26 Mar 2012 - Update Highest Rated Pain Stories Highest Rated Gain Stories Vodafail Local Facebook Page
Dear visitor,

Since its inception Vodafail.com has made a significant contribution towards raising awareness of the problems and issues faced by Vodafone customers.

Vodafone Australia customers have had the opportunity to voice their concerns, their fears and their troubles from every corner of Australia and beyond our borders. You have gathered the courage to stand up for your rights as consumers and to make your voice heard.

Each and every person who shared their story should have a sense of pride in this achievement and the changes that have occurred since the start of Vodafail.com.

More recently, traffic to Vodafail.com has declined significantly. Having achieved the goal of raising awareness and promoting concrete action in early 2011, we have now reached the point of closing Vodafail to new complaints. The site will remain online for as long as possible as a reminder and an example of what is possible when we share our experiences.

It has been a privilege to run this initiative and I'm am forever grateful for the help and support I've received. In particular I would like to thank Melissa, David and Travis for their continued efforts over the past 15 months. I'm also thankful and humbled by the support of ACCAN, Choice magazine and a wide range of media outlets, blogs and websites.

You can still browse existing stories and find out how to file a complaint if you are experiencing problems.

Until next time,

Adam Brimo

Share Your Pain

Vodafail.com is no longer accepting complaints.
Over the past 6 months traffic to Vodafail has declined significantly. Therefore we have closed off Vodafail to new complaints. We think you will find more joy in posting on any one of these fine product / brand review sites.

You can also post directly on the Vodafone community forums.

Other People's Pain

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6555 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Big fail! at 28 Dec 2010 01:05:19 PM
People are now emailing me to see if I am annoyed at them, due to me not answering my messages. Problem being the only way I can get my messages is to turn my phone off then on again. I have had to re-send countless txts and photo messages due to the recepient not receiving them, and still get charged for them.

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6554 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is MASSIVE FAIL at 28 Dec 2010 01:05:04 PM
no signal for hours at a time for the last 4 days now, get or make calls on Christmas day, not good when your family is the other side of the world, guessing my bill will be the same though

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6553 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is words fail me at 28 Dec 2010 01:04:53 PM
Phone keeps cutting out or no reception available. Getting charged when calls are suppose to be free. This problem has been going on for a long time but is getting worse. If I can not cancel my plan I will send them the bill for the next 3 months, I should not have to pay for failing service and apologies are not good enough.

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6552 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is questioning my authority at 28 Dec 2010 01:03:55 PM
Vodafone indian customer support questioned me when I rang up to change something on my business account!!!!!!

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6551 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is THIRD WORLD COUNTRY SERVICE at 28 Dec 2010 01:03:53 PM
Ive been with vodafone since may 2010 i regret switching from optus to vodafone because:
- Poor customer service
- Long wait to get through to Customer Care
- Calls Drop Out
- Messages delayed (sending & receiving)
- UNCLEAR charges!!

I was sent out a bill for 90 dollars for the month of may paid the bill on time than my service was disconnected in November as 40 dollars was apparently overdue.. Not knowing what this 40 dollars was for i called customer care (waited 3 hours to get through to someone) and i was informed that someone had mistakenly paid 40 dollars on my account and that they sent me a bill for the wrong amount and that they had transferred the 40 dollars to the person who "accidentally" made the payment on my bill.. But i was not notified of this until i contacted them in regards to my service been cut off which was 6 months later!! NOT GOOD ENOUGH!! how can someone "accidentally" make a payment on my bill when i have my own account number and personal details and security code!!

28 Dec 2010 01:45:37 PM: I don't think there is any point in mentioning the nationality of the person you talk to, this website is about Vodafone not about any person or Indian. so keep your comments limited to Vodafone instead of attacking personally.
28 Dec 2010 06:27:53 PM: did you not read the actual complaint idiot!! read before you comment!

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6550 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is TOTAL FAIL at 28 Dec 2010 01:03:23 PM
Yet again my mobile says it has full service yet won't connect to an outgoing call and incoming calls go straight to my message bank. I have had this issue several times and when I tried to contact Vodafone I spent 45mins on hold before giving up!

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6549 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is Very at 28 Dec 2010 01:01:58 PM
Due to a system error I can't find out how much my current bill is. Inconsistent information about how much extra services I have used. No reception. Very bad customer service....... Genereally just a bad company.
28 Dec 2010 01:41:56 PM: i paid my bill weeks ago and they are saying its still unpaid.
I send the txt to 1555 to get a credit check and nothing comes back......

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6548 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is at 28 Dec 2010 01:01:52 PM
Can someone explain the following? I am with Just Mobile who use Vodafone as their carrier and I have no problems with drop-outs. My wife is with 3/Vodafone (has been with them for about 3 years). She has continual dropouts in the house except for 3 or 4 special spots which are OK. This has occurred from the beginning (ie independent of the 3 takeover/merger of Vodaphone. There are no drop-outs outside. The phone was checked at least twice by 3 Tech Support and found to be OK. The reason we stick with 3 is that for our call pattern they have the best deal so we just put up with having to pick up the phone and run to a good reception area when it rings! We live at Flagstaff Hill and we have a friend with 3 at Happy Valley who has exactly the same problem.

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6547 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is phone reception at 28 Dec 2010 01:01:02 PM
poor internet reception. Slow mobile phone reception.

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6546 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Total Fail! at 28 Dec 2010 01:00:21 PM
I never have reception when i need it the most. it drops in and out at times, even when i move a few feet!. sends people multiple messages when Ive only sent it once! they have failed big time!

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6545 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is major at 28 Dec 2010 12:59:16 PM
the only reason i maintain a mobile is to effect communication between my 16yo daughter & myself. This is as much for my security as hers. Any delay in communication could potentially be fatal.a two day delay is unacceptable.
I resent that Vodafone do not respect their income base enough to provide the service that they are supposed to provide.
are their share holders going to take a hit because of this? Greed is the creed and sue us if u don't like it

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6544 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is major extreme at 28 Dec 2010 12:59:13 PM
Moabile phone;I am on a phone plan and am hoping to get out of it, sometimes can't recieve calls, so called free calls are charged,disconnection happens not only local but interstate too. Also changed moblile broadband as vodafail was like a snail and kept telling us it was not connected when it was.

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6543 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Mega Fail at 28 Dec 2010 12:59:02 PM
Internet modem constantly droping out,3g service say's excellent once conected then die's in the arse coming & going as it pleases.Forget about trying to connect on most weekends.I cannot believe how many complaints are pasted on this site, Vodafone pull your finger out & provide us the service you advertise.

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6542 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Don't know at 28 Dec 2010 12:56:29 PM
I heard on the grapevine that Vodafone, some months ago, sacked network engineers and upped the number of sales staff.

The truth of this rumour is worth looking into, because it would explain the current problems.

Nothing left but spin to maintain the network?

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6541 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Epic Fail at 28 Dec 2010 12:56:23 PM
constant fail by vodaphone

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6540 Someone from Somewhere else thinks vodafone is Somewhat at 28 Dec 2010 12:55:26 PM
Yeah Voda is not perfect, however you get what you pay for. Everyone is just having a bitch for the sake of it. What is next on the list, windowsfail, holdenfail, iphonefail? If you dont like it, dont use it or go elsewhere!
28 Dec 2010 12:57:44 PM: you dont get it - you cant go elsewhere, or dont use it - when you are locked into a 24 mth contract!!
you are stuck with their shocking service!!
28 Dec 2010 12:59:21 PM: you sound like a voda sales rep to me....
28 Dec 2010 01:04:41 PM: I think you should get a vodafone contract, you sound like someone who needs to learn a good hard lesson. Vodafone can rape you and you can sit back and take it and keep your mouth shut if that is how you see it... Oh and you actually sound a lot like a manager of Vodafone yourself.
28 Dec 2010 01:44:47 PM: I bet if it were your wasted money and your phone issues you would be the first complaining. Why dont you go do something better with your time than reading about issues that clearly dont concern you.

28 Dec 2010 03:36:51 PM: i love voadafone because red is my favorite colour. vodafone 123 is great. but i am thinking that if i and all my friends join the class action all of you wingers get less money ha ha ha ha you all get less money!!! so any of you in this for the money forget it!!! i will make sure that the most you get is a little bit of credit. You cannot rely on a mobile as your only means of communication sometimes services dont go as planed. None of you can even begin to say that Vodafone are not offering some compensation or solutions. all of you must be doing your jobs perfectly with no "drop outs" and you all must do everything perfectly. i think we can use all of you as a new age yellow pages full of perfect people
28 Dec 2010 04:48:41 PM: Vodafone made my penis bigger, should be 'vodahugecock'
28 Dec 2010 08:37:50 PM: i heard on wiki leaks that Adam the creator of this site has been offered some money on the side and is going to screw all of you over once he himself benefits.
29 Dec 2010 07:51:24 AM: I'd be all for holden fail
30 Dec 2010 07:24:13 AM: I have not been offered any money nor would I accept any money for this site. This has cost me a lot of time, effort and sleep the past couple weeks. I will maintain this site so long as the main issues aren't fixed as stated in the latest Vodafail update.
14 Jan 2011 05:39:59 PM: There's always going to be drop outs, missed calls data problems. What do you consider a good time to close down? What's your KPI for Vodafone being 'fixed'
15 Jan 2011 11:00:37 AM: @14 Jan 2011 07:39:59 PM Not all of us understand "managementspeak"-eg "What's your KPI" .
I think it is up to Adam and the Vodafail team to decide what they're going to do, and when they're going to do it.
Nice try- turning the attention on to them in an attempt to deflect the focus on the true disaster commonly known as Vodafone.
16 Jan 2011 07:04:50 PM: It was me at 7:39:59 and I'm just wondering what they consider a 'fixed'network and how will they measure it? A KPI is a Key Performance Indicator. Not deflecting just wondering. I have no agenda other then being pro-VHA and as much myth busting as I can be bothered with. Gets ya thinkin though which is great!
20 Jan 2011 01:35:02 PM: @16 Jan 2011 09:04:50 PM Pigs do fly!
Someone who is pro VHA (shareholder? someone who recognises the importance of competition in the telco industry)
As a loose cannon supporter of Vodafail and someone with a slow-burning rage at Vodafone, thank you for being civil. No thank you for asking difficult question. :-)

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6539 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is bad at 28 Dec 2010 12:55:18 PM
my vodaphone keeps dropping out of service phone calls keep dropping out and it is annoying and costing me money

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6538 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Just Not Good Enough at 28 Dec 2010 12:54:51 PM
Routinely having problems with calls not connecting properly (can't hear them, they can hear me or vice versa). 3G/HSDPA access is extremely patchy and heavily congested in inner city areas (constantly kicks me off the cell then my phone has to reconnect). My phone randomly drops off the network with people telling me they can't get through to me even though the phone is on and seemingly connected.

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6537 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is arrogance of them!! at 28 Dec 2010 12:53:18 PM
28 Dec 2010 12:57:58 PM: Using data overseas? What a noob!
28 Dec 2010 01:26:09 PM: There are many complaints as to issues of the charges on here... I wonder if the lawsuit will reveal that due to the fact they are going under they have been making up costs and charges on their bills.
As for the wanker telling you you're a noob... obviously they forget that we get mobiles with data plans because some of us normal people travel overseas and with work it is a quick and easy way to stay in contact with the office in Australia, and as you said, GST doesn't apply to overseas charges.
28 Dec 2010 02:05:47 PM: Hello people can I reply to the top comment and the last comment that while on a $69 plan you get unlimited text messages, $500 of calls and 2 gb of internet data (WHILE IN AUSTRALIA) not overseas because you roam overseas you would not be on the Australian network and can I say one more thing that this applys to all carriers as I am a dealer for all carriers and they quote all the same so maybe read your information before going overseas. Also to the middle person there not knobs there just stupid and dont understand carriers to much maybe they could get a job over in India with the rest of them that dont understand what we are on about!!!

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6536 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Totally at 28 Dec 2010 12:52:45 PM
I cant get proper signal in my own home. I have full signal one moment and no signal if i move just a few feet. Also i am in roaming right below my office in albert street, bang in the middle of the CBD and a few blocks from their vodafone store !!

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6535 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is missed xmas messages at 28 Dec 2010 12:51:27 PM
pic messages coming through from xmas day 2 days late when im trying to sleep. other messages from xmas not coming through at all!! Messages and pic messages i send taking 12hours to 2 days to send!!! calls dropping out all the time!! should i go back to optus...

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6534 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Total failure at 28 Dec 2010 12:49:08 PM
I have a mobile broadband account with 3. Ever since they began sharing the network with Vodafone I have gone from full HSPA signal to 3G with one single bar of reception. Data speeds are unusable, plus their usage meter is innacurate so I am charged for excess data usage every month. Customer service varies between rude and non-existent.

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6533 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Pretty awful at 28 Dec 2010 12:49:04 PM
I bought a mobile broadband modem from Vodafone last year, and 98% of the time the thing is stuck on GPRS or EDGE, and is about as fast as a dial-up modem. The other 2% of the time it works pretty damn fast on 3G, apparently just to taunt me, since there's no way of knowing when it will do that.

Also, I've had constant drop-outs, sometimes in the middle of a Skype call or download. Tried talking to Vodafone customer service, got put on hold for 15 minutes and then when I got through to a real person she hung up on me without warning, apparently because her English comprehension skills were just about non-existent and she got frustated. Guess that makes two of us. Thanks a lot, Vodafone.

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6532 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is at 28 Dec 2010 12:48:19 PM
Picture messages will not send to other networks. Pictures I do receive are 2-3 days late. Calls drop out.
28 Dec 2010 01:25:12 PM: i had the same problem xmas day msgs wouldnt send pic msgs owuldnt send vodafone is fkn ridiculous
28 Dec 2010 01:25:17 PM: i had the same problem xmas day msgs wouldnt send pic msgs owuldnt send vodafone is fkn ridiculous
28 Dec 2010 06:01:12 PM: Yep I can't ever send picture messages or load photos from my iphone onto facebook...

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6531 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is not good enough at 28 Dec 2010 12:47:47 PM
I am IN Toora Vic, No coverage for 40km great, went on holiday no phone or net coverage, had to buy Dodo prepaid so I can keep in touch with my business.
I am from adelaide, Calls drop out all the time, and costs me to re call, I had to up grade to unlimited, Now I see why and I ask why should I have to pay for the extra costs of the extra calls due to their drop outs.

They even Billed me 3 months later for a mistake they made but they could not explain why they did it, It cost me hours and phone calls even going into a service centre to get no answers, They committed fraud by charging my account for there mistake with out seeking my permission first, they seem to be cheaper but due to the extra calls you need to make and the lack of coverage, I believe they are more expensive and not worth dealing with at all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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6530 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is at 28 Dec 2010 12:46:40 PM
Two and a bit years ago, I left Vodafone as I hated the horrible service, Laura The Idiotic Robot, and the plans. I was very punctual about paying my bills ahead of time and was in credit by $33.91.

I called to request my refund but the CSR refused to give me back my money. I spoke to his boss, who claims that even though my bill is in credit, because I paid by Bpay, there is no proof I was the one who paid my own bill. Therefore, they did not have to give me a refund. I asked if they have a charity that I can donate my money so that they don't have to give me a refund (this is common with a lot of organisations). Apparently Vodafone doesn't do charity.

I work in a call centre and despise people who loose their temper and have a great deal of empathy for call centre workers. In my whole life I've lost my temper four times - and sadly, this was one of the times I lost it. It had been a very frustrating phone call, the supervisor was very rude and unhelpful and refused a very legitimate request - to give me back the money they owe me. He finally admitted that the reason he wouldn't give me my money back is because he didn't want too. If he worked for my company he would get fired.

I called Australian HQ to make a complaint about him and to get a refund. Apparently he gave me a fake name, a fake department and (most seriously of all) there was no record of my call. I was transferred to an internal department to organise the refund by cheque.

Two and a bit years later, I'm still waiting for my money back. I'm getting constant emails and texts telling me my bill is due and I'm $33.31 in credit.

I know it isn't much money, but I'm sick of the emails & texts but most of all I'm upset that I was told that I wasn't allowed my money back, because there was no proof it was me who paid my own bill.

On another note: why do they have voice recognition that doesn't work? Laura expects one to be in a quiet room with absolutely no background noise & can only direct the customer to pay bills. Who sits at home all day to call a robot? I don't have that much time to waste.
28 Dec 2010 01:33:35 PM: Sounds exactly like the treatment I received! I wonder what the training is for these customer service members are... how to be rude and arrogant seems to be the first thing they learn.
I was sworn at by a call center staff member and called a liar... 3 days later when I called again I actually swore for the first time ever on a call to them and they promptly hung up on me. All I said was I'm over the S**T - The staff member called me a F**KING S**PID B***H....
28 Dec 2010 07:05:09 PM: That's... beyond words!

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6529 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Total Fail on Net at 28 Dec 2010 12:45:39 PM
I have a Google Nexus One and have never been able to open a simple Web page on this excuse for a 3G network. My friends with the same smartphone just laugh when I show them that I cannot even open a Web page. MMS never arrives and cannot be sent. And no it isn't the phone as changing SIM cards show me.
I've been with Vodafone almost since they arrived in Oz. It is a situation I am no longer going to tolerate.

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6528 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is bad at 28 Dec 2010 12:44:03 PM
fishing with a mate on the rocks....both on vodaphone... his wife rings ME because he hasnt got signal and hes just 10 ft away... glad i had signal last week when my brother went for a tumble on the rocks breaking his shoulder... needed an ambulance, and thankfully i had one bar of signal, until i turned around, and had full signal...

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6527 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is AS SHIT AS THEY COME at 28 Dec 2010 12:43:49 PM
i am currently on a 39$ cap, with a nokia X6, i can bearly hear freinds i am calling that are in the same area, or able to have a conversation longer than 1 minute without my phone droping out?? i called vodafone wanting to upgrade to an I-phone 4, the call was made at around 6:30, i was put on hold for nearly 2 whole hours just to be told to call back during open hours 8am-8pm, i was waiting for 2 HOURS! IN WICH TIME THE CLOSING TIME HAD PAST,then for the phone to drop out 30 seconds later. Now i love going on Facebook but with the 3G coverage vodafone is providing it can take up to 5 minutes to load a page. VODAFONE SHOULD BE AVOIDED AT ALL COST AS THERE SERVICE IS SHITFULL!!!!!!!!!!!

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6525 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Very at 28 Dec 2010 12:43:46 PM
i just signed up for a new 2 year contract with vodafone, with the sales person telling me they are better than 3 who were crap aswell!! i dont have any reception at my house when the coverage checker says i do!! i cant even ring to complain unless i drive to an area that gives me reception and sit in my car in 40 degree heat whilst i make a call to vodafone, im then on hold for 1 1/2 hours untill i speak to someone!! the call then drops out and i have to start again!! hello!! i have a very hectic life like most and dont have time for this crap!!

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6524 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is super fail at 28 Dec 2010 12:43:43 PM
I totally forgot to mention those elusive Over The Air updates for Android users.

I still remember, "You'll get full coverage, the latest Android versions updated OTA, and excellent customer support. Just sign here." Biggest mistake ever.

Thankfully I discovered the wonderful world of custom Android ROMs so the only thing I need to rely on Vodafone for is the coverage I pay them for. No dice. Hope the class-action goes ahead.

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6523 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is at 28 Dec 2010 12:43:36 PM

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6522 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is f#ckn sh!t at 28 Dec 2010 12:42:15 PM
have to dail a number several time because it says connection error or network busy every time i call. at least 30 times a day. over 12 hours of hold time clocked up this past month for incompetent people to make false promises or just plain lie to me to get me off the phone. they are thieves and liars!!!!!!

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6521 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is at 28 Dec 2010 12:41:52 PM
On a $99 "UNLIMITED" cap for all numbers, services, internet and texts but somehow just received a phone bill for $257 for one month? VODAFAIL!!!!!!

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6520 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is VODAFONE IS ABSOLUTE CRAP! at 28 Dec 2010 12:41:38 PM
I signed up for a Vodafone mobile broadband plan as I discontinued a dial up service (which was working well) with another carrier. I thought cool, they explained that the coverage in my area was excellent (Eastern Subs of Sydney), no problem- i'll take it.
Soon after receiving the modem and sim card, which was a hassle in itself as I ordered it over the phone, i began to have problems with the service just stalling and eventually disconnecting, most times whilst doing important transactions online, or just basically sending an email.
Contacted them they said it was a problem with the modem, so, I had to post them the modem and after about 3 weeks I got another modem sent to me. I couldnt pick it up from a store as the account was created over the phone.
Long story made short- in the end the same thing was happenning. I had to eventually pay out my contract to get rid of them to go with another carrier which at this stage is performing very reliably. VODAFONE STINKS!!!

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6519 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is its crap at 28 Dec 2010 12:41:28 PM
have been having problems with Vodacrap for the last 6 mth not being able to download from vf live to getting charged for calls and data that i had not used. Its the second time in 2mth that iv made a complaint to the T.I.O and am still getting stuffed around by customer support and then today i went to make a call and my credit was gone but the credit never runs out til 27-10-11 so i call vodacrap and was on hold for 2 1/2 hrs this is a joke good way to treat a customer of 10 yrs optus here i come

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6518 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is Biggest at 28 Dec 2010 12:41:01 PM
No surprise to us inside the industry that Vodafone finds itself in this position a bad decision was made by majority shareholders of VHA to give Nigel Dews CEO. He promised lots of big things to shareholders including believe it or not to overtake Optus and be number 2 operator in Australia within 2 years!!!!! of course never delivered on his word bahahahahahahahahahaha. His management team wasnt ever able to make profit on 3 This is great for us who now work at the rivals though hahahahahahah

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6517 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Serious Epic at 28 Dec 2010 12:40:22 PM
Still on hold... 48 minutes into trying to get them to release my number so I can leave amicably.
28 Dec 2010 12:50:39 PM: Up to 1 hr now, I've listened to more music on hold with them, than I have all months.
28 Dec 2010 03:37:17 PM: i know the wait time is appalling!! i dont want to speak to LARA!!!! i want e real person

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6516 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is ridiculous! at 28 Dec 2010 12:39:40 PM
every time i ring i get routed off somewhere and ive told them a million times your VISUAL VOICEMAIL IS DELAYED!
but they assure me after "refreshing" my settings everything will be fine, and then again and again i missed calls and voicemails and its soooo frustrating.
I was looking for a job who rang me back and i didnt receive their notification until the next day.
no voda, i dont want to be reimbursed i want the problem to be FIXED!!

and dont even get me started on their coverage.
i hear a high pitched garble which scares the hell out of me every time!
lucky it happens only 4-5 times per DAY!

But it's ok because out of my OWN pocket i have bought a new phone like advised, and had the card replaced, but the SAME THING OCCURS!

Hate Voda!!

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6515 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is Extremely Pathetic at 28 Dec 2010 12:39:17 PM
Bought $79 usb for mobile broadband + $100 for 6g use. Promised "excellent" coverage before activating. Never had anything better than very poor, and that's if it DID work. Countless phone calls to Vodapain about that and message that another user was on my IP address - no resolution. Also got abused by Vodapain rep because I couldn't understand a word he said. Gone to Telstra BigPond.

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6514 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is AS SHIT AS THEY COME at 28 Dec 2010 12:39:12 PM
i am currently on a 39$ cap, with a nokia X6, i can bearly hear freinds i am calling that are in the same area, or able to have a conversation longer than 1 minute without my phone droping out?? i called vodafone wanting to upgrade to an I-phone 4, the call was made at around 6:30, i was put on hold for nearly 2 whole hours just for the phone to drop out 30 seconds after answering? I love going on Facebook but with the 3G coverage vodafone is providing it can take up to 5 minutes to load. VODAFONE SHOULD BE AVOIDED AT ALL COST AS THERE SERVICE IS SHITFULL!!!!!!!!!!!
28 Dec 2010 12:41:14 PM: I just wish to add when calling for my Iphone 4 i was told to call back during open hours 8am - 8 pm after i had been waiting from 630??? how much earlier am i supposed to call??

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6513 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is Extremely Pathetic at 28 Dec 2010 12:36:48 PM
Bought $79 usb for mobile broadband + $100 for 6g use. Promised "excellent" coverage before activating. Never had anything better than very poor, and that's if it DID work. Countless phone calls to Vodapain about that and message that another user was on my IP address - no resolution. Also got abused by Vodapain rep because I couldn't understand a word he said. Gone to Telstra BigPond.

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6512 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is at 28 Dec 2010 12:35:28 PM
I recently upgraded in October to new plans with VHA after being told that they could beat the offer i had with Optus. One week after getting the phones i started getting 'failed network connection' whilst trying to get online with my new android. Over the next 2 months i missed calls, would not get voicemail messages for a week and even had my internet on the phone disconnected by VHA. I called and was told that the issue was with my phone and that nothing could be done. I had to call back to be told that my internet connection was cancelled by my own phone WHAT THE!!! The worst was i missed a call from my bank that caused major issues with my realestate, landlord and the poor girl at the bank who did leave a message that i did not get for a week. Did i get an apology by VHA? No what i got was not our fault. In the end i had to make a TIO complaint. The first offer was yes you do have a congestion issue in your area of Point Cook and we can see you have had drooped call. What we can offer is for you to move over from Three to Vodafone. When i refused this offer did they advise that i could go to any carrier i wanted just send back the phones. This i have gladly done. It did take an hour long phone call to get my account number so i could port. Really... customer service do not have all my details when i first call. The appalling service and a company going to market with plans that do nothing but cause congestion needs to be taken to task. Thank you for this website, i just wish i new about it 4 weeks ago.
28 Dec 2010 12:38:49 PM: Am amazed at the number of people suffering at Vodapain's hands too. Watch them on New Year's Eve too - all our messages got sent twice last year - nice little profit maker for them. What a disreputable company. I'll quite happily join the action against them.

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6511 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Pretty constant at 28 Dec 2010 12:35:15 PM
Until I heard about this site, I just put down the bad service to the pitfalls of modern technology. I can now look back at the past 18 months of my contract and see what a appalling service I have been receiving. I once had a voicemail message delivered to me 21 days after it was left for me. I sure wont be renewing my contract, which is a pity as I really don't want to go near telstra.

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6510 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Love vodaphone at 28 Dec 2010 12:35:06 PM
I love vodaphone great service good communication 1 hr wait cool nothing else better to do even better get important text messages if i'm lucky 2 days maybe if I'm extra lucky never and voice mails wow a week later and call drop outs love that hello hello hello love it, what about trying to ring someone and it just pauses up now that is way cool, and what's even better it doesn't ring goes strait to voice mail how cool is that finnaly when you get to talk to some one after 1 hr wait they don't really understand they blame the phone and not listen to you at all now that is customer service ahh yeah and those people in tassie do you drink heaps before you come to work love how helpful and rude you guys are and thanks for send me a phone that is the same as an iPhone called a nokia from 2001 very up to date with other peoples pics and doesn't even work just what I wanted thanks then offered to send it back and no reply how cool is that love you vodaphone why complaine when service is so good can't wait to sign up again when contract finnished ahh yeah if I want an early up grade after being on contract for 1 year and 3 months I have to pay them awesome can't wait to do that once again love you vodaphone what next Going to change lara's voice
28 Dec 2010 12:38:01 PM: If I ring my husband and it goes straight to voicemail, I ALWAYS ring straight back and it rings!

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6509 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Badly at 28 Dec 2010 12:32:35 PM
SMS going out 1-2 days later and in duplicate. Phone calls dialling out when I didn't dial anything.
28 Dec 2010 12:35:35 PM: OMG, I had same prob. I was also charged in my last bill for SMS over 160 characters when they were under ie. getting charged for 2 messages when I should have only been charged for 1. Not good enough!

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6508 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is lots at 28 Dec 2010 12:30:49 PM
i rely on my phone for business. fed up with no service coverage in the CBD constsnt drop outs and recieveng text msgs 3 days after they have been sent. couldn even begin to imagine how much there service has cost me in lost jobs.... carn change providers as i would have to change my number and this would severly impact my business. i carnt even dirvert my number to my new phone as its some bullshit with there carriers....
28 Dec 2010 12:43:54 PM: Port your number?

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6507 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Full of S***T at 28 Dec 2010 12:30:38 PM
I live at Padstow in Metro Sydney. I have no reception at all anywhere near my home. My family is with Optus and no issues at all there.
How fail is Voda? I was at Central station, trying to place a call. After 14 tries, still no luck.

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6506 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is Extremely at 28 Dec 2010 12:29:04 PM
Bought $79 usb for mobile broadband + $100 for 6g use. Promised "excellent" coverage before activating. Never had anything better than very poor, and that's if it DID work. Countless phone calls to Vodapain about that and message that another user was on my IP address - no resolution. Also got abused by Vodapain rep because I couldn't understand a word he said. Gone to Telstra BigPond.
28 Dec 2010 12:36:10 PM: Wow I'm amazed at the number of people fed up with Vodapain too - thought it was just where we lived. Watch them New Year's Eve too - all our messages got sent twice - nice little profit maker for them. What a disreputable company.

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6505 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is at 28 Dec 2010 12:28:35 PM
I have been with Vodafone Mobile & broadband for as long as i can remember, and i mean about 10-15yrs. I rang them over 2 weeks ago saying i do not get 3G when i usually get it in my area.. After a few more calls to them, it took about a week for a callback, they said there is nothing they can do about it but investigate the problem, now i have had no calls from them. and if i call them i cant get through coz of dropout. also everytime i try to go to http://www.vodafail.com/coverage.php it fails to load.. any1 else have this fail problem?

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6504 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is a technological crime at 28 Dec 2010 12:23:08 PM
I live in the Brisbane CBD. Although most times I get okay coverage with only a couple dropouts a week and the odd voice distortion, the 3G is painful. I can be using 3G, not move the phone, and it just stops. I can see my device is trying to upload, but nothing back. Then 5-180 seconds later, it works again.

It's especially bad when using GPS applications that require 3G to download maps or other geographical data. I can leave my apartment and drive for up to 7 minutes until a Google Map starts downloading and the GPS can start working with it. But it will constantly drop out while driving (literally every km or so) so the GPS constantly needs to halt and I need to pull over and wait.

Then of course, I can get GTalk and email messages several hours late, causing me to miss meetings, lunches, and just other things that generally require my attention and response to happen.

I love using Wi-Fi, "Oh thank god. Working internet..." I only wish I could say I was exaggerating :(

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6503 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is at 28 Dec 2010 12:22:26 PM
I am on a contract with crazy Johns for 24 months paying $79 for unlimited plus home broadband which is barely useable. I end up using everyone elses phone as mine does not work in so many areas . I do not have a land line and to trouble shoot i need to turn off my mobile and use a landline or go into a crazy John store. After 5 minutes on the phone repeating himself the operator disconnected me. Or maybe i t was just the lousy service. This is dangerous as this is my only phone. Scary that a company can get away with operating under false pretenses.

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6502 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is VodaFAIL! at 28 Dec 2010 12:21:30 PM
I'm a full time worker, I don't even have time to scratch myself let alone making 2697 phone calls in one month! My phone bill came home to be $1270 because vodafone said that I had exceeded my plan. I had complained and they said they'd do something about it, they said they'd take 50% off of my bill, but that for some reason came down to $890! I called to complain again and they said the only thing I could do now is to upgrade my plan and they'd take another 50% off. Alright, I dis that but I wasn't a happy customer. Then after a while of thinking I decided not to use my phone at all.. The next month my bill came to $3000+! Wth?! I didn't even use my phone! That was it, I didn't use the phone, I called up to complain so many times and every tune I called I had to repeat my story over and over again. I got so sick of them I just dropped it, never called them again and I wasn't going to pay for something that I didn't use! They took me to debt collectors and I still didn't pay, they put me down on the black books and now I have bad crept for FIVE years for a ridiculous, lying, decieving and manipulative company that cares for nothing mbut money!

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6501 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is CRAP at 28 Dec 2010 12:21:16 PM
I NEVER had reception... I had to walk out down my driveway to make a call or recieve a message.
I ended my plan early and paid the $400 to pay it out so I can switch to Optus.
Never again will I go with such a RUBBISH company again... Vodaphone SUCKS!

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6500 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Very at 28 Dec 2010 12:20:54 PM
I have been with Vodaphone mobile plan for about 4 years now and can honestly say that in the last 12 months the call drop out is 1 in 5 phone calls!!! And I work in the city and live in Lutwyche (5kms from the city!) with a mobile phone tower behind my apartment complex!!!
I was with 3 for my internet and the last 6 months noticed that it was super slow!
So - rang to cancel as decided to change companies and to cut and extremely LONG story short - I spent the next 9 weeks, approx. 12 phone calls and about 11 hours phone time trying to: get the new USB, activate the new USB, realise it was a complete waste of time and then cancel my new USB!!!
Apart from 1 person at Vodaphone (Millie) the other people I spoke to ( a total of 14 different people!!!) could not have cared less about me...
Sorry to say but am about to also change phone carrier as I can't be bothered to stay with them anymore - it's costing me too much money in calling people back (and that's as long as I'm not trying to call them between 4.30pm and 6.00pm when there are times I don't even get a phone line to make a call!!!)

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6499 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Coverage is a mess and prices are appauling at 28 Dec 2010 12:20:39 PM
Vodafone charges more money per txt than any other phone company. At 33cents a txt (for pre-paid at least) he goes through $20 within days. This is just unacceptable. Also, coverage constantly drops out and yet I still get charged for these calls. I was once on hold to Vodafone for over 20 mins when the phone line just dropped. Speaking of being on hold, their customer service is disgusting. Recently my phone (supplied by Vodafone) died. I went to a vodafone store to get this matter resolved and was told that it wasnt their fault and there was nothing they could do about it. It's enough to make me want to switch companies as soon as my contract expires...

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6498 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Epic fail at 28 Dec 2010 12:19:54 PM
Vodafone haven't sent my last 2 months bills to me and the only notification I had was I was unable to make calls. Problem is they also barred incoming calls and my husband is in emergency services and no phone incoming or outgoing calls meant he wouldnt receive any calls advising him of work.
Issue two is I contacted vodafone to find out why my phone continued to drop out of service in the middle of the CBD and why SMS took forever to come thru or important voicemails not being delivered til 3 days later and the response was there were too many phones trying to access the network at the same time.
Issue three was the lack of knowledge of the vodafone customer care when they advised the area I live in was covered by vodafone yet I have to walk down the street to the main street to make a phone call. Internet and phone coverage drops out regularly making it extremely frustrating!!!
28 Dec 2010 12:28:29 PM: My husband was on direct debit payment since re-joining on a different contract the previous year, in September just gone 'someone' stopped the direct debit. The only way we found out about it was when we got a tax invoice for $300 in December and rang up to find out why. He didn't get a reminder, or an SMS to let him know that he had an overdue amount, they just demanded the payment when he called up. No-one at vodafone could tell us who or why the direct debit had stopped. SO BAD.

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6497 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is PIECE OF SHIT!!! at 28 Dec 2010 12:19:42 PM
i rang vodafone this morning because i recieved an sms alert saying that my internet bill was ready & that i could view it online. i rang up weeks ago to have it sent out to me in the post. i spoke to three different people all of whom couldn't speak english properly & i got put through to two different deparrtments. the third person that i spoke to hung up on me while i was still talking. i had to ring them back which really ticked me off. not happy plus sometimes i get no reception whatsoever.

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6496 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is can't make any phone call at 28 Dec 2010 12:19:06 PM
since this morning, 2 mobiles under my account are not able to make any phone call and receive any call. can't access to data network too.

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6495 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is 10 out of 10 at 28 Dec 2010 12:17:25 PM
I can never use the internet on their service. It claims to have full 3G reception but never works. My calls are always dropping out and sometimes it says I have no service when in an area i normally get 3g.

Overall, Vodafone is the most unreliable service i've ever used. When my waste of money "bargain" contract is up, i'm switching to a more reliable service.

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6494 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is shocking at 28 Dec 2010 12:17:14 PM
Hardly any reception at home, frequently can't send sms and take calls due to no service, and i am close to the city.

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6493 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is very at 28 Dec 2010 12:17:03 PM
Unexplainable - Not only VoDAFONE Need To Take accountibilty With THREE as well.Likw wise most of them similar -no customer service

another Three fail

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6491 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is superfail at 28 Dec 2010 12:15:10 PM
Since the merger of 3 and voda i think we have all suffered!
I used to love voda, no dropouts, good coverage.
now, they just didnt understand the pressure it would put on the network combining these 2 companies and boom!
drop outs in different locations, ring them up and because it is in more than 1 location its my phone or sim!
so i get a new phone. and a new sim.
and there goes the dropouts again.
so i ring with SPECIFIC locations and they STILL refuse to believe there's a problem...
then I see on the news there is a problem!
Wish they had told me that before telling me to upgrade my phone and sim!
TIO here i come!!
28 Dec 2010 12:33:43 PM: I was just told to go to a different location and see if the coverage improves and if it doesn't then I have to go and get a new SIM card. My husbands does the same thing so his SIM must be kaput too? I think not, I think Vodafone is grasping at straws.

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6490 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Very! at 28 Dec 2010 12:14:34 PM
Virtually NO reception at home (and therefore my home office from where I conduct business). There is literally only a tiny bit of reception in one tiny corner of the house about 1 square metre - outside of that, forget it - even OUTSIDE the house...nothing. Frustrating to say the least, let alone inefficient, and time-consuming when attempting calls/internet access or even just answering a client call!! If it wasnt for my landline and home WIFI for backup, I'd really be screwed. As it is, I am losing a lot of money on unused VF calls on the so-called "plan" as I simply can't use it! Its not just my home (Tapping WA 6065 - a popular Perth suburb), but also in other areas like Joondalup - a major local business and shopping district, which should have excellent coverage, and to VF's credit normally does... however last week there was ZERO coverage for two days there!!?? The inconsistency and generally poor reception, dropped calls, etc is simply unacceptable for a major player like VF, regardless of what plan you're on - and I'm on a pretty expensive one...

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6489 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is painfully expencive at 28 Dec 2010 12:12:29 PM
I keep losing my reception and i am being charged for calls that i never made. Also most of my sms dont send and then i get a message saying that it has cost me extra to not send a message. also i cant always recieve txts especialy if its from a telstra fone the custumor services are set up to make it almost immpossible to make a complaint and they sign you up for things that you didnt even ask 4!!! i hate using my fone now thanx 2 VODAFAIL!!!!!!!!!

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6488 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Internet Modem is Bollocks at 28 Dec 2010 12:12:02 PM
I purchased an internet modem which continually failed to reached anything beyond dial up speed. After having enough, I rang Vodafone and discovered the modem I had was diagnosed with a "known problem".

I was shunted around five different people in their call centre (the first operator I spoke to I couldnt understand due to a very thick Indian accent and from there I was department bounced) before being told I had three options available to me to fix the issue-
a) Pay $400 for a new modem and see out my contract
b) Renew the contract on the already faulty plan for an additional 2 years without guarantees I could exit if the service didnt improve and receive a new modem
c) Pay $600 to exit the contract early.

As far as I am concerned, if you supply equipment to facilitate their use of a service, it should work and should be replaced if recognised as a "known fault" of that equipment impedes the persons ability to access the service.

I chose to stay in contract and simply get a new provider of internet. Since then, Vodafone keep sending me letters every month trying to get me to be a customer again. If they had looked after me properly in the first instance, they wouldn't have had to!

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6487 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is at 28 Dec 2010 12:09:01 PM
could not make calls or receive them for 1 week in December rang vodafone they tell me it's my handset after trying to reset phone nothing happened and they tell me it's my sim card, go into shop and they tell me a tower is out in my area as soon as I left my area bingo my phone works. Did not get my bill by e-mail for this month have e-mailed vodafone but surprise surprise no reply.

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6485 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is total fail at 28 Dec 2010 12:07:21 PM
constant call drops while still showing full coverage, the classic connection error message..... I WILL NOT BE RETURNING TO VODAFONE once my contract expires..... i wish there was a way out of it without paying... im fed up

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6483 Someone from TAS thinks vodafone is Video Call does not always work at 28 Dec 2010 12:03:44 PM
In addition to the other issues I have wrote I wish to add Video Calls.

This is not something I am concerned about as I dont use it but have attempted several times. Thats if a 3g signal is good enough or available to start with.

I have been able to video call from my Vodafone mobile to a Telstra mobile with no problems but can not Video Call my partner who is also with Vodafone (pre-paid however).

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6482 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Sickeningly at 28 Dec 2010 12:01:25 PM
I work in the CBD, which really shouldn't be an area of Sydney with reception issues! I'm re-sending SMSes about six times, sometimes can't call out for stretches of up to an hour, will have no data service all day ... I don't have any other phone service, and really need this.

Complained until I'm out of breath, contacted TIO, etc. I want out :(

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6481 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Worst company ever! at 28 Dec 2010 12:01:06 PM
After a gruelling two year contract, I was finally able to leave. They did not offer me a new phone or try to get me to renew my contract, they just forgot about me. Great customer service there.... Then they preceeded to charge me an exit fee and sent me a notice from the debt collector as I was refusing to pay for it. This company robbed me of so much money and my bill was NEVER under $49 dollars, I didn't even use it that much and they still managed to put all their hidden costs in there and failed to provide a service. I live in metro Melbourne and I still had issues with reception. I am now on Telstra and paying the same amount for MUCH BETTER RECEPTION AND VALUE FOR MONEY. I also make sure I tell everyone of my problems with Vodafail.

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6480 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Constant and painful at 28 Dec 2010 12:01:05 PM
I've been missing clients calls constantly, and getting their voice messages is almost impossible. No business, no money. How am I supposed to pay for the bill?

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6479 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is epic fail at 28 Dec 2010 11:58:23 AM
I cant recieve calls anymore, they go straight to the message bank. SMS don't come through until I make a call out, and mine sometimes don't go out at all.

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6478 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is at 28 Dec 2010 11:58:09 AM
the connection and reception is pretty bad at times and the service over the phone is terrible.
If you don't call at 8am you only get automatic voice males or your on hold for the rest of the day!!!!

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6477 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is AWOL at 28 Dec 2010 11:57:59 AM
Nigel..........nigel. Has anybody seen Nigel Daws?

Oh he must be at the cricket watching a failing cricket team as a representative of a failed company.

Oh, the embarrassment!

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6476 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is really terrible service at 28 Dec 2010 11:57:47 AM
I signed up for 2 years on the understanding that if the coverage for the mobile broadband was poor I could return the modem with no cost to me. I live in Mildura and in August this year I sent it back.Vodaphone is still billing me even though I no longer have their modem.I have spent hours on the phone trying to rectify this problem. Now I have just received the latest bill. They won't listen.

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6475 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is very at 28 Dec 2010 11:57:43 AM
on two occasions i have paid for the 29 dollar flexi cap & both times the credit has been faulty, when i've called customer care the indian told me i have been sold used credit, on both occasions i have watched the reciept being printed directly from the machine. wtf
28 Dec 2010 12:25:59 PM: I am sorry to hear but am glad to hear I'm not the only one - that's actually happened to me - and both times I'd bought the vouchers from a 7Eleven..the ones I've bought from Coles / Woolies have always worked fine. Rashad from Vodaphone actually had the hide to say "7Eleven have been known to give people used vouchers"...how rude is that!!!

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6474 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is not able to make calls at 28 Dec 2010 11:57:07 AM
i have not been able to make or recieve calls on my mobile for the last 6 days. I have rung Vodaphone and after 44 minutes on hold i was told there is no network problem but they will look into it after the public holiday. The phone show 3-4 bars signal strenght but when you dial it just keeps trying for two minutes before saying that the call failed. if by some miracle it connects than it drops out the minute the other person answers. Not happy

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6473 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is infuriatingly fail at 28 Dec 2010 11:56:29 AM
1) receive SMS's and MMS's 2-3 days late at odd hours in the morning
2) phone shows full reception, however cannot make any phone calls and noone can call me.
3) voicemails arrive 1-2 days late

I complained to Voda and they said it was my handset problem. I know this is wrong as i have changed handsets 3 times and still experience problems. They reset the factory settings and asked me to test sending an MMS to myself - it worked at the time, but then later on didn't.

I have until March 2011 until my 2 year contract ends and asked for a cancellation and they said they need to raise an investigation to see if they will be able to waiver the termination fee. They stated which location i lost coverage in, i said everywhere but they needed an address, so they took down my home location and work location (2 investigations on the network coverage of these locations). I think this is stupid because it is a MOBILE and i am MOBILE when i lose coverage. They should just investigate everywhere in Australia!!!

I am now awaiting them to call me after 3 days of investigations and the outcome would only be waiver the termination fee or not. THIS IS NOT ENOUGH. I NEED COMPENSATION FOR LOST SERVICE. I have made an official complaint with TIO and signed up for Piper Alderman's class action against them.

What i want is compensation for the last year's of lost service and a cancellation without fees.

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6472 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Incorrect modem specs given at 28 Dec 2010 11:56:04 AM
Yesterday I bought a Vodafone Mobile Broadband Starter Kit for $49 assuming the specs given are correct, specifically that Mac OS X Tiger 10.4.8 and later is supported on PowerPC G3 and G4, check this link out
But when I unpacked the modem at home, the installation instructions say that Mac OS X 10.4.11 and earlier is not supported on PowerPC.
When I surf the web I prefer to run Mac OS X 10.4.11 on PowerPC as that is one of the least vulnerable OS'es to rootkits etc, but now I find myself surfing using an old PC running Windows XP. Do wrong modem specs posted by Vodafone on their website qualify as misleading advertising ? I wouldn't be surprised if.

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6471 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is computer sez noooo!! at 28 Dec 2010 11:56:02 AM
2 Contracts, (1 Phone and 1 mobile internet)
1 problem, neither work properly
*regular call and data dropouts
*"No Service" in service areas
*garbled noise during calls
*weak signal, very slow internet
*very late messages
*incoming messages repeated up to 5 times
*Neither phone NOR computer will send emails through Vodacrap
*screen freezes (may be iPhone??)
*Many Call centre staff lie and deny problems with servers
The list goes on, how long have you got?

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6470 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is 50% at 28 Dec 2010 11:55:25 AM
Out of the mess now I hope but last few days in Sydney connection was woeful and caused me to miss out on good times with great people

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6469 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is Shite at 28 Dec 2010 11:54:58 AM
Moved from Three to voda due to poor reception, voda has been even worse than three. Only benifit that we got was not being charged got roaming.

Reception and 3g performance have been very poor in tuggeranong. I have to be in open air to get good reception.

I have been in Sydney the last few days and found out why people here are having issues. Delayed messages dropped calls and not being able to make calls at all with full bars.

I'll give them a few more weeks before calling cancelling my contract.

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6468 Someone from TAS thinks vodafone is VF colour is Red and so is Santa.. No present left for me from the fat man... Damn you VF at 28 Dec 2010 11:54:45 AM

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6467 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is killing them slowly at 28 Dec 2010 11:52:12 AM
I'm in Tuross Head at the moment visiting family. My husband and I are with Vodafone and have no network coverage AT ALL, my sister-in-law and my brother are with 3 and they have full 3G coverage. WTF is going on? I thought 3 & Vodafone were one and the same, perhaps I'm mistaken......Currently I'm on hold to Vodafone, fourth time today, first sunny day since getting here and i've been trying to resolve this issue since 10.30am it's now 1.50pm. Meanwhile my family is yelling at me because they're waiting for me to go fishing with them. This is only one of my issues,
i havent written about the call drop outs, dodgy internet etc. What a joke, although I'm certainly not laughing.
28 Dec 2010 12:22:59 PM: I just got off the phone from the Technical Disservice department of Vodafail who told me that I need to take my phone to a different location to see if my network coverage improves, if it does improve then I have to call vodafone back to tell them and then they will escalate my issue to the Network Specialists (???) and they will try to find out why I cannot get service at my current location. If the newtork coverage does NOT improve then I have to go and get new SIM cards for my husband and I as they might be faulty! SERIOUSLY....way to go to make it sound like it's not vodafones fault!
28 Dec 2010 12:31:16 PM: By the way they also told me that 3 and vodafone are separate and use different network towers? Is this correct?
28 Dec 2010 04:26:10 PM: I was asked FOUR times to change my SIM by the indian call centres, amongst other resets. I did it 3 times to humour them, the 4th I went to the TIO and complained about the 86 phone calls (no joke) I'd made in the previous 3 months and the disgraceful customer service. Fortunately their computer systems log each call and email. Even the insane ones where the Indian Call Centre says to email Vodafone, and when I did the email reply said "you spoke to 1555 about this problem already, so case: CLOSED" were logged by Vodafone, shooting themselves in the foot.

I'd had no signal at ALL unless I stood on my letterbox out on the street and waved my phone in the air and maybe (just maybe) I might get it for 30 seconds. The TIO made Vodafone call me about the issues. I was polite to the VF guy (it helps) and he let me out of my contract and gave me a huge $8 credit! Huge! He told me it was pretty obvious after the first SIM swap that wasn't the problem.

I'm now so happy with Telstra it's not funny. I almost feel like washing my mouth out with soap saying that, but it's true :)

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6466 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is voda f #$%^ fail at 28 Dec 2010 11:51:15 AM
3 transferred me from 3 to Vodafail 6 weeks ago and its been crap since..broadband drops out frequently during the day..havnt been able to use my application properly since..always hated telstra..guess what..been with them for three weeks..not a problem..now just have to get out of my vodafail contract and i'll be a happy chappy..bring it on..

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6465 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is EPIC FAIL!!! at 28 Dec 2010 11:49:33 AM
I am an incredibly disgruntled Vodafone customer. I am tired of basically paying for a service that I struggle to use. The network reception is incredibly poor. I have had my sim card and phone replaced and this has not resolved the issue. When I call technical support, they just tell me that I should have service in the areas I am located in. They offer no other support nor can they because their network coverage and customer service leaves a lot to be desired. I will be endeavouring to jump ship back to Telstra asap. And I hope for Vodafones sake that they do not attempt to charge me for this.

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6464 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is finally something about voda to laugh at! at 28 Dec 2010 11:49:11 AM
I have had enough of vodafone, so i thought i would check out optus (cos telstra is just as shit) and surprise surprise, optus website is down, so i rang them, and due to unprecidented new customer sign up enquiries their website is overloading LOL vodashit will be out of business by next week at this rate
28 Dec 2010 11:52:03 AM: Heard similar stories from Telstra shop assistants. They are actually putting more staff on to deal with the avalanche of disgruntled Voda customers who are making the switch.

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6463 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is A MEGA EPIC FAIL at 28 Dec 2010 11:48:34 AM
I thought my iPhone has been on the fritz for the past 6 months....and I have just now read that its all Vodafail's fault!
My calls have been dropping out going from full service to no service multiple times a day in all parts of Sydney, from CBD to the suburbs. I was already planning on buying a new phone.
28 Dec 2010 11:54:32 AM: This is my experience too. So frustrating.

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6461 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is very poor at 28 Dec 2010 11:47:44 AM
internet reception is a disgrace

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6460 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is EXTREME FAIL at 28 Dec 2010 11:47:44 AM
About 16 months ago I made the biggest mistake of my life. I was no longer happy with my phone provider so decided to look into who was able to give me good service at an affordable price.
I decided to go with Vodafone Online, I'd spent about 2 weeks researching it all and the deal they had seemed the best. The sales team where fantastic at selling me a package including a phone and contract for 12 months.
I received my phone 2 days later and upon inspecting it realized there where 3 things missing from the phone - a micro SD card, the stylus and case. (The Micro SD card was vital for the phone operation).
I immediately rang Vodafone who gave me Nokia's number saying I would have to follow up the problem myself. I did so the long of the short of it is, after 3 MONTHS of going back and forth between Nokia and Vodafone I was told many different things - Both informed me that a new phone was on the way about 5 times and would arrive the next day, Both informed me that there was no issue raised about 3 times and despite having a list of call logs of who i'd spoken to and reference numbers for the complaints would have to start again, Nokia informed me twice that the issue was to be dealt with by Vodafone and not me, Vodafone themselves rang Nokia after I ended up INSISTING on them doing so and the Vodafone customer service agent was shocked at the treatment he himself received from Nokia.
I received bills for them and thankfully I hadn't actually actioned the phone yet and I had free 3 months on the contract (which by the end of the 3 months due to the fact I still had not got anywhere with getting a complete phone was upped to 6 months free usage)
I spoke to managers at Vodafone who laughed in my face and when I informed them I was going to take it to the ACCC told me I would have to get a complaint form from them which would cost me $20 and in her own words 'Good Luck, No one cares what you have to complain about cos at the end of the day you are just one person and you can do nothing'.
I contacted the ACCC who informed me to communicate via email to them so I would have written records. Guess what, they NEVER replied via email to me.... actually they never replied at all.
This whole time I had no phone at all, I was working nearly everyday and relied on a phone yet because I am also a single parent and on a government pension for it the rules are that you can only have 1 phone contract in your name and I didn't have the funds to pay for a pre-paid mobile... I was trapped.
Finally after 3 months of being lied to, passed around and not listened to, laughed at openly by the staff and managers and getting no where, I ended up snapping.
(Because I had bought it from the online store, I was not able to go into a store and have a human help me - trust me I tried numerously - all I could do was call their inhuman customer support numbers)
So I snapped and FINALLY after 3 months they sent me an envelope to send the phone back with and was told once they received the phone back and it was checked over by the 'tech team' I MAY have the chance to exit my contact.
So I received the envelope 3 days later, posted it within 5 minutes of getting it (I paid express post to send it) - 2 weeks later I rang, and it still wasn't processed, I rang everyday for another week and finally was told that, yes the phone had in fact arrived 2 weeks earlier and was processed and was now in the hands of the manager that had told me I was just one person and she didn't care about my complaint and the manager had in fact gone on holidays for 2 weeks and nothing could be done until she returned.
So I asked to be put through to another person who I had been dealing with and 2 days later I removed from the contract... So I thought.
I went down to my local shopping center to take on a new contract with a different provider and was not allowed to take it out as they had that I had unpaid bills with Vodafone and a current contract.
After 3 days of calls I finally received an email stating I was no longer a Vodafone customer and was able to present it to the new provider as proof.
I continued to receive bills for another 2 months (all 0 balance) and each time I contacted them and each time was told more crap.
Finally about 6 months after it all started, I was clear...
I will NEVER EVER touch Vodafone or Nokia again... the one piece of justice for me... I informed everyone I came in contact with over the 6 months who complained about me not having a mobile or being able to contact me sufficiently about Vodafone and what was occurring at the time, and I smile when I know because of my turmoil at least 300 people will now not touch them either!
28 Dec 2010 11:50:31 AM: what Nokia phone was it?
28 Dec 2010 11:57:53 AM: Nokia 5800 music express

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6459 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is at 28 Dec 2010 11:47:32 AM
tried to pay account via email failed, back up service what a joke had to wait on the phne 40mins just to speak to someone to pay bill!
28 Dec 2010 12:48:38 PM: paying via email? You should have set up direct debit or pay via bpay or visa. The joke is your stupidity!

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6458 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Fail at 28 Dec 2010 11:47:02 AM
Docklands area: reception issues, drop outs, late sms and voicemail messages up to 8 hrs late. poor customer service and ongoing billing issues. If a payment fails on a credit card - there is no notice - they just cut mobile data service and it takes 3 days to restore on their system. Will move to another provider at the end of contract.

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6457 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is at 28 Dec 2010 11:45:15 AM
Calls constantly dropping out, internet rarely works and I'm forever trying to find service to send a text message. Vodafones customer service is poor and I'm paying an absolute shitload for their services.

Hate them, SO MUCH.
28 Dec 2010 03:54:52 PM: on an infinite 45 dollar plan? your a cheapskate im sure no telco provider wud want you as a customer

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6456 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is poor coverage at 28 Dec 2010 11:44:42 AM
Perth is full of black holes where there is zero reception and i have 2 mobiles 1 for work is with telstra which is very good but i hate telstra

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6455 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is driving me nuts at 28 Dec 2010 11:41:58 AM
we live at alex hd. internet never gets over 1mb download and even then very rarely. called customer service and was told that the system was being upgraded. that was at least 6 months ago. my connection even dropped out in the middle of writing this post. GRRRRRRRRR.

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6454 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is completely incompetent at 28 Dec 2010 11:41:57 AM
I have been with vodafone on a plan for approximately 6 months or so. Prior to that i was prepaid for several years. Since i have been on the plan i have had several problems with vodafone. The problems were, my phone started freezing and reseting itself within the first two weeks, I went to the vodafone shop to fix the problem. Naturally ide assume that it would have been replaced due the fact that it was two weeks old, but the shop attendant told me he would give me a new simcard and i should downlaod the new software, if that didnt fix the problem then i should take it to one of there repairers . I downloaded the software and it didnt fix it. I didnt send it to the repairer because i figured it wouldn't get fixed due to the fact that it started doing it when it was just 2 weeks old. Ive just gotten used to it.

My bill was supposed to be emailed to me every month from the start of the contract. I did not recieve a bill for a couple of months and then recieved an automated call saying that vodafone was cutting of my service so i went back to the store again and apparently it was not set up correctly. The shop attendant then aparently set it up and said I should have an email from them when i get home to confirm it. A week later it came through. Then for afew months, other than my crap phone which also drops out of reception for no reason (if i turn it off and on it gets reception again) things were reasonable.

Then two months ago I paid a bill at the post office, i thought i had lost my reciept and the next bill i recieved stated that i had not payed the last. So believing i had no reciept or no proof or payment i paid the bill for the last month and that month. I then kept that reciept and surprise surprise the next month or this months bill stated i had not payed last months.

I left work an hour early the other week to make it to the vodafone store to sort this out. The shop attendant i was talking to looked up the information and said the billing system is only about 60% accurate most of the time. He then proceeded to explain that my bills had been paid and that i owed only $1.15. He then revised it treating me like an idiot asking me repeatedly if i understood how it worked. The he stated that again that i had to pay $1.15 to which i said how? Because you cant pay part of a bill at the post office. Leaving me no option and not helping me at all i left. I then paid it online at the vodafone website to which im being charged a handling fee due to vodafones incompetence.

Also the internet on my phone doesnt work very well at all, most of the time it just times out or has no rception.

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6453 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is poor call reception and dropp outs at 28 Dec 2010 11:39:59 AM
I recently changed from Optus to Vodaphone on recommendation from my son.
Yes the Vodaphone plan is good and the service on signup was good. the trouble is that I use my phone for business calls and it is frustrating to either not be able to communicate without the continuous drop outs and failure to connect to other calls. In fact, I am now sorry that I changed networks as the call failures are effecting my business. I hope that Vodaphone can fix this?
Brian P.

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6452 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is poor service abysmal customer focus at 28 Dec 2010 11:39:08 AM
I originally contacted Vodafone on the 16th of december as I had dropped out calls, calls that never registered and went straight to voicemail which I then received upto 2 days later since september. I have been promised a callback from resolutions and have given them two alternate numbers to call guess what they ring the vodafone number that never works... so i'm calling them foe the sixth time in under two weeks.

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6451 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is at 28 Dec 2010 11:38:26 AM
I don't see how anybody is locked into a contract, when Vodaphone has already broken their end of the deal. If they are not providing what they have promised, the people not receiving the service, are not obligated to fulfill their contract with Vodaphone.

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