb S**ts

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16546 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is It Hurts at 1 Apr 2011 09:51:18 AM
Moved from 3 to Vodafone, what an absolute disaster. Our data coverage is non existant, have called Voda and was told to switch off 3g?? What am I paying for if I cant maximize the usage of my services?? Need to get out!!!!!!

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16545 Someone from NT thinks vodafone is Bad at 1 Apr 2011 09:44:22 AM
Reception is awful I'm trapped with vodafone for another year or so. The other month i got an excess bill of $ 98...on top of my monthly cap. Holy Shit....Can i get out of the damn contract?
1 Apr 2011 09:48:01 AM: You sure can get out of your contract. If vodafone isn't delivering then what are you paying for? Follow the steps on the 'How to complain' page and goodluck!

Vodafail.com Moderation Team
1 Apr 2011 09:48:25 AM: yes. fill in the form here: (takes 5 minutes) http://www.tio.com.au/ComplaintForm/ComplaintFormS1.asp

An aussie will call you within 10 days, and you can get a full refund
1 Apr 2011 03:50:59 PM: under the trade practices act of Australia, they have failed to provide the products and services that were part of the contract I originally agreed to. So in effect, they have breached contract and I am free to do what I want.

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16544 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Fails Big time at 1 Apr 2011 09:44:14 AM
Everything is BAD... Even the Battery on the Handset dies every 1-2 hours without making a call. When you call customer care they say they gonna call me back but that's the end of it. This is REALLY ANNOYING... Dont know how they still running the business.

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16542 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Call drop outs at 1 Apr 2011 09:28:05 AM
I have been with Vodafone for quite some time but I've noticed more and more phone calls dropping out. It's frustrating when you are trying to run a business and while talking to clients you loose them. I know I'm not the only one in this situation but after lodging several emails on Vodafone's website I am still waiting to hear from them!

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16541 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is The worst! at 1 Apr 2011 09:23:25 AM
Loyal customer for 15 years,in the past 6 months Ive had numerous calls drop out, Ive had problems trying to call people in Summer Hill and Parramatta and on the train line in between and I put in a claim for insurance on a defective phone last October that has still not been resolved even after the insurance company said they would send a new phone. Between October last year and 2 days ago Ive spent an eternity on hold having made about 20 -30 calls many many store visits (Vodafone employees are the dumbest on this planet) , mainly spoken to Lara who I want to throw off a cliff! trying to get through to Marsh insurance and get claim approved is still going on 6 months after it began- Spend maybe 6 hours on hold or trying to get through too Marsh Insurance and then being sent from piller to post between Eygpt, South Africa and India trying to explain for the hundreth time my issues only to be told we are sorry but we dont know what is your problem and well get somebody to call you back. I can write a book on the problems or nightmares i have had in the past year or so with faulty smart phones, very very very poor customer service and trying to get my many issues resolved. As soon as my contract expires - Vodafone and Marsh will be losing a very valuable customer and Im going to make sure a lot of my customers know about it when I leave and warn them to steer clear of vodafone!!!!!!!! Congratulations on getting the choice award well done Vodafail. Lets put this company under and all leave!!!

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16540 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is worse than pathetic. at 1 Apr 2011 09:22:17 AM
On a business plan, no reception EVER.... it's just a joke and will they do anything about it? No, because we're locked into a contract.

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16539 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is FAIL at 1 Apr 2011 09:20:42 AM
No reception most times; Melbourne CBD Fails always. Even when we go shopping at major shopping centres..FAIL. Waste of money for the entire life of the contract....When you want to speak to someone about it; the computer voice on the other side hardly ever understands you and when you finally get through you wait and wait and wait. FAIL. Not happy Vodafone I mean VodaFAIL

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16538 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Poor overall service at 1 Apr 2011 09:15:36 AM
This is just a general complaint about vodafone as a customer for abotu 4 years now this is now my 3rd contract with vodafone and i have to say it's gotten a lot worse. I was happy originally with my sony phone but iPhone is a whole other level of terrible as far as vodafone is concerned. My iphone 3G was bad enough with dropped calls, slow internet speed and lazy phone but iphone 4 has reached a new heights of epic fail. I can't get onto anything on the net with my iphone 4 becuase it simply drops out due to "timed out service", phone banking changed my life but i can't do that at all with westpac or commbank, ebay, facebook forget it, i can't do anything via my phone. I went to NSW and the internet was non-existant. I have finally sent a mass complaint to vodafone directly and i'm glad that i'm not the only one just plain angry now at how bad the service is yet vodafone don't fail to send you bills every month on time, that' just about the only service they're providing!

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16537 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Epic at 1 Apr 2011 09:12:31 AM
i was a vodafone customer and i got use to the poor signal, but then vodafone sent me a text saying, "Hi, just to let you know we are changing your plan from underneath you that you were happy with, you no longer get unlimited text messages, you now get heaps of calls!" i changed to optus that day, and i am happy with there signal and service

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16536 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Total at 1 Apr 2011 09:06:10 AM
I work in Melbourne's CBD and can't get a 3G connection! Haven't for weeks. Once my contract is over, I'm gone Vodafone.
1 Apr 2011 09:55:00 AM: you don't have to wait, you can end the contract by lodging your grievances with the TIO.

go here: http://www.tio.com.au/ComplaintForm/ComplaintFormS1.asp
fill out the form (takes 5 minutes)
in <10 days a courtious, English speaking person (as opposed to the discourtious, non-English speaking people at Vodafone's regular call centre)will call you, and you can get a refund for use as of September 2010 when their services stopped working. This will also allow you to end your contract and go to a propvider that acutally provides!

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16535 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Very at 1 Apr 2011 09:00:43 AM
A year ago I set up a new business and choose vodafone.....bad choice as my telephone supplier. My first bill was overcharged by $800. I refused to pay until vodafone justified the invoice as I felt I had been mislead. It took several weeks to get into touch with someone from vodafone who actually cared, I was told a manager would ring me back to clarify and resolve the issue. Whilst waiting for a phonecall back (which never happened, because to call someone back is impossible these days) my wife and I had our first born and what a happy night it was. The next morning as proud father would want to do is call his family.....guess what my business mobile phone had been suspended and I could not receive or make any outgoing calls. What a joke. After 3 hours on the phone to vodafone the morning after my first was born they finally unsuspended my mobile. So instead of racing back to the hospital to see my new born and wife I was on the phone to Vodafone for 3 hours. What a memourable day..... Thanks Vodafone it will never be forgotten! I have emails that I sent to vodafone venting my frustration and will be happy to pass them along to anyone who gives a ..ck at vodafone.

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16534 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Infinite fail at 1 Apr 2011 08:56:54 AM
Logged into their website to check my billing and guess what -
"We are unable to retrieve your plan details at this time.
Please try again in a little while "

Was like this last night and up till this morning, anyone else getting this.

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16533 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is extreme noobage at 1 Apr 2011 08:49:01 AM
I complained several times about terrible reception call dropouts and txt messages not sending. i was told it was my handset so they sent me a desire hd . . . it was never the handset but thanks for the free phone b!tch. I am still complaining and they are still denying that they suck as a telco. anyway come this far may aswell press on with the complainterization calls though.

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16532 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is A Joke at 1 Apr 2011 08:45:56 AM
Often got simcard registration failed, my phone is on 24hrs normally, and have been a VF client for at least three years on the same number. Lousy 3G performance and calls made but other party on end of line (also VF) fail to receive or even get the call or even a VM or missed call notification.

Now a happy Amaysim customer

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16531 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Voda10outof10fail at 1 Apr 2011 08:38:10 AM
After experiencing terribly poor data load time for several months I decided to do a speed test from speedtest.net to measure my data speed. While all around me were recording scores between 2 and 5 MBps, my iPhone 4 with Vodafail scored an amazing 0.1MBps. All the while it tells me I have 3G and full reception bars.
I travel a lot for work and need my 3G. I can't check emails, log in to work and I can't keep up to date with friends when work finishes and I have hours in the airport to wait.
Of course, tethering no longer works because I have no reception.
So I am left with no internet on my phone or laptop while frequently on the road.

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16530 Someone from NT thinks vodafone is Delayed Messages at 1 Apr 2011 08:29:53 AM
Twice now I have had an issue arrise where I won't get messages from my girlfriend for quite literally a week. I can call, send her messages, and receive messages from everyone else (when I actually get reception) but I don't receive any messages at all untill about a week later when they all flood through at the same time.

Really disappointed with Vodaphone and will definetly never be using them again. Is there any grounds in the contract for termination on the basis that the service they provide is inadequate and not what they advertised and promoted it to be? I expect not...

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16529 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Same as Three at 1 Apr 2011 08:27:36 AM
Why dont you guys have the similar website for three customers as well.i am pritty sure many of the three customer in the same boat as the voda customers with poor coverage,terrible customer service.I have poor coverage with three and they do charge extra for roaming data which is the case most of the time and i can not dare to call them because i prefere happy to pay then ring them and hold for bloody 2 hours to get no where.
1 Apr 2011 08:38:17 AM: You are welcome to post about Three on this website as they have merged with Vodafone. I happened to be with Vodafone when I created the website and vodafail was such a good name.

Vodafail.com Moderation Team
1 Apr 2011 09:07:16 AM: I agree, I am also a Three (very frustrated) customer and have experienced delayed missed-call notifications, some 48 hours later, which has been reported to the Three Customer (don't) Care support team. Have provided them of 5 examples - they require more!!! In addition, my reception fluctuates from 0 to 5 bars, calls drop off, can't receive calls (hence the delayed missed-call notifications) and Three DOES ABSOLUTELY NOTHING other than call requesting MORE information, which is a delaying tactic in my view!!
1 Apr 2011 09:10:11 AM: Since Three has merged with Voda, their service and support has deteriorated.

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16527 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is delayed sms, slow internet, shocking reception at 1 Apr 2011 08:21:24 AM
sms sometimes take hours to get through... so difficult when trying to contact children re: pick-up times. Internet speed is a joke! Reception shocking... I will NEVER use Vodafone once my overpriced contract expires.
8 Apr 2011 12:10:55 PM: pity when its an emergency text message...then what will you do?

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16526 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is mega fail at 1 Apr 2011 08:00:38 AM
have been with vodafone since 2000. didn't have many issues until mid 2010 (which coincidentally seems to be when they took the reigns from 3). i get voicemail alerts from calls that i didn't receive the day before, delayed messages. was at the multicultural festival in the city and had no reception anywhere apart from a small area behind the canberra centre. internet coverage is extremely slow.

a few weeks back i got a letter from them appologising for the awful standard of service and how the problem had now been fixed. a few days later i get the same problems with long delays in receiving messages.

add to this trying to cancel my mobile broadband with three (now owned by vodafone) after stating that the service was slower than dial up during peak times the gimp on the other end of the line kept trying to give me special offers like creditting my account with $5 each month for three months like that would help. after 15 mins on the phone he finally said he would cancel it. after i got what was meant to be my final bill i kept getting monthly bills for a few months and had to keep calling them to get the account cancelled. it wasn't until i called, gave them my account number and said "i don't care what you do as long as you put a note on that file saying i had complained to the ombusman's office". screw you vodafone and three, and the crap service you provide. my current contract is almost up and i will be going to another provider when that happens.

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16524 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is very fail at 1 Apr 2011 07:53:50 AM
network coverage, calls get disconnected when I am talking to someone. vodafone is shit. Worst service i ever had, even worst than Airtel in India. Airtel is still better than vodafone in Australia.

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16523 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is Massive FAIL at 1 Apr 2011 07:51:38 AM
3g? What 3g?? I bought a smartphone, but with a network like Voda, it is barely a phone let alone a smart one. It now serves better use as a battery powered paper weight.

Delayed messages and call drop outs. My partner thinks i'm ignoring her sms's!

And don't get me started with their call centre.
1 Apr 2011 09:37:43 AM: So dodgey hey? i've been getting phone calls from Vodafone reps trying to rope me into their unlimited call plan..but thats so not gonna happen..i hate it when msgs dont send through.....ooo better change networks before your missus gets furious..

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16522 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Terrible at 1 Apr 2011 07:51:04 AM
I'm a prepay customer however I recharge on both my iphone & have broadband service for my IPad and Imac. Coverage is incredibly poor at the best of times. I called Vodafone Customer Service when I could not log into internet only to be told after been on hold 30 minutes they had extended the expiry date of my broadband service. I asked when the problem would be resolved only to be told there is no ETA. I asked instead of an extension to provide a service I have paid for. Not impressed. Whether Im prepay or contract, Im paying for a service that is simply not working. Why should I have to swap to another provider simply to get coverage. I have been with vodafone for over 5 years and the past year coverage, service, delayed SMS have been consistent.

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16521 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is Terrible at 1 Apr 2011 07:49:37 AM
We were with 3, and had NO problems with coverage or call drop outs in Aldinga Beach. Since Vodaphone bought out 3 we have had nothing but TROUBLE, call drop outs, poor reception, no reception. Last weekend my phone rang I picked it up and looked at the number on the screen, went to answer it but before I could it came up with an error message saying the network was busy and terminated the call. WTF???????? PICK UP YOUR GAME VODAPHONE.
3 Apr 2011 09:03:11 AM: They both still run on entirely separate networks so vodafone have nothing to do with your 3 coverage
24 Apr 2011 04:25:49 PM: three uses some of vodafones towers atm

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16520 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is , or has just had a lobotomy, at 1 Apr 2011 07:41:26 AM
Relatively happy Vodafone customer in Gold Coast / Brissy for the last 13 years.
Noticed coverage was really going down hill in the last 7 or so months in my office and home location in Bris.. ( all of a sudden I would drop calls in a lift that worked for 4 years!? ) Hadn't done anything about it.

Spending $150 per month, I went OS, had started a new business & on return had missed paying the bill for 3 months. Bad I know!!
I used to get an SMS reminder to pay the bill -- and that was what I worked off.
All of a sudden they weren't doing these?
In the Brisbane airport at 4pm on a Tuesday I get a call advising there is $800 outstanding ( 3 months + global roaming ). I apoligised and told them I would fix it up after I check in to my accom in Launceston in 3.5 hours.

That wasn't good enough, barring activated, pain in the butt to get going again.

Nice service guys.
Happy Optus customer.

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16519 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Very fail at 1 Apr 2011 07:37:39 AM
Signed up for a 49 dollar cap with 5 dollars a month for the handset. Effectively 54 dollars a month.

Every month I have to call them after I get my bill and get them to fix it as for some reason they are charging me 75 dollars. For insurance I didnt want, 15 dollars for the handset and various other 'fees'.

Never seems to be fixed.

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16517 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is huh at 1 Apr 2011 07:31:41 AM
i just want to read the other problems that are posted
1 Apr 2011 07:57:37 AM: Just scroll down on the 'Share your pain' or 'Share your gain' page. You can also view the highest rates stories by clicking the links at the very top of the page.

Vodafail.com Moderation Team

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16516 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Very Fail at 1 Apr 2011 07:29:51 AM
NSW Eastern Suburbs, North Sydney, 3G experience is modern day torture.

I have been using Vodafone for 5 months now, and I can say there has not been A SINGLE DAY where I have got adequate 3G Data service. I live in Waverley 2024, work in North Ryde 2113 and both locations are densely populated, suburban or business AND both locations are in open hilltop areas.

Luckily I'm not in contract and switched to TPG Mobile 1 day before they were announced in Choice Awards. Given they use the Optus Network, I have no doubt I will have a lot less frustrating times.

Vodafone overcharge, overadvertise and underdeliver and they only reason I've posted this comment is in the hope that it deters just one person from making the mistake of using this 'worse than third world' service, and assists in provoking Vodafone to give a damn and do something real.

Get real... leave Vodafake.


Phone: iPhone 3GS
Vodafone Plan: Flexicap user ($49/month ave.)
Usage: Some calls and texts (works good), Mostly 3G data for low kb activity, such as email and facebook updates, news, etc (works like a porcupine in a nudist colony)

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16515 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is COMPLETE FAIL at 1 Apr 2011 07:29:05 AM

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16514 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is 4 months worth of failing at 1 Apr 2011 07:28:33 AM
Living in the western suburbs of Melbourne(3027 area)with continual drop outs during calls, calls failing to connect at all, very poor reception, network drop outs at random times...........to say I'm OVER IT is an understatement!!!

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16511 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is Very FAIL at 1 Apr 2011 07:17:36 AM
Vodafails' reception so bad it takes 10 minutes to load a page on the phone internet, and when it finally loads the page only says "No Internet Connection" this is in the middle of the fucking city!!!!

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16510 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is at 1 Apr 2011 07:07:24 AM
can not get reception at work cuts in and out postcode 4502
1 Apr 2011 10:58:38 AM: same here, and i live in 4502! so frustrating!

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16509 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Still no reception in my home at 1 Apr 2011 06:59:55 AM
I have called and complained countless times about the lack of reception in my home in Northcote Victoria, Being that i live in a densely populated region of metropolitan Melbourne you would suspect that my reception would be far more superior to a regional outlet, however i recently visited Rockhampton in Queensland, and even though my reception and data usage was extremely limited, i found my reception to be much better than that of my reception at home in Victoria.

I have not only called and called back countless times after several drop outs, I have attended various Vodafone retail centres to enquire about a resolution to my problem, always met with a different excuse.

To take a call at home i must step out onto my balcony and lean over railing.

1 Apr 2011 07:59:11 AM: Careful leaning over the railing! A better solution would be to contact the TIO straight away, you can find out their number on the 'How to complain' page. Vodafone usually springs into action when the TIO is chasing up your complaint.

Vodafail.com Moderation Team

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16508 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is So So So Very Fail at 1 Apr 2011 06:53:59 AM
I use my phone every day, all day for my job as a sales rep. I spend most of the day on the road between client meetings. Without fail, my service drops out at least 5 or 6 times a day whilst I am on the phone. The major Irony is, that when ever I drive past the former Vodafone head office in Chatswood (the big blue building with the Vodafone sign on top) it will drop out every single time.
I have been offered a phone upgrade to sign back on for another 2 years....ummmm No thanks. I will be seeing out my contact and moving straight to Telstra... only 3 weeks to go!!!!

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16507 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Very failed! at 1 Apr 2011 06:45:18 AM
I was offered an upgrade to an iphone4 - and I rang vodafone - and I was told to use the coupon/brochure I was mailed out online to upgrade to the iphone 4. I explained I wanted to keep my number - and I was assured that it would be fine.

I soon found that instead of being upgraded - I was assigned a new account - a new number - and was being charged for 2 accounts and two phones! I rang customer service who said that this was my fault... and that nothing could be done to rectify the situation. I asked if I could cancel my original account - transfer my old phone number to my new account - and was told that was not possible - but that I could keep both accounts or give my original account to a friend!!

In the end I finally got them to cancel the original account - but I was still liable for 2 months of bills - and I had to change my phone number.

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16506 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Massive fail at 1 Apr 2011 06:36:49 AM
Instead of my Vodafone phone ringing with a call, it was sent straight to message bank. I lost a day's work ($300 pay) and the only solution the people at Vodafone had was to give my sim card a 'gentle clean'. What a load of bull.

This company is RUBBISH!

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16505 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Fail at 1 Apr 2011 06:33:30 AM
In parramatta CBD where you would think it would be fine cannot make or recieve calls NOT GOOD.

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16504 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Delayed MIssed-call Notifications at 1 Apr 2011 04:46:26 AM
In the last two weeks I have received (and reported) 5 delayed missed call notifications well over 24 hours to Three support. Delayed messages have only occurred since Vodafone and Three merged (into VHA). Three support claim they do not retain any networking logs to investigate delayed notifications if they are reported later than 24 hours which I do not believe. If I was a criminal they'd certainly be able to retrieve ANY messages (and calls) that I have made or received. My business has been affected due to the frequent delayed missed-call notifications and I will take the matter up with the Telecommunications Ombudsman.
1 Apr 2011 09:56:32 AM: I was promised that a Three upport person will call me every 2nd day (for a month) for a status update on my delayed missed-call notifications. Last call I received was 3 days ago - cannot rely on Three support commitment at all!!!!

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16503 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is Very unhappy at 1 Apr 2011 03:47:24 AM
Our company purchased 4 x iPhone 4 vodafail packages. Sales team advised that all service & reception issues were resolved by rolling out more towers. We purchased the $65 plan as extra download 4G was required to use our online management tools whilst away from the office. We are unable to download files as the time to do this takes minutes & screen freezes. Also drop our calls , voice messages received the next day! We require these phones for business! case with Communication Ombudsman .....they have 10 days to respond, day 9 today!

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16501 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Very at 1 Apr 2011 02:18:12 AM
I am stuck in a contract and have found that vodafone coverage is nothing like what I was told it would be. My 3g reception has been pathetic almost the entire time I've had my iphone and as soon as I leave sydney 3g capabilities are useless.
This I found especially annoying - their coverage maps are a complete lie.
Most infuriating of all? There is no obvious avenue for voicing my lack of satisfaction and my anger at their uselessness.

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16500 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Consistently billed incorrect amount for internet service. at 1 Apr 2011 01:06:35 AM
I am getting rid of Vodafone this month after 2 years of pain. (HIGH FIVES ALL ROUND) All I can say is that from the very first month I was billed incorrectly for my $39.00 monthly plan. The situation became ridiculous when I went overseas for 6 seeks and they sent me a $290.00 dollar bill for the month I didn't even use the service at all. I am on an 8Gb monthly plan and I should pay $20 every GB I go over that amount. Last months bill states that I used 9Gb and therefore I am being charged for $230.00. This means that I am being charged $191.00 for the additional 1 Gb. When I called vodafone to complain I was advised that the additional charges are because I receive a paper bill in the mail. I explained that the paper bill is an additional fee of only $4.00 but the Indian guy kept repeating to me that the maths where correct and I have been charged correctly. But this is just one of the many tales of woe I have been through with this hopeless company. At one stage last year they told me I owed them $1600.00 for 3 months use. But what really pissed me off is that in the past 2 years I would say I have spent overall 80-90 hours trying to resolve these issues - Thats more than 2 working weeks of my life wasted that I will not get back. And I don't even want to go into the stories about my coverage for both internet and mobile phones. So my advise is don't even bother calling their call centre if you have any issues. Call the ombudsman and then someone from the Vodafone NZ call centre will call you back and wipe away all your bullshit fees. Also please tell all you friends to stay the hell away from this company as you will end up with third world service in every way. In conclusion I would just like to say "GO TO HELL VODAFONE, YOU PISSED ME OFF FOR 2 YEARS YOU ROTTEN BASTARDS BUT NOW I AM FREEEEEEEEEE".

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16499 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is FAIL!!! at 1 Apr 2011 12:38:12 AM
im sick of talking to INDIANS the swear black and blue that the reason my fone drops out all the time is thru the fault of the fone....yes my brand new Nokia N8 is at fault...just as was my apple iPhone my nokia E61 and any other fone ive had...ever thought that ohhh i dunno vodafone...THAT ITS YOU!!!!

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16498 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is a big fail at 1 Apr 2011 12:09:52 AM
in 09 i joined vodafone mobile internet, which suited my needs. the first few months were fine with reception and reliability not being an issue. but then in late 09 reception was at its worst. i waited minutes for pages to load, half the time it wouldnt connect. i tried cancelling the plan but they wouldnt let me unless i pay it off, so now the plan finishes next month and im refusing to pay for the past six months of so called use. and that bitch lara is the most annoying thing ever made.

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16497 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is True indian company at 31 Mar 2011 11:46:28 PM
What a laugh this is. I have a shared business plan with 3 numbers connected. I also have my personal number hooked up to three. My three number came out of contract, so I decide to have one of my business numbers removed to allow my three number to migrate/port into my shared business plan, sounds simple? Yes...to an Australian. I phoned the vodafone business line, that where all the bright people are Right...Wrong, for your money's worth you get a Indian bloke who couldn't grasp what I wanted. So after explaining to him in simple slow English, he said I can help you with that. So here said it would take 48hrs for your three number to be ported to vodacrap. Within hours my three number stopped working.. Great no personal phone thanks. So I waited for 48hrs in the mean time I sent of an email writing to say just which or how will my number start to work since both my sims no longer work, the three sim and one off my vodadribble plan. Received a reply 48 hrs later, I was over the moon that they took the time to reply I mean rock gods never send replys so why would vodapoo. I was told to go to my local vodalost store and get a sim card, no explanation what to do then. So I lined up to get served 40 mins later, only to be served by a kid that was clueless, so he spoke to his supervisor who said for me to go into next door to the three shop and they would fix it up because it's three fault. So waited next door for 10mins until one of the smarter staff could look into the system to work out what's going on. They couldn't log into my account because my three number was gone out of the system, so she tried my vodapoision account and discovered the nice Indian bloke had removed 2 of the 3 shared business numbers off my account and attached my three number to my only working number, like why you can't attached 2 numbers together, but he did to the point no one was able to fix it, so after 2hrs trying to sort this mess out, they sent me on my merry way and told me they ring me when they could sort it out. Mean time your ported number will be off line for another 24hrs. Great I said. Now I was given a blank sim card earlier, and I said don't you have to copy the sim serial number to link it to my ported number when you sorted out the mess, oh yeah the staff member said, and wrote it down on a bit of scrap paper. I guess it means it won't be connected for awhile if at all. But wait there's more... I can't login to my vodaflop account, that doesn't work now. But wait there's more... After emailing the nice Indian man I'm now getting spam in my inbox from India for web designing.....so let this be a lesson no matter what they say about improvements on there propaganda website is all smoke and mirrors. No bang for your bucks from this Indian global company, just lies, thanks vodalost.
1 Apr 2011 08:36:50 AM: glad to see somebody speak there mind about vodaflop, vodafink, vodasmoda, i am on your side about there help and service, i would NEVER go to vodafone ever again once this $99 a month no service 99% of the time only 8 months left to go. i wish you well with this problem but dont hold your breath.
1 Apr 2011 02:40:27 PM: Ok here's part 2 of the above story. After half a day of no phone call from vodaempty I called there head office in downtown India, as it turns out they got all my numbers back online including my ported number, but wait there's more... Sorry sir it will be another 48hrs to connected your ported number from three to voda, grand predicted total 7 days offline with my ported number, I'm something will balls it up again considering that the call quality from India was in par with the moon landing in the 1960s good on you vodalost for showing your customers you can still ask for your money every month and give a sub Standard call quality to customer don't give a care line. 7 days with your number not working, who in there right mind would port from telstra or optus to vodadodge
1 Apr 2011 10:35:46 PM: vodajoke will be vodasmoke or vodakapoof and will be much like the joke they were in the mid 1990"s and after finally having it almost perfect in 2009 they decide to merge with 3 network and now it a complete vodashamble or vodaitsnotmyproblem but i will transfer you to my supervisor and after 30 to 50 minutes and no answer, someone asks if they can help you and its not the section that can help you and you are transfered again only to find out there closed and you have to ring back in business hours. vodacrumbles do you know how to run a business ?. apparently not according to the general vodafone customers leaving to get a network that can provide a service. vodashame its no use having the extra towers you have promised this year if you have nobody to use them. from the i cant wait for the last 7 months of contract to go so i can really tell vodaphoney where the tower should be stuck.
2 Apr 2011 07:34:10 AM: Agree on day 4 with porting issues still no number have now blog vodatwits on Facebook and vodacorpse at head office Hutchinson. Don't expect much to happen as everything is done at vodamumbai. So I've decided to take on board to help vodawasted with there new slogan for free. "vodafone, the network with no connection"
2 Apr 2011 08:28:29 AM: The above is such a good Vodaread, how many different Vodaconnotations can there be?

My favourite to date is Vodacorpse..............brilliant!

Vodafail.com Moderation Team
2 Apr 2011 09:31:51 PM: maybe vodaclosed will contact there vodaopen section on monday and get connected to the vodalimitedtimeopen section and talk to vodamysupervisor and get vodastuffedaround and you will have another vodaexcuse and the its not my vodafault and is there anything else i can help you vodawith. i just want this vodafixed.
3 Apr 2011 10:52:52 AM: Thanks for your support. Day 5 still nothing, just posted another complaint on vodadumbs Facebook page. Trying hard not to lose the plot with this porting issue. Keep you all posted if the staff from vodapurgatory get in touch. Cheers
3 Apr 2011 04:24:04 PM: vodastoned will have you connected very soon, i will just vodacheck for you, the vodasection has told me it will take only 48 hours for you. can i vodaupgrade your plan for you, and that will only take a vodaweek which is 1 to 3 months in normal english. ONLY NOKIA CONNECTS PEOPLE and vodafone disconnects.
3 Apr 2011 06:15:45 PM: It's a Vodatragedy that this scenario is allowed to carry voda-on. Be very interested to see what Vodatranspires.

Vodafail.com Moderation Team
4 Apr 2011 08:19:32 PM: Well here I am again this time last wk I spoke to vodamumbai and ask them to port my 3 number to vodaconstipation, and was told the whole process would take 48hrs. Well now it's just about a week, and have vodablog them on Facebook and on there vodasite, and also been to vodapurgatory store, and even sent a dear John letter to hutchinson Australia. And yet not one vodazombie has had the compassion to give me some glimmer of hope, and contact me. Sure I haven't be nice to tell them on there pages, but I'm the the sort of soul if you tell me 48hrs to port them I expect that. So now I'm taking to heart to support the passion of all of us poor people ejected by vodapoision to do my bit and to blog there pages till they port my number or till my contract expires in august or until I get sued for been a pest which ever comes first.
5 Apr 2011 10:00:56 PM: ok as it couldnt get any worst it has after a week my 3 number ported over to vodasuck but it was ported straight over the top of my business number, so now my clients cant ring me and the number has gone to quarantine. at the moment waiting for numbers section to open 8am so vodaaussie can grab my number and return it to me at the start of trade in the morning. also suspect vodamumbai has disconnected my 1g date that i added to that number. So I'm hoping that its fix as the number they screwed with is on my ute, trailer business cards, call centre. So if its not fixed by morning then my life in business is over I'm ruined. Then i will go to TODAY SHOW, ACA, THE AUSTRALIA, what ever it takes to personal hold vodafone accountable for there vodamumbai affair.
5 Apr 2011 10:39:08 PM: was that vodanumbbye or vodagumby or vodamumbai is vodaaussie just a myth or some aussie on holidays in india doing part time job in mumbai, or could it also be a indian with a voice changing device to trick you into thinking he is a aussie, how much longer can this VODAFONE MAJOR PROBLEM EXECUTIVES WAKE UP AND SMELL THE COFFEE, because your job may be next to go. ps i am not racist but i think aussies could do all of the customer service in the australian area and indians do all of the indian customer service in india, WHATEVER HAPPENED TO AUSTRALIAN MADE AUSTRALIAN OWNED.
6 Apr 2011 05:08:56 PM: Update problem resolved. It took and Aussie to sort out a vodamumbai stuff up. Let this be a lesson to the CEO of vodafone. Don't rely on cheap labour from overseas, it will always bite you in the butt, luckily I didn't go to the press, let's hope you haven't stuffed up my billing in this fine mess Nigel
6 Apr 2011 06:22:26 PM: Vodaresult!

Vodafail.com Moderation Team

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16496 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Lack of Area Coverage at 31 Mar 2011 11:38:43 PM
I am CONSTANTLY being cut off during calls & the network coverage SUCKS... It would "suck a cricket ball doen a garden hose"... HONESTLY ... I am sick to death with bullshit excuse from Vodafone staff who could NOT careless ...

David in Perth !!!

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16495 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is useless at 31 Mar 2011 10:59:57 PM
Signed up with vodafone just before new years 2011 and I regretted it after a month. Paid my bill using their credit card phone system. Apparently they never received any payment from me and I was still owing $68.00. Rang for weeks and kept getting told to FAX (not email, not mail)..FAX my bank statements stating that I paid the bill on the proclaimed date. It clearly showed on the statement that the money came out of my account and was sent to the vodafone company.

After receiving my faxes, they called me saying that "this does not tell me it came to us" which is bollocks because it has their company name on the statement. After continuous weeks of back and forth arguments with customer care, I ended up speaking to someone in the higher end department. She said that it was possible the money went to SOMEBODY ELSES account instead of my own. She said "For now, I will adjust your account so you owe nothing"... 2 weeks later they must of found my money and added it as credit to my account for the next month to be already paid.

IMO mistakes like this can happen but the way customer care handled this situation was pathetic and wasted more of my money on fuel to get to a fax machine, money to pay to use the fax machine, money to get proper bank statements (NAB charge $4.00 per statement), and last but not least, a waste of my time when i had more important things to do instead of trying to explain to some idiot over the phone for an hour nearly everyday that i paid the god damn bill.

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16494 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is Rubbish at 31 Mar 2011 10:51:14 PM
I went from 3 to vodafone as it had free vodafone to vodafone and I got an iPhone 4.
I was blamingbthe phone for crap coverage and was even going to get new phone..... Deeply sorry Apple, you rock, love the technology .... Keep it happening . Now as far as vodafone, enough said on this forum, nearly everyone shares my pain about the lack of Internet coverage/ phone coverage. Damn annoying and scary, just wonder if I were in a life threatening situation, sure Telstra would come good, vodafone is crap, cannot wait to get out of contract....

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16493 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is -100/10 at 31 Mar 2011 10:47:23 PM
Vodafone Indian staff refused to document issues or acknowledge support / technical notes which I wanted expressly on record. They then tried to claim that the calls I was involved in were not always being recorded, contrary to the information supplied by Vodafone AU staff.

Tech support / customer support do not want to look bad in VHA's eyes, otherwise they will lose the ODC support contract. Bring the customer support staff back to Australia, with Aussies having jobs, instead of Indians lying to customers to save their jobs.
22 Apr 2011 07:35:40 PM: I have worked for vodafone and telstra no longer work for either. both Are bad but vodafone has gone down hill very quickly. I have been flat out lied to on the phone to them. It is true howeve that not all calls are monitored. It is a semi random selection done by machine. The monitoring is done either by a team leader sitting in on the call real time. Otherwise 1 or 2 calls are recorded generally daily. So you have not been lied to on that point. However there is a chance you could have been 1 of the recorded calls. And they should check that.

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16491 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is 11 at 31 Mar 2011 10:44:50 PM
crap reception, delayed sms' and cannot send photos - recipients get a link - vodafone can get bent as well as crazy johns!

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16490 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is abominal at 31 Mar 2011 10:38:24 PM
After around two years with Vodafone, they've started charging me call time for all of my internet access. Over a period of a month, anytime I am not connected to wi-fi, they are charging me a phone call. On average, it's two six hour phone calls every day for a month. I haven't changed my phone, my plan, my usage, anything. After an hour long phone call, I was told that the large bill was due to increased internet usage. Then the second time I called, after prooving the total in my usage was acceptable with my plan, I had now made too many phone calls, and texts. I've used half an hour of phone calls in a month on a $49 cap and they're saying that's over the limit? I don't think so. I've sent multiple emails through their web form. The first two with no response, the third with a copy paste job about how Vodafone does not make mistakes.

Vodafone, I am now happily with Telstra. No dropped calls, no late voicemail, no slow internet, no douche bag on the phone with no idea about what's going on.

I've wasted hours trying to fix this and Vodafone won't even look at the bill. They just tell me they're not wrong. Awesome attitude, from the top, all the way down.

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16489 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Rubbish at 31 Mar 2011 10:26:27 PM
Living in the city you would assume that network coverage would be no issue.. clearly it is. To preven my calls from dropping out i'm forced to walk upstairs to my nighbours apartment and talk on their front door step. I know Perth is the most isolated city in the world and all... but seriously get your shit sorted Vodafone!
Liam (ex loyal customer)
2 Apr 2011 02:03:12 AM: yehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

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16488 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is a waste of money at 31 Mar 2011 10:10:43 PM
All I can say is you get what you pay for.
1 Apr 2011 09:30:07 AM: to be honest, I paid an absolute mint for my internet connection ($150 for 12 gigs - I go through it too.. 12 gigs would last me 3-4 weeks).. For that kind of money I expected it to be reliable. It really wasn't that cheap. And just cause something's cheap doesn't mean they can advertising it as something that works. If they wanted to sell us a 2nd rate service they should have said clearly on the packaging: "this product may not actually work (at all)". That way we'd know BEFORE we purchased it. Further, when we enquired on their "customer (dis)service" lines, they should have just told us that things weren't working their end. Not lied to us as they did throughout September, November and December expecting us to pay for something that wasn't there.

I don't mind paying more for something that works. But no matter what I pay, I expect to get what they tell me I'm getting. No lies. That's really dishonest and I will never trust Vodafone again. I'll also keep an eye out for wherever Nigel Dews works next - because I won't trust that company either!!

What can I say, once burnt, twice shy!

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16487 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is going downhill at 31 Mar 2011 09:48:09 PM
To everyone.

I worked for this company pre and post Hutch merger. I can tell you that both internally and externally things have gone down hill fast. Dews and his team have completely ruined the internal culture of Vodafone and all they seem to care about is making a profit at the expense of their staff and customers.

I can tell you right now that the network upgrade is happening but at a snail's pace. It will be at least 18 months before things are even close to being stabilised and even then the speed of the network will pale in comparison to the other networks.

Yes I am a disgruntled ex-employee, I am devastated at seeing a company I loved and worked hard for (10 years) be ruined all because the (ex-3/hutch) senior exec team are no longer focused on the customer or it's people.

To all reading this, things will not get better for a long time, get out now and please don't take any excuses from the off shore call centre, go to the TIO.

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16486 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is tits on a bull at 31 Mar 2011 08:38:39 PM
why is it every time i call vodafone customer service they are having technical difficulties? maybe they should change there recorded message to let us know when there not having technical difficulties. have been with vodafone nearly 2 months now have had more trouble with them than i had in over 10 years with optus why the hell did i decide to change to vodafone. i would rather spend the rest of my life being repeatedley kicked in the crutch than i would sighn another contract with these idiots.

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16485 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is epic fail at 31 Mar 2011 08:14:29 PM
Terrible reception regardless of where I am, with or without interference. The internet keeps dropping off too that often it won't sync my eemail until I get home where I have wifi. I'm basically paying a monthly bill for nothing.

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16484 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is Very at 31 Mar 2011 08:10:44 PM
Would like to complain about this site - there should be a post photo option so I can show the happy snaps of me & my Vodafone. Highlights inlcude "No Service" standing in front of Sydney Town Hall and along Southbank in Mel.
31 Mar 2011 08:34:00 PM: Like! - and a video section with thumbnails to youtube clips. =)
31 Mar 2011 10:48:28 PM: Thanks for the suggestion, we have a facebook page that you can post photos and videos on so that might be the place. There are a few thousand people on the group so people will see it :)



Vodafail.com Moderation Team
1 Apr 2011 04:56:15 PM: hahahahaha damn it! I want to join this group but as a vodafone employee, i better not

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