26 Mar 2012 - Update Highest Rated Pain Stories Highest Rated Gain Stories Vodafail Local Facebook Page
Dear visitor,

Since its inception Vodafail.com has made a significant contribution towards raising awareness of the problems and issues faced by Vodafone customers.

Vodafone Australia customers have had the opportunity to voice their concerns, their fears and their troubles from every corner of Australia and beyond our borders. You have gathered the courage to stand up for your rights as consumers and to make your voice heard.

Each and every person who shared their story should have a sense of pride in this achievement and the changes that have occurred since the start of Vodafail.com.

More recently, traffic to Vodafail.com has declined significantly. Having achieved the goal of raising awareness and promoting concrete action in early 2011, we have now reached the point of closing Vodafail to new complaints. The site will remain online for as long as possible as a reminder and an example of what is possible when we share our experiences.

It has been a privilege to run this initiative and I'm am forever grateful for the help and support I've received. In particular I would like to thank Melissa, David and Travis for their continued efforts over the past 15 months. I'm also thankful and humbled by the support of ACCAN, Choice magazine and a wide range of media outlets, blogs and websites.

You can still browse existing stories and find out how to file a complaint if you are experiencing problems.

Until next time,

Adam Brimo

Share Your Pain

Vodafail.com is no longer accepting complaints.
Over the past 6 months traffic to Vodafail has declined significantly. Therefore we have closed off Vodafail to new complaints. We think you will find more joy in posting on any one of these fine product / brand review sites.

You can also post directly on the Vodafone community forums.

Other People's Pain

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9111 Someone from TAS thinks vodafone is not at 30 Dec 2010 01:57:10 PM
Well i am verry happy with Vodafone. I believe people just need onther thing to complain about. Oh sorry vodafone isnt telstra but why did you sign up in the first place? Oh telstra charges you double the amount for the same ammount of credit. Do your research before you sign up with someone. You people have no one to blame but your self. I work my ass off at Vodafone to make ungreatfull customers like you happy. Oh and lets complain about the que time, People are doing their jobs and take into consideration that there are 5000 other people calling at the same time as you. Vodafone isnt disrigarding your complaints, but please people make them valid. If your not happy you should of done your research. I can easily say theres double the amount of happy customers as unhappy ones. The publicity that was shown on TV made a problem into a into bigger problem. Not only did we have complaints in the first place but know people feel like they need to contribute to this with stupid complains that honestly show you need to take it out on someone. Compromising price will also compromise coverage. We cant be the best at both, but i dont see too many people complaining about the price they pay. Wtf honestly bad battery life? all handsets regardless what carear are the SAME! But if you were with telstra you wouldnt even notice. Im having to stop doing my job and help out the TIO because of ridiculous complaints like that. Honestly people have some faith. Grow a bridge and get over yourself


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9110 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is at 30 Dec 2010 01:53:00 PM
for some reason, my vodafone coverage has dropped out completely. yesterday it was fine. today i have no signal. what will tomorrow bring?

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9109 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is @T&*@ing internet at 30 Dec 2010 01:52:22 PM
Today the internets been working for 30 mins this morning then all of a sudden it has been working went it wantd to work down when it wants to be down at the point of almost throw my computer across the room because it has been that slower then normal, I WANT TO BE ON FACEBOOK BUT IT WONT LET ME, BUT I CAN GO & CHECK MY EMAILS, PLUS THIS WEB SITE, BUT I WANT FACEBOOK
30 Dec 2010 02:49:54 PM: I am also having trouble accessing facebook right now, but I am with iPrimus. So I think it may be facebook that is having the problem. Although of course, I'm sure your slow connection is 100% Voda's doing.
30 Dec 2010 02:50:53 PM: I am also having trouble accessing facebook right now, but I am with iPrimus. So I think it may be facebook that is having the problem. Although of course, I'm sure your slow connection is 100% Voda's doing.
30 Dec 2010 03:14:36 PM: Try the beta site: http://www.beta.facebook.com

or for this page: http://www.beta.facebook.com/pages/Can-we-find-1-million-people-who-will-never-use-Vodafone-again/172631736104243?v=wall
30 Dec 2010 03:43:46 PM: Thankyou beta.facebook.com did work

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9108 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is Mobile USB that never worked at 30 Dec 2010 01:45:34 PM
Thought I try the Vodafone Mobile Broadband USB stick around May 2010, from almost the first week the connection drop outs were numerous and speed was very poor, at times light an dial up connection.
It was meant to be able to give me 3G service and it never did.
After many calls to support and going through their turn this off turn this on, nothing fixed my problem. I have terminated my contract and now they want to charge me for the termination too. I do not believe I should pay this termination fee for something that never worked.

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9107 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is mega fail at 30 Dec 2010 01:44:22 PM
phone calls not connecting/ disconnecting
internet signal poor/dropping out every 5 minutes if connects at all
I am a single parent with 2 small kids month in i had to call emergency and the phone kept dropping out every 10 minutes and wasn't able to make calls if it wasn't 000 courtesy to call back ... then what???
I can't afford a land line currently and want out of that deal!!! Pls help!!!
30 Dec 2010 01:45:28 PM: piperalderman.com.au Submit your interest in the class action

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9106 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Check it out at 30 Dec 2010 01:39:31 PM
piperalderman.com.au Submit your interest in the class action

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9105 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Unaustralian at 30 Dec 2010 01:39:21 PM
So I went to WA, knew I had my global roaming turned on in case I woke up in New Zealand and found out that National is only Tasmania and Vic Coastal areas. Vodafail!

"Hi, It would appear that my National Roaming isn't working. I'm currently out of Vodafone reception and while I have full reception on my virgin phone I still cant use voda.

Is there something I'm doing wrong?"

Hi Andrew,

Thank you for your email.

From accessing your account, I can see that National Roaming is active on the account.

Please be advised the National Roaming network that Vodafone have, is only available in Tasmania and the Victorian coast.

Kind regards,

Correspondence Team

30 Dec 2010 03:05:10 PM: Andrew, you must be joking............right? The above cannot be genuine surely? Oh apologies Andrew, as you were, of course I briefly forgot for one moment...............it's Vodafone, say no more!

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9104 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is a cynical exercise in capitalism at 30 Dec 2010 01:38:25 PM
Stop sponsoring under performing cricket teams and start improving an under performing business.

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9103 Someone from TAS thinks vodafone is mega fail at 30 Dec 2010 01:37:33 PM
I am pretty much in the middle of launceston and have no reception at my house, cant recieve calls or make then, no data transfer, not even emergency calls only!

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9102 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is at 30 Dec 2010 01:37:13 PM
Until the ACCC makes new recommendations, or the class action gets up, we still need to follow all the rules, yes it has been established and admitted by Vodafone that their is a problem but that doesn't give anyone the rights to stop paying or just port out and cancel, if you do this you will affect your credit file and you will be in the wrong.

Keep a diary of events, establishing the problem.

Figure out exactly what you would like to be done about it, be prepared to compromise!

Contact Vodafone tell them what the problem is and what you would like as a remedy.

If then they can't help you, then contact the TIO, or join the class action.

Wait times are crap at the moment of course because of all the problems, you will have to be patient and wait your turn, and yes it sucks, but until you have actually spoken to them and they have not agreed to help, they haven't done anything wrong!

And remember you'll catch way more flies with honey than vinegar, be polite, be reasonable, be patient, it always works best!

Customer care

1300 650 410



Another good tip, is put everything into an email and send it to them, of course as pointed out on this site you may not get an answer in a hurry, but it is still a log of information outlaying your problems, send a copy to yourself so you have a record, it will all add levity to your cause!

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9101 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Extreme fail at 30 Dec 2010 01:34:49 PM
My previous post was #9084.

I have just received an SMS from Vodafone stating:

"Vodafone Update - Ticket closed as all necessary checks has been done by Network tech detected fault at the server Site contact tech support for assistance"

By the way, that is copied exactly from my phone.

So now what? Nothing has changed. I still have a bad signal, call dropouts/breaking up, poor internet connection. All the same problems what I had before.

Did they fix the fault or just detect it? I doubt they did anything.
30 Dec 2010 02:01:42 PM: I think that means they admit there is a network problem for your issues..and let's face it, no one knows when/how/where it's going to be fixed. I guess now you have to decide what you want to do. Do you want to stay and wait for a bit, call up to complain and get some discount, or complain to get out of your contract. See 'How To Complain' section.
30 Dec 2010 02:15:44 PM: I think that means they admit there is a network problem for your issues..and let's face it, no one knows when/how/where it's going to be fixed. I guess now you have to decide what you want to do. Do you want to stay and wait for a bit, call up to complain and get some discount, or complain to get out of your contract. See 'How To Complain' section.

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9100 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is at 30 Dec 2010 01:34:09 PM
I have contacted Vodafone several times over the past few weeks regarding my reception and all they do is try tell me it might be my handset, I have explained numerous times that everyone I know on Vodafone is having the same problem, I get messages delayed by hours, messages I send delayed by hours and 99% of the time when someone tries to call me or I try to contact another person on Vodafone it says there phone is off...F@ck you Vodafone for trying to just sweep the problem under the carpet instead of working on a solution!

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9099 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is horrible at 30 Dec 2010 01:30:10 PM
When I am lucky enough to RECIEVE a call people on the other end can't hear me.
Just had my boss ring up to offer me more work only to have her hang up on me as she could not hear what I was saying. And missed calls don't show up either!
Is there any way to get out of a cap?? thanks.

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9098 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is A joke at 30 Dec 2010 01:26:08 PM
Two days after I received my BlackBerry, pressing the trackball would no longer work. The "Customer Care" line was answered by a speech recognition system incapable of recognising any speech and after much trawling to find a number that would put me through to an options menu, I was subjected to a two hour long wait before a human answered and provided me with, of course, a useless solution. So arcane and impractical was the repair process that I've just worked around the problem. Suffice to say, the Vodafone retail store experience was equally parlous, with bad attitude thrown in. Even the store manager put me through to a so-called Customer Care line which only resulted in another marathon wait. Then, it's the same story of no coverage, dropped calls, emails ostensibly sent but never arriving, achingly slow data speeds. I have never had these problems with Telstra and am now being punished for signing up to a cheap deal with Vodafone -cheap for a very good reason. I will continue warning everyone I speak to against using Vodafone's services, if it can even be called such a thing.

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9097 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Total Fail at 30 Dec 2010 01:25:41 PM
i live 20min from the city and i hardly get any signal, so when people try to contact me it says my phone is off or unavailable when it is not. also i work at the airport and again i constantly get hardly any signal and i have to walk to a different part of the building to recieve or make calls or messages. also i travel alot and since i have been with vodafone i cannot be contacted on my mobile whilst overseas. i had an incident where i was in japan and my family tried to contact me due to an emergency but the could not get hold of me, either by calling or messaging me. i spoke to vodafone about theses issues and they said it must be my sim card not their service so they replaced my sim card but the same problems still happen

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9096 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is at 30 Dec 2010 01:25:19 PM
vodafone is so fucking shit
just go with telstra, even though its expensive, atleast you are getting what you ask for!

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9095 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is Number 3 for Coverage at 30 Dec 2010 01:21:04 PM
Since buying a Nokia 6121 vodafone service at Modbury North/Modbury has been a failure thanks Vodafone. Seems Vodafone has very poor coverage in this area as the only tower is at Milne Road Modbury North compared to Telstra /Optus who have towers at Tea Tree Plaza (Hospital) both offer serious coverage for the network user comapred to Vodafone.
Also vodafone cell id states the suburb your from the direction of the antenna and not the all round cell id from the site like Telstra / Optus thus making it seem like they have lotsa towers.

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9093 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is Epic at 30 Dec 2010 01:19:10 PM
I use my phone for work and its very embarassing when you are in negotiations with a client and the call drops out for no reason. It happens every day and the data speeds are very slow to upload emails. I've also had instances where the phone has not even rung and when I take it out of my pocket, I'll see that there is a missed call.

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9092 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is at 30 Dec 2010 01:17:52 PM
vodafone has gotta be the WORST carrier

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9090 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Owned by Indians at 30 Dec 2010 01:13:59 PM
everytime i ring vodafone , i get some fullblown indian that cant even speak the english and they are telling me to speak clear - WTF. Get some proper english speaking employees for gods sake.
30 Dec 2010 01:15:31 PM: I totally agree with you , get some australian people working there , its not hard
30 Dec 2010 01:16:56 PM: Yep, I can only barely make out what they are saying. I constantly have to say "Sorry, what did you say?" and they repeat it over and over until I finally get it.

I speak very clearly, most people I know say that I have excellent dictation, but these indian call centres can't understand me?
30 Dec 2010 01:20:54 PM: I was on the phone with vodaphone once for 3 hours. They could not understand anything i was saying and they always randomly hang up on you!
30 Dec 2010 01:26:08 PM: tell me about it , they make out as if we are the ones who cant speak the english language. Unbelievable
30 Dec 2010 03:28:04 PM: i am full skip anglo background, an was told that i had a heavy accent an needed to speak clearly plz WTF, go munch some curry
30 Dec 2010 03:30:08 PM: And dont you love the way you have to spell things out like youre flying a plane??
thats A for apple D for dickhead "pardon m'am P for what?
OMG talk about drive a sharp object through ya head in frustration!
31 Dec 2010 07:54:17 AM: As most of the people in this post are unable to use punctuation or grammar correctly, it kind of ruins you point about the customer service operators not being able to understand your "perfect" english. They have a job to do, in some pretty crappy conditions, and all they get is shouted at by people. Remember, just like the store staff, they have no control over the company rules. I work for a telco ( it's not Vodafone ), and the more people shout at us the less we want to help you. Personaly, I don't care if people want to leave, or not pay a bill, but I will help if I am spoken to like a person. Some of you need to get off your high horse and accept that the stores and customer service reps are doing what they can, and it is not their fault. Would you want somebody stomping into your workplace and treating you like a piece of crap because of somethig you have no control over?

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9089 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is WTF at 30 Dec 2010 01:13:40 PM
Has anyone walked past the Vodafone stores/stalls in shopping centres and seen all the people signing up with them, and just felt like walking up to them and telling them not to do it?

Why are they still signing new people up?

Why are they still taking our money... for nothing?

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9088 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is at 30 Dec 2010 01:13:37 PM
i got a iphone 3gs last year with vodafone, ever since then i could not make calls, my internet would stuff up on 3g, i would turn 3g off and use 2g (i think?) and it would go incredibly slow. i would turn 3g on and off all the time because that would make my internet work on 3g. i had 3gb of internet for $69 a month and 600 text messages on my plan. i was getting ripped off so bad since NOTHING WORKED. i never had signal anywhere. my text messages would be so delayed, that for 2 hours i would get nothing, but then in like one second i would get about 10 in a row. it was so bad and i thought it was my iphone that was the problem. i changed to telstra on the iphone 4 and it is so much better.

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9087 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Super Epic Fail at 30 Dec 2010 01:11:50 PM
I had Voda phone in Merredin WA for a few years I could very rarely get service in our house & at times had to drive to a couple of spots in town where service was good to use the phone.

I complained a few times & was told it was due to work being done on their equipment, I have ditched them now & gone with Telstra.

They also managed to wrongly put a mark on my credit file with Veda, took me days to sort that out, which cost me in phone calls,time & grief as we were applying for finance.

No apogees & no compensation I will never again have anything to do with VodaPhone.

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9086 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Very at 30 Dec 2010 01:09:47 PM
One bar in the city, nothing in the country. Recently I went to Shepparton had NO SERVICE. Other people with Telstra had full service...
31 Dec 2010 07:31:13 PM: in shepperton today with my x10 and had 3 bars

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9085 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Laughable at 30 Dec 2010 01:09:16 PM
Great new I-phone I have purchased through vf but I can't use it 70% of the time as it has little or no reception, I've called vodafone customer care, networking, I-phone support and cancellations department, made well over 10 phone calls to have this resolved only to be told it can't be fixed. I asked to cancel but the best they would do is give me a reduced monthly contract rate for the next 3 months. Still not happy, when I find the time the ombudsmen is my next step. I have wasted so much time on this already I have told everyone I know about my experience with vf and they all agree they are poor at best.

I use this phone for my business and it has affected my daily work as customers can't get through to me and I can't call them when I need to.
I can't even make a call from my bedroom, couldn't call from a restaurant in the middle of Wollongong, and last weekend driving through sydney it was even worse.

I will never use vodafone again.
30 Dec 2010 02:32:21 PM: what idiot uses vodafone for business purposes.

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9084 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Extreme fail at 30 Dec 2010 01:09:00 PM
I have been with Vodafone for 4 years. Prepaid only, but I spend about $50 - $100 a month on credit.

This problem started in September, when all of a sudden I had NO signal for a week. In order to make a phone call, or receive any SMS or Voicemails, I had to drive about 10km to a spot where I had 1 bar of signal, and even then, without moving the phone call would drop out.

Before this, I had a fairly good signal, only occasional problems. Well after trying to call Vodafone for 3 days, where they would have me on hold for half an hour and then hang up on me, I finally got through to an overseas call centre. I gave them all my details, told them my story, they said they would investigate the matter and call me back.

They have called me a few times since then to tell me that they are still investigating the matter. Now, THREE months later, I get another call from them saying that they had to upgrade something on one of their towers, and that is what was causing the problem. They asked me if I had an improved signal, I said no, half the time I have no signal, and the other half I have one or two bars of signal but the phone calls drop out, break up, and I receive SMS and voicemail sometimes hours after they were sent.

Vodafone then told me that they will give me another call in a few days to update me on their "investigation". Let me guess, they will just say exactly the same thing?

I am a casual shiftworker - on-call - and I cannot count the amount of shifts I have lost because my employer could not get in contact with me.

My fiance is also with Vodafone. He has been with them for a very long time. He unfortunately locked himself into a new contract just before these problems started. Now he is stuck with almost non-existant reception, and a poor internet connection, when he can actually connect.

I've had enough. I rely on my phone for many things, and it has been an extremely stressful time for me, ever since this started. I'm sick of Vodafone's excuses.

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9083 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is stupid at 30 Dec 2010 01:08:56 PM
what sort of phone carrier can't even process and sent texts straight away. it often takes days for friends to recieve my texts if they even get them at all! the same with recieving texts!

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9082 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Totally misleading at 30 Dec 2010 01:01:45 PM
Im in the city , i get no service, im at home , ive only got 1 bar. People ring me , it says my phone is off. People send me picture messages , i recieve them the next day. WTF. Ive been ripped off hard , i wasnt told about this when i signed up . I want to be compensated for this shit service

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9081 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is MAJOR FAIL at 30 Dec 2010 01:00:52 PM
My text messages if they send will get through to the other person around an hour later and I have a lot of trouble with recpetion! and i sometimes dont recieve texts till days later! its very very fustrating
30 Dec 2010 01:08:40 PM: Yep, me too. I received an MMS from my dad 4 days later, and the next one 5 days later. And other times I don't get the SMS at all. Complete joke. Glad they weren't massively important messages, but it's the principal of the thing.
30 Dec 2010 01:10:53 PM: YES SAME HERE!
I'll get frustrated when I get no reply from a friend and when I ask why they tell me they didn't get the message and often it'll get to them days later or never.

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9080 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is SA 5245 at 30 Dec 2010 12:58:41 PM
Problem with little coverage both 2g and 3g at Paechtown seems vodafone coverage map states in blue highlight that we have coverage but the map is not a true indicator of actual coverage at his location.
Vodafone map does not define Handheld or Carkit/external antenna needed to achive their signal on your phone!.

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9079 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Stuffed Service at 30 Dec 2010 12:49:24 PM
Looking for work lost two jobs because of bad and faulty coverage
Joining the class action

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9078 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is massive fail at 30 Dec 2010 12:47:40 PM
when friends try to call and it will go straight to voicemail, even when i have my phone sitting next to me and it has full reception! i get the voicemail about 20 mins later, hopefully i dont get an urgent call soon!
may as well pop in that mms take about half a day to be received!

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9077 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is RIP OFFS at 30 Dec 2010 12:46:34 PM
Vodafone has been quite crappy to me as in the plan situation..
I get no reception, doesnt ring or receive calls, does not receive or send messages, costing too much money to look after it!! Trying to get more money out of me even though i have not gone over my plan, Go in to the store to complain or ask questions and they say there is nothing they can do about it!! I feel like i have been ripped off because i pay the bills when i hardly get reception and most of my calls or messages do not go through. :(

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9076 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is disappointing service at 30 Dec 2010 12:44:09 PM
Delayed SMS messages are my biggest issue along with poor coverage in NSW when I travel

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9075 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is at 30 Dec 2010 12:42:45 PM
I had been with 3 for over 5years and just 3mths ago I got a new phone and thought because Vodaphone now owned 3 that there coverage would be as good if not better then 3 sadly mistaken it drop out heaps no coverage in lots of areas not receiving messages from friends internet coverage really slow even not at all I now wish I had stayed with 3 never had this bad a service with them really hope it gets better soon plzzzz
31 Dec 2010 12:15:15 AM: Vodafone don't own Three, it was an 50/50 merger. They are still run on seperate networks at this stage.

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9074 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is I'm Lara and I'm here to... at 30 Dec 2010 12:39:09 PM
Lara, girlfriend, you are too good for Voda!

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9073 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is FAIL IS EPIC at 30 Dec 2010 12:38:39 PM
I have a mobile broadband that does not hold stable connection in my area, i have constantly been to the shop to discuss issues and over the phone with no help i keep getting advised that i need to replace the sim as it could be a faulty sim not connecting to the network or that my dongle needs to be changed. it was been changed about 4 times and yet i still face issues with connectivity. Everytime i call vodafone i am advised that there is tower or signal upgrades and ive been advised that ever since which is just what they rely on so people dont call back. My nephew worked for vodafone and advised that they always claimed to be doing 'software or signal upgrades' and they can never give a eta for it. its frustrating all i want to do is get it fixed. sad to say ombudsmen must be the answer

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9072 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is nightmare at 30 Dec 2010 12:38:16 PM
My husband and I both have Vodafone prepaid phones- I've had the same number for about 13 years and his about 7 years. My phone service has been up and down over the years but nothing too bad lately. My issue is with the Vodafone wireless prepaid internet. I paid the $100 for the USB stick and then purchased the credit for a months internet use (on three separate occasions. The internet was SO slow that it took at least 5 minutes to load ONE page most of the time so I hardly got any use out of it. Despite not downloading anything, my "usage" showed that I had downloaded heaps of data from both 3G and GPRS which was definitely NOT the case. I can't understand why the reception was so bad when both our mobile phones work fine in this same area but the computer would only ever pick up a very weak signal at best. I needed this internet access for university work and can't afford a plan (besides, I wouldn't trust them enough to sign a long contract- lucky I didn't). I think my lecturer stopped beleiving the same excuse about my abysmal internet reception after a while. My main issue really, like many others is the call centre. When I call I am asked the same identifying questions by each person I speak to, many of them are SO RUDE- I can't beleive they are in customer service. They talk to me as though I have never touched a computer or phone in my life- so condescending and they obviously know next to nothing- usually the old "turn it off and on" advice- as if I wouldn't have tried that before calling these geniuses. Reminds me of the show 'The IT Crowd'. The wait is astronomical- often 2-3 hours but worse is when I've been passed around to so many different people, given my details 5 different times and explained a fairly simple problem and I get cut off (or hung up on when they don't know how to respond). I think they need at least one or two people in these call centres with some actual IT/mobile phone/vodafone knowledge who the 'phone jockeys' can refer to for advice to solve what is often a simple problem without just reading from a troubleshooting manual like we could at home.

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9071 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Howzat! at 30 Dec 2010 12:37:01 PM
For the multimillion dollars spent sponsoring the cricket, why could I not get coverage in the stands of the MCG while watching the cricket??? (Serious!)

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9070 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is The Lesser of two evils at 30 Dec 2010 12:34:03 PM
I never thought I would return to Telstra....

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9069 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Failing successfully? at 30 Dec 2010 12:31:06 PM
I just finished writing some very well cosidered, constructive feedback. Then I hit te "Share your pain" button to submit it and of course my internet connction dropped out and the text was lost.

My level headed and constructive approach has quickly turned to cynicism and frustration as I experience the failing of the Vodafone service ...for the first time today and I have been logged on for a full half hour!

I don't have the time Vodafone...step up and allow us a voice! If your CEO needs a root cuse analysis, give me a call! It's not hard...increae infrastructure and soft-skill your frontline staff.

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9068 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is crap at 30 Dec 2010 12:30:31 PM
will be joning the law suit

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9067 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is farked at 30 Dec 2010 12:29:20 PM
what can i say, the phone is useless to me!!

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9066 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Significant at 30 Dec 2010 12:28:01 PM
Mobile broadband dropout is constant

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9065 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Very Fail at 30 Dec 2010 12:24:13 PM
The usual problems that everyone is facing - No reception, drop out coverage, no indication of missed calls, etc.

I have decided not to renew my contract with Vodafone when it expires. Unfortunately I have to wait for another 18 months.How do I get out without paying too much penalty?
30 Dec 2010 12:28:52 PM: Check the 'how to complain link' at the top of the page, no doubt the TIO is how you will need to proceed. But first follow all of the steps mentioned.

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9064 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is pah! at 30 Dec 2010 12:24:04 PM
Love the Vodafail head man. Goes on tele and sobs his little sob story about how they're trying to fix it. BUT HE'S STILL TAKING OUR MONEY AND GIVING US NOTHING. We should stop paying V and see how they like that?

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9063 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is Just Not Ready Yet! at 30 Dec 2010 12:22:04 PM
They have actually started on the network upgrades, you cant come up with approvals for that shit in 3 or 4 weeks, this issue was addressed ages ago by the head of Google and networks have been scrambling to meet the capacity issues that will be faced based on the demand for smart phones, Vodafone are simply running late! OPTUS just spent a stack on upgrading their network to deal with it and it's working beautifully, but it really is that Vodafone just aren't ready yet!

30 Dec 2010 12:23:44 PM: Hope there is another bus soon for Vodafone!

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9062 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is outrageous at 30 Dec 2010 12:21:51 PM
this has been going on for far too long now, a large company like vodafone should have rectified this ridiculous problem promptly and chaos would not have escalated to this. I will be ending my contract if they dont have something to offer for compensation!!!! I have so many calls needing to be made for work related issues, i ALWAYS need my maps and internet and the expensive cap i am on means i'm paying for SWEET FUKALL but my own FRUSTRATION? haaaa ive never seen a company descend in reputation so quickly. I have an Xperia, anyone who says its the phone itself or the complainants are jumping on the whinge wagon are as dumb as dogsh!t....this site is for customers, not people who work for vodafone! GET OFF and stop using our space!

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9061 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Big at 30 Dec 2010 12:19:14 PM
I've signed a 12 month internet plan and have had some connection problems in the past but not as long as the one lately. For the past month I haven't been able to get onto the net and if so for about 5 minutes or so. I tried calling but there was a waiting time of 40 minutes. When I did finally get through, the indian call centre guy said that the problem would be solved in the next few days ( 3 weeks ago). I've then emaied VF and they have given me $39 credit as a "good will gesture". What's the use of giving me a credit of $39 when I'm using my mobie phone for my internet? The bill on my mobile is going up and I'm stuck with 6 more months on my VF usb contract.....I've then emailed VF once again and told them that I would like to break my contract if the connection kept failing and they advised me to call the 1555 number and call cetre. I don't think I can be put on hold for another 40 plus minutes using my mobile. Thanks for letting me vent alittle....

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9060 Someone from ACT thinks vodafone is Ummm....Derrr at 30 Dec 2010 12:11:43 PM
Whats the point of drawing attention to any kind of coverage map, Vodafone have admitted there is a problem that they are working on, if the system is broken of course the coverage map is wrong?

Goes for so many other things, of course it's wrong, it's broken!

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9059 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is veryvodafail at 30 Dec 2010 12:10:44 PM
No coverage on central coast also including erina fair (how's that possible!! Must be a hundred thousand people there at this time of year ;)

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9058 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Putting the Disabled At Risk at 30 Dec 2010 12:09:57 PM
Hi everyone,

I'm disabled with epilepsy and live on my own. My parents need to ring me during the day to check on me and I need to ring them them as well if I need to go to appointments etc.

Can you imagine the sheer panic my parents go through when they try to ring my mobile and I don't answer? My phone hasn't even registered that they tried to call me repeatedly so they have to jump into the car and race over to my house scared to death that I could have seisured and possibly killed myself. Then they get to my house only to find that I'm safe and sound after all that distress that they just went through.

It can take me up to four calls before I can actually ring someone (anyone) and even then I tend to lose reception and quite often the call is so badly garbled that I have to try and ring them back. Sometimes I have to try up to four times to ring this person back and each time I get through the line can still end up garbled and I have to start again.

I'm scared.

Just a quick note to all disabled Vodafone users: if you are using Vodafone then I urge you to stop being disabled because you are putting yourself at risk. Sorry people, but if you don't laugh you'll cry.
1 Jan 2011 08:55:18 PM: Perhaps voda should be giving customers distress flares, just in case there is an emergency!!!!
3 Jan 2011 05:06:41 PM: ROTFL Oh you are absolutely priceless! lol
8 Jan 2011 04:57:47 AM: For all those customers who have received distress flares, we apolgise, we are having a few issues with them, so we ask you to return them to nearest store
8 Jan 2011 04:43:26 PM: Ha ha :)
9 Jan 2011 02:43:23 PM: For those of you looking for your nearest store we wish to apologise for the delay in locating one that has useful staff.

Please 1555 and wait for 2 hours to be directed around several different departments only to find that all the stores with useful staff members have been closed down for the past seven months.
9 Jan 2011 10:02:25 PM: Guys - this is a serious issue. I have had the same problem trying to get through to local emergency services through 'Directory Assist'. It is really scary.
10 Jan 2011 07:00:28 PM: I believe you!
11 Jan 2011 12:06:30 PM: Okay. First of all, I also have epilepsy. So don't take the following as a knock out, because I know the panic and terror that comes with it.
Anyway. If contacting your mobile is a recurring problem and you're having trouble getting out of your plan... Your health is worth paying the extra to GET A LANDLINE WITH ANOTHER PROVIDER.
Vodafone are useless and unsympathetic, I completely agree. But there are a lot of actions you need to be taking that can resolve this issue that don't involve your mobile phone provider. Good luck in the future :)
11 Jan 2011 03:55:56 PM: It depends on whether you can afford a home phone as well as a mobile. You don't get much money on a pension if you're disabled, plus all the bills and rent have gone up MASSIVELY lately.

Are you on a contract or a plan? If you're on a contract you're pretty much screwed unless you can get out of the contract.
13 Jan 2011 11:34:05 AM: Hi everyone, I'd just like to update my post by saying that I had to take my complaint to the TIO and that I got a call today letting me out of my contract without charge. So god bless the TIO!

I can find a safer phone company now.
27 Jul 2011 10:49:14 PM: I'm soooo glad for u. Have the same problem (uncontrolled Epi.) and got out b4 I was fully into the contract. Their service put me off and I nvr got a promised fone

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9057 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is poor service/coverage signal at 30 Dec 2010 12:08:22 PM
i can never get signal where i live it has been like that for awhile now.. i try to call and it drops out.. i get message 3 days later or not at all... i'm not happy with how they went about cutting my phone off and not telling me until it happened... i also try to tell them this and they are rude and hang up on me. i have also had a cusomter service person say rude stuff to me and ask inaproprite questions.. i don't want to be with vodafone anymore and i have called them and they said they will call back within the time they say and never do it is normally like 24 hours later or 2 days later that really it stupid if they can't do what they say when you join the company...

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9056 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Highly at 30 Dec 2010 12:06:46 PM
Poor reception, calls continually dropping out (it's not uncommon in the course of 1 converstation to have to call back 3 times!), IM working intermittently, not receiving all emails to the blackberry, texts being received up 48 hours later and internet access a joke! I want out of my contract!

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9055 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Very at 30 Dec 2010 12:06:21 PM
Been on the phone for an hour to then be hung up on, because I was complaining about coverage issues.

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9054 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Absolute crap at 30 Dec 2010 12:06:08 PM
I was with 3 mobile for two years without a problem when they used the Telstra network. I signed up to a new contract just before they merged with Vodaphone and have had nothing but trouble since. Calls echo, drop out, don't connect even in a good service area, some voicemails don't record. They keep blaming my phone. They have replaced my "free" phone three times in a year, and only because I complained to the TIO. The last phone they sent me came without a battery or charger and they wanted me to supply my own!

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9053 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is at 30 Dec 2010 12:03:57 PM
Hi there,several weeks ago I got the runaround from Vodaphone when I complained about the fact I cannot get a battery for the Vodaphone 736.They are not available in Australia,totally illegal in our country,not to make spare parts available in the 12 month warranty period.I also noticed the receipt is of the Thermal paper variety and anyone paying cash and placing the receipt in their wallet will find the proof of purchase illegible after a few months.Even after placing it in our filing cabinet immediately,it showed wear,but the relevant info is still legible and I have a backup credit card statement.I contacted the A.C.C.C.and have a complaint Ref.No.which prompted Vodaphone to compensate me.
Keith Ashdown After my initial attempts to contact Vodaphone and complain to a person with an Indian accent I discovered I couldn't get any service for at least 12 hours and S.M.S took 6 hours to reach me.Coincidence or underhanded tactics?

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9052 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is Very bad at 30 Dec 2010 12:02:51 PM
Good day my wife and I received 2 iPhones on a vodafone contract since we first received the phones we have been complaining about poor signal and coverage.I was told to take the phones into the tea tree gully centre. The sim cards were swapped and I was told that the problems would go away. I did not I received my bill that month which was and still is outrageous. I complained with no avail. I refused to pay the bill and immediately the service was terminated. I paid and contacted vodafone again as neither of us could send or receive text messages I was told to reset the network settings a month ago but since then and still now we can not send or receive text messages. But I this morning received a text from vodafone saying that I owe them 570 dollars for the past months service. Could you please help me I need to get justice.My number is (MODERATED BY Vodafail - Best not to post your mobile number online.).
30 Dec 2010 12:17:36 PM: Hi, I have removed your mobile number from the post because it is not safe to post personal contact details on the wide open internet. This sounds like a pretty serious issue and if you can't through to anyone at Vodafone or they are not willing to help / compensate you then go directly to the TIO (http://www.tio.com.au/ComplaintForm/ComplaintFormS1.asp). On the contact form you can enter the amount of money you are disputing. However first contact Vodafone again today (if you haven't already), after all this attention they should be more willing to help. But if not lodge your complaint with the TIO immediately as it can take some time to get through. All the best. -Vodafail

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9051 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is terrible service at 30 Dec 2010 12:01:29 PM
I constantly have to use someone elses phone because mine never has any reception. It is extremely frustrating and sometimes it turns off for no reason.

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9050 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Very fail at 30 Dec 2010 11:59:58 AM
Been from Sydney airport to Melbourne airport and data coverage is crap dropped calls as well. You would think the airports would have network upgrades? Come on vodafone.

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9049 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Severely at 30 Dec 2010 11:59:57 AM
Hi there,several weeks ago I got the runaround from Vodaphone when I complained about the fact I cannot get a battery for the Vodaphone 736.They are not available in Australia,totally illegal in our country,not to make spare parts available in the 12 month warranty period.I also noticed the receipt is of the Thermal paper variety and anyone paying cash and placing the receipt in their wallet will find the proof of purchase illegible after a few months.Even after placing it in our filing cabinet immediately,it showed wear,but the relevant info is still legible and I have a backup credit card statement.I contacted the A.C.C.C.and have a complaint Ref.No.which prompted Vodaphone to compensate me.


Keith Ashdown After my initial attempts to contact Vodaphone and complain to a person with an Indian accent I discovered I couldn't get any service for at least 12 hours and S.M.S took 6 hours to reach me.Coincidence or underhanded tactics?

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9048 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is extremely at 30 Dec 2010 11:59:25 AM
I live in Kurrajong Heights and work in Annangrove. Reception in both areas is abysmal and has been for as long as I can remember. Complaints are met with " we are working on the towers and reception will improve". It has not

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9047 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is big time at 30 Dec 2010 11:58:56 AM
Lara's a slut! I hate her!
30 Dec 2010 11:59:46 AM: I mean mut!

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9046 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is very at 30 Dec 2010 11:56:06 AM
This problem with Vodaphone is not a recent problem. Our company has complained to our Vodaphone rep over the last few years and each time we are informed that the service will improve. The most recent complaint 3 weeks ago, we were advised that by Christmas all would be good. The usual response is that they are working on the towers and this will solve the problem, This is the same message for the last 5 years

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9045 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is This is a brickbat at 30 Dec 2010 11:56:02 AM
I'm stuck in Chinchilla and must credit Vodafone with an increased reception from it's normal zero to 4 bars of reception. Is this because of the increased "city dwellers" here to report on the floods?

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9044 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Sneeky at 30 Dec 2010 11:53:18 AM
Just tried to unlock my iphone using the Vodafone website and received the following message "Error Performing Request. No network service" Looks like they wan to hold customers captive!

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9043 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is unbelievably at 30 Dec 2010 11:53:15 AM
Callers ring me , they can hear me, but I can't hear them. Callers leave voicemail messages, but when I try to retrieve them the voicemail is blank. I can have full coverage on roaming one minute and "no network coverage" at the same place when a call comes in or I try to make one. I have been to the nearest store and the staff are obviously not allowed to say anything except "It must be your phone, we'll send it away for repair". Each time I ring customer service it is the same response. I'm now on my third phone this year and I still have the same, and more problems.

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9042 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Major fail. at 30 Dec 2010 11:52:47 AM
Ive been with vodafone for about 6 months, always had pretty shit reception but never really thought anything of it, i guess cause i assumed i wouldnt be able to get out of the stupid contract either way.
then my phone gets stolen, of course i have insurance because i had an iphone, then i call vodafone to block my sim, wait on hold for 2 hours, they then tell em they will call me back, wait another 2 hours. then they tell me i have to go into the shop to get a new simcard, so i do, and the system is down so i cant even activate it. then i want to activate over the phone that night, another 2 hour wait for a call. then they tell me i have to call the insurance place the next day, they tell me i need to call the police. then they tell me i need to call the shop and get a proof of purchase, call the shop and they say yeah yeah 2 minutes n ill send it.. 2 days later and they never sent it. so now i have to call the shop again who arent answering their phones now. absolute bullshit!!!!!!!!!!!!

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9041 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Where do I start at 30 Dec 2010 11:50:56 AM
Well, my wife and I have been with Vodafone for about 4 years now. Over the years we have had issues with network, data and customer service. We did complain with Vodafone regarding the network dropping out on a regular basis, and this used to happen in very centrally locate areas. They initially blamed it on the handset (which we had received as part of our contract from Vodafone), and then they said that we would be travelling through some "dead pockets" (can't really see Garden city being a "dead pocket"). We were told to restart our cell phones when we failed to get a signal, saying that restarting might get our phones to connect to a stronger signal (really don't know what that was all about). The problems with Vodafone became more apparent when we ordered new handsets after our contract had expired. We had requested our numbers to be transferred over to the new handset. An lo behold! The handsets arrived with new phone numbers and contract. So basically Vodafone decided to keep charging us for our old numbers and then give us totally new accounts so they can chanrge us on that too!! We called the customer support (which is based in India), and we literally spent an average of 1.5hrs each on 5 different conversations just to get all this sorted out. The reason of the 5 different conversations was because we had to call them back since they kept reassuring us after each conversation that the issue has been sorted out but it wasn't!! We wrote a 2 page letter to Vodafone head office outlining all the issues we had to deal with and their response was "since we haven't heard anything regarding this issue we assume that it has been sorted out. If you are unhappy with this resolution, please respond to this email within the next 72hrs". On top of that, the data plan we have, we would have rather not gone for it. It is just soooo slow!!!! I was extremely happy to find out that I wasn't alone in this "journey" with Vodafone. I hope they pay for it!!

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9040 Someone from Somewhere else thinks vodafone is Also in the UK... at 30 Dec 2010 11:49:59 AM
Just seen that Vodafone has just recieved the Worst Company award in the UK (http://www.bitterwallet.com/worst-company-in-britain-2010-its-vodafone) so it's not just Australia.
20 Jan 2011 01:09:21 PM: Guess they'll be fighting it out with Halliburton to win "Worst company in the World".

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9038 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is big fat fail at 30 Dec 2010 11:49:15 AM
i live in the yarra valley and recently signed up with vodafone, also signed my daughter up. vodafone should inform people when signing up that reception is more than likely going to be poor in your area and should probably suggest to try another service provider. i know they wouldn't make any money by doing this but look at the trouble they are now in. seriously not happy

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9037 Someone from SA thinks vodafone is Massive Fail! at 30 Dec 2010 11:34:04 AM
Ok I have to say that up until about a month ago I thought this provider was not so bad. I have been with telstra and vodafone and was fairly happy. I was able to tolerate "just" the issues but now im just OVER IT! I am sick of ringing customer service, pressing a million buttons to get to where I want to be and listening to Lara for up to an HOUR! Then as if that isnt bad enough the person on the other line I cant understand and when I ask for them to please repeat what they are saying they get all shitty at ME! Not to mention the very good dodging of questions I ask. The service the past month has been crap. I will have full bars then when I go to make a call or connect to internet it dies saying "no service". I have just over a year left on my contract which I without a doubt will be going to another provider the second it runs out!

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9036 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is absolutely useless at 30 Dec 2010 11:32:14 AM
Last month, my contract with Three expired and I rang to discuss for a "better" plan. They suggested me Vodafone and then my nightmares began. I have constantly experienced very very slow response and often drop out after a long wait. I regret very much to have listened to a Three guy who recommended me a Vodafone wireless plan. I still don't understand why they sell me to a different company.

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9035 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is UNFARKINGBELIEVABLE at 30 Dec 2010 11:27:01 AM
Although they have their call centres in asian countries for cheap labor,the wait time to talk to them is more then 30 freaking minutes.
i finish my contract with them in 4 months,
But i really think the Australian Government should see this website and have an idea what the customers are going through and Vodafone should compensate all the people who are in trouble.
-No network
-No network even in Roaming
-slow internet
-long waiting time to speak with a customer service representative
-Voicemail unavailable/delays
-voice breaks

30 Dec 2010 11:31:09 AM: so true the government should have seen this website!!
30 Dec 2010 11:50:13 AM: They definitely should, maybe when they get back from holidays!
30 Dec 2010 07:47:03 PM: They dont care, they have tax payer funded Telstra phones, remember the big bills they rack up, cast your memory back.... Just change to telstra, and ditch Vodafail.....
9 Jan 2011 10:06:36 PM: The Fed Govt does have a fall back for you: Contact the Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman - they can actually order compensation be paid if you can prove your complaint. Good luck with it!
10 Jan 2011 04:37:02 PM: No..o.o.
The TIO is industry funded. ie "self-regulation" aka "fox protecting the henhouse"
aka- Government "too hard basket" aka government not fulfilling it's responsibilities

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9034 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is no connection on internet. and mobiles dropping out at 30 Dec 2010 11:24:47 AM
i hav ova the last few yrs with vodafone and have had nothing but problems with the phone dropping out in the middle of conversations ...now ova the last few months we hav not been able to get the internet...it is a vodafone bought laptop on a plan....i hav been on the phone for hrs at a time and been into the vodafone store numerous times and i have been told they cant do anything it has to be done over the phone by a computer tec ive been onto them still no luck.....to top it off i was waiting on a callback from them it was meant to be half hr which would of made it 4pm 5.50am they rang me

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9033 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Frustrated with inconsistancy at 30 Dec 2010 11:22:10 AM
I have been with Vodafone for 15 years. I live and work in Collaroy NSW and have major issues with reception. I find it hard to even phone them to complain as it drops out before I can speak with someone. The last time I did get through it took 1 hour and 15 minutes to speak with someone. They assured me that they will look into it and called me back 3 days in a row to give me updates....but still I have the same crappy service. I also make a call it say's I have five bars of signal but the call fails. Or I sometimes am lucky to get through and then it just drops out. I am so frustrated along with many others I work with who also use Vodafone. I am at a loss as to what to do. I pay my bills by direct debit I have been loyal to the company and I have had massive spikes in the bills without changing my calling habits. I used to think they were a great company and now along with anyone that I try and call think that they are useless.

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9032 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is Mobile internet at 30 Dec 2010 11:21:09 AM
I live on the North side of Brisbane and i am constantly having issues with mobile internet, just dropping out, when I connect it says reception is very good but it keeps on dropping out?
I also went to Vanuatu and Noumea recently and had roaming put on my internet, but it would not work at all??? I went and seen Vodafone upon my return and all the girl said to me was that happens, no apoligy no refund??? Not good Vodafone, I am currently looking at getting a new Iphone 4 but am reluctant to go to vodafone, even though a lot of my friends are with them and experiencing the same issues i have been reading about. Vodafone when are you going to get it right???

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9031 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is a bunch of idiots at 30 Dec 2010 11:14:05 AM
After being with Optus for 8 years without one problem - I stupidly switched to Vodafone as they were the only provider to carry a new model of phone I was interested in.

I made the switch and have had nothing but problems since.

Living in the inner west in Sydney I constantly get no signal and calls dropping out. It would sometimes take hours to receive an SMS. I had previously never had any problems with Optus at the same address.

I cant explain how frustrating it is when you really need to contact someone and you have no network coverage. You go through the process of switching the handset off and on. Turning 3G off and on. I have come very close to smashing the phone on the ground.

I could understand some people having network issues in regional areas - however i live in the inner west - 10 mins to the centre of the CBD!!!

I had enough so I thought I would call Vodafone and find out what the go is. First time I called in the morning at about 10am - the wait time was 35 mins. I tried again at 1pm - the wait time was 48 mins. Do they have 6 people working for the whole company???

I lodged a complaint via email and explained my frustration - two weeks later I back an email with a blanket list of things to try. I replied answering the questions - I have now waited a further two weeks with no response.

Why do we keep paying for a service that does not function?

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9030 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Very poor at 30 Dec 2010 11:13:52 AM
I am unable to get useful service from a vodafone USB data modem. I used to be able to use it but now I am seeing speeds of up to 1,200 bits per second (yes bits per second) on data transfer. It is useless! However, vodafone are still happy to charge me the full rate for the data I can't send or receive.

At least I don't have to worry about their punitive charges for exceeding a cap. I just can't get enough data through in a month for that to matter.

Vodafone are engaging in deceptive conduct. They offer a device that cannot achieve anything like what they claim and offer coverage maps that do not depict reality. They might depict a salesman's dreams but certainly not what I experience.
30 Dec 2010 12:24:05 PM: Just email them if you can get reception and they credit your account. It helps alittle.

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9029 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Customer un-care at 30 Dec 2010 11:12:59 AM
1. Customer service is horrifically slow, and gets worse. Just got off the phone to 'Lara' who can never solve my queries, after waiting a bit for a customer service rep they said they will call me back in 30 minutes plus! Pathetic. When I was with Optus even as a lowly prepaid customer I never waited more than 5 minutes and was greeted with excellent customer service from a real person.

2. Network issues. People have complained about calling me and going straight to voicemail, but I had my phone with me at the time and didn't receive the call at all. 3G data speed for even the most basic apps, both in my hometown of Perth and on a recent trip to Sydney is very slow about 40% of the time. Unacceptable!!
Also, a few times a week, a new SMS I'm sending will refuse to send. Unacceptable!!!

Thanks for setting the site up, there were times I thought I was the only one!

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9028 Someone from QLD thinks vodafone is at 30 Dec 2010 11:12:26 AM
I am on a $49 cap and in the last three months all of my bills have been well over the cap, I have all of the billing lists and it is quite clear that there is a problem with there billing system. They wont admit it, only thing they do is after a long wait on hold or if it is even awnsered they give me a discount of $20 and then it starts all over again next month.
I was in the south east corner and Harvey Bay over the Xmas holidays I had so many drop outs with calls it was not funny and while in Harvey Bay the mobile phone was next to no good would not even send sms let alone a call and it did not even work when i was driving home to townsville until i got to the north side of Mackay the phone was showing full bars but would not send or recive anything. I dont have a Iphone. (N97 mini) nothing but trouble since i got it over a year ago, what a piece of shit

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9027 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Ridiculously Fail at 30 Dec 2010 11:12:06 AM
I actually changed FROM Vodafone a few years ago as I was disgusted by the network coverage and the rude and arrogant nature of their call centre staff. On the numerous occasions I called when I had issues, I was dealt with by very rude and unintelligent operators, who no doubt couldn't care less about me or the Company they represent. Good to see that a leopard never changes it's spots ! Same crap, different day.
I switched to 3 Mobile - well, let's just say that they are as bad as each other. No wonder Vodfone bought them out ! Strike 2 !

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9026 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Reception / Service / Support / listening to requests when going OS / continuing a contract when it has expired at 30 Dec 2010 11:07:25 AM
I periodically lose reception without being able to make or receive calls. I have newly purchased a BLackberry Bold which works fantastic.. On top of this, the service provided on all levels by Vodafail has caused me nothing but distress, wasting my time and a feeling of 'take my money and run'.... 10years I have been with Vodafail and Not ONCE have I even received a a freebie or compensation issues I have had in the past with a Vodafail phone.. I give them my money every month, as do my children and we get nothing but problems... nothing at all.. so come the end of my kids prepaid.. they are VodaOUT.. P

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9025 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Worst service ever at 30 Dec 2010 11:07:18 AM
Excited as my contract with vodaphone for 2 mobiles and the internet is about to expire. Two years of no coverage, no support (from india!). Goodbye Vodaphone i'm sure you won't be around for long!!

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9024 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is poor....very poor at 30 Dec 2010 11:05:15 AM
The problems with Vodafail don't just affect those unfortunate enough to have signed up with this provider. My partner is on Vodafail and I can NEVER reach her. Its so frustrating having to leave messages each and every time. Then, because the voicemail notification can sometimes take days to come through on her phone it means I often don't get a call back and we therefore cannot communicate. This is an everyday struggle for us. Thanks Vodafail.

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9023 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is COVERAGE FAIL at 30 Dec 2010 11:03:18 AM
Before we signed up they showed us their coverage maps which indicated they had coverage over most of regional Victoria, so we signed up.
But soon after leaving Ballarat heading north/west reception is almost totally lost with only emergency calls available.
Also vety limited reception in Hamilton & Horsham townships!
We will be reverting to Telstra as soon as our contracts expire.

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9022 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is at 30 Dec 2010 11:01:21 AM
It takes me 4 attempts to dial out every time now with messages such as 'emergency calls only','no network coverage' and others - last night when i needed to call emergancy services my call dropped out half way through! I beleive Vodsfone has the worst customer service I have ever dealt with infact in history - stuck on the same prerecorded message and end up in India to never hear from them again - I just want out of the contract so I can connect with Telstra again

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9021 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Contract at 30 Dec 2010 11:01:03 AM
Can anyone tell me how I go about getting out of
My contract. All my family and boyfriend is with vodafone and we can never speak to each other because of no reception :(
30 Dec 2010 11:14:09 AM: Visit the 'How to Complain' page of this website.
30 Dec 2010 12:32:16 PM: Contact Vodafone time and time again. Making sure you log down each complaint. Than you can contact the TIO and lodge a complaint with all your records of complaints you've made to Vodafone. Ive done this same thing with 3mobile and just got out of my contract with them yesterday..
30 Dec 2010 01:21:19 PM: Contact Vodafone time and time again. Making sure you log down each complaint. Than you can contact the TIO and lodge a complaint with all your records of complaints you've made to Vodafone. Ive done this same thing with 3mobile and just got out of my contract with them yesterday..

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9020 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is rubbish at 30 Dec 2010 10:56:14 AM
Just switched two phones from Three to Vodafone 6 days ago ( eg Xmas eve), I can not believe the "no service" that I am getting from the vodafone network. On the three network had 3 to 4 bars 80% of the time, I know it is not the phones as I still have the 8 old phones that all report the same thing, No service. At the end of the day I think that Vodafone can do better by the following.
1) update your coverage maps, its ok if you can not cover every where. Just don't lie.
2) Put a action plan together that shows the roll out of new towers.
3) Merge quicker with Three's network!

There is a saying, build it and they will come, so come on Vodafone build some infrastructure ( hell you have the cash, see profit report!)

maybe next xmas I will get a tower near my house/work so we can use these phones.

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9019 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is TO BE FAIR at 30 Dec 2010 10:55:53 AM
Ok after I lodged my complaint to TIO, Voda called me today. They gave me 2 options, keep my phone and pay $400 or do a "coverage check" - I told them that neither were good enough and wanted to speak to a supervisor - no one was or would be available - At all times I remained calm and wasn't rude to the operator, I expressed my disappointment and said I would consider my options. 1 hour later a guy called me back and offered to cancel my contract for $100 as the phone I have was worth $450 - DEAL................

So the moral to the story I can see is, they will get you out of your contract - AS LONG AS YOU ARE CALM AND POLITE. Thankyou VODA...Finally

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9018 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is the worst Teleco in au! at 30 Dec 2010 10:53:05 AM
The network has very little capacity to the majority of the Base Stations, Vodafone have done little to no upgrades over the past years. The fact that you are on a cheap cap plan, with a decent phone thrown it, means nothing if the network you connect through is rubbish and your carrier will not upgrade it.

With 3 now absorbed by VHA, their even smaller network that roams onto other carriers just so that you may stay connected, is even more of a joke. The 2 companies are well suited to each other!

Most asspects of the business are outsourced to 3rd parties, network run in India, network upgraded and maintained by other contract staff, in some cases, sub-contracted. All of this means that at the end of the day, most people doing network related build / repair just are doing a job and nothing else - i.e. they just do not care!

End result - a poor excuse for a network with a bunch of contractors tripping over each other to upgrade and support it, what a mess. No wonder no one can make a call or use Apps on a Smartphone! Get me out of my contract!!! It is not worth the paper it is written on!

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9017 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is Drop outs/ Loss of phone at 30 Dec 2010 10:52:49 AM
My phone calls constanly drop out after being on hold with Vodaphone for over 2.5 hours finally when I got to speak to someone the actually ended the call.... you can imagine my frustration.....

Before hand in Aug 10 - I purchased an new Iphone 4 after thinking that I had a flaulty phone I took it back to Vodaphone they advised me that it will only take a week to repair !!! This was in OCT 10 I have still not received my phone and the worst part was that I was still paying for the plan... I had to argue with Vodaphone to get my plan termindated......As Voadaphone has lost my phone!!!!!

When I finally was able to get through to someone at Vodaphone I told them I would like to terminate my contract... Well that was not that easy...!!!!

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9016 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is extreme at 30 Dec 2010 10:52:08 AM
Call failed is a common msg on my phone, not to mention a couple of 4 hour complete outages (this was for the whole of WA). Also a work colleage and myself were on different calls in the same vacinity of each other and the calls failed. I want out of my contract, I have never had such a poor service from a "professional" orgnaisation. I've rang vodafail 3 times, first time the recording said it would call me back and I wouldn't lose my place in the queue. I rang at 4pm. 10:30pm I got a call back, person I spoke to transfered me to a different department, that was closed, recording said "call back later" and then hung up on me. 2nd time I waited 20mins (the call actually stayed up) listening to music, then the recording changed to ringing. I listed to that for 8 minutes until I hung up. Third time I hung up after 25mins. I have 5 months of my contract left, I guess I'll just have to take the pain and transfer to Telstra, at least we will get service......

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9015 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is pretty crap at 30 Dec 2010 10:51:45 AM
I have both an iphone and mobile Broadband with Vodafone, I have been a pretty loyal vodafone customer for close to 15 years, I've now gotten to the point where I want out. My phone signal keeps disappearing to nothing and the only way to get anything back is to restart my phone. Calls are dropping out or simply just failing when I try to make them. My mobile broadband is another story all together, It keeps trying to change between all these different weird signals and when it does that connection stops, pages stop loading and I have to disconnect my device and start over... I called Vodafone earlier today and they flat out told me that there are NO NETWORK ISSUES, I beg to differ. If there are no network issues, why am I having all of these problems. The signal strength where I live has never been fantastic, but I've always had at least 2 or 3 bars of signal, now I'm lucky to have 1.

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9014 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Terrible at 30 Dec 2010 10:51:27 AM
I have recently moved to Cambridge Park NSW 2747 and am lucky yo have 1 bar of 3G service on my iPhone. The service has gone downhill over the last 3 months, even at the old postcode of 2145 there were issues. When attempting to make calls, nil connection and the only way to connect was by turning the phone off and then back on. I also have a mobile broardband connection which is suffering terribly at 2747. When phoning over the holiday period I was told to reset my phone, search for a network manually and then was given a job # and advised my concerns would be raised with another department. That other department must be busy!!! The operator advised me that the CEO is aware of the company and I could get compinsated, I ended up with $25 credit on my bill. Thanks Vodafone, how about the CEO put his money where his mouth is and pays all his customers bills till the problems are resolved. I am regreting extending my contract with them!

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9013 Someone from VIC thinks vodafone is as big a fail as the Titanic. at 30 Dec 2010 10:49:25 AM
I signed up three months ago, as my boyfriend also has a VodaFail account and we could get free calls to each other.

I constantly can't be connected, I'm out of service, it doesn't register calls, this morning I tried to send a MMS only to get a "generic network failure" message and now it's stuck on that and beeps at me every minute to tell me that my message has failed (obvious, much?). It's also hit and miss if I can get it to connect to the internet. I've pretty much given up on that part of the service.

The balance check system is a fail. I checked it a day before the end of my billing cycle, had $19 worth of cap left. Didn't make a call, three days later when the cycle comes through I have overspent $44 on my cap. To add insult to injury, to find out WHAT the extra charges were the result of no less than 15 attempts to call customer service, to finally reach an actual human being (I know, I was shocked too) who told me there was noting they could do than wait for the bill to arrive and then call back if I wished to dispute the charges.

And to address the person who believes that the calls drops, no service, delayed messaging, missed calls, I use a HTC Ledgend, my boyfriend a Nokia N97 (or maybe a N96) and we have the same issues.

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9012 Someone from NT thinks vodafone is you deserve all you get at 30 Dec 2010 10:47:52 AM
Anyone who only sees the price of a contract or prepaid offer deserves all they get. I am not a fan of telstra but have been with them solidly on a mobile plan since 1989-90. Sure, I have had major issues periodically, what with billing problems etc. but the actual coverage and reception quality has always been there. I have recently purchased an iphone and although I am not an apple fan and would rather use my HTC HD2 instead, I'm not one to knock a phone or a network without trying it for myself. I must say I was pleasantly surprised to see my iphone working flawlessly on Telstra, not only in Alice Springs but wherever there is Telstra coverage. I have also tried Optus, Vodafone and Virgin prepaid SIMs and found the service and coverage to be lacking greatly around Alice Springs where I live. Once again I say, I am not a telstra fan but I firmly beleive you only get what you pay for, and if it is not broken, DON'T FIX IT!!!!!
30 Dec 2010 10:57:41 AM: To be fair, when I signed up to Voda (and I suspect a fair few others) I had no idea they are considered the 'discount/cheapo' option. In fact I'm quite sure Voda branding and marketing would not want to portray themselves as such. With that said, being cheaper is a choice Vodafone made to be competitive - it in no way exonerates them for not providing adequate service. There are plenty of people paying upwards of $100 per month for their services, they deserve to get what they are promised.
30 Dec 2010 08:12:47 PM: My reasons for going with Vf were not price-driven but memories of dealing with Telecom/Telstra. Wow, to think I'm considering going back to T-fail from V-fail

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9011 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is NO FAIL at 30 Dec 2010 10:47:13 AM
30 Dec 2010 10:48:49 AM: Never complained about NextG coverage or performance. Optus coverage is ok, but performance is lacking. Vodafone coverage is woeful and performance is worse.

All 3 have terrible customer service, but that is another story.
30 Dec 2010 10:49:58 AM: 9000 complaints in a short time sort of suggests there is a problem. Even having the CEO apologise suggests that the problem is there.
30 Dec 2010 10:55:56 AM: This guy is delusional - to blame the complainants. He probably is connected with vodafone and this again explains their customer service attitude. This anger is unprecedented and we congratulate you for setting this site up. For our part we are all much happier with service at Optus....
30 Dec 2010 10:56:12 AM: This guy is delusional - to blame the complainants. He probably is connected with vodafone and this again explains their customer service attitude. This anger is unprecedented and we congratulate you for setting this site up. For our part we are all much happier with service at Optus....
30 Dec 2010 11:07:15 AM: to the dickhead above from WA who thinks vodafine is no fail. u r a wanker. to blame the people who r complaining about vodafone & other companies is just another excuse. how about the idiots at vodafone get off their backsides & do something about the problems instead of blaming people who r complaining. obviously there is a problem/s if there r 1000's of complaints
30 Dec 2010 11:27:05 AM: i have the same problem with optus. calls constantly drop out, cant get recepetion in my area, etc all the probs ppl are having with voda. when i rang optus to complain that im paying for something i cant even use their suggestion was that i should to a different area if i wanted reception at home and refuse to cancel my contract
and if the same is happeing with voda as ive had with optus for almost 2 yrs maybe it would be cheeper for me to use a telstra home line and scrap mobiles all together.
30 Dec 2010 12:27:27 PM: It's very difficult to conduct business away from the office if the services you paid for and were promised are not delivered. We should complain. We have every right to given we are paying for these promised services. Unless of course you're not paying your bill. If that's the case then be quiet!
30 Dec 2010 12:47:56 PM: This guy is delusional - to blame the complainants. He probably is connected with vodafone and this again explains their customer service attitude. This anger is unprecedented and we congratulate you for setting this site up. For our part we are all much happier with service at Optus....
30 Dec 2010 02:07:42 PM: This guy is delusional - to blame the complainants. He probably is connected with vodafone and this again explains their customer service attitude. This anger is unprecedented and we congratulate you for setting this site up. For our part we are all much happier with service at Optus....
30 Dec 2010 02:22:47 PM: TO : 30 Dec 2010 01:07:15 PM: to the dickhead above from WA who thinks vodafine is no fail. u r a wanker. to blame the people who r complaining about vodafone & other companies is just another excuse. how about the idiots at vodafone get off their backsides & do something about the problems instead of blaming people who r complaining. obviously there is a problem/s if there r 1000's of complaints

your probally one of those dudes that stares at your recpction bars and watch them go up and down, get a life bro...
30 Dec 2010 02:45:52 PM: TO : 30 Dec 2010 01:07:15 PM: to the dickhead above from WA who thinks vodafine is no fail. u r a wanker. to blame the people who r complaining about vodafone & other companies is just another excuse. how about the idiots at vodafone get off their backsides & do something about the problems instead of blaming people who r complaining. obviously there is a problem/s if there r 1000's of complaints

your probally one of those dudes that stares at your recpction bars and watch them go up and down, get a life bro...

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9010 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is SAD DEMISE at 30 Dec 2010 10:46:30 AM
I have been with vodafone for years they used to provide a good service - not anymore.
Visual voicemail works randomly. Sometimes I don't get my messages for days after. I sometimes can send/receive picture messages and other times they don't work. Basically the only thing that works is a phone call and even then it drops out ALL THE TIME. I am constantly calling people back in SYDNEY even in the middle of the city and saying 'sorry the phone just cutout!!!'
they are not proving a service anymore and they are charging there monthly fees regardless. I run my own business and if I gave people the sort of service they now give me I couldn't even send them an invoice out of business integrity.

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9009 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is cannot make calls at 30 Dec 2010 10:46:15 AM
Only member of family of 4 still at vodafone while waiting for my contract to expire.

Repeated call failures resulting in my having 5-6 attempts per outwards call.

My husband reminded me of prediction from SMH article that they would paint town red - well everyone here is seeing red! - article link -

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