26 Mar 2012 - Update Highest Rated Pain Stories Highest Rated Gain Stories Vodafail Local Facebook Page
Dear visitor,

Since its inception Vodafail.com has made a significant contribution towards raising awareness of the problems and issues faced by Vodafone customers.

Vodafone Australia customers have had the opportunity to voice their concerns, their fears and their troubles from every corner of Australia and beyond our borders. You have gathered the courage to stand up for your rights as consumers and to make your voice heard.

Each and every person who shared their story should have a sense of pride in this achievement and the changes that have occurred since the start of Vodafail.com.

More recently, traffic to Vodafail.com has declined significantly. Having achieved the goal of raising awareness and promoting concrete action in early 2011, we have now reached the point of closing Vodafail to new complaints. The site will remain online for as long as possible as a reminder and an example of what is possible when we share our experiences.

It has been a privilege to run this initiative and I'm am forever grateful for the help and support I've received. In particular I would like to thank Melissa, David and Travis for their continued efforts over the past 15 months. I'm also thankful and humbled by the support of ACCAN, Choice magazine and a wide range of media outlets, blogs and websites.

You can still browse existing stories and find out how to file a complaint if you are experiencing problems.

Until next time,

Adam Brimo

Share Your Pain

Vodafail.com is no longer accepting complaints.
Over the past 6 months traffic to Vodafail has declined significantly. Therefore we have closed off Vodafail to new complaints. We think you will find more joy in posting on any one of these fine product / brand review sites.

You can also post directly on the Vodafone community forums.

Other People's Pain

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5046 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Very at 27 Dec 2010 08:10:57 PM
No reception when i walk into a demountable at work!a freaking demountable!is vodafone's reception so bad that it can't penetrate a 1.5mm thick steel plate?And my colleagues who are on the work mobile which is on the telstra network are making calls...i've seen better network coverage in remote villages in india!

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5045 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Crap at 27 Dec 2010 08:10:54 PM
Lucky I am out of their plan in 2 weeks and I would never have anything to do with them again they are shit went you try to call them you get some nut from India that has no idear after you get through the bitch. Telstra here i come. FUCK Vodafail

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5044 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is 100% at 27 Dec 2010 08:10:35 PM
Mornigton to Mt Eliza, Victoria...Drops out consantly...called 3/Voda for help...they spent a week testing and confirmed back to me that there were no issues...case closed....CLASSIC...it was one of the only calls I have received this month that did not drop out. 3/Voda sucks.

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5043 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Extremely at 27 Dec 2010 08:10:32 PM
I was in the Vodafone store with no coverage. Is that fail or what? When I asked about this, they told me that it was because of my phone.. After a few hours my reception came back to one bar. FAILWHALE

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5042 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Dropped calls, NOT GETTING ANY CALLS AT TIMES!!! at 27 Dec 2010 08:10:27 PM
I am on a contract with vodafone or else i would have changed by now. I have had several reprimands, including written warnings for not answering my phone for calls from work..... Calls i have not gotten, calls, that when i stand next to my phone, and call from work, I get the "this call cannot be connected" or" the mobile phone you are calling is currently switched off".. even tho i am staring straight at my phone.. changed handsets and still have the same problems...
I would give anything to be out of the contract with vodafone as this is directly affecting my work life and is not acceptable....
I'm not even going to mention the lost texts and texts taking several days to be sent to someone..
27 Dec 2010 08:16:50 PM: And if anyone knows how to get out of the contract without the termination fees, please, PLEASE let me know!!

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5041 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Very at 27 Dec 2010 08:10:25 PM
I have been trying to contact Vodafone since the end of October. Made contact with the stores who send on emails. Finally I made contact with someone a week ago and they were going to call me straight back, as yet am still waiting. Currenly have a complaint in with the TIO. Was told I had to wait until the end of December for a response from Vodafone until the end of December as they are inundated with complaints. As with everyone I have very bad coverage issues on my phone and wireless broadband. Will have to keep waiting and waiting to see what happens....

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5040 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Utterly Fail at 27 Dec 2010 08:10:23 PM
My partner and I are both with Vodafone and have been with them for the better part of 2 years now. Not only do we get no receptions whereas other mates with other providers have no problems, we receive messages sometimes a day late and same goes for our voice-mail as well. There was an instance for a whole week straight, I was unable to use my phone with no apparent reason. Thinking it may be my phone, I had to contact and speak to multiple departments within Vodafone's so called 'customer service' and after close to 45 minutes of being passed around, I was told to simply 'switch off your phone and let it rest for a while' and the second advise was 'if this still does not work, you may need to bring your phone into vodafone'. So not until I heard from our unhappy and dissatisfied customers complain did I realize it wasn't a hand-set issue but Vodafone's non-existent network!!! Bring on the class action I say.

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5039 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Vile at 27 Dec 2010 08:10:02 PM
Hey i am no longer with Voldephone as I call them(a la the bad dude from Harry Potter: Voldemorte) but it took me 30 hours to get away from them. WORST service i have ever had in my entire life. Just VILE. Basically, the phone worked okay. But then i would get a final demand for my bill. So i'd phone and say 'this is the first bill i've got it, I'll pay it right now etc etc'. This would take hours to sort. Then i would get a letter from a debt collection agency. It went on and on. I ended up in 1000 credit with Voldephone, still getting debt collection letters and phone calls and spending hours on the phone with them. I still get a rush of blood and jaw tension even just seeing their stupid sign. They are the only company i have ever screamed 'fuq you' down the phone at. It was unbelievably problematic and stressful for something that should have been SO easy. BTW, they never record a SINGLE complaint so whatever the issue, you have to tell each call centre worker all over again. I loathe this company so much. They still have about $500 of my money. And i had to throw away the phone i got on the contract with them because Vodaphone locked it and to unlock it they wanted me to courier it to their "unlocking depot in Tasmania." There is heaps more. Thank you for letting me vent this.

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5038 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is complete at 27 Dec 2010 08:09:55 PM
Being a Vodafone customer since 1996, I've decided to switch at my contract end. I was a legacy customer and after analysing my accounts for years, they told me I'd be better off on a data plan. Guess what, can't connect, can't get someone to answer, calls and connections drop out and fail, and IT COSTS MORE FOR THIS CRAP SERVICE. The last 6mths have been terrible, and most people can't even decipher what I'm saying because the crackle is so bad. Initially I thought it was because Telstra gave them less air, but it's just crap whichever way you use it, and stupidly I'm still paying for it.

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5037 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is a MAJOR FAIL at 27 Dec 2010 08:09:54 PM
I am in Millbridge, Western Australia and in my own home (WHERE I AM MOST OF THE TIME) I get ZERO coverage/reception, I put up with this for over a year and just a few weeks ago I cancelled my contract and went to Optus, I now have full signal in my house!!!!
I just received my bill from Vodafone for my early termination fee, is there somehow I can go about disputing the early termination fee as I heard on the news that Vodafone customers were being able to walk away from their contract free of charge.

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5036 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Useless at 27 Dec 2010 08:09:52 PM
Never any reception always

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5035 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Phone-NO NETWORK! at 27 Dec 2010 08:09:35 PM
Just moved from Melbourne to the Gold Coast. Reception is SOOO damn terrible, my mobile is virtually not worth having. I run my own business from my mobile & their network is starting to affect my business and income. I am on a contract and now I may have to go on another network for extra cost just to be able to use my phone. PATHETIC VODAFONE. WE KNOW YOUR CORPORATE TRICKS. POWER TO THE PEOPLE!!

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5034 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Very fail at 27 Dec 2010 08:09:32 PM
Constantly hanging up on my conversations. Constantly having to reboot phone or reset network preferences. Hours on the phone trying to have it sorted out. Told about 3 yrs ago that it would be sorted out. Thinking of going telstra.

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5033 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is FAIL WITH A BIG FAT F at 27 Dec 2010 08:09:29 PM
It charged me $3-$4/minute for intl calls even when the call did not connect at all... there was no ringing on the other end..just silence and yet i got charged. This has happened so many times. No connection only massive deduction of my credit. :( Tried it with my home phone and it works perfectly. So goodbye vodafone.

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5032 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is patronising at 27 Dec 2010 08:09:16 PM
If you live in gippsland you do not have a usable service at all no matter what the kids tell you at the voda shop be warned dont go voda in gippsland

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5031 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is at 27 Dec 2010 08:09:08 PM
I work in a large global company that does business solutions for another large Telco. Tip #1 - Do not enter into any contracts regardless. Tip #2 - Vodafone stores have sales men/women and do not have a clue about service or support. They are only there to sell. Remember this and don't get sucked in. Tip #3 - Once you've walked out of the store with your new purchase, you are totally on your own. Do your homework and choose your telco wisely as they are all as bad as one another, trust me. What can we do though? Mobile communication and internet services have taken over the world and as a society we need to make a stand and act as one. Protest, yell, scream and make a big bloody fuss if the service, product or your customer experience is not what you expected or paid for. You do have rights. Strength in numbers. Vodafone 100% Fail.

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5030 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is at 27 Dec 2010 08:08:47 PM
I have a mobile connect for internet so i have a little usb stick i can plug into any pc and surf the net. Just yesterday and today is the 4th time now where for about 2 days I cant get on the net and receive no reception. Its ridiculous even after apparent apologies. There are very important emails I have to tend to daily and it isnt possible when vodafone decides it doesnt want to let me online for 2 days!!!

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5029 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is Catastrophic at 27 Dec 2010 08:08:16 PM
I bought a new iphone from Vodafone. It drops out all the time. It's battery life is less than one day as it has to use power to maintain the rubbish Vodafone signal. The Vodafone signal quality at the hospital I work in the CBD is poor, which means delayed voicemail messages on potentially urgent medical matters.

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5028 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is OUTRAGEOUS! at 27 Dec 2010 08:08:16 PM
Call dropouts
Terrible service custumer
I've lost my weekends on hold or claiming directly at the store.
I resently came back from a developing country, their mobile phone company is 10 times better!

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5027 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is FAIL at 27 Dec 2010 08:08:08 PM
The 3G internet on my iPhone is DAMN SLOW and it doesnt work most of the time even if I'm in the CBD. How pathetic!

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5026 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is at 27 Dec 2010 08:08:03 PM
I couldn't agree more with all the comments I am reading. Problems I (and many of you face)
1. Reception dropping out
2. Phone not ringing and going straight to message bank, even when my phone tells me that I have full coverage
3. Text and MMS messages not getting through
4. When I dial a number, nothing happens for a while, then if I'm lucky, the call goes through - if not, just goes back to the screen before I dialed the numebr (this has happened on multiple phones)
5. Every time I speak with Vodafone about these issues, they tell me it's a problem with the telephone rather than their network

Why am I still with Vodafone, you ask? I too, ask myself this very question.

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5025 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is at 27 Dec 2010 08:07:43 PM
I purchased a pre pay vodaphone card on 1st July 2010 and they added someone's else's name as the service owner instead of me.

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5024 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Pretty bad at 27 Dec 2010 08:07:42 PM
I bought Vodafone Mobile Broadband, prepaid 12G, valid for 1 year. I thought this would meet my needs well.

But I have had trouble getting an adequate signal even in cities. I had trouble in suburban Perth, in Melbourne CBD and suburbs, and in my home in the Wollongong area. In Brisbane suburbs it works - slowly. Not too bad in some Southern Sydney suburbs. In Blackburn, Melbourne I spent an hour on the phone trying to get help and eventually got a signal. (The agent was helpful.)

Overall, the signal strength often seems quite poor, even in cities. I have probably wasted the money I spent on Vodafone. To be fair, in the first week of problems they gave me the option of my money back, but I thought it would surely work well in other cities. Mostly it didn't. So I had to subscribe to Telstra mobile Broadband on a more expensive 2-year contract to be sure of coverage.

I would rather have just had Vodafone, which would have been adequate for my mobile broadband needs, but with my work, I need a reliable connection.

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5023 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is at 27 Dec 2010 08:07:32 PM
I did complain about the reception about a year ago and was told it was my iPhone 3Gs and nothing to do with their poor reception and to reset my phone etc. If I am in a supermarket reception drops out,also in any other store I have to walk out to talk on the phone. If I am at work I have no reception at all.Hate to have someone trying to contact me urgently especially from my children's school. Oh I was also told that when Vodafone took over 3 that reception would improve, and that was meant to happen last May. They really need to stop talking crap.

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5022 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Fines for Vodafone thanks! at 27 Dec 2010 08:07:19 PM
I have been getting my voicemails a day late since June 2009. Lucky they weren't and aren't real important messages. Also while living in St Kilda, Melbourne, a friend of mine who lived a kilometre away sent 3 texts to me on a saturday afternoon which I got the next morning.

Now living in the outer suburbs of Perth, Mandurah, and the coverage is PATHETIC!

Got a new Samsung Tablet with them as well, D'Oh! Well trying to get the sim activated was a nightmare. After 6 phone calls over 48 hours it finally got activated.

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5021 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Extremely fail at 27 Dec 2010 08:07:11 PM
Whenever I go inside woolworths or coles.I lose my vodafone signal. I complained about it ages ago and was told that it was interfering with the supermarket signal ( whatever it is), then I told the customer service why only my vodafone has no signal while my other mobile with other carrier has a signal. he can't explain why!!

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5020 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is at 27 Dec 2010 08:07:11 PM
I purchased a phone on the 3/12/10 and have had a total of 5 days coverage from the vodaphone network I am a registered Nurse who is on call 24 hours a day 7 days a week this is totally unacceptable and I have spent more than 4 hours on the phone to customer care with no result I have now contacted the TIO with my complaint and I have now told vodaphone I will not be paying for a service I have not received and I want my contract immediately cancelled at no cost to me

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5019 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is vf at 27 Dec 2010 08:06:53 PM

often drops out during call, thought it was new iphone. reception poor.

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5018 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is blocking vodafail at 27 Dec 2010 08:06:41 PM
Why can't I access vodafail from vodafone? Where is Julain Assange to setup mirror sites for us?

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5017 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is Big fail at 27 Dec 2010 08:06:38 PM
Vodafone out and out lies about its coverage in the ACT. Its coverage maps indicate that both its internet and phone coverage is full and complete for Kambah - even when zoommed right in to target locations. However when I look at my phone at those locations I have zero connectivity. I am unable to receive calls in my house and am unable to access the internet as their website indicates.

Prior to my current phone when I contacted Vodafone about this issue I was told that the maps weren't completely accurate and that I would have to manually change my connection to GSM if I wanted to continue to receive calls. No, no hope for internet connection. As a cop out from another vodafone staff member I was told that the blackberry storm wasn't completely 3g compatible, I always wonder what blackberry would think if they heard vodafone saying that.

On the upside - a super old Nokia which doesnt have 3g access on it works fine.

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5016 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is at 27 Dec 2010 08:06:21 PM
I am not with voda any more, the phone coverage was inadequate, I told them mant times that the call drops out, they said we are making improvment, but it was still the same. The service got worst, their customer service was always busy and long wait for support. I wanted compensation for the bad service, that did not happen, so I refused to pay my bill, so they put me on bad credit, I did pay up , but I paid $300 to much, and they still have not returned the 300 to me.I work for a carrier, sometimes I feel like pulling the plug and thus making their network go down completetly, but I don't want toget into trouble.

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5015 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is complete at 27 Dec 2010 08:06:06 PM
Im trying to return a wireless modem as there's no rececption in my area. Ive spent nearly 2 hrs calling customer service. No reply, or resolution thus far.
There's no customer service

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5014 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is Exceptionally unacceptable. at 27 Dec 2010 08:05:26 PM
I have a Blackberry Storm. I've had it nearly a year. I used to get the odd CALL FAILED, but this has increased to, I'd say, 30% of all calls failing. I'm having to take the battery out at least once a day as I get this white screen with APP ERROR and have to reboot my phone. I spent over one hour on hold Christmas Eve, only to get through to some intellectual halfwit in Timbuktu, with a limited knowledge of the Queens English. He offered no solution whatsoever on how to fix my phone. I hate Vodafone and will be breaking my contract after seeking legal advice. Oh how I wish I stayed with Telstra.
27 Dec 2010 08:30:18 PM: You do realise the white screen and app error is actually a problem with your blackberry right? Better seek legal advice about them too

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5013 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is irritating (again) at 27 Dec 2010 08:05:21 PM
I forgot to mention on my original comment that I frequently receive the same sms twice
27 Dec 2010 08:06:41 PM: Oh so do I, when they eventually turn up.

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5012 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Unprofessional at 27 Dec 2010 08:05:21 PM
Having had so many issues similiar to those already mentioned, I ported my number to another provider - called and said I could no longer receive my bill electronically as my number no longer existed in the system and that I would need a manual bill. Three phone calls later and all those wonderful explainations and 'yes we will put that in the system for you' later, I receive a letter from their debt collection office, telling me that due to my ignornance of all correspondence they were issueing me with a 72 hour demand notice. Needless to say, after more inconclusive phone calls and emails to Vodafone, no resolution, apology, or any satisfaction - I received another bill and another debt collection notice to finalise my account - that I had already finalised. Much happier with my new provider!!
27 Dec 2010 08:11:58 PM: yup thats another thing they keep sending me texts saying that my bill is avail but if I dont switch to online billing I'll be charged and to call a number. When I do they are asking me for a mobile number for vodafone I dont have one I only have a usb mobile internet stick with no number
27 Dec 2010 10:12:34 PM: USB Mobile Internet is still allocated a mobile number. It would be on your bill or contract information.

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5011 Someone from NT thinks vodafone is fucked at 27 Dec 2010 08:05:10 PM
no coverage and you have to wait ages to get through to the cunts! its a joke allright!!

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5010 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is extreme at 27 Dec 2010 08:04:36 PM
Constantly dropping out on calls. Making me look like a dick who doesn't know how to use her phone!!! And crap reception...even moving around a room can make it frop out!. Crapola Vodafone

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5009 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is LARA at 27 Dec 2010 08:04:00 PM
Call drop outs, late message sending and recieving and most of all, F*&% YOU Lara. I can not handle that computer generated talking system. I end up finally getting through to customer service and i am so pissed off just from that bloody lara chick. RAH!!!!!
27 Dec 2010 09:29:04 PM: yes totally agree F*& percent YOU Lara total waste of time! then when you finally get through to an indian that cant even speak english properly grrrrrrrr!!!!!!!

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5008 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is epic fail at 27 Dec 2010 08:03:34 PM
it's simple bad coverage, calls dropping out, since the merger begun there seem to be to many users on the same network.They need to upgrade the network to cope with the extra demand.The merger created and overload on the network.

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5007 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is giving me phone-rage at 27 Dec 2010 08:03:08 PM
I keep getting the switched off message EVERYTIME I call my friends (who are also on vodafone!!) and vice versa. I have to SMS someone first, THEN call them, otherwise I will get that dreaded switched off message (vice versa for my friends as well). It's so frustrating cause when i tried to call "LARA" (don't get me started on her) to report this issue, again I was greeted with a switched off message. For Fuzz sakes, its not even a mobile i'm calling!!!! So pissed off right now!

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5006 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is Pretty fail at 27 Dec 2010 08:03:06 PM
My husband and I are both with Vodafone. Our experience hasn't been as bad as some other people's, but I just wanted to voice our frustrations over voice mail delivery delay and VERY slow data. My husband runs his own business and it looks incredibly unprofessional when he does not return customer's calls on time because he has received their voicemail for 12 hours late. A number of times he has been embarrassed when a customer is forces to ring a second time - telling a customer 'I never got the message' sounds like a crappy excuse! I have been incredibly frustrated over slow data. Just the other day I tried to log on to my bank's online banking site to transfer some funds. I needed to do this before I was able to purchase something. However after 20 minutes the page had still not loaded and I gave up, leaving the shop without being able to make my purchase. This is not at all uncommon. I know all the free Wi-Fi locations around my area and I go to these places to use the Internet because I can't reley on Vodafone. How ridiculous - I pay for data but can't even utilize it! I have not tried to contact Vodafone regarding these complaints but by the sound of things I think it would be pretty pointless.

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5005 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Terrible at 27 Dec 2010 08:02:46 PM
I was at Coles in Vermont this afternoon, tried to call home and has no signal at all, while another woman talking on her mobile. I asked her what carrier she's with, she said Optus and she show me her phone with full reception. Vodafone is a joke.

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5004 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is The most appalling phone carrier at 27 Dec 2010 08:02:13 PM
Vodafone fails on so many levels. Customer service (or lack there of) I am not sure why vodafone thinks their customers have endless amounts of time to sit on hold to the custer care number, and if you choose to email Vodafone rather than wate time you don't have on hold to them, there is a zero chance that they will resolve your issue by email. And the continuous drop outs of calls which is so infuriating, and extremely unprofessional when your on a business to call to have to call back often times more than once, the inability of apps to load and work makes makes it almost worthless having a smart phone. I can't send emails from my iPhone since October and Vodafone have still not rectified the issue. I look forwarbto my contract ending so I can switch to a better service provider.

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5003 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is very very fail at 27 Dec 2010 08:02:11 PM
Switched to vodafail but kept my old number. that was one month ago still haven't got any service at all. no phone calls, no messages, nothing working at all. very rude non customer service. I have been told that I will be connected from 3 hours to 3 days.

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5002 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is vodafoney at 27 Dec 2010 08:02:00 PM
purchased online through vodafoney a new phone and new sim and $100 recharge got phone and sim card but no recharge has taken 6 days to sort this mess out it was only today that it was finally sorted out today, only after speaking to 5 or 6 different sections of vodafone each day of the last 6 days and three of these days different sections was closed for public holidays yippe how professional.
27 Dec 2010 08:12:43 PM: bahahaha Vodaphoney ftw!

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5001 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is irritating!! at 27 Dec 2010 08:01:43 PM
I was trying to ignore it but I find out later that MMS that are sent to me can either arrive up to 12 hours late or not at all, but other people that they are sent to receive them. I also find that calls often drop out even though I am stationary when on these calls. When I am not using my home wireless internet the vodafone 'internet' is soooooo slow. I moved from 3 to vodafone because my 3 contract was up and the only way I could get an iphone 4 without having to wait for ages was from vodafone and then the iphone was sent to me. I figured that as 3 and vodafone were merging that they might be a good company to deal with - unfounded optimism! I have had a heap of trouble with Telstra too when trying to change my husband's mobile from business plan to a private cap but have now solved that. I think that all of the major telcos are an absolute disgrace as they don't have customer service and they don't care. They must be making a heap of profit and so figure that they don't have to try to offer a service to their customers. I think if I could I would ditch vodafone and go to telstra as they now have competitive caps and heaps better network coverage but of course they don't offer customer service.
29 Dec 2010 08:01:04 PM: i did ditch my contracts my add is posted after yours and i went to the telecommunications ombudsmand they can really help you. look them up in the white pages.towards the front where they have complaints cheers. im now with telstra and will never change again.

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5000 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is super fail txt and incoming calls at 27 Dec 2010 08:01:06 PM
i was convinced that it was my 20 month old nokia e71(which has not let me down at all)vodafone staff helped with the convincing.
not until i signed another 2yr contract 1 week ago i started recieving txt messages from friends hours later in clusters once again.
also friends and customers calling me and i was not recieving their calls.
considering leaving for telstra perhaps???????

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4999 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is vodash!t at 27 Dec 2010 08:01:04 PM
Whats the point of having a smart phone, if you have a retarded provider, cant even check the cricket scores!

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4998 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is very at 27 Dec 2010 08:00:28 PM
i am a communications broker. I was rated the 4th best Vodafone Business Consultant in Australia just over a year ago. my estimate is that I received a 50% complaint rate from signed customers although I tried hard to make sure that I checked the coverage maps against the business geographical presence. it put so much pressure on me i could no longer sell the product. I note Mr. Crews comments about future improved coverage. what a load of crap. heard it EXACTLY the same 2 years ago. i even sold the product on future promised improvements that never eventuated. anyone that doesn't believe Vodafones lack of reception should try the Coffs Harbour and Newcastle area to see how serious this co. takes our country. why else would they have a kiwi in charge? they're not serious.
27 Dec 2010 08:17:19 PM: p.s. co with the lowest churn rate in australia is Trinity Telecom. australian owned using optus or telstra network NO VODAFONE. your choice. contract or no contract. your choice. good for home residential as well. FYI

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4997 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is internet at 27 Dec 2010 08:00:28 PM
I signed up for wireless internet only to find it never worked.Trying to terminate the contract was a very frustration experience,waiting on the phone for over two and a half hours,only to be told that they have to transfer me and wait another approx half hour to speak to some paki or indian that i couldn;t understand.Never again no vodaphone for me NO WAY.
28 Dec 2010 12:55:30 AM: I'm an Idependent ACN Representative,I understand how everyone are totally dissatisfied with the Vodafone phone, internet and customer service qualities. Our ACN customer services are incredible. You can reach them less than 10 mins pratically everytime. They are fast and effiecient and never transfer your call unlike Telstra or Optus as I heard, If you want to know more about us, contact me in my email at cengiz@acnrep.com I loves to turn UNHAPPY customer to HAPPY customer. BTW our headquarter is in North Sydney and the customer services mainly Aussies speaking people.

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4996 Someone from TAS thinks vodafone is at 27 Dec 2010 08:00:16 PM
i live in hobart yet i cant get any reception if i travel outside a 10km radius of the main city. i work as a security guard and need my phone as a lifeline and after one particular incident while working at a outdoor music concert at the hobart botanical gardens found i could not get reception while making an emergency 000 call. I contacted vodafone and told of my circumstances, i even sent them a map of hobart and shaded the areas where vodafone does not provide reception and asked them to release me from my contract in which they refused to do.

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4995 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Bad reception at 27 Dec 2010 07:59:35 PM
Bad reception at home and at work. I am currently moving my entire corporate plan to Telstra as their service actually works!
Secondly all mobile contracts whether data or both voice and data should be limited to a maximum of 12 months.
Thanks for the opportunity to voice my pain.
Posted via wifi due to bad coverage in Belrose, NSW.

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4994 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is a MAJOR fail at 27 Dec 2010 07:59:07 PM
My house, situated on top of a hill, is quite close to the nearest vodafone tower, so it would be logical to think that reception would be adequate, if not good? Especially when the vodafone site itself says that the area has good reception.
Big mistake.
Since the day I got my prepaid mobile broadband USB about a year ago, the coverage has been terrible, the reception is low quality and constantly drops out. Not to mention the fact that sometimes the USB decides that, even though it apparently has coverage, it doesn't actually want to connect to the internet.
Also, it doesn't work at all in half of the house and magically works if i hold it a foot in the air, rather than being on something the height of say, a desk.

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4993 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is 1000 out of 100 at 27 Dec 2010 07:58:56 PM
So fukn retarded.

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4992 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Unbelievably Bad at 27 Dec 2010 07:58:52 PM
Not only do I suffer the drop outs and the lack of coverage, but all of a sudden over the last two months my bills(I am on 79.95 plan) have tripled!!! With no extra usage from me. Trying to get to the bottom of this has been a nightmare (multiple calls to call centre and hung up on when they cant answer my questions) as they tell me "my usage has increased" ...where? I ask....no answer...."please wait I am checking", Oh you are making calls during the peak times...wtf!!!

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4991 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is Big at 27 Dec 2010 07:58:26 PM
Call dropouts.
MMS wont send
Internet drops out or wont connect at all.

Tried on two different phones on vodafone network and same result!!.

Cant even access this site from my vodamobile!! Had to whip out the laptop and optus dongle!! what a joke.

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4990 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Vodafone is FUCKED at 27 Dec 2010 07:58:11 PM
As with everyone else, my mobile drops out and the service is terrible.

The peace de resistance is when I call vodafone to complain or ask what is going on and the phone drops out just as I get onto someone. Another 45 minutes later and I am told that I must have changed the settings on my mobile for all these drop outs to occur.

Fuck you vodafone!

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4989 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is disgraceful at 27 Dec 2010 07:57:56 PM
After buying out 3 Mobile, Vodafone proceeded to supply me with dial-up speeds on my mobile broadband. Every time I rang-up they would put me through a range of tests, when all along they knew it was their crappy service. An apology is too late as I wasted almost 20 hours of time on hold with this crappy company. Get out fast!!!!

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4988 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Text messages at 27 Dec 2010 07:57:25 PM
There appears to be a delay with text messaging. My friends are receiving them a day later. This has been occuring for the past two weeks. Is this happening to any one else?
27 Dec 2010 07:58:49 PM: Yes, it happens to me. A lot of text don't even arrive. I am always getting my mates asking if i got their text that they "sent the other day because there was no reply"
27 Dec 2010 08:01:14 PM: Yes I am getting them 24hours later, the same with voice mails.
27 Dec 2010 08:14:15 PM: yes me too, had a friend actually show me her sent msgs folder in her mobile with a text sent to me. didnt get it at all.

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4987 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is GARBAGE at 27 Dec 2010 07:56:52 PM

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4986 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Bad, bad, bad, bad at 27 Dec 2010 07:56:44 PM
No coverage foe approx 3 months in my area, Vodafone always going to fix, then contacted the Tele Ombudsmen vodafone released me from my 3 contracts. took 2 months and 4 phone calls from me to send back my phones now getting demand letters for outstanding contracts for $ 2405.69. Lost money due to business calls not being able to get through to me and 1/2 way through contracts therefore I lost because I had to send phones back.

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4985 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is pocket wifi at 27 Dec 2010 07:56:16 PM
Bought pocket wifi no coverage what so ever.Four conversations later all taking forever l refused to do anything but return it finally they agreed over a week later the return bag arrived but so did the bills......took ages to sort.l still have mob sim but don't have time to cancel.Over 3 weeks no internet and they knew when l got it there was no coverage and was planning to connect to other devices

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4984 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is REALLY REALLY FAIL at 27 Dec 2010 07:56:04 PM
I am soooooooooooo over my network dropping out and calls just ending. It happens at least 80% of the time i make a call. It is pathetic really and i've had a gutfull. I also get strange noises during my long distance calls to mobiles. Also, the signal strength is really really poor. As soon as you get about 10 min out of town it starts to fade.

I'm going to be dumping Vodafone as soon as i get the chance.

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4983 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is extremelly at 27 Dec 2010 07:55:58 PM
never get any reception in level one westpoint blacktown, never get reception inside the westpoint blacktown (in the middle area), whenever I ring overseas I spent most of our time saying eh?? eh?? what did you say?? or even couldnt hear anything...cut off for no reason... internet connection fail most of the time...receive message hours after they sent it to me, failing in sending message whenever i am inside the house.... really bad...

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4982 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is lost all my friends at 27 Dec 2010 07:55:55 PM
When I called customer support Vodafone required me to reset my phone so I lost all my contacts and SMS messages. I don't know why they thought resetting my phone would fix their network problems.

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4981 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is bad message cover at 27 Dec 2010 07:55:52 PM
just changed to vodafone prepay, just not getting a lot of messages out and the coverage is generally scetchy

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4980 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Fffffffffffffail. at 27 Dec 2010 07:55:03 PM
No reception and no answers to my questions. I want to talk to a human not that fucking machine.

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4979 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is GARBAGE at 27 Dec 2010 07:54:43 PM
I was with vodafone a few years ago and i had nothing but poor reception and the customer service don't get me started on that. Rude and disgusting manners they changed my plan without my permission and they would not change it back so i said fine you no longer get my business and i left them that day. Vodafone is the worst Telco company to date. The sooner they go out of business the better Australians will be better off.

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4978 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is very at 27 Dec 2010 07:53:56 PM
i was sold 3 usb vodafone sticks and 2 phones ror my bedding business in sydney and all i have been experiencing is hassle trying to conect and call my suppliers and clients is a hassle with line dropping out or no signal at all not good enough vodaphone

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4977 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is shit at 27 Dec 2010 07:53:14 PM
i paid 75 dollars to get my phone unlocked from vodafone and i filled in all the forms paid the money and they didn't unlock it... they just stole my money and im still locked to shitty vodafone.

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4976 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is fraudulent at 27 Dec 2010 07:52:53 PM
Vodafone sends me a bill to pay for mobile phone service, but the service is terrible so why should we have to pay our bills? They broke their end of the agreement.

Vodafone won't be able to fix it for years as they haven't invested in the infrastructure like Telstra has.

There is only one way to fix the problems
27 Dec 2010 07:54:16 PM: Yeah Telsta!!!!!!! You're the best.

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4975 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is at 27 Dec 2010 07:52:36 PM
something needs to be done about vodafone broadband has it has crashed a number of times in the past 6 months. lots of our money is being wasted and vodafone does nothing about it. vodafone is very bad

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4974 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is CRAP at 27 Dec 2010 07:52:32 PM
I run my own business and my mobile is my only contact. Frequent dropping out and extreme bills is unbelievable.

No services, drop outs etc are not what I pay for. When people call me it goes straight to voice mail which in turn i get charged for accessing.

The services that you're meant to send a text to see how much you have left on your cap doesn't work and expecting only a $49 and getting close to $300 is outrageous.

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4973 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is 100% failure at 27 Dec 2010 07:52:28 PM
As I am typing this - I am in between many dropouts - Dropping out constantly for weeks - I rang the customer services - they said to me that there is nothing wrong with their reception and network status - I don't believe them at all - because some days they behave but mostly every night - it drops out too many times - I am losing patience - but the problem is if i go with another service provider - I have to pay all over again for a different modem and as well set up fee - it sucks!!!

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4972 Someone from TAS thinks vodafone is at 27 Dec 2010 07:52:22 PM
Ive been with Vodafone for nearly 10 years, for some reason the last 18 months the service has been absolutely rubbish. I live 10 mins out of Hobart and my phone is constantly on 1 bar or no service at all. I don't even bother trying to send an MMS anymore, so sick of seeing the exclamation mark that tells me to try again, (what so it's going to send it next time!) My partner had crossed over from Telstra because of the poor contract she was stuck in and the shocking PR. We thought it would be a good chance to have free Vodafone to Vodafone calls but it's proven to be irrelevent because of the network coverage. We had to purchase a pre paid Telstra sim and get the phone unlocked for when we travel anywhere within in the state, just in case of an emergency.
27 Dec 2010 08:14:23 PM: Mate I have the same dramas - I travel around the state for work and have to carry a prepaid Telstra handset with a call divert from my iPhone incase I have to go to the west coast or to Orford, etc. Dodges Ferry I get nothing unless I'm outside the servo, heading to the West Coast I drop out not even 5 mins out of New Norfolk and about the same out of Sorell when I'm going to the East Coast. Your problems with the Botanical Gardens are common with all network providers, unfortunately. Apparently if you have no service you can still make 000 calls - I was told this at a St John first aid course.

I thought it was just me that was having problems because my handsets get knocked about a bit but this website has opened my eyes.
27 Dec 2010 08:15:45 PM: Sorry, post above had problems with the Botanical gardens - my bad :)

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4971 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is EPIC at 27 Dec 2010 07:52:03 PM
call drops. call fails. unresponsive data or incomplete data.

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4970 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is To the extreme! at 27 Dec 2010 07:52:01 PM
I have been a Vodafail customer for about 8 years now. I never really had any problems until I purchased am iPhone about 12 months ago. I receive text messages up to 2 days late and have had a voicemail arrive 4 days after it was recorded. Don't get me started on data transfer rates. I work in the CBD where there should be decent coverage and struggle to open emails and attachments. I have often set out to change carriers but it is one of those things you never get around to doing. But if it keeps heading this way i am taking my money and loyalty to a carrier that can provider a reliable service.

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4969 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is very at 27 Dec 2010 07:51:16 PM
coverage problems in my area even after being promised good signals, i still get very poor signal, therefore takes heaps of time to even check my email. very frustrating, called customer service a few times and no changes.

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4968 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Coverage at 27 Dec 2010 07:50:56 PM
NO coverage and out of services %70 of the day.

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4967 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Sucks!!! at 27 Dec 2010 07:50:50 PM
27 Dec 2010 08:37:13 PM: the service you get back home in nz is 100 times more efficient, no delayed texting no calls dropping out, over here in australia vodafone is a joke. after being with vodafone in nz you'd think ok, aussie bigger country, better service, how wrong was i. I can't receive mms at all. drives me insane, whoever runs vodafone back home in nz needs to get their butt over here and sort the australians out

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4966 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is BAD at 27 Dec 2010 07:50:35 PM
Since taking over '3', dropouts have increased, download times increased, connection time increased. Hate to say it, but I might go back to OPTUS or, heaven forbid, Telstra....at least you expect crap service there...Anybody suggest a better option? Tin cans and string?
27 Dec 2010 07:57:46 PM: I love you optus LOL
3 Jan 2011 05:55:54 PM: "Telstra....at least you expect crap service there"...

That is FANTASTIC! So true. Even Telstra can't deny that!
9 Feb 2011 11:44:07 AM: I switched my phone from 3 to optus due to pathetic coverage, then from optus to telstra, getting out of my contract each time! Had NO COVERAGE ISSUES with telstra at all
28 Jun 2011 08:55:15 PM: Have been a 3 customer for approximately 7 years now, and have noticed since vodafone took over the reception has been nothing short of appalling. will be moving carriers as soon as my contract is up in december

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4965 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is customer service at 27 Dec 2010 07:50:26 PM
I just can't stand LARA. You may as well not ring at all. I talk so clearly and she still cant work out what I am saying. Then I wait ages to get transferred to a real person and it just drops out. Very infuriating. So I go to a vodafone store and they say sorry we dont deal with this we just sell phones!!
27 Dec 2010 08:06:02 PM: Lara is a condescending, patronising piece of spendthift human interface trash! Why can't we talk to an Australian person!!!
27 Dec 2010 08:09:56 PM: Completely agree. I got transfered many times to different departments and was told to call different numbers and still didn't get my problem answered. So I switched.

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4964 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Humungiously Failed at 27 Dec 2010 07:50:18 PM
Came across from Telstra after being with them for so long. Wanted a better coverage and this was a strong selling point. Was told by the agent that "Vodaphone cover 97% of the state and are currently working on getting the other 3%". The coverage now is worse. It doesn't even work in the hills. Will be going back to Telstra, only for the coverage!!!!

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4963 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Worst telco on earth at 27 Dec 2010 07:49:10 PM
My mess is too long to write about but in short I have changed telco's as I am totally sick of vodafone & their complete contempt for their customers.
The problem I had revolved around a new phone that did not arrive so I requested a refund but Vodafone said I did not order one despite the money being taken from my C/C. After more than 10 hours total on the phone to a customer service person in India I handed the whole lot over to the Ombudsman & had my refund within 10 days. Vodafone offered me $100 credit as compensation but this was in the form of "extras" on my pre-paid account that I dont use anymore.
I will NEVER use Vodafone again nor will I recommend them to anybody in fact I would activley discourage anybody from using Vodafone if for no other reason than their complete lack of customer service.
I have dealt with a lot of companies in my life but Vodafone is the WORST for customer service & Lara is a complete waste of space!!
Years ago I was with Hutchinson Communications (crap) then with Orange (still crap) then with 3 (reasonable) & for anybody that dosent know they are all the same company rebadged each time. Vodafone bought Hutchinson (3) & now they are on the Vodafone network (complete & utter CRAP).

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4962 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Appalling at 27 Dec 2010 07:48:37 PM
I complained at my store about the sudden failure of my wireless USB broadband and after the usual "oh it must be your computer settings" blame-the-customer game, the store manager finally confessed that it was Vodafone's infrastructure not being set up to cope with the demand and it was causing service failure all over the place. Meanwhile, they were happily signing up new customers in the store. I had to go and buy a Telstra prepaid unit just to keep my business running. I am stuck in a contract until May 2011 with my phone and also suffer the dropouts, the texts/pxts that arrive hours or even days after sending. Unable to get through to customer service of course - you get runaround the menu and then put on hold forever. They just do what they want, and it's the consumers' job to be the police.

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4961 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is very at 27 Dec 2010 07:48:19 PM
I moved for three month to Horse Shoe Bay on Magnetic Island to spend my summer break here and with vodafail I have zero signal. I was forced to buy a a prepaid card from telstra as a temp solution and that is costing me buckets full of money. Meanwhile ofcourse vodafail is still charging me my monthly costs.

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4960 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is txt messages at 27 Dec 2010 07:47:57 PM
I receive txt messages the next day after they have been sent. This is riddiculous.

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4959 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is for a telco co., it super s---s!! at 27 Dec 2010 07:47:47 PM
Not only do they have the poorest reception, they have the worst customer service! I finished my 2-year contract with them in July of this year and I wanted out - due to the poor reception mind you. It took me 3 months (still had to pay for those months even when I was not using their service anymore) and a min of 30 min (each time I called which was 8 times) waiting on the phone for a rep to answer and be transfered to the 'cancellation' dept. only to find out they were all "busy" and would give me a call back..of course they did not bother to call back...so there! Will not touch Voda again even with a ten foot pole!

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4958 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Bad! at 27 Dec 2010 07:47:15 PM
My texts dont get sent to me in time i always receive them an hour later, its sometimes hard to connect when calling someone, when people call me it says i am unavailable ! i understand all phone companies have problems but voafone has just been getting worse it is frustrating..a few weeks ago the area i work in had no vodafone reception and it was like this for a few days! no one could call me or text me and i couldnt call or text anyone until i got out of that particular area !

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4957 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Failboat at 27 Dec 2010 07:47:06 PM
Been in nsw for about 2months now. joined vodafone au since new zealands vodafone is very successfull . never experience a communications company so bad with their service. wanted to buy a iphone through the vodafone shop they asked me to ring customer service to get one WTF. Rang customer service takes about 30mins to connect then when it finally connects no reception. Knowing if the phone discconnects you would think they would have to service to ring you back . Lucky im not on a plan.

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4956 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is at 27 Dec 2010 07:46:36 PM
I was actually a happy customer with 3 phone company, for about 3 years getting excellent coverage because they used telstra towers.In feburary I signed my daughter up on a plan . 3 never mentioned they where merging with VODA PHONE, once they merged with VODA PHONE ,It all started going down hill. 3 kept telling me it was going to get better this started in feburary,I made several attempts to speak to them and they kept giving me different excuses, then I foumd out they where with VODA PHONE which we could never get where I live hence why I went with 3.I rely on my phone to get my work and in the end was getting no work for months they cost me alot of money in missing work. It got to september and I was totally fed up so rang the telecomunications ombudsman and if it wasnt for them getting 3 to cancel my 2 contracts I had I dont know what I would have done. I feel for everyone out there that is having to put up with this crap. I am now with telstra and will never go back . 3 ruined it all by merging with VODA PHONE.phone companys need to be more honest and loyal to there customers.

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4955 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is DISGRACE at 27 Dec 2010 07:46:25 PM
Hello all, 7 day ago i signed up on the $69 cap. This is used for my business.
Fortunately i didn't open the iPhone 4 they sent me. After being on hold for over an hour i finally got to speak to someone. After numerous transfers and , i made it clear that the service is not up to the required standard and that my business had suffered as a result of the continual drop out and bad reception issues. Initially they wanted a cancellation fee, but becuase i didn't open the box to the phone and because of my persistence, they said they will cancel the contract as soon as i drop the phone off to Australia Post.
Bootom line, their reception sucks and so do their internet services.
Also today i signed up on Telstra's $129 Cap. I have wireless with Telstra which is as fast as broadband and it never cuts out, also i don't get charged for excessive useage and have never had one problem with them. Telstra's reception is the best in the country. Telstra's prices have also come down alot and it is now time jump on board. It is not worth the money you think you save with vodafone when the reliability just isn't there! Another disgruntled EX VODAFONE CUSTOMER! Your VODAFAIL website inspired me and i thank you for taking action! TELSTRA all the way!!!!!

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4954 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Huge at 27 Dec 2010 07:46:14 PM
I am a customer of 3 (unfortunately) and ever since they have merge with the dark side (vodafone) I have had nothing but problems calls not going through, when you make a call, there is poor call reception and one occassion I had a call drop out 5 times when it was a very important call
The mobile broadband should be named mobile dial up with the speeds it produces.
I honestly cant wait for my contract to run out so these low lifes cant get a single cent off me again, the customer service is disgraceful and would love to get compensation for the crap I have to endure every day.
his hienly
27 Dec 2010 07:55:35 PM: Yes I do agree with this. You know how they charge you all the time when your call got connected? So everytime the call got cut off, and you have to redial them again. You have to pay for all of those fee. That seems unfair.

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4953 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is OUTRAGEOUS! at 27 Dec 2010 07:45:54 PM
So happy to discover I am not alone!

I have been a loyal Vodafone customer for 4 years and only in the last 7 months have calls dropped out, internet disconnected, and reception in my own house been very very poor. I am dismayed as I signed on for a new 2yr contract only this year. I also can't get reception in rural areas where my Optus and Telstra friends can. Considering I pay a premium cap I expect better. I also expect international calls to be included (when were they not?)

I tried to call and complain but "Lara" didn't understand my request (duh she's a computer with a patronising voice). I finally got through to an operator after 40mins who then transferred me to another area. 20mins later noone had answered my call! I sent an email to complain and got a reply that didn't answer my complaint. I replied to this and didn't receive a response. ARGH!

In a nutshell I'm glad people are fighting back! With the help of this site I am going to do more.
27 Dec 2010 10:29:30 PM: before june, international calls were not included in your cap plans. You can have your plan updated to the most recent one in store, so you can at least get the benefit of having more credit, unlimited txt etc. Just might not be able to use that at the moment.

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4952 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is call waiting time at 27 Dec 2010 07:45:50 PM
On hold to customer service to upgrade my phone for 40 mins.. they hung up on me... rang again on hold for 10 mins.. finally got through to someone. It shouldnt take that long.... In saying so, this was the 3rd time in 3 days to get through to someone decent that knew what they were talking about.. not happy jan

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4951 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is PAINFULL at 27 Dec 2010 07:45:50 PM
This is great I have dreamed of this for months
News coverage what could be better
No matter what happens in the future they will always be known as VODAFAIL
I can hear it 10 years down the track "Oh your with VODAFAIL"

Ha Ha Vodafail PR spin that
today in news
The Vodafail cricket team FAILED again
The Vodafail F1 Team FAILED to finish again
and Vodafail FAILED to make a profit again!!!

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4950 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Vodasux at 27 Dec 2010 07:45:43 PM
When I first arrived in Aus from South Africa, I signed up for a 2 year data contract with Vodafail. Once online line I would get kicked off continuously. I battled with help centres, as I was hooked into the $40 odd pm contract. There was nothing wrong with my area or hardware. Well I'm thankfully with 3 now for 2 years, (limited coverage outside big cities) Otherwise not a single problem at $150 for 12 months of prepaid that the average person will not use up.

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4949 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Hopeless - they don't want to talk to anyone! at 27 Dec 2010 07:45:10 PM
Bad reception and expect me to wait 40 minutes on phone to talk to them! I believe I have been charged twice and I want it changed but how to get to talk to them!!!!!

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4948 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Big Time at 27 Dec 2010 07:44:55 PM
When I first arrived in Aus from South Africa, I signed up for a 2 year data contract with Vodafail. Once online line I would get kicked off continuously. I battled with help centres, as I was hooked into the $40 odd pm contract. There was nothing wrong with my area or hardware. Well I'm thankfully with 3 now for 2 years, (limited coverage outside big cities) Otherwise not a single problem at $150 for 12 months of prepaid that the average person will not use up.

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4947 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is very at 27 Dec 2010 07:44:50 PM
drop outs slow data transfer,no meaningful response from numerous complaints to VF.Dropouts up to 70 minutes one night .just a bad prepaid service ,and last recharge i had 20 units data left and couldnt connect internet till i recharged

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