26 Mar 2012 - Update Highest Rated Pain Stories Highest Rated Gain Stories Vodafail Local Facebook Page
Dear visitor,

Since its inception Vodafail.com has made a significant contribution towards raising awareness of the problems and issues faced by Vodafone customers.

Vodafone Australia customers have had the opportunity to voice their concerns, their fears and their troubles from every corner of Australia and beyond our borders. You have gathered the courage to stand up for your rights as consumers and to make your voice heard.

Each and every person who shared their story should have a sense of pride in this achievement and the changes that have occurred since the start of Vodafail.com.

More recently, traffic to Vodafail.com has declined significantly. Having achieved the goal of raising awareness and promoting concrete action in early 2011, we have now reached the point of closing Vodafail to new complaints. The site will remain online for as long as possible as a reminder and an example of what is possible when we share our experiences.

It has been a privilege to run this initiative and I'm am forever grateful for the help and support I've received. In particular I would like to thank Melissa, David and Travis for their continued efforts over the past 15 months. I'm also thankful and humbled by the support of ACCAN, Choice magazine and a wide range of media outlets, blogs and websites.

You can still browse existing stories and find out how to file a complaint if you are experiencing problems.

Until next time,

Adam Brimo

Share Your Pain

Vodafail.com is no longer accepting complaints.
Over the past 6 months traffic to Vodafail has declined significantly. Therefore we have closed off Vodafail to new complaints. We think you will find more joy in posting on any one of these fine product / brand review sites.

You can also post directly on the Vodafone community forums.

Other People's Pain

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2507 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is bad at 27 Dec 2010 01:19:15 PM
I live 85 klm south ofPerth, Vodafone reception is very bad at my house even though the local Vodafone shop showed me a lovely coverage map when I signed up 18 months ago on a 2 year contract that I was well covered by their network. I am not happy at all.
27 Dec 2010 01:22:24 PM: I have the same situation ! I send SMS's down from perth and there's always a delay! and sometimes SMS's aren't even sent !

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2505 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Not Happy Jan at 27 Dec 2010 01:18:19 PM
Hi, thanks for your site, my frustration level is peaking with vodafone dissatisfaction. I am on the top cover, and still coverage is appalling. I have had little coverage at City Beach WA, and am moving to Margaret River and I get cut off every 6 minutes, thats if I can get a call through. Sms's sometimes dont get out and sometimes arrive days late?! I was also upset because I had a previous plan of $150 a month and for 6 months of that, they had changed to plan to $99 or something and did not move me down or notify me. I have signed up for the class action. And will contact the TIO. Thanks for giving me a place to vent and to validate. (ps didnt understand what 'How fail is vodafone?') regards

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2496 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Confusing at 27 Dec 2010 01:16:19 PM
We have been charged many times for text messages which didn't arrive nor did we send any. We know this because we were flying at 36,000feet at the times and over the middle of the ocean and night.

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2493 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is poor at 27 Dec 2010 01:16:18 PM
drops out regularly particularly whilst driving
about 4 spots around my suburb drops out every time postcode 6027

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2492 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is tried to email this from my phone but had no reception . fubar at 27 Dec 2010 01:16:12 PM
very disappointed with the Vodafone service , i hate telstra with a passion but im looking at signing up with them , im on a pay-as-you-go with Vodafone and im not going very far.
27 Dec 2010 02:43:14 PM: suggest optus came back after 10 years, good service throughout perth, the bills and a bit weird to read but overall quite good. im just about to finish my contract in march might go for a iphone4 not sure which network az yet maybe if optus offer a good deal

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2491 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Very bad at 27 Dec 2010 01:16:08 PM
Keep dropping calls,bad reception even worse customer service.

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2484 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is billing at 27 Dec 2010 01:15:07 PM
For three months they screw up my bill, not so bad as some complaints out there but....... They keep billing me dishonor fee of $20. When the bill was $00.00 and they didn't notice. Check your bills folks.

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2483 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Extremely Woeful at 27 Dec 2010 01:14:03 PM
I have been with vodafone since 1997.. i always recommended it to others. Now following the past year's pathetic reception I want to get OUT of it and go elsewhere. Probably Telstra. I work in a medical practice in Canning Vale and as it is considered a'developing area' the reception is PITIFUL in spite of my having lodged complaints with Vodafone. They of course say they are 'looking into it'.
PATHETIC. and no 'FREE SATURDAY' is going to make up for this.

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2476 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is very bad at 27 Dec 2010 01:10:10 PM
Please advise! I have a house on market at the moment and on 11/12/2010 vodafone had problems with their service and the whole net work went down.In this period of time we had an offer made on the house and as a result could not contact the agent to accept the offer (the agent is a vodafone user too).4 hrs later the service was resumed, but in the frustration of not being contacted the client withdrew their offer, thus now vodafone owes me a sale of my house!!!
27 Dec 2010 01:16:39 PM: join the class action. Don't worry, you're not alone. Vodafone has cost many people thousands of dollars. I know of salespeople that have lost sales for the same reason.
27 Dec 2010 02:08:38 PM: how do we get involved? this looks like a good way of showing these big companies that we are tired of being ripped off!! WATCH OUT BANKS!!!!!

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2457 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is TOTAL FAILURE at 27 Dec 2010 01:03:55 PM
I was not able to take or make very important calls that particular time and thus missed out on some important deals!

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2450 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Bad at 27 Dec 2010 01:01:30 PM
Constantly the reception I receive from Vodafone/3 joint company is quite poor. On top of this many of the text messages I send do not get to the intended person therefore am I wasting my money on something that Vodafone is unable to efficiently provide on and if so, how will they cover these costs because it becomes a joke.

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2419 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is very fail at 27 Dec 2010 12:55:26 PM
im sick of shit reception and phone calls dropping out. i am on a high plan pay good amount of money for shitness. what a joke, in this day and age with our technology there shouldnt be these kind of muck ups. what a joke what a stuff up. voda fail is right and they should payout everyones contracts we are in or pay 3 months of bills because this is not good enough.

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2417 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is very fail! at 27 Dec 2010 12:55:16 PM
is it neccessary to get text msgs from them, 2, 3 4 am in morning informing me i have no credit? i realize this, and dont need to be reminded in the middle of the night and then, 20 times a day! your a bloody shit network.

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2416 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is very at 27 Dec 2010 12:55:14 PM
Constant drop out's, seriously poor 3G coverage & phones that just don't work properly, thank god I've only got 4 months left of this rip off contract

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2415 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Pathetic at 27 Dec 2010 12:55:12 PM
I have experienced dropouts 10 times a day, delayed voicemail of 12 hours, slow internet nad people cant hear me when i talk and sometimes i cant hear them. I sometimes cant call people or my phone never rang at all... people cant call me. I tired asking them to rectify the problems and they blame the phone, they ask me to try and upgrade my phone, change sim card.... do evertything but it's never their network. they even asked me to send my phone in to have it repaired yet wouldnt give me a loan phone. first they told me it mite take two weeks and after i did the paperwork, they said it will take up to six weeks..... BASTARD!!!!!!!!!!!! I bet you their CEO Nigel Dewsbag uses Telstra network cos he knows how shitty his own network is.

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2406 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Superfail at 27 Dec 2010 12:52:24 PM
I just signed a new two year contract with vodafone earlier this year which also includes data. The plans were upgraded and so naturally i got the new plan as well after i call and requested to be ugraded. this is pointless since my phone cannot acess data while i'm at work in the city which i think is crap because the time i need it the most, it can't connect so whats the point of having all that data when u can't acess it when u want to?

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2405 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is What's the point at 27 Dec 2010 12:52:18 PM
Vodafone mobile internet? When it does work, it is slow, and when I try access using my phone it doesn't work half the time. I have tried calling customer service, only to be put on hold, then told to call another department, and now I have just given up. Luckily I only have 1 month left of a 24 month contract, and then I will not be renewing.
27 Dec 2010 04:29:17 PM: i can't wait til Jan 2012. i will be FREEEEEEEEE!
27 Dec 2010 04:38:08 PM: i cant wait till april 2011 and i,ll be freeeeee sorry

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2387 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is the ultimate rip off at 27 Dec 2010 12:46:36 PM
In a few months I'll be free from the dreadful 2 year contract of $79 plan + $10 (for mobile phone). I couldn't care less about the $10 for the mobile phone but paying $79 per month for an inconsistent network coverage and constant drop out calls almost every single time I make a phone call (within 5 minutes) is out of the question. Called them twice/trice this year. The coverage was so bad that I had to stop my contact for 3 months and I have to pay $11 per month for each month I stop my contact for (which is stupid). I asked for a break from my contact which they say that they will contact me back within a week if the service isn't any better. They didn't call me back and I am still paying $79 for a useless piece of crap coverage. Looking forward to the day i can burn my contract to pieces and switch to a more reliable provider. LONG LIVE VODAFAIL!!

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2368 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Mobile internet at 27 Dec 2010 12:41:26 PM
I had a mobile internet modem which did not connect, super slow speed and if connection did occur never did I register anything but poor signal. It took me over a month to get someone from customer "service" to cancel my contract and that occurred only after I lost my temper and demanded to speak to a supervisor. When I registered with vodafone they got my email address incorrect and I was receiving duplicate accounts for overdue amounts I knew nothing about. Not happy Jan

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2363 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is s#$% at 27 Dec 2010 12:40:03 PM
I am unable to receive or make any calls, my home phone bill has sky rocketed......

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2361 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is INSTANT FAIL at 27 Dec 2010 12:39:24 PM
I could not even send SMS from inside my house! Nor could I make or receive calls from inside my house. Everytime, I had to step outside to talk or text. I continually reported this to Vodafone and they allowed me to break my contract without penalty.

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2360 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is The big F! at 27 Dec 2010 12:39:21 PM
Ever since i signed up to a 2 year contract 6 months ago i have had all the "usual" problems. even vodafone to vodafone the texts can take upto 12hrs to be received. im in the middle of the city and there is no coverage (apparently apples fault) my internet sometimes works which is better than nothing... i suppose.

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2358 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is VERY VERY at 27 Dec 2010 12:38:59 PM
I have been with Vodafone since arriving in Australia in 2005 and have recently gone to Telstra, i run a business and my calls would drop out, i would have hardly any reception and the phone could be sat beside me and then all of a sudden i would have 5 missed calls and the phone did not even ring, i had to cancel i could not continue this way i hate to think of how many clients i have lost because of this truly rubbish network coverage.

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2339 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is very fail at 27 Dec 2010 12:35:30 PM

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2331 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is once aponatime at 27 Dec 2010 12:32:14 PM
Vodafone used to be first class, used it all the time. that was back in the old days which is now a memory long ago

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2328 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is once aponatime at 27 Dec 2010 12:31:41 PM
Vodafone used to be first class, used it all the time. that was back in the old days which is now a memory long ago
28 Dec 2010 04:24:00 PM: Those were the days...

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2326 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Testing my patience and loyalty. at 27 Dec 2010 12:31:19 PM
on "that" fateful weekend we had a patch Tuesday for our server and remote support could not be contacted nor could the admin to find out when the servers would be up. we had vpn customers internationally unable to connect to our exchange and network and could not contact the admin who was on, you guessed it, the vodafone network. then just recently i had received texts 1 hour late, to verify with the sender i met up with them and saw his text was sent 1 hour before i received them. 1 hour!!! morse code takes less time. i have been a customer with vodafone for at least...at least 8 years. patience is wearing thin and free texts and calls for 1 weekend doesnt cut it anymore. i am so glad our corp IT switched to Telstra recently, away from vodafone.

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2315 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Rubbish at 27 Dec 2010 12:29:32 PM
I signed up with 3 mobile broadband couple of years ago - not flash, but they did the job. Then, Vodafoney took over, and things are downhill all the way - many dropouts of service, offline for 60 to 90 minutes at a time, customer service calls go unanswered, or are re-routed to an automated voice message, pointless browser re-directions asking me to activate my account - after my pre-paid data allowance is finished, so will I be.

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2313 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Not enough swear words available at 27 Dec 2010 12:29:02 PM
Vodafone. IM SO GLAD TO BE FREEEEE OF YOU! When the "scheduled maintenance" that occured on a saturday a few weeks back, i was left with a brick of an iphone 4 with no service available. Most vodafone users around me got their service back that night. Me however - No. SIX DAYS OF NO SERVICE! I rang every single day trying to figure out what happened, being left on hold for hours at a time, being disconnected etc - then on the sixth day I spoke to someone who said it takes seven days once they've put a 'voucher in' to source the problem, and ohhh, they forgot to put the voucher in so i have SEVEN MORE DAYS TO WAIT. Well obviously this led me on a tirade of abuse for a good 10 minutes saying I want OUT and NOW and i want my 200 dollar bill WIPED and blah blah blah.

Well after being told to wait while he transfers me to the accounts department to cancel the contract i screamed 'dont you dare put me on hold again!!!" and I was told "it's an internal transfer so it wont be as long a wait". OH REALLY? 2 hours.... 2..... hours. of.my.life.

Anyway it turned out to be worth it as after explaining how long I had been without service and how they breached the contract, they wiped my bill, told me they would refund my handset fee i pid up front and let me out of my contract - just have to send the handset back.

Now I'm with optus and they PWN VODAFONE SO HARD!

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2301 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is at 27 Dec 2010 12:27:14 PM
I needed to speak with vodafone customer support. I called and waited on hold for 2 hours, while being repeatedly told by an automated message that I was 'almost there'. After the 2 hour mark the call simply dropped out.
27 Dec 2010 12:35:12 PM: your lucky 2 hrs before the call dropped out im lucky if my call lasts 20 secs

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2290 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is first class crap at 27 Dec 2010 12:25:06 PM
no signal, no signal, get signal drop out ecr ect

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2251 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is at 27 Dec 2010 12:17:09 PM
I got out of my mess - It cost me $2,000.00 thought to do it. I had a plan and have been a customer of Vodafone for 8 years - No longer!!!
The bastards had me pay out my contract due to a missed month payment. i had been unaware of the missed month (due to a banking error - it is automatically debited from my account). The months of me being in arrears continues for 9 months whereby I was paying my $160.00 per month plan payment. I thought I was entirely up to date in the meantime. I changed jobs and missed a payment which I was aware of and contacted vodafone to see if it would be ok to miss a month. They said yeas, but by the next month they cancelled my contract, sent in the debt collectors and demanded the upfront payment of my existing contract. I called their complaints department and was told by the person on the phone that even though they acknowledge that their records show the missed communication from their end I would still have to pay it upfront. I asked if I could continue to pay out the contract month by month but they said it had to be paid in full within 4 weeks. I argued with them for 3 weeks and achieved no result. I payed the contract out and told them I would NEVER be a customer of Vodafone again. The most excellent bit of this sad story is when I asked how to change my iphone over to another service provider. They direct you to a website that I thought would unlock to iphone to accept other sim cards. The Vodafone website charges you $25.00 to do this. I paid it and it sends me to web site that gives you instructions on how to unlock the iphone.... Greedy Wankers!!!! Needless to say, after that experience I would never recommend vodafone to anyone.
27 Dec 2010 12:33:53 PM: dude, you missed your bill and let it go into default.. NOT Vodahos problem really.. And not related to their coverage service..

Not paying your bill is YOUR problem..
28 Dec 2010 11:39:34 AM: I would look into that, if they are not providing you a service you can break the contract with no service fee.

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2242 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Lousy performance all round at 27 Dec 2010 12:13:18 PM
To be fair, we already knew that the reception in our area wasn't as good as Vodafone claimed - the salesman was honest enough to relate his experiences with his own phone. But it was mostly good enough to get us through the obligatory 6 months before we could unlock the phone. The snag was that it took an entire fricking month of contacting their appalling "help" systems and getting nowhere before it was finally unlocked, after I eventually suggested that they had breached the terms of sale and owed me an unlocked replacement if they couldn't fix it. Endless waiting on lines, dealing with the hideously annoying and inefficient "Lara", only to speak to people who promised things that never happened, plus getting automated email replies thanking me for the opportunity to serve me, but again doing nothing.
27 Dec 2010 12:28:02 PM: Oh, and BTW, this was a phone that was bought outright from a Vodafone shop on the absolute assurance that unlocking it would be a simple automatic process that would take only a moment or two online.... HA! Nothing is simple with Vodafone, with the possible exception of some of the people they employ. Only parts of their website seem to work at any given time, and even the link they sent me to the unlock area returned a "Page Not Found..." message. After several hours trying it did work long enough to finally unlock the phone, after weeks of reporting that they had no record of its IMEI number.

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2237 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is at 27 Dec 2010 12:12:24 PM
Mobile internet sticks, what a waste of time, i was assueres i woulg get very fast internet access where i lived in secret harbour,i can only get crap speed in one room in my home, anywhere else in the house it has ne reception, so mmuch for it being mobile.
Complianed for the 1st 6 months of useage god knows how many times, its been 12 months now into a 24 month contract and have just given up trying.
WILL NEVER GO WITH VODAFONE EVER AGAIN, regardless of what they wreckon they can do, they are ****


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2230 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is very at 27 Dec 2010 12:11:12 PM
I live in Busselton WA, and the resception is shocking. I cant talk inside my house in vasse newtown which is shocking. The only hope i have is if i turn of 3G coverage and then i get reception. Otherwise it will drop calls all the time.

Disapointing vodafone. Hopefully u live to ur prmoise and fix it early next yr as u told me over the phone

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2223 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Vodafail fails at 27 Dec 2010 12:09:24 PM
The Vodafail Moderator is a fascist in his/her censorship. There was NOTHING wrong'against the rules with my POst from Kalgoorlie, WA.
27 Dec 2010 12:14:35 PM: I've only moderated 2 comments today with crude messages. They were not from WA. It may be likely that your comment was posted but comments are coming up at such a fast rate that it isn't being shown on the front page. Feel free to post again if it is indeed within the rules.

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2203 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is late messages and poor service from management at 27 Dec 2010 12:05:08 PM
Apparently I have had a photo message delivered numerous times I sent it toa number of friends and family my brother reports he received it 4 times.
Also when people arecalling it doent always ring but goesstraight to voice mailand over christmas my bro made one such call but hey its not on the voice mail. It drops out of service for no reason. Oh and msg sent christmas arrived at 4am on the 27th.
I also had to helpmy son fix his account due to illness and over a two week period I was told a manager will get back to you...they never did but a call to say I was going to cancel and reportthem got action.
My daughter cancelled her vodafone account 1 month ago and got an sms to say her bill is ready and she owes $200 guess what her number doesnt exisit at vodafoneso online or phoning they cant help after a number of emails we received here is your account you will be direct debited...as they were told that account had also been cancelled. DUMB I'm getting out as soon as.
27 Dec 2010 12:09:30 PM: I have had all the same issues with the PXT msgs and incoming calls going straight to voicemail without ringing! Sometimes it doesn't ring AT ALL but when I take it out of my pocket, BOOM - FOUR MISSED CALLS.

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2195 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is fail x 100000 at 27 Dec 2010 12:03:13 PM
i currently work for a 3/vodafone dealer and the biggest regret i've had this year was moving from 3 and signing up to vodafone. firstly, my number from 3 stopped working, but the number didnt actually port over to vodafone for a few days so i was stuck with no phone and no number over these few days. after that, i had shitty reception (though somewhat understandable as i got the iphone 4), however internet speed was poor. as the weeks went by the call dropouts increased, poor reception increased, internet speed became more and more slower. then there was the incident on a saturday not too long ago where voda had no reception for hours. then just before xmas again my phone cut out service for around 1-2 hours. i work for vodafone and i even think people should steer clear of them..

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2192 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is PEEEED OFF at 27 Dec 2010 12:01:29 PM
Not a happy customer!!!!! Apparently i have not paid my bills but have proof from the bank and my mobile goes into emergency calls about 10 times a day. Not to mention i get cut off my calls constantly so yet vodafone are making some money here with me having to re-call people all the time. My mobile is not faulty either but have wondered to check the services etc on the OPTUS network. Be f**ked if im going to continue in paying my mobile bills. FIX THE NETWORK PROBLEMS!!!! NOT F**KING HAPPY!!!!!!

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2171 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Very at 27 Dec 2010 11:57:21 AM
I've had problems with my phone for years and how stupid of me for blaming my actual phone and not the company/network. I've had messages arrived in the middle of the night when they've been sent in the middle of the day, heaps of problems sending messages ( I think I pushed the send button 20 times before I gave up) and I can't even tally up the amount of times I've said to people "I can't hear a word you are saying!" Not to mention the number of times my signal has completely disappeared while other people's phone are working perfectly fine. It is about time I stop being so lazy and do something about it.

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2162 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Epic fail at 27 Dec 2010 11:55:25 AM
I am a mega-pissed off vodafone user. I have been with them since january this year and am utterly dissapointed with them. I am one of the lucky ones who receive no signal in more that 3/4s of my house, which is in a suburb less than 10mins from the city. My 3G Internet is extremely slow and regularly fails when not connected to wifi. I am constantly with no signal or extremely low and useless. I just want to make a call without it cutting out, use google without being told that the cellular network is currently not available!!! Arrggggggv

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2155 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is crooked service at 27 Dec 2010 11:53:39 AM
Numerous times the money gone missing from the prepaid account. I check regularly the 1512 for account balance. Balance dropped often 20c+ without any calls made by me or nobody else. In total, 200-300$ disappeared from my vodafone account over 6 year period. When trying to resolve issue, the access to my vodafone Internet account got blocked. They (vodafone) send me password to reenter the account and that password was fake. I still can't enter the vodafone Internet account to check what is happening with evidence of my calls.

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2154 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is coverage at 27 Dec 2010 11:53:33 AM
I have to keep to turn my phone on and off because the network keeps dropping out. it needs to be done every 10 minutes or so depending my location. it's so shit because it takes time to get back on, and my iphone keep sending me this "network unavailable, go to settings". I've still got another 18 months to go on my contract, that i wasn't signed up for this shit service!

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2143 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Very at 27 Dec 2010 11:51:44 AM
Vodafone refused to transfer credit (that is mine) over to another number (that is also owned by me) because they "cannot change credit across phone numbers" which in effect, means I can't use the 500 minutes I have accrued, to call other Vodafone customers, which I am entitled to, whereas Amaysim will happily do this.

I was going to take my phone number to Amaysim, but doing so will destroy my 500 minutes credit, so I asked vodafone to transfer my credit to another vodafone sim that I purchased, they refused..

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2133 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Mobile ADSL at 27 Dec 2010 11:48:36 AM
I went with Vodafone last year as I was promised mobile roaming ADSL in China. When we arrived in Shanghai my mobile phone worked but no data for my laptop. We travelled to Changchun and still no data. I rang Vodafone in Australia and was told it must be a technical problem with my laptop. A month later and $800 worth of calls later they finally admitted that they don't have an agreement with either China Mobile of China Unicom for mobile ADSL, too bad. I was stunned that they had me playing around with settings for a month when they didn't provide the service as contracted. Their website was still advertising mobile ADSL in China. 3 months later. I threatened legal action for false advertising and other matters; they immediately released me from my contract and didn't bill me from the time that I left Australia. I then had no mobile phone service in China.
27 Dec 2010 12:03:07 PM: There's no such thing as "Mobile ADSL"

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2128 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Service strength at 27 Dec 2010 11:47:41 AM
Not a mess. Just live in a suburb that has crap signal strength. Lot of mates have V'foney, same issue. Originally thought high voltage line near house. Now having had chat around same prob.

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2116 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is PEEEED OFF at 27 Dec 2010 11:44:31 AM
Not a happy customer!!!!! Apparently i have not paid my bills but have proof from the bank and my mobile goes into emergency calls about 10 times a day. Not to mention i get cut off my calls constantly so yet vodafone are making some money here with me having to re-call people all the time. My mobile is not faulty either but have wondered to check the services etc on the OPTUS network. Be f**ked if im going to continue in paying my mobile bills. FIX THE NETWORK PROBLEMS!!!! NOT F**KING HAPPY!!!!!!

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2111 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is regularly at 27 Dec 2010 11:44:11 AM
Absolute shocker, in at least 3 locations in Perth, a call drops out and there are several more locations where I get sick of saying"hello" Hello" "can you hear me" or at other times, the person I am talking to interrupts me to advise that they cannot hear me. My phone regularly goes to voicemail because the signal is so bad at my home

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2095 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is all the time at 27 Dec 2010 11:40:33 AM
I have moved from 3 to vodafone due to better deal about 3-4 months ago and also 3 and vodafone merged. Since vodafone experience is all bad, have dropped my phone from service many time, I had no phone working for a week and recently for a day. 11th dec disaster was really bad for me as it was my birthday. Also when we call it has extremely long delay and also talking with Lara (computer lady) is no fun, as Lara does not understand what is the problem. I am really sick of it.

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2091 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Oh so fail. at 27 Dec 2010 11:39:42 AM
As well as the usual thing of receiving texts 5 hours after they were sent and being the only person to be unable to send/receive calls or messages on NYE because I foolishly stuck with Vodafone while everyone on Telstra, Optus happily texts away, I have another Vodafail. I recently got an iPhone and needed to transfer my sim details to a micro-sim. I called Vodafone who said they would send me the sim then I would 'simply have to call them' to activate it.

I received my sim and dialled the customer care line first thing in the morning (06:00) I heard a message that said they were experiencing higher than normal volumes of calls and it would take more than 30 minutes to answer my call. An hour on hold went by and I'd still not got anywhere, so I drove the 45 minutes to work with my phone on speaker on the passenger seat just to see if they would pick up. No. Not the next hour either, or the one after.

I had my phone on my desk on speaker while I worked and had others call the same number to see if it was just me, but no. At 11:00 the line went dead. I went to a Vodafone store in my lunch break to try and get it sorted, and the sales assistant said he could not help me. He said I have to call customer care. When I replied that I'd been on hold with them for five hours, he claimed I should have had no problem as they'd been calling the same number all day. I said I was not spending more time on the phone and please just sort it out for me here. He replied there was no way he could, so I left, walked 20 metres to the Optus store and I have not had a problem since (they could help me, funnily enough!).

I'd been with Vodafone for over 6 years (appreciated the value for money basically) but I've had enough of their shocking service.

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2083 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is poor phone signal at 27 Dec 2010 11:37:31 AM

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2076 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Worst fail ever at 27 Dec 2010 11:35:55 AM
Signed up for a new phone with a $69 dollar plan with 3 months wavered off the 12 month contract little did i know i signed up to a huge mistake. problems first began when i tried to transfer my original number to my new phone where the temporary number that vodafone gave me that already HAD A SUPSCRIPTION SIGNED ONTO IT!!! if not to make the matter worse when i called them up about it they just said you have to pay for it and call the subscriber to reimburse you. After that i havnt been able to make a call on my phone and send any texts, it is absolutely pathetic and it has been going on for the past month, with me thinking that it is just a temporary issue that would be solved quickly, but clearly it wasn't. THEN... yes there is more... my 3 months that had been wavered had not been apart of my plan apparently, although i know 100% that it was in my contract, after a lengthy call that had been fixed but still it is a very poor performance from vodafone, a contract is a legally binding document it ISN'T something you should get wrong!. I am not some1 who gets angry easily but this service has infuriated me, this is literally the worst phone company i have ever been with!!
27 Dec 2010 11:49:57 AM: Oh and on top of all this i work on call, so if my mobile doesn't work, then i dont work.. so now i have to use a seperate sim card to get work!

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2071 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is FAIL at 27 Dec 2010 11:35:29 AM
I've been using Vodafone for 18 months now & when my contract is up I won't be renewing. Their billing makes no sense, with bills far greater than what they should be. Reception is virtually non existent. I can go days without internet connectivity, and when I do have connection it's slow and poor. The network dropped out the other week & the help line could not be contacted!

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2069 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is mobile and internet reception at 27 Dec 2010 11:35:11 AM
a few weekends ago we had no mobile and internet at home and we had to drive 20kms to make calls not vodafone !!! but when i rang them up it tokk 1and half hours 3 people a lot of mmmmm not sure i will pass you on for them to tell me what i already knew WE HAD NO RECEPTION IN OUR AREA BECAUSE THE TOWER WAS DOWN ..... IM IN THE WRONG JOB !!!!!

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2064 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is pretty poor at 27 Dec 2010 11:34:08 AM
I have been with vodafone for about 4 years, here its probably the best of a bad bunch. I constantly lose reception, messages can take several days to get through, I have hours where the reception just fades in and out. When I first started with them, the service was heaps better but is just going backwards now

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2061 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is a truck load of fail at 27 Dec 2010 11:33:27 AM
I've been suffering with call drops, slow data speeds, little to no reception (in the middle of perth) and deferred messages. I went to my local vodafone store to try and sort things out but was told because I've only made one formal complaint, which was about my billing, there's basically nothing I can do about it because it's their word against mine...
What ever happened to customer service? I'm disgusted.

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2042 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Poor is not the correct word at 27 Dec 2010 11:30:08 AM
I was with Vodaphone and like evryone else was annoyed at the poor signal strength and drop puts. I contacted (tried to) service support. Each time was advised that there was a 40 minute wait (regardless of local time)...never 10, 20, 30 etc but always 40. I then did the "call me back thing" and I was called within 15 minutes (so what happened to to 40 minutes....thay had lied). Triedt to log into my account but could not log in. They reset my password, but still could not log in. My final straw was when I visited a Vodaphone store to cancell my account (I was not on contract thankfully) only to be told that I could not do it there atn that I would have to do it either online or over the phone.........what a terrible way to run a business

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2028 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is misled into contract at 27 Dec 2010 11:27:06 AM
I was misled into a data contract and have had it cancelled now vodafone are trying to get me to pay over a thousand dollars back and it has supposedly been settled hmm i dont think so

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2013 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is very poor at 27 Dec 2010 11:24:48 AM
I heard about this site on the radio this morning - reading through I see so many people experiencing the exact same problems I have - I have been with Vodafone for 3 years but in the last 5 month it has been a disaster - constant drop outs of calls, network connection errors, service not available errors - I thought is was my handset so after a long process eventually they sent "for repair" which has changed nothing. I am trying to run a small business but I get no reception or constant drop outs so it is a huge problem for me - go to the store & even they put you on hold to the customer service site for who knows how long - the result - nothing but frustration...

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2008 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Very fail! at 27 Dec 2010 11:23:30 AM
When I signed in for Blackberry Storm two tears ago, I was told that phone can be unlocked after contract. But, it is not the case; I was told by "Vodafone" that it cannot be unlocked! Very disappointing! Talk about reception, when you are in a building, you cannot receive or make any call. Bad reception after more than 10 years in Australia!

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2003 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is A disgusting big fat "fail" for me at 27 Dec 2010 11:22:51 AM
- Direct Debit via Credit Card set up and still can receive "Outstanding ammount. Unbelievable !!
- Poor reception and many times unable to make calls to my wife or my wife calling me.
- More and more unexplained line drop off or "Error in Connection" - this is disgusting given the level of service you would expect from a giant telco.
- Can never get through customer support and when you filed a complaint online; it assumes the issue is resolved unless you call back - but in the first place you can never get through.

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1997 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Very Sucky at 27 Dec 2010 11:22:10 AM
One to no bar reception 15km from city centre. (been like this for at least 5yrs)
Delayed SMS's, sometimes many hours.
Bloody spam SMS's rom Vodafone as early as 6:18am Perth time, several around 7:00am, no human response to complaint on their website after a week.
Cheap, have 365 day prepaid expiry and rollover free vodafone to vodafone talk time (have about 1500 minutes currently.)

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1992 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is EPIC FAIL at 27 Dec 2010 11:21:31 AM
I've been with Vodafail for the last 4 years, and have experienced the same problems as everyone else, most annoying of all has to be the constant call fails, even when my phone shows 2 bars of coverage!!!
Its got so bad, i bought a pre-paid Telstra phone last week, just so i could call friends and family for christmas!!!
As i type, sitting in my own house, within the metro area, i cannot make a call or send a message, oh and look, a voicemail message just popped up!!! From 3 bloody days ago!!!!!!!

Nice work Vodafail, looking forward to ending my contract soon, and telling everyone i know, to never ever use any products or services supplied by your retarded company!!!!

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1991 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Reception Deception at 27 Dec 2010 11:21:27 AM
I live in Kalgoorlie, WA.

ONLY VODAFONE requires that you have to move about to get useable reception - from around the inside the house to standing in the driveway.

The Vodafone-trained employees at Vodafone Kalgoorlie ARE NOT interested in faults, only in Sales. They also have VERY limited product knowledge, especially phone features.

And, don't you just love the "typewriter" sound effects "Lara" gives you when you call for an account balance - talk about antiquated.

Last, but not least, Phone Bank is phone wank, Vodafone must have taken a leaf out of the Banks when developing this rip-off.

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1986 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is low coverage in albany at 27 Dec 2010 11:20:51 AM
4 years ago i join to vodafone from telstra they told me with in 6 months they would have 3g network in albany, 3 and 1/2 years lator they get the 3g in albany but now if im around middelton beach or lower king my phone is only good for a brick, plus when i get phone calls most times they just drop out after 5 mins even when there full coverage

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1976 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is #fail many times at 27 Dec 2010 11:18:31 AM
We run our business mobiles through vodafone and it was the worst thing we ever did. Continually we receive drop outs, calls that never come through, voicemail which either never arrives or appears on the phone some many hours later. 3G receiption and coverage is very poor around the city and surrounding suburbs and a lot of the time i have to turn off 3G on my phone just to make a voice call. Vodafone has got to be the worst mobile network I have ever experienced and we will be moving our business phones to Telstra come Feb 2011 when our contract is up. Good luck vodafone you're going to need it.

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1974 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Fail fail fail at 27 Dec 2010 11:18:26 AM
Constant call connection fail. Dial number and call hangs for 2 minutes then says call fail. Overall a dissapointment. If you do get through to customer care ( lucky you) be sure to ask for compensation. Coz they know that by law, you are entitled to it

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1961 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Cost me the opportunity of a lifetime at 27 Dec 2010 11:15:47 AM
I recently purchased a new android legend thinking it will help me subprofessional with all the productivity apps and connectivity; unfortunately the exact opposite was true. Aside from receiving text messages notifying me of meeting that arrive 2 hours after they have finished (being delayed 12 hours) I recently missed a vital call that asked me to submit my a work of fiction to a omnibus and they wen with another author. The book was just published in glorious colour and firm hardback and would have been a major benefit to my career had I been able to contribute.
Thanks allot vodafone.
Your androids are great computers, useless phones.

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1957 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is at 27 Dec 2010 11:15:28 AM

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1955 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Cost me the opportunity of a lifetime at 27 Dec 2010 11:15:15 AM
I recently purchased a new android legend thinking it will help me subprofessional with all the productivity apps and connectivity; unfortunately the exact opposite was true. Aside from receiving text messages notifying me of meeting that arrive 2 hours after they have finished (being delayed 12 hours) I recently missed a vital call that asked me to submit my a work of fiction to a omnibus and they wen with another author. The book was just published in glorious colour and firm hardback and would have been a major benefit to my career had I been able to contribute.
Thanks allot vodafone.
Your androids are great computers, useless phones.

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1936 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is the greatest! at 27 Dec 2010 11:10:31 AM
I am a small business owner in Perth WA and I rely heavely on my mobile phone to contact clients, receive calls and respond to calls. 90% of my calls are answered by Vodafone by "ERROR IN CONNECTION". I have complained to the agency without success. It is a nightmare to me.I am losing business in an already depressed market situation. I have asked Vodafone to release me from my contract and they refused.If there is a class action against them I WANT TO BE IN IT, definitely. Thanks a million for this website.

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1935 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is FAIL FAIL FAIL at 27 Dec 2010 11:10:22 AM
Not a vodafone customer, but a 3 customer (for the last 4 years). Since 3 joined forces with Vodafone, my reception has greatly decreased. As example, until recently I had perfect reception in Newman, WA. This year, shortly after the amalgamation of the two companies, I now have NO RECEPTION in Newman, WA, and limited reception in parts of Perth, WA.
27 Dec 2010 07:04:21 PM: you live in the middle of nowhere get a telstra phone and stop complaining about something thats easily fixed
1 Jan 2011 08:59:13 PM: Easily fixed? Turn it up,you reckon paying out a contract amounts to easily fixed????
5 Jan 2011 10:52:26 PM: HearHear!
%#*$ you, "27 DEC 2010" - Their coverage is sh!thouse, why should it cost us $2000 to drop a sh!t contract. That's not a solution, Dickbag.
10 Aug 2011 07:57:02 PM: Was it an amalgamation? Didn't 3 take over Vodaphone....so really it's 3 to blame

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1923 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Very at 27 Dec 2010 11:06:21 AM
I have constant call drop outs and lousy reception. My phone tends to show 'SOS only' more than halve the time. Data is pathetic and you think only understanding every second word of the call is good, then I recommend you join Vodafone.

"Vodafone. Bringing you the third world performance in the first"

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1908 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is No 3G Calls working ? at 27 Dec 2010 11:02:23 AM
My new ANdroid phone stopped being able to receive or make 3G calls in the Wanneroo area. When I call the call ends immediately or when someone calls me they get a message saying the service is unavailiable. I switched the phone over to the 2G network which gives me more signal bars and it works fine.

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1877 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is at 27 Dec 2010 10:49:52 AM
Constant loss of network and no reception inside the house. We live in Shenton Park - how hard can that be?

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1870 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Awfull reception at 27 Dec 2010 10:45:42 AM
My wife and I have been with Vodafone since our first mobiles. Reception has steadily deteriorated over last few years to the point where we get little or no reception in or around our house. My daughter has new phone and is with V/F also, and has same problems in lots of places around Perth. So prblem is not due to older phones. Contacting V/F is difficult to say the least. After sending an email to complain, they sent me a reply which was clearly designed to make it so dificult for me to answer that I gave up! I am sure that is what they wanted. Vodafone, it's time to accept that things are wrong and start fixing them!

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1839 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Getting worse rather than better at 27 Dec 2010 10:28:49 AM
I work in the Perth cbd and over the last month my reception is constantly dropping out... Right in the middle of the metro area! WTF?

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1816 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is mega-fail at 27 Dec 2010 10:17:44 AM
i purchased a 150 buck prepaid recharge to take to europe in may 2010. when i attempted to use it i got the error code 'invalid'. obviously, having little credit left, i was unable to contact support so i txt'd a mate in australia to try to get to the bottom of it for me. as it turned out, the voucher had already been used. it was purchased from woolworths and went straight from the cash register into my wallet and wasnt seen again by anyone until i attempted to use it. here is the email chain of the debacle that followed (and im still waiting to hear who the f@#% stole my voucher):

Customer - 14/06/2010 05:30 PM
I purchased a $149 pre-pay recharge voucher from Woolworths, Centrepoint -
Midland, WA @ 15.27 on the 12/05/10. (see attached)

When I attempted to use the voucher I got a 'Invalid' type message on my

It seems this voucher has already been used and I would like to know when,
where and by who. The voucher went straight into my wallet and was not given
to, seen, or taken by, anyone other than me.

Pin Number is: 8752 9454 7192 Serial number is: 22556004442



Response (Julie) - 15/06/2010 12:12 PM


Thank you for your email.

I confirm the recharge voucher with serial number 22556004442 has been used.
Due to privacy regulations I am unable to advise the mobile number of the
service that used this recharge voucher.

In order to resolve this issue please mail the voucher and proof of purchase
of the voucher and a covering letter to

Investigations Manager
KDC 2580
Kingston TAS 7050

I suggest you retain a copy of the documents required to be sent to Vodafone
for your records.

Kind regards

Correspondence Team



So you want me to mail the original voucher ?

Will it be returned to me ?

From my end, this is a matter of theft or fraud.
The voucher never left my hands from the moment it was purchased
so I intend to pursue this matter to the end.

I'll be reporting this to WA Police so I'm going to be needing
that voucher for evidence.

I need assurance that the original will be returned to me.

I must say, I'm less than impressed with the 'assistance' I've received
from Vodafone up to this point. This idea that someone can steal
from me and then be protected by privacy regulations is hilarious.




Further to my previous email - I've just contacted WA Police regarding this
matter and they've advised me if the voucher was used after the date of
purchase (15.27 on the 12/05/10) it's considered theft.

Can you at least provide me with the date the voucher was used ?


Response (Julie) - 16/06/2010 03:57 PM


Thank you for your return email.

In order for this issue with the recharge voucher to be investigated by our
Fraud team we will require the original voucher, together with proof of
purchase, to be mailed to Vodafone. This will not be returned to you which
is why we suggest you keep copies of the documents for your own records.

I regret I cannot provide any information in relation to the use of the

Once the voucher has been received by Vodafone an investigation will be
undertaken and you will contacted with the outcome.

Kind regards

Correspondence Team

and on monday the 27th december im still waiting to hear who stole my voucher and still waiting for compensation. unbelievable.
27 Dec 2010 10:29:58 AM: Sounds like woolworths took a refund from another customer and then sold you that voucher.
27 Dec 2010 11:04:19 AM: if so, fine - i can accept this sort of thing can happen... i'm a reasonable person.

it's their response and the hiding behind privacy legislation that shits me.

and the zero compensation. the episode cost me around 400 bucks in the end. FFS.
27 Dec 2010 12:19:36 PM: in the end, they cant just apply a measly $30 credit anyways... they have to be so tight on everything.
28 Dec 2010 01:30:22 PM: Haha fair enough, but where in that email did you ask them for that $30? ;) They won't provide if you don't ask. Also how would you like it if they gave YOUR number to an angry customer? haha

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1784 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is very fail at 27 Dec 2010 09:50:00 AM
I cant make or recieve calls inside my home, if i walk outside i get 1 bar if im lucky, but inside i get nothing, lucky me im on a 24 month contract.
I used to be with telstra and left because i thought they were too expensive, but i would rather pay the extra any day.

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1763 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Crapola at 27 Dec 2010 09:32:58 AM
Live in the middle of covered area according to Voda coverage map, but my signal goes from no reception to full reception like a yoyo, LITERALLY. I have no coverage for majority of the day. This is DISGUSTING. This has been ongoing since MAY 2010.

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1752 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is at 27 Dec 2010 09:24:05 AM

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1748 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Very Annoying at 27 Dec 2010 09:20:53 AM
Constant data drop outs, even as I browse the web right now. Total loss of reception, with the only method of bringing it back is to either restart the phone or switch in/out of airplane mode.
27 Dec 2010 06:40:51 PM: It would be very helpful if someone in charge of this website provided specific guidance/instructions on how to get out of Vodafone contracts that are clearly not delivering what they promised at "signup".
I would depart Voafone now if I do not have to pay the huge penalties built into the contract.
Help those who have suppoerted this site.
27 Dec 2010 06:49:59 PM: i hear you loud and clear, i want out of vodafone without paying contract fees. everything about vodafone is wrong,poor reception, poor service and we pay for this.

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1732 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Very bad at 27 Dec 2010 09:00:43 AM
Have experienced constant drop out and reconnection on my pocket wifi. Tried to get the device unlocked but vodafone refuse to do so for the 49 stated on the packaging. I found a fax number for complaints on vodafones website, but guess what, it does not answer. I am off to tio as soon as the public holidays are over

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1697 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is shocked at 27 Dec 2010 08:29:32 AM
I was thinking of signing my wife to Vodafone to one of their infinite plans. Not anymore! Lol... this is shocking!!!
BTW... I'm writing this using my Telstra mobile. Works perfect. Never have dropped calls and internet is super fast. Doesn't cost any more either, since Telstra is pretty price competitive these days. I don't envy you guys.

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1553 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Wireless internet & mobile phone at 27 Dec 2010 06:58:11 AM
Wireless internet sometimes will not allow you to log onto the network and once on downloads are not possible for certain periods of time.
Mobile phone, delayed mesages, network failure a few weeks ago with no service at all for a few hours.

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1517 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is No idea at 25 Dec 2010 06:08:56 PM
About to port to telstra after 5 years...you guys know why. Now they have stuffed my billing...so guys watch out for that....and make sure they don't charge you for the free calls they promised a few weeks back I.e WA users only.
27 Dec 2010 08:25:29 AM: yeah notice the free calls were for a saturday... too bad if you are a contractor and thats you main form of contact during the week did help those people did it.. The reception in the city even is quite often poor. the phone has no reception then an hour later it rings with a message from a missed call... yet you have not moved.

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1514 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Exteme at 25 Dec 2010 11:56:35 AM
Vodafone down yet again. Not able to make or received phone calls, text, or data. This has been going on for days now. Much like the previous mass outages.

Vodafone's webpage also working badly. Took me an hour of trying to finally unlock me phone.

Can't get into my online Vodafone account.

Other people I know with Vodafone are having similar problems. We coined the term Vodafail only to find so many others with the same issues and this website dedicated to exposing Vodafone's woeful performance.

Waiting on the phone for Vodafone assistance for over an hour. Can't use my mobile and had to borrow a landline as the mobile network just keeps on failing. Its down more than its up a - 90% down for several days. The same problems the other week, and the week before.

Bad, bad, bad.

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1476 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Very disappointing at 23 Dec 2010 03:18:00 PM
I sent the following email today and am waiting on a reply:

From: Michael
Sent: Thursday, 23 December 2010 11:53 AM
To: 'Network.Feedback@vodafone.com.au'
Subject: My Vodafone service

Good afternoon,

It's with regret that I write this email. I've been a Vodafone customer for many years now and have always stood by your brand and service as a loyal customer.

The past few months I have begun to question that loyalty.

I currently use an iPhone 3GS and have experienced frequent network related issues with delays in network registration (sometimes taking over 5 minutes to locate the network), call dropouts, call fails and the recent Perth network outage. Today was an excellent example of this. I had to switch my handset off several times in a bid to have the network recognise it's presence so that I could make a call.

I have never had a hardware related issue with this handset, however was considering changing to a HTC phone as I am beginning to question whether it could be the iPhone. Friends and colleagues assure me that it is the network as they too are experiencing the same issues.

My problems with attaining network signal have steadily worsened and I am considering changing networks, even with the cost of cancelling my contract, in a bid to achieve a better standard of coverage in metropolitan Perth.

Is there any update available on improvements to coverage in Perth? Surely with the combined networks 3 and Vodafone there would have been integration between the networks by now?

If things don't improve I would certainly consider the option of changing service providers. At this point in time I am struggling to find reasons to retain my service with Vodafone.

I look forward to your reply,

27 Dec 2010 01:30:53 PM: Update from me. I got a phone call on Xmas eve advising that a specialist network rep would investigate all my issues. He waived this months entire bill (yet to be confirmed) and advised that I would receive a call the following day (Xmas day) to update me on the progress of their investigations. I queried whether they would be making followup calls on Xmas day and was advised yes. It is now 27th Dec and I have had no update and no calls from them whatsoever. I sincerely doubt that my bill has even been waived as promised. Stay tuned.
29 Dec 2010 01:54:59 PM: Another update from me, got a call from same guy as before in the 'high priority' complaints team (?) forgive me I didn't catch the dept name clearly. Not only have I been offered a waiver of this months invoice but also assured if this doesn't turn out well I will be released from my contract without financial penalty. I'm impressed not only at the tone of the response I have received but the fact I actually got a call back. I honestly don't want to change service providers. I hope this does get better! I guess I worded my complaint email rather well...Stay tuned. PS: Can't really confirm bill has been waived until I receive following invoice...

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1435 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Epic Fail (Last Several Months) at 22 Dec 2010 07:14:23 PM
Over the last, say, seven months... my service has been awful. I actually switched to Vodafone mid last year from the rip-off Telstra network and found the coverage "okay". Not quite as good or consistent as Telstra, but close enough. We had just built a new house 20km North of CBD and needed a new phone, as well as an internet connection. I decided to get an iPhone 3GS and thether it - AND IT WORKED! It was quite fast and reliable... until the pain started.

First, you couldn't get to the "myvodafone" website to check usage or pay bills whilst on their 3G network (DNS Issues). Whirlpool searches showed this going on for YEARS. Vodafone told me to use another internet connection to do it... but I had none!

Over the last seven months or so, drop-outs, poor signal, missed calls, SMSs not sending (or lagging when incoming), rubbish 3G speeds (when you can get it at all). It's now almost unusable in my house. The same place it worked well and provided 3G internet... now drops calls, fails 3G (switches to Edge) and calls I do make/get sound terrible.

Fix your fucking network. I can see a tower from here. I used to get full bars and 3G, now I get 2/3 bars at best (and thats mostly a lie). Grrr.
22 Dec 2010 07:16:02 PM: iPhones - The Bain of Telco's worldwide.
22 Dec 2010 07:40:01 PM: They are investing billions of dollars in improving their network. if you notice a lot of customers with reception issues are using iPhones. definitely not a coincidence. more of a proven phone issue. Maybe take apples excuse and 'hold your phone a different way'
22 Dec 2010 09:24:44 PM: Except that the majority of people do not have iPhones, including many of those complaining about their problems.
23 Dec 2010 09:38:54 AM: actually no majority of complaints that i have seen are from people with smart phones and even within them the majority is with iphones
23 Dec 2010 09:41:04 AM: actually no majority of complaints that i have seen are from people with smart phones and even within them the majority is with iphones
27 Dec 2010 06:46:58 AM: I have two Perth friends with iphones on optus and we have conversations for hours at a time no worries, so it's not iphone that's the problem.
27 Dec 2010 08:32:11 AM: I dont have an Iphone and have the same issues. I thought it was my phone that was the problem so i went to Vodafone stored. i explained calls were dropping out, i had no signal at times, i was missing calls so i bought anew phone then had the same problems it no the phone cause its only 6 months old.

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1385 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Painful at 22 Dec 2010 12:22:09 AM
Heres and idea. Why dont the Vodafone excuitives stop spending money on the current advertizing blitz, direct that money into upgrading to a world class network faster and then invite new customers to be a part of somthing special. I've been under contract 7 months and i'm saving to payout my service already. I previously thought my last telco was bad. I'm ready to beat their door down to take me back.

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1363 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is worst. fail. ever. at 21 Dec 2010 04:26:38 PM
For so long I had blamed my phones for bad reception, no internet connection, voicemails that disappeared into the infinate nothingness despite friends INSISTING they'd left them... "This damn phone!" I'd yell in frustration! But after three phone changes in the past year - the problem remained.

Vodafone. You sneaky bugger.

Then in the last few weeks the problems became public ... despite the customer service people (bless their hearts) telling me to reset my phone .. we all now know it's the network's problems.

The other week - I had a car accident. Crying on the side of the road - it took numerous tries to call someone to sob on the phone to who could come help me - and it took numerous tries to call work to tell them I couldnt come in (and even when I got through the person on the other end sounded like a robot). Now I'm missing calls from the insurance company, the insurance assessor and the crash repairs. Even when I get through - the call inevitably drops out a couple of times.

Thanks Vodafone. So reliable. To think - the reason I signed with you all those years ago was because Kramer from Seinfeld was doing your ads. (Yes, THAT long ago) Kicking myself on that one.
21 Dec 2010 06:52:14 PM: They were some great ads.
1 Jan 2011 09:01:49 PM: Didnt you have your distress flare with you? Handy to have when you are with Voda

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1303 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is IS AWESOME!! at 21 Dec 2010 08:51:15 AM
21 Dec 2010 10:44:14 AM: I suppose Vodafone sets a fairly low bar :)
21 Dec 2010 11:31:55 AM: They all suck. But I pick something sucking with service over something sucking with no service.
22 Dec 2010 12:14:25 AM: "I suppose Vodafone sets a fairly low bar :)" Signal wise...? YES!
22 Dec 2010 08:53:48 PM: lets face it, they are all shit. so stop complaining, regardless of what network you are on there are always going to be issues.
27 Dec 2010 07:50:13 AM: Yeah Telstra suck, but they got no problems with their reception. Telstra suck cause they cost so much but Im happy to pay if I get what Im told

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1300 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is No Fail at 21 Dec 2010 08:30:42 AM
Vodafone are awesome. i would not change for anyone else. the only thing they did to annoy me was to sponsor a holden.
21 Dec 2010 12:38:31 PM: Ford not backwards!

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1267 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is BAD at 20 Dec 2010 10:23:13 PM
I just joined Vodafone from Optus and regret the move due to the reception. On the train, with optus, it was fine and I could surf the net. Now on Vodafone, I can't get any reception when the train is moving. They better fix this soon or im getting out of this contract.

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1205 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is bad in WA, worse in NSW at 20 Dec 2010 12:31:01 PM
My list of problems (which are probably the same as everyone else):
- calls not coming through at all.
- voicemail and texts arriving hours, sometimes days after they were sent.
- poor to non-existent internet access
- crappy customer service

It's bad in Perth and, oddly, even worse when I'm in Sydney.
My partner is with Telstra, and guaranteed, any time my phone is *not* working.. her phone is. Vodafail big time - counting down the months until the end of my contract!
22 Dec 2010 09:44:26 AM: I experienced the same thing with the Voda mobiles at work. We run about 80 and they've been doing this on and off for the past year. Lately it's become worse. I thought my bill was strange when everyone's voicemail bill increased by 50 percent.

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1203 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Absolutely disgraceful at 20 Dec 2010 12:14:44 PM
Checking in here from Perth. I live less than 20km from the CBD in the metropolitan area and rarely get more than one bar reception and woeful 3G data connectivity. Am experiencing all the usual difficulties of dropped out calls and unsent text messages. Rang vodafone a while back and they blamed the phone (which is why im stuck under contract) have since bought 2 more phones outright and now have a iphone 3GS and all experience the poor excuse for coverage that they offer. Cant wait for July to get rid of these criminals!!

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1200 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Absolutely disgraceful at 20 Dec 2010 12:08:08 PM
Checking in here from Perth. I live less than 20km from the CBD in the metropolitan area and rarely get more than one bar reception and woeful 3G data connectivity. Am experiencing all the usual difficulties of dropped out calls and unsent text messages. Rang vodafone a while back and they blamed the phone (which is why im stuck under contract) have since bought 2 more phones outright and now have a iphone 3GS and all experience the poor excuse for coverage that they offer. Cant wait for July to get rid of these criminals!!

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1197 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is unhelpful at 20 Dec 2010 11:56:09 AM
Poor infrastructure, poor customer service, poor public relations. They should be banned from taking on any new customers and be forced to offer ALL existing customers a release from their contracts. Lets then see how long they stay in business. Their profits are measured only by the deceptive marketing strategies they have in place. It's the telco equivalent of a Ponzie scheme and should be investigated by the ACCC.

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1068 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Way fail!! at 19 Dec 2010 08:30:24 PM
Dropped calls.. Unusable data during peak times.. Hours long waiting times on 1555 to seek assistance only to be transferred to the technical team with another hour wait time.. It doesn't get worse than this for phone service performance!!

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1045 Someone from WA thinks vodafone is Useless at 19 Dec 2010 06:04:54 PM
I've been with vodafail for about 7 weeks so far... and i'm horrified to think what i've gotten myself into. I've had so many of my customers emailing me saying they've been calling for hours and keep getting told my number is disconnected or out of service etc, strangely according to my phone i have full signal and i do get the occasional call.

I've had my sim card replaced due to MMS not working at all, It still didn't work immediately after the sim switch until about 3 days later. Then a couple of days after that it started working again.

Since then it only sporadically works, i've been into the vodafone store only to be told theres not much they can do and to call the support line... As i write this i've been on hold for passing 45 minutes now and still no sign of life.

Surely late on a sunday afternoon wouldn't be a peak period for them you would think...

At the same time i bought the phone i brought a car charger, 4 weeks after buying it, it failed and stopped charging the phone. Back to the Vodafone store i go.. only to be told we have to send it off and it could be 5-10 working days before its repaired or replaced. It's a bloody $20 charger, it should just be replaced on the spot. However even if they could do that as per usual there wasn't any in stock! I mean come on seriously vodafail, your taking in stupid amounts of money each month and declaring big profits and yet your network is just crap...

In addition i also suffer from the usual extremely slow internet service, delayed voicemail notifications, delayed text messages or messages that just never arrive.. random service dropouts. Last week i was in an area where according to there coverage map should have full 3g coverage. I couldn't get any mobile signal at all.

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