26 Mar 2012 - Update Highest Rated Pain Stories Highest Rated Gain Stories Vodafail Local Facebook Page
Dear visitor,

Since its inception Vodafail.com has made a significant contribution towards raising awareness of the problems and issues faced by Vodafone customers.

Vodafone Australia customers have had the opportunity to voice their concerns, their fears and their troubles from every corner of Australia and beyond our borders. You have gathered the courage to stand up for your rights as consumers and to make your voice heard.

Each and every person who shared their story should have a sense of pride in this achievement and the changes that have occurred since the start of Vodafail.com.

More recently, traffic to Vodafail.com has declined significantly. Having achieved the goal of raising awareness and promoting concrete action in early 2011, we have now reached the point of closing Vodafail to new complaints. The site will remain online for as long as possible as a reminder and an example of what is possible when we share our experiences.

It has been a privilege to run this initiative and I'm am forever grateful for the help and support I've received. In particular I would like to thank Melissa, David and Travis for their continued efforts over the past 15 months. I'm also thankful and humbled by the support of ACCAN, Choice magazine and a wide range of media outlets, blogs and websites.

You can still browse existing stories and find out how to file a complaint if you are experiencing problems.

Until next time,

Adam Brimo

Share Your Pain

Vodafail.com is no longer accepting complaints.
Over the past 6 months traffic to Vodafail has declined significantly. Therefore we have closed off Vodafail to new complaints. We think you will find more joy in posting on any one of these fine product / brand review sites.

You can also post directly on the Vodafone community forums.

Other People's Pain

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2458 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Poor Service at 27 Dec 2010 01:04:05 PM
Two years ago I signed up for a two year contract. I just wanted to check email so this was for 1 GB per month and just under $30. In recent months the reception level has just dropped badly whether I am in Sydney, Central Coast or nearby. At the same time I am getting unusually high excess usage charges that I cannot check out. I cannot get into their account page as it requires active status of a mobile I got rid off a year ago. Calling the help number just means someone on the other side of the world who either hangs up or drops out in seconds. I do not want to deal with this company again.

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2456 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Complete fail at 27 Dec 2010 01:03:07 PM
I was with Vodafone for 10 years and, after repeated calls to fix my voicemail (12 calls to try to get it fixed @ an average 27 mins per call....I should charge them my hourly rate...), at least 2 dropouts in every call (even in the CBD) and raging extra charges on every bill, I am now out of my contract.
I went with Telstra and have not had ONE dropout, their service has been excellent and I even got a $200 credit! SWITCH IF YOU CAN!!

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2454 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Fail wiqth capital F at 27 Dec 2010 01:02:57 PM
sick of bad reception and recieving transaction failed isufficient funds messages that mean nothing to me.What transaction ????

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2451 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is very fail at 27 Dec 2010 01:01:39 PM
I live in an area where there is NO mobile reception, making my very expensive handset and plan essentially useless except for when I do go into town, even then the reception is abysmal with continuing call drop outs and very low reception necessitating wandering around town seeking a place for even just okay reception to be able to call out. The USB dongle for mobile broadband which I purchased for use when travelling is essentially useless with continuous low reception and signal drop out, requiring reconnection to the network every few minutes at best. I think Vodaphone and its associates should just release those people unhappy with their service from their contracts, unlock their phones and other devices as compensation, and let them find another carrier that will better service their needs.

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2449 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is inconsistant at 27 Dec 2010 01:00:58 PM
Long time pre paid vodafone user. Got iphone on contract 6 months ago. Based on the Central Coast.
Now I have no reception in my office and have to go outside to make a call.
When I call people sometimes it says calling and never connects. Sometimes it connects with no voice and I have to call back (double connection fee).
I can be talking to someone with full service then it drops out, I look at signal and it is totally gone and then comes back full. (happens constantly).
People can call me and my phone never rings, I just get their voicemail.
Paid my bill and I kept on getting warning text saying it isnt paid. Called Vodafone and they said their network was having problems but they said it was paid. Now i get text messages all the time saying it is paid.
Would love to get out of the contact and just pay for the phone and go with another provider.

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2448 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Not at 27 Dec 2010 01:00:48 PM
Why does the site owner delete positive comments? Perhaps you need to start disclosing what links you have to Optus resellers?
27 Dec 2010 01:13:25 PM: Haha, that comment is so stupid is almost laughable. A poor attempt to re-focus the issue.

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2446 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Shocking at 27 Dec 2010 01:00:28 PM
A friend recommend I move over to vodafone after my contract expired from another carrier. I did and what a disaster!! I was told that it would take 24 hours to change over and I can keep my phone number. 3 days later I was not connected I rang around 6pm and was on hold for 2 hours till 8pm and was disconnected. I tried 2 more evenings and on the 3rd day I was told they are experiencing technical problems. I was without a phone for 7 days. Finally someone told me that initially the staff did not ask me for my old carriers account number to do the transfer (so much for training!). I was connected. Now I am experiencing reception problem. My phone hardly rings and I can hardly hear the person on the other end. I cant wait to return to my original carrier.

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2437 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Should be free! at 27 Dec 2010 12:58:57 PM
Been with Vodafone for 10 years now, and it has gone from good to ok to poor to horrible. I like in northern beaches and the service is beyond proper. I am on one of their highest plans and have to struggle to call my wife, on average I need to try to call 3 - 5 times in a row so I can be connected. I also run my own business and am constantly embarrassed when I am in mid sentence with my clients and get cut off. I cannot believe that I am paying for this *sheety* service. If it was beta I would understand, but paying so much for something that does NOT work is just not on.

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2434 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Poor coverage with poor customer service at 27 Dec 2010 12:58:13 PM
I have made over 10 phone calls to Vodafone (after waiting an hour on hold) to complain about the ongoing drop outs only to be told to " switch ur phone off then on" on more than 5 occasions, i have had my gprs reactivated 3 times and still have the same issue.
I requested to go on a lower plan as I don't see why I should continue paying a high monthly fee when I dnt get my full service only to be told "i signed up on a 24 month contract"
The service I received was appalling! I'm stuck for over 1 year!

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2432 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Mega-fail at 27 Dec 2010 12:57:56 PM
I'm in Port Macquarie in NSW. Even though I have reception all through the town I can't make a single call without having to try 2 or 3 times. Then even if I do finally establish a connection the call is guaranteed to drop out if I plan on talking for more than a minute...

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2431 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Where do I start at 27 Dec 2010 12:57:20 PM
Unable to connect or most calls drop out after 30 seconds.... basically vodafone only has limited covergae around the Brighton-Le-Sands also NO SERVICE this is a pain, when I use this mobil for bussiess I am over the whole thing, I keep calling and yes I get someone from Overseas telling me that they will fix the PROBLEM...WHEN its been 2 years and they are still fixing it. WHAT A JOKE

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2427 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is miserable at 27 Dec 2010 12:56:49 PM
VHA performance has been very bad in terms of holding voice calls and losing its network coverage,interestingly 3 network works well whilst Vodafone network fails.After the merger of 3 and Voda,the mindset of VHA has been they are the 2nd player in the market whilst completely ignoring customer issues. Vodafone has never been a popular brand in Oz and allowing the merger itself was a bad decision by ACCC.

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2425 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is disgusting at 27 Dec 2010 12:56:18 PM
I still have a about 8 months left to go on contract.

I have no reception at times, text messages being sent to friends 2 days later, and being repeated sometimes up to 6 times!, voicemails arriving 1-2 days later, slow internet and the list goes on!

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2420 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Really Poor - that's my usual wireless reception at 27 Dec 2010 12:55:31 PM
I have had wireless internet with Vodafone for nearly 2 years. I have never had "good" reception and I have used it in multiple places including Sydney's inner west suburbs. I was shown a wireless reception map displaying Vodafone's wireless coverage prior to signing up which covered my area. Over the last 6 months almost every occasion I have accessed the internet I have a drop out problems. I am still paying $40 a month for this plan and I can't wait till January when my plan is up and I can change providers. Terrible reception!

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2407 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is at 27 Dec 2010 12:52:39 PM
We have no complains but recognize that everyone is not the same

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2402 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is no reception at 27 Dec 2010 12:50:55 PM
i have no reception about 60% of the time, even in open areas, no reception.
None of my contacts can never reach me, i i recieve sms about 4 or 5 hours after it was sent.
27 Dec 2010 12:53:49 PM: Then you sir, have a faulty phone.
27 Dec 2010 03:39:36 PM: Its not a faulty phone, its a faulty network, it happens to me too on both my Nokia's.
27 Dec 2010 05:27:35 PM: its incredibly tiresome to read caps lock writing btw...
27 Dec 2010 05:41:07 PM: Caps lock rage
27 Dec 2010 08:31:04 PM: my fone is alway show NO NET WORK COVERAGE most of the time even when I'm just outside the building or front yard. I received my SMS after 5 hours & did not understand why my friends always text me middle of the night.
28 Dec 2010 12:16:09 AM: I;m an Idependent ACN Representative,I understand how everyone are totally dissatisfied with the Vodaphone phone, internet and customer service qualities. Our customer services are incredible. You can reach them less than 10 mins pratically everytime. They are fast and effiecient and never transfer your call unlike Telstra or Optus as I heard, If you want to know more about us, contact me in my email at cengiz@acnrep.com I loves to turn UNHAPPY customer to HAPPY customer.

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2400 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Less that Average at 27 Dec 2010 12:49:46 PM
I was with Vodafone for about 3 years. On PrePaid. Didn't have too many issues, apart from not being able to send or receive mms, sms arriving late or not at all, patchy reception, disconnecting calls, dreadful customer service oh, and then there were the "customer satisfaction" calls.
Needless to sat, now with Virgin and have much better service - still nowhere near as amazing as I've in the UK or Americas, but soooooooooooooooooooooooo much better than Vodafail, Oops I mean Vodafone.

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2398 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Pathetic at 27 Dec 2010 12:49:36 PM
I am a franchisee who sells their product! In short if I complain I lose my airtime which is approximately $120k over the next 2 years! I just refinanced on my home and now with the bad press I will never be able to bounce back. Little consolation I can get out of my contracts with mobiles. I would love to be a whistle blower but I am afraid I will lose everything because of them and their issues!! Please help me

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2396 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Less that Average at 27 Dec 2010 12:49:05 PM
I was with Vodafone for about 3 years. On PrePaid. Didn't have too many issues, apart from not being able to send or receive mms, sms arriving late or not at all, patchy reception, disconnecting calls, dreadful customer service oh, and then there were the "customer satisfaction" calls.
Needless to sat, now with Virgin and have much better service - still nowhere near as amazing as I've in the UK or Americas, but soooooooooooooooooooooooo much better than Vodafail, Oops I mean Vodafone.

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2395 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is EpicFAIL! at 27 Dec 2010 12:48:59 PM
These companies are all as bad as one another. I have had equally as bad experiences with VodaFone, Telstra and Optus! The overseas call centres are USELESS, why must we speak to someone in India or the Philippines to get an Australian phone or internet service fixed?!! It may cost the company less but us customers end up calling five times anyway, waste an hour and end up pissed off!
Not even going to start on how utterly useless my Vodafone mobile internet stick was, the only thing that worked on it were the little green lights when it got plugged in. Internet, what internet?!
27 Dec 2010 09:29:54 PM: I agree, the problem is that they are all as bad as one another.
27 Dec 2010 11:16:24 PM: I agree about the internet stick, just seems to be a lack of strengh oof the signal... I have had Virgin broadband stick for a while and its great.. plenty of bars and always works... VODAFONE though just seems useless. Im locked in contract though so not sure what my rights might be... will call into store and see...

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2394 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Deceptive SMS Marketing at 27 Dec 2010 12:48:52 PM
Did anyone else get this SMS'ed to their mobile a few weeks ago from Vodafone?
It took me to a site about being able to use my data quota in many European countries for 2 Euros a day! I was going to Germany for a few days so I asked Hansa Lalvani at Vodafone Customer Service about it. They couldn't bring up the link, but it's still availabe today out there!

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2392 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Less that Average at 27 Dec 2010 12:48:28 PM
I was with Vodafone for about 3 years. On PrePaid. Didn't have too many issues, apart from not being able to send or receive mms, sms arriving late or not at all, patchy reception, disconnecting calls, dreadful customer service oh, and then there were the "customer satisfaction" calls.
Needless to sat, now with Virgin and have much better service - still nowhere near as amazing as I've in the UK or Americas, but soooooooooooooooooooooooo much better than Vodafail, Oops I mean Vodafone.

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2390 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Worst telco around!! at 27 Dec 2010 12:48:24 PM
What mess am I in??? Let's see...
- I lose reception in highly populated areas like the city
- Phone internet is too slow for emails
- 3G has been down for god knows how long, I understand there needs to be upgrades but how about a public service announcement letting everyone know to switch back to 2G and how to do it
- Answering back to my 20 emails of concern
- Absolutely no reception when your at a festival so its hard to ever find anyone

The worst part is that I have 12 months left of my contract and have no way of getting out of it without being out of pocket!!!!!! No way will I be renewing!!!!!

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2388 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Pretty damn failed! at 27 Dec 2010 12:47:12 PM
I had issues with Vodafone: firstly telling me that my modem (which they provided) wasn't working. Got a replacement, still didn't work. Called them back & apparently I had to upgrade to the new version of Vodafone Mobile Broadband. WHY WAS I NOT NOTIFIED 3 WEEKS PRIOR?????
27 Dec 2010 12:48:55 PM: Perhaps you should have followed the troubleshooting guide, and updated the software, before screaming and crying and demanding a replacement? That way you'd have had a working mobile broadband connection in 30 minutes, not 21 days...

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2386 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is over charge at 27 Dec 2010 12:46:17 PM
i ve got the cap plan with vodafone 7/8 months before 0f $69 all together $84 a months with insurance of my iphone 3. With that plan some time i have been pain weekly$ 94 and more. when I make an inquire they said its previous months bills. this is no thing and i upgrade my plan with iphone 4. I agreed to pay $37 extra on my current plan for 24 months. but when i get the bill they charge me entire cost of the iphone 4 which is $1200. I rang to the customer service center to know what is going on ?? one of the representative said to me it will fixed. but not fixed up to 2 months and than i rang them again about 6 /7 times all the time they promise to fix but not. 4 months passed problem is not fixed. They cut off my service even cant receive the incoming call as well. and i tried to fix but to get some one i need to wait minimum 2 hours, and at the end they transferred the call some other department and need to wait again 2 to 2 hour and at the end i have been transferred wrong department. unbelievable.!! This happen many times. now i,m out of mobile phone from last 3 months. i haven't paid that $1200 because i didn't sing and agreed for that.

what should i do???

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2384 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is outage at 27 Dec 2010 12:46:11 PM
Located at work near sydney airport, had no functioning 3G for 4 days. Only 2G was available. This in an area which has a heavy reliance on 3G service for businesses and smartphones is unacceptable.

The greater Sydney area overall for 3G availability in my experience has been very patchy when compared to a Telstra 3G servce.

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2383 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is bad at 27 Dec 2010 12:45:09 PM
Unable to connect or most calls drop out after 30 seconds.... basically vodafone only has limited covergae around the Cronulla
... dont want to get started on their 3g coverage

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2381 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is my unstable phone at 27 Dec 2010 12:44:45 PM

In the middle of trying to organise a move; and, the phone either has no reception or just drops the call. This is extremely frustrating.

Just to make it all funnier, Vodafone sent a survey asking about whether I was happy with the service. Needless to say, I would never refer anyone to them.

Have not tried customer care due to ready about the hours on hold. None of this is fair to any of us; and the amount of time wasted is outrageous..

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2375 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is join the class action at 27 Dec 2010 12:43:13 PM
Join the class action against Vodafone!!! I have!


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2374 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is at 27 Dec 2010 12:43:02 PM
since signing to new contract two years ago ive had nothing but trouble.phone drops out constantly more than once during each phone call,messages sent fail but then randomly get sent to friends weeks later at all hours of the night and more than once.I am not alone my hubby has same issues along with almost all my friends and family that are also with vodafone.Numerous complaints have been made,apologies offered but full amounts on phone account must still b paid even though there is no quality service.ill end it here as i could go on and on.I FEEL UR PAIN

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2372 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is very frequently at 27 Dec 2010 12:42:43 PM
I've been using VODAFONE for 3 months and not a day goes by when I don't get internet dropout. This happens even when I'm at the same location. One minute I'd have reception the next minute I would drop out. I'm on a 24 months contract but only 3 months in I'm really considering opting out, I just can't afford the exit fee though. This sucks, VODAFONE sucks.

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2371 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Vodafone is the worst company at 27 Dec 2010 12:42:28 PM
I have 4 mobiles with Vodafone, and boy was that the biggest mistake I made. For the last 4 months I have never had so many problems with a phone company. I do not get reception where I live, I was even in Sydney CBD one day and got no reception at all. I have experienced days where all our phones have no reception for a day, then there are the times my messages don't come through until about 3am and then they all come. My partner and I have rang vodafone about this numerous times, the last 2 times I have been advised it would be looked into and that they will get back to us within 72 hours, they never do. Then when you don't pay the bill because of the crap service they just cut you off and wont connect you until you pay it. I have requested that I be let out of the contract with them due to the service (or lack thereof) and I am still waiting to hear from them, what a joke. I absolutely HATE vodafone and will never ever deal with them again. They promise the worth and deliver crap. Please tell everyone about vodafone and how bad they are, because they will loose business and hopefully take what we are saying seriously.

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2365 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is HOPELESS at 27 Dec 2010 12:40:32 PM
I have been with Vodafone for more than 6 years. There service used to be fantastic and so did their coverage especially in regional areas (although not really remote but definitely out of the the big towns). Now it is appalling that I can't receive a call in the city where I live and work without it regularly dropping out. I am out of pocket regularly with the dropouts as I have to recall as face another connection fee plus the fact that they bill in 30 or 60 second intervals!!! Apparently they were doing a tower upgrade over a year ago but the coverage has only gotten worse not better especially in the regional areas. How come I can't have a conversation inside a house or building anymore???

I too have also experience customer service issues when calling Customer Care 1555, I finally get through once the stupid Lara (who used to work well) finally understands what I want but then I am placed on hold for an exhorbitant amount of time and then I am finally transferred to someone where it rings and rings and rings eventually after 5 minutes of the ringing I hang up (sick of the noise in my ear) and try again (I can only assume the person does not want to pick up as they can see how long I have been on hold for and will get an earful from me!). The next few times I try once Lara sorts it out, I am then told there has been a problem and I will have to call again later and am promptly hung up on. Other times, I am transferred to the wrong area to be told it is closed and need to call again during business hours and not given the option to speak to anyone or change my choice. I have to call again!!!

I am disappointed with both the coverage and service as I have recommended many people in the past to Vodafone and they are all worse off now than before and I am now faced with changing companies which means I have to pay to call them all or vice versa! All because of this crap!

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2364 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is making everyone very angry at 27 Dec 2010 12:40:12 PM
Come to think of it, I have downloaded and PAID for apps including Ministry of Sound Radio that were unable to work due to lack of 3g coverage. Vodafone, you are responsible. I was clearly lied to in order to get my business.

This is a true story - BONDI BEACH VODAFONE store sold me my iphone on the premise of 3G coverage. Within four weeks of purchase I was back in the stor, where another assistant told me that Bondi Beach has never had adequate coverage and that it was a known issue. I was advised to turn off 3G and use 2G only. Well, if it was 'known', then why didn't you tell me up-front. Is that clearly not misleading BONDI BEACH VODAFONE store?

That mighht explain why my 3G broadband dongle NEVER worked. By the way, I'll be seeking back my 24 months x $49 Vodafone. You knew it wouldn't work and sold it to me anyway.
27 Dec 2010 04:34:23 PM: if the salesperson didnt do a coverage check before selling you your phone and/or internet device the store (and vodafone) has to cancel the contract and reimburse you.
27 Dec 2010 06:25:33 PM: simple contract law...misrepresentation. contract is now voidable
27 Dec 2010 10:21:54 PM: same thing happend to my father, they sold him a phone in a non coverage area, and told him he would have full coverage, he also got a 3gb wireless for his laptop and it crashed his laptop, they didn't fix problem only gave him $10 bill..he gets drops out no coverage and the phone is totally messed up..They keep putting him through to different departments, went into store they didn't want to know about it..
28 Dec 2010 12:05:12 AM: I can't believe this has been happening. All this time I had thought it was my phone's fault. Vodafone used to be so good and now it is just as bad as everyone one of the phone companies.

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2362 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Vodafone is good at 27 Dec 2010 12:39:57 PM
I dont think Vodafone has given any problem so I am surprised with the problem you are facing. In fact Telstra is not available in my shop and home. So are you going to start an anti-Telstra web site too. let me know I will sign up for that.
27 Dec 2010 12:41:54 PM: do you work for vodafone?????????????????????????????????????
27 Dec 2010 12:44:02 PM: ok Vodafone Indian call centre staff member. Thanks for sharing. Telstra never promised reception in Bangalore anyway.
27 Dec 2010 01:02:13 PM: so why are you browsing this site for????? how do you know about this site????

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2359 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Intersting at 27 Dec 2010 12:39:03 PM
For the record, the site owner is deleting positive comments. I wonder why? Does he really work for Woffle (a Vodafone competitor), as sugested at the SMH? I've personally had few issues, and merely think *most* of this is people who chose a carrier with poor coverage in their suburb, rather than *actual* issues. Wonder if he'll delete this post too?
If only Telstra works properly at your house, join Telstra eh?
27 Dec 2010 12:46:08 PM: We have not deleted positive comments (please see many comments here saying they have not experienced many problems with vodafone, including comments attacking those who are complaining. Although as the rate of comments increase they are moved past front page and may not be visible). I am moderating today (I am not the site owner) and have only deleted 1. repeated spamming msgs leaving at least one original message 2. crude comments unrelated to vodafone. The site owner and myself do not work for woffle. The SMH also made no such suggestion, the reporter at SMH has spoken to us and knows we are not related to any telecommunications companies.
27 Dec 2010 12:47:12 PM: Ummmmmm. You're an idiot. Even if three positive comments were deleted, there is a weight of evidence. Even if three hundred positive comments are deleted, there's still the weight of evidence.
Nice try Vodafone employee. Now get back to work assisting customers instead of wasting your time on the internet.
27 Dec 2010 12:53:38 PM: I agree" I think this Blog should not just focus on the negatives. I am sure there are many who may be reasonably happy. I use a Mobile Internet Service and I have no issues with it where as with Optus people told me of their drop outs. So I chose Vodafone and all is ok except Customer Service. Sick of pressing one button after another. In regards to all complaints with Mobile Phone Service? GHo to a smaller Player whom I have a great service with and great pricing too. Think Mobile" You call a number and get to speak to a person too. Check em out. And" I don't work for them...
27 Dec 2010 12:59:21 PM: I am actually an ex-optus customer. Optus mobile broadband was TERRIBLE so I changed to Vodafone. Most of the time it is fine, although I do have regular dropouts, and their customer service is appalling. Truly, customers should not have to try every single telco to find the best service. The telco should be honest about the services they can provide, and at least TRY to solve problems when you call customer service. I am now stuck with yet another 24 month contract. Perhaps after that I'll try Telstra. (BAHAHAHA. As if!)

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2357 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Vodafone is good at 27 Dec 2010 12:38:57 PM
I dont think Vodafone has given any problem so I am surprised with the problem you are facing. In fact Telstra is not available in my shop and home. So are you going to start an anti-Telstra web site too. let me know I will sign up for that.

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2355 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Epic at 27 Dec 2010 12:38:43 PM
Complained may times over the phone about reception and issues with my new phone. Went into Glendale and Jesmond stores many times to be ignored by staff, managed to get one helpfull guy who swapped my sim because he could see I had no reception in store. New sim didnt resolve the issue called again had to send phone away for repair at own cost to be repaired, came back still faulty. Called vodafone again and the promised they would send out a technical support person to check signal in my area, advised there was no issues. Went into vodafone store to compain once again to be ignored by staff and advised them I would like a pay out figure the advised it would be over $500.00 I advised I would be happy to pay to get away from Vodafone for good. Lodged a COMPLAINT ONLINE WITH THE aUST tELICOMUNICATION oMBUSMAN TO WHICH THEIR REPLY WAS TO TRY AND LET vODAFONE RESOLVE THE ISSUE.Still owe Vodafone over $250.00 as i am trying to pay the debt off, have been blacklisted by Vodafone to which I could not care less. Am now with Telstra and couldnt be happier.

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2354 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Vodafone is good at 27 Dec 2010 12:38:40 PM
I dont think Vodafone has given any problem so I am surprised with the problem you are facing. In fact Telstra is not available in my shop and home. So are you going to start an anti-Telstra web site too. let me know I will sign up for that.

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2353 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Vodafone is good at 27 Dec 2010 12:38:24 PM
I dont think Vodafone has given any problem so I am surprised with the problem you are facing. In fact Telstra is not available in my shop and home. So are you going to start an anti-Telstra web site too. let me know I will sign up for that.
27 Dec 2010 12:50:01 PM: SPAM ALERT

ok Vodafone Indian call centre staff member. Thanks for sharing. Telstra never promised reception in Bangalore anyway.

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2351 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Vodafone is good at 27 Dec 2010 12:37:58 PM
I dont think Vodafone has given any problem so I am surprised with the problem you are facing. In fact Telstra is not available in my shop and home. So are you going to start an anti-Telstra web site too. let me know I will sign up for that.

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2350 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is very at 27 Dec 2010 12:37:44 PM
forgot to mention my kids me and my partner all on vodafone i live in Rydalmere the reception is so bad in my units that we keep out phones near the sliding door on a table orelse it says out of service to my friends that call im on 2nd level in a unit block.......

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2348 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is VERY at 27 Dec 2010 12:37:35 PM

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2345 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is at 27 Dec 2010 12:37:24 PM
We were constantly being charged an excess on our account with Vodafone. After contacting their customer service centre and being told "don't know" we decided to go elsewhere only to be charged a $120 exit fee. They were charging us and could not even tell us what it was for?? Very, very disappointing and such a poor service.

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2344 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is at 27 Dec 2010 12:37:21 PM
I was using vodafone internet for some years until it stopped working in my place. In short vodafone service is extreamly poor after complaining for 3 months,no internet service and getting told it was my fault. I decided to break the contract and start again with another provider. Those idiots are still asking me for a pay out.

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2342 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Vodafone is good at 27 Dec 2010 12:36:57 PM
I dont think Vodafone has given any problem so I am surprised with the problem you are facing. In fact Telstra is not available in my shop and home. So are you going to start an anti-Telstra web site too. let me know I will sign up for that.

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2338 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Xmas Gift Failure at 27 Dec 2010 12:35:16 PM
What an abomination Vodafone is. I was with Vodafone about 8 years ago and left THEN because they were pitiful. My wife and i bought my 12 year old daughter a Nokia C3 mobile for Christmas through a Vodafone deal and after my 12 year old watched me TRY and put credit on it for her after 2 bloody hours of being hung up on, errors galore on the website and them using VOIP for all there communications which was pathetic, we had just about given up when i FINALLY was able to give them some money for what i can only say is probably the most pathetic support i have ever been involved with in my 43 years. The phone (although advertised as Facebook compatible) is constantly giving "no network" whenever trying to access anything on the internet, after waiting one and a half hours for support and being hardly able to understand the 3 people at the other end, they tell me it has to go back to a Vodafone shop as it isn't working... NO SH*T SHERLOCK! I thought it was just me but after finding this site i just sit and shake my head and cannot wait for Wednesday so i can change my daughters phone over to Optus who i have been with for 4 years and have NO problems whatsoever! Thanks Vodafone for making my daughters Xmas sh*tty...
27 Dec 2010 01:59:11 PM: You are giving a 12 year old girl a mobile? With facebook access? You a a seriously negligent parent. Heard of brain timings and paedofiles? Best thing to happen that she doesn't get this phone...hope you think again about it...
27 Dec 2010 02:00:16 PM: Brain tumours

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2336 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is very makes me sick at 27 Dec 2010 12:34:59 PM
Over 6 months now i ring them they tell me they fixing the problem..
Th e problem is i cant access my emails through my iphone they tell me go through mail2web i did not spend $700 on a iphone to go through mail to web enter my data every time and muck around 5 min to get my emails.
Then after 5-6 complaints and very long waiting times on phone they game me $10 credit..I felt so sick

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2333 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Very bad at 27 Dec 2010 12:33:45 PM
It is unbelievable my friends always have full service, but I always have next to none, they are with Telstra and Optus even in the middle of the CBD I would be lucky to have one bar.
Soon as my Contract is out I am changing for sure.

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2325 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is 2G network at 27 Dec 2010 12:31:03 PM
Hey guys, try to switch to 2G network, mine is working, halleeelluuuyaaahhhh!!!!!!
27 Dec 2010 12:56:48 PM: people without Iphones cant do this..

and WHY SHOULD WE HAVE TO? 3G isnt NEW TECH IN THIS COUNTRY, other providers manage to do it just fine.

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2324 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Unconscionable at 27 Dec 2010 12:31:01 PM
I was around my partners place last night using her post paid Vodafone Internet. It kept cutting out all the time. I restarted it 6 times in 2 hours. I used to using my Telstra Cable connection which has worked flawlessly for 6 years.

The government needs to take Vodafone to account. All Vodafone users should DEMAND a REFUND!
27 Dec 2010 04:03:27 PM: I have had my Nokia E63 for 1 year and it takes my phone 3 hours to receive a text message from my friends and I'm with Vodafone. So Vodafone is really Vodafail!
27 Dec 2010 04:25:04 PM: I am in Sydney suburb. You are fortunate to receive even if after 3 hours. Mine gets lost or arrive next day. I just drove from Paramatta Road, Strathfield. I had no signal for over 20 minutes. Vodaphone wasn't so pathetic. It just gets getting worse. I am willing to return them the phone, if only they will be so kind as to cancel my contract.

27 Dec 2010 09:30:06 PM: I have been with Vodafail for approx 10 years, i spend approx 38-48 hrs outcalls a month and who knows about incoming its up there, all i can say i have been getting an incredible amount of drop outs say 10-20 a day if not more, the reception seems to be getting worse and then i try contacting them and it can take up to 2 hrs sometimes i cant get through as when it seems i have gotten through it hangs up on me absolute CRAP and we pay premium rates for this pathetic service, i am actually considering changing carriers asthey dont care so maybe i should just move on from this trash

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2322 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is at 27 Dec 2010 12:30:10 PM

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2320 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Pathetic Coverage. at 27 Dec 2010 12:30:01 PM
I live in Surry Hills in Sydney, and I mainly travel within about 10km of the CBD. It's become a running joke with my contacts that "I'm on vodafone" when my calls almost invariably drop out and often cannot even connect again promptly. This is a joke for living in the middle of what should be the best covered mobile signal area in teh country! The acid test is running a 64K AAC streaming audio app from my phone (DI.FM) into my car stereo and driving around town. You cannot enjoy constant audio even with very aggressive audio buffering enabled, because the mobile signal wont carry it. Not good enough Vodafone, but I'm stuck in a "Capped Plan".

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2317 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is failing fast at 27 Dec 2010 12:29:47 PM
Hi luckily for me,I am almost at end of my contract,service has been going downhill since I signed a new contract,23 months ago,I started doing a lot of work outside the main centers,had no idea there was so little or no coverage.
calls constantly drop out,or wont connect,even where I live I can sometimes not get service now,just pathetic,however vodafone face to face staff,have always been very good. I have been with vodafone for 15 years,off to telstra tomorrow

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2311 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is No 3G at 27 Dec 2010 12:28:55 PM
Low service, continual internet drop out. No service when i'm at call for work

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2309 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is pathetic at 27 Dec 2010 12:28:38 PM
After months of drop-outs and important calls going directly to my voicemail (and sometimes not receiving the voicemail until hours later) I called Vodafone to ask them when my 24 month contract ends. Called the help desk and was told it would be a long wait so I opted to be called back. Vodafone called back and hang up on me. I emailed Vodafone on the 13th of December to ask them when my contract expires. As of 27 December I still have not received a reply despite the website saying I would receive a reply within 5 business days.

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2300 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is BREAK YOUR CONTRACT at 27 Dec 2010 12:27:06 PM
27 Dec 2010 12:54:54 PM: do you need to go to vodafone first to break contract?
28 Dec 2010 09:28:07 AM: I'd certainly like to know how to do this as my husband is so fed up he keeps telling me he is going to smash this f"ing phone.He is a truck driver and needs his phone for his work.I thuoght that I was getting a super bargain through Crazy Johns who use Vodafone. free calls to my husands phone and via versa what a joke thats only if you can get through to him.In my house I get the emergency calls only coverage.Have to go out side to the front to the road to get coverage.mind you I have MS and severe breathing problems.Was told when asked about the coverage because of medical problems that it was fine and even showed me on the computer where the coverage was.so I signed a 2 year contract (bad mistake)Have made complaints but to no avail still have another year from January to go on contract.My postcode is 2443 and the only time that i have seen the 3G on my phone is when I have gone to Sydney.

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2297 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Data only works 50% of the time. at 27 Dec 2010 12:26:31 PM
I have an iPhone 4, which you kind of expect to browse the internet on, and connect with apps, etc. roughly half of my connection attempts just time out. When it works it's pretty fast, but loading a complex web page with lots of graphics almost never works, or takes over 5 minutes.

Me: Let me look that up on the net for you...
Me: Umm, it's usually faster than this. (a lie but what are you going to say?)
Me: Yeah, well ok, I'll look it up later and let you know.

There's also the occasional dropped call and the dreaded "No Service" (one no services lasted a few hours until I left home).

I'm switching to Telstra when my contract runs out, but thanks for giving my some place to bitch in the meantime. :)

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2291 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is TERRIBLE at 27 Dec 2010 12:25:09 PM
I had to return two Pocket WiFi devices because they kept cutting out. Turns out it was a major fault with the Vodafone network. I wasted hours of my life trying to get the Internet to work. Hundreds of others had the same problems and Vodafone didn't care! It's all documented on the Whirlpool forums.

WATCH OUT - Vodafone employ a heap of people in India to post positive comments and PR spin on all complaints.
27 Dec 2010 12:41:36 PM: I think Vodaphone is to be being very very excellent, yes yes. Very good! I am having no problem with my wireless phone. I very much reckommending vodaphone!
27 Dec 2010 12:52:45 PM: i used to work for savvytel an even crappier telco supplied by vodafone (i no imagine it) and we used to post on whirlpool too
27 Dec 2010 01:27:06 PM: They are known as professional bloggers. Paid to write favourable comments for their clients.
27 Dec 2010 02:26:32 PM: Ha Ha Bruce LMAO!!
27 Dec 2010 04:07:00 PM: You think vodafone is bad - try iinet - they suck ten times more = missbliss
27 Dec 2010 04:08:11 PM: yep stay away from iinet
27 Dec 2010 04:33:42 PM: in reply to savvytel person i have an old prepaid savvytel sim that i have and put 10 bucks on it only to find out it,s better than vodafone they now use the optus network which i find is pretty darn good compared to vodawhenever network
27 Dec 2010 05:17:31 PM: Bruce u r a big sycophant and probably on the payroll. good work son.
27 Dec 2010 05:18:29 PM: "Bruce" - where are you..Bangalore??
27 Dec 2010 05:24:02 PM: KARMA TO YOU BRUCE!!
27 Dec 2010 06:11:30 PM: i live in surry hills where reception is ok. On my train to work (taking into consideration tunnels) from central to epping via newcastle line i get ZERO 3g. I get 1 bar of REGULAR reception (2g) at my desk IF I'M LUCKY.

I pay $130 on my cap for 1k calls 500mb per month which is fine IF I HAD A SERVICE GOOD ENOUGH TO USE EVEN HALF OF THAT QUOTA. I use my phone for work, so have had to buy a PREPAID TELSTRA phone to use while i'm at my desk. Works better in more places take it from me.

The real insult was when i finally got on the phone to someone in bangalore, i was told they wouldn't release me from my contract, and that i'd need to have a technician come out and survey the area to confirm the condition.
Great i thought, that's a nice offer. Thank you i'll take it

"the wait is 4 months"


GGF Vodafone, your service is garbage, as is your customer service. I speak to your employees and even they agree with me your service is garbage. After speaking to some folks from VF at a company even, i've been told a $400m infrastructure investment is going to alleviate the problem - but even that's a further 6 months down the track.

DONT HAVE TIME FOR THAT. OVER IT VODAFONE. Your poor service and lack of commitment to even those who pay rediculous money on your FLAGSHIP CONSUMER SERVICE is the last staw for me.

I'm in contact with the TIO, telstra here i come. Welcome me with open arms.
27 Dec 2010 06:31:14 PM: I wish - have not had service since Christmas Day - after waiting on line (landline) for 2 hrs, symapthy oozing from all pores the call centre person said she would register a fault ! huh!!!! fat lot of good that will do.
Yet Vodafone in Europe is excellent.

Telstra here I come - after I extricate myself from the bloody contract via the Ombudsman!
28 Dec 2010 06:12:46 PM: iiNet mobile? It's run on Optus. What problems are you getting with them?

Or are you just reflecting on their customer service?

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2280 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is at 27 Dec 2010 12:23:17 PM
I dont beleive you people...Come up to the RURAL sector of NSW,where Telstra Next G is supposed to be the only network to work...I DOESNT at all and the only network that functions properly is Vodafone.
Get out of you metropolitian offices and come see how we get on.Telstra states that they have 98% coverage.Well I can tell you that 5 kilometers out of our town and there is SQUAT,BUT Vodafone is EXCELLENT...now all of you get a life stop whinging and stop followin the sheep in fronmt of you,it will get lost as well
27 Dec 2010 12:51:20 PM: WHATEVER..

People cant get signal in the Melbourne CBD. You live in the sticks, you get what you get.. Thats YOUR CHOICe..

But people in the CBD cant even MAKE A FKN PHONECALL..

I cant get signal in my OFFICE AT WORK, 20 mins from the Melb CDB. I cant get signal for 200 KMS while driving on the main highway between 2 CAPITAL CITIES.

28 Dec 2010 12:01:30 AM: I'm an ex country girl I travelled of late, from Sydney to Dubbo and only had coverage in the major towns, txt messages came through when approaching the towns, your full of it

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2275 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is 3rd world carrier at 27 Dec 2010 12:22:39 PM
I can't believe how bad reception is.. Try calling voda and it
takes hours to reach some.. Where is the ACCC?

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2274 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is My Blackberry is not Working at 27 Dec 2010 12:22:38 PM

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2273 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Rubbish at 27 Dec 2010 12:22:32 PM
I'm on pre-paid and in the last few months my reception has disappeared, my calls drop out, I rarely receive mms that have been sent to me and the ones I send rarely arrive. I've called vodafone several times, I have been on hold for hours only to be disconnected, I have been transferred from one department to another and still cannot get my issues solved! I had to send 9 emails to get a real person to answer and STILL my problem wasn't solved, I was just issued more data allowance. Would be great if I could actually use it! I went to a store to talk to staff but had to wait until the staff finished their Christmas plans conversation!!!
I downloaded vodafones "who to call" app for the iPhone only to figure out that I actually can't call 3 customers for free after all, after I called one to find I'd used up my credit

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2271 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Un-failing-believable at 27 Dec 2010 12:22:09 PM
Brought a new Sony Satio $79 cap.
Calendar & alarms wouldn't work. Had to send the phone away for repair 4 times before Vodafone would even contemplate replacement. What makes matters worse is the Vodafone policy of having to send a phone for repair 3 times before you can speak to a CRM to talk about a replacement.
Cost $80 to break my contract and get a new phone.
Got the HTC Desire HD, but alas no 3G internet access in Sydney (Paddington).

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2268 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Terrible at 27 Dec 2010 12:21:06 PM
VODAFONE READ ThIS. With vodafone for over 10 years. Several months ago talked into another two year contract to save money. Now email cannot be sent, txt arriving a day late. Trying to run a business . Unless it it resolved in the next two weeks cancellation of contract and legal action will be commenced.services promised and paid for have not been delivered.

I could not treat my clients the same way and stay in business.

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2267 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Epic Fail at 27 Dec 2010 12:21:04 PM
Seven months ago I changed over from Vodafone pre-paid to a contract so I could get a new Blackberry.

I had constant signal failure and calls dropping out on a regular basis with little or no internet signal also.

After 3 months I thought it might have been the handset so called Vodafone (as it was after hours) and was transferred to India after holding for 1 hour and 15 minutes.

The lady in India told me it was somthing to do with my settings and asked for me to switch it off for her to fix it. After I turned the handset on, ALL my files including pictures, music, videos etc had been wipped.

Vodafone took no responsibility, said that had never happend before.

Even after all of that, I still had no signal or slow internet so went iknto a physical store where they advised it was the sim card, not the handset NOR the service provider which was the cause of no reception.

They replaced my sim card and advised that over the weekend I would have poor or slow signal as "maintance and upgrades were taking place".

Needless to say, I still have the worse reception in places where I can CLEARLY see and hear that other people do.

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2266 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is IS GREAT at 27 Dec 2010 12:20:39 PM
Vodafone allowed me to break my contract i have only been 3 months into my 24 month contract. I switched to Telstra i got a $200 JB HIFI Gift Voucher for joining Telstra plus i got a $100 credit for switching to Telstra from Vodafone. So all i can say is THANK YOU VODAFONE FOR RELEASING ME FROM A PAINFUL NIGHTMARE. I recommend if you can break your contract and go to Telstra or Optus.
27 Dec 2010 12:21:37 PM: Is that deal from JB HI-FI?
27 Dec 2010 12:23:36 PM: Yeah just go to JB say you wanna port to Telstra from Vodafone and they give you a $200 Gift Card. Plus if you get a nice person like i did they called up Telstra and got me a $100 Credit as a sweetener to switch. Not like i needed the sweetener to be honest lol.
27 Dec 2010 12:54:24 PM: do you need to go to vodafone themselves first?
28 Dec 2010 10:26:18 AM: Spot the JB hi fi guy! lol
Everyone is trying to sell the same shit!

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2265 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Epic Fail at 27 Dec 2010 12:20:25 PM
Seven months ago I changed over from Vodafone pre-paid to a contract so I could get a new Blackberry.

I had constant signal failure and calls dropping out on a regular basis with little or no internet signal also.

After 3 months I thought it might have been the handset so called Vodafone (as it was after hours) and was transferred to India after holding for 1 hour and 15 minutes.

The lady in India told me it was somthing to do with my settings and asked for me to switch it off for her to fix it. After I turned the handset on, ALL my files including pictures, music, videos etc had been wipped.

Vodafone took no responsibility, said that had never happend before.

Even after all of that, I still had no signal or slow internet so went iknto a physical store where they advised it was the sim card, not the handset NOR the service provider which was the cause of no reception.

They replaced my sim card and advised that over the weekend I would have poor or slow signal as "maintance and upgrades were taking place".

Needless to say, I still have the worse reception in places where I can CLEARLY see and hear that other people do.

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2264 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is annoying! at 27 Dec 2010 12:20:03 PM
We can now only get reception if we stand on tip toes at the kitchen sink on a clear and still day! Which were we live the adverage wind is about 5kms on a rare and very still day, usual is about 25-30km. They are also insisting that we get letters about issues we,ve raised like the sever drop on signal and constand drop outs, and network busy messages in written letter form. Which is great fun cause it must be the account name, who is my blind husband! they know he is blind, we had to jump through the flames of hell to get them to put voice over back on his phone after it went in for repair! My favorite part was when they looked at him and said the icons right there, can't you do it? Anyway, we we're told our issues here in south illawarra are due to storm damge that happened about 9 months ago! Which I believe cause before that we had alright service, unless you had to deal with them. That said, 9 months! Get up and fix it! my husband uses his phone and it's reception as an emergency mobilty aid!
27 Dec 2010 01:03:12 PM: i could get knocked up have a premmie baby and be outta hospital by the time vodafone can fix storm damage...

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2257 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Bad at 27 Dec 2010 12:18:25 PM
No reception and drop out issues.. Not paying my bill till they

Fix the problem.. Voda is a disaster

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2255 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Optimum fail at 27 Dec 2010 12:18:10 PM
My friends cant get through to me, messages i send never arrive, constant drop outs, the phones i get from them keep shitting themselves within weeks regardless of how good/ bad i treat them, i wanted to leave them 6 months early and they said i have to pay nearly $600. Absolute joke Vilefone

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2254 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Fail to divert to another mobile number at 27 Dec 2010 12:17:33 PM
Vodafone never have any reception inside building, underground carpark, insdie toilet. If contact Vodafone and ask them to divert call to another number because vodafone poor reception. The call will be divert to someplace in India then I have to answer around 100 questions etc, after all that Vodafone said 'We are sorry, we can not divert your call to another mobilephone provider", how frustrated this was???

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2252 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Extremely poor at 27 Dec 2010 12:17:12 PM
After being with Optus for 8 years, I switched to Vodafone only because of a discounted plan that was on offer for NRMA members. Now I live to regret this mistake. Poor reception on the train line from Lidcombe to Sydney and calls dropping out every 5 minutes were the major pains and frustrations that I have put up with over the last 1.5 years.

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2249 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Hopeless at 27 Dec 2010 12:16:21 PM
I wasted so much time re-calling people, resending text messages, and waiting for pages to load, not to mention the countless hours on the phone to support. I've swapped to Telstra, although my bill is about $10 extra per month the service is so much better

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2248 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is at 27 Dec 2010 12:16:21 PM
More often than not text messages come a day or two late then there are days when there is no reception at all. I am a diabetic and need my phone.

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2246 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Epic Fail at 27 Dec 2010 12:14:40 PM
The speed and reliabillity of my data service on any given day or evening at best can be descibed as woeful.

I have given up on thier customer service because the issue is with the management's ability to fix the product they sell.

This service is unexceptable to your customers!!

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2241 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is No Service in Chatswood! at 27 Dec 2010 12:13:01 PM
I regularly travel the Sydney North shore line to work in the morning. On a normal working day I am completely unable to get any service between Pymble and Gordon despite having 3G and full strength signal (according to my trusty iPhone) At Killara the signal dies completely then briefly appears at Roseville before completely dying (no service!) at Chatswood. Yep Chatswood, folks, thats where Vodafail used to be HQed! Perhaps they had an argument with the local council so decided to spite the local community by removing a few towers?
I bought my 3G phone (+ service) @ $69 per month so I could read the news on the train but on most days and both ways I'm lucky if I have a service for 10 of the 35 mins I'm on the train for. This is ridiculous, surely if they are not providing a service then I'm entitled to some kind of rebate? Can i have my money back please?

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2236 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Pathetic at 27 Dec 2010 12:12:18 PM
Poor coverage, drop outs on calls, reception comes and goes, data can be patchy ... Customer for 5 years... Wish I had gone with telstra !!!

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2235 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Pathetic at 27 Dec 2010 12:12:13 PM
Vodafone is useless. None or very little reception 24 hrs a day. Its that bad I have give them the flick and are now with TELSTRA. That in itself shows how bad Vodafone is if you are happy with TELSTRA.

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2228 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is at 27 Dec 2010 12:10:42 PM
i am in the campbelltown area and have been having call drop outs and at times wont even go through. Txt msges take forever to get to the reciever and at times they dont even recieve them. When calling voda to complain they want to know everytime, and area im experiencing problems as im all over the place constantly it is an impossible task to remember and log. Also at times i have sent 1 txt and it has arrived at the reciever 2,3 and sometimes 4 times. I have also had txt msgs from vodafone carriers that i have recieved a number of times 1 after the other. vodafone deeds to sort out its issues or they will loosing more bussiness

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2226 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Hopless at 27 Dec 2010 12:10:07 PM
It's Monday afternoon and I'm sitting in a high rise building with relay twoers on the roof and dozens and dozens of other towers visible and I can't get any service! SMS messages can take hours if not days to be delivered. This crooked company should be shut down and all calls transferred to another network until they can provide the service they pay for.

I suggest everyone only pay half their phone bill as we only get half the promised service.

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2225 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Totally at 27 Dec 2010 12:09:55 PM
I live on the Central Coast and have to go outside my office to take a phone call. It drives me crazy!

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2224 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is at 27 Dec 2010 12:09:39 PM
What do you expect when you outsource your entire technical division and your Network Operations is in India....
This should serve as a lesson to all network operators that when you offshore and outsource, your service and your customers suffer.

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2222 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is no problems at all at 27 Dec 2010 12:09:19 PM
I tell you all something...I have been a Vodafone customer for the past 10-12 years,I havent had one bit of problem with them.I have been on prepaid for the past 10 years and if I have had a problem,I have been treated with courtisy and have had NO problems at all.
I reside in rural NSW,on a main road,and the majority of people in our town,and for that matter all the weay up and down the highway use them and have never had any problems.
Instead of whinging about Vodafone,get off your contracts and get onto prepaid...them all your problems are somved
27 Dec 2010 12:13:16 PM: I am only on prepaid and am about to leave them because they are so pitiful.
27 Dec 2010 12:14:34 PM: Good idea mate, let's just pay them out even more money since they're not providing the service promised and just go prepaid... Hell, I may as well stop my whinging and just give them my bank details so they can withdraw $50 every month and save us all the hassle. It's not like I'm paying them to provide a service or anything. /sarcasm.
27 Dec 2010 12:16:18 PM: Have a look at my post. I am on pre-paid and not only do i get poor reception even in capital cities, they charge me for texts i did not send.
Never again vodafone...

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2218 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is ridiculousely at 27 Dec 2010 12:08:53 PM
no reception, no coverage, no internet, no messages, no calls
and on top of that the worst customer service on the planet!!
very unreliable, highly unrecommended company if you like your phone to make and recieve calls/msgs

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2208 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Totally at 27 Dec 2010 12:06:34 PM
I am lucky to finish one phone call without dropping out. I live in a high rise building in sight of dozens of mobile twoers and I still can't get a connection half the time I try to use my phone. Vodafone sucks!

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2206 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is EPIC FAIL. at 27 Dec 2010 12:06:11 PM
My partner and I have been Vodafone customers for years and have seen the steady decline of its service and reception over those years. Most recently there are the obvious reception issues where within a group of friends, we are the only ones struggling to find reception in even the most popular areas. We have most calls dropping out or displaying 'Error in Connection' and text messages that fail to deliver or are delivered 6+ hours later. The last few weeks we have seen messages that are several months old being delivered and redelivered over and over again, often in place of the intended message. I often get the same two messages, one from my best friend and one from my brother, delivered almost every single day! WTF?! It's like having last months newspaper dropped on your door every morning...
I also feel like I was misled when signing up as I joined a contract plan, against my better judgment, thinking the capped plans were the best value for money at the time. Only after I signed up was I told I could get practically the same plan on pre-paid! *sigh*
Lastly, before signing up I was on the 3mobile $29 cap which in the two years I held the plan, I never exceeded. To my surprise, I 'upgraded' to the Vodafone $49 cap and found myself exceeding the limit every month without using my phone any more than I did on the old plan. Now my plan has expired, without any contact from Vodafone whatsoever to inform me or ask if I'd like to renew, so I just want to get out of this nightmare asap and leave Vodafone behind me... That's if I can ever get in contact with a real person in customer service!

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2205 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Reception What?! at 27 Dec 2010 12:05:57 PM
I have been with Vodafone for as long as I can remember and never had issues with them in the past.
I always found their plans and service quite good...until recently.
Ive had days where I have had no reception at all for the whole day. But mostly its just once or twice a day. Here I was thinking it was mY iPhone causing the issue but my gf who has an iPhone as well never has any issues.
Now we find out they are having issues with the reception but did we get a discount on our bills for this lousy service...no we didnt!!!
Maybe I shouldve left Vodafone when getting a new contract for a phone and gone with someone more reliable.

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2204 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is 24/7 service at 27 Dec 2010 12:05:45 PM
I recenly attempted to speak to Voda Customer Service. The automated voice announcer advised:

"We listened to your feedback and we are now opened 24/7....... You call has been placed in the queue and your estimated wait time is... 2 Hours and 46 minutes..." Well done Voda!

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2199 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is very at 27 Dec 2010 12:04:09 PM
I have been with Vodafone for a year and a half and i have never been so unhappy with any service and i have been with them all. I live on the Gold coast and I still get no reception even in Surfers Paradise where you would think you would have no proble. My internet has stopped working i cant even access it at all this has been about a week now. this is disgusting to think you sign up for a 2 year contract where you are paying $80 a month and you cant even use your phone, i would hate to be in any sort of emergency where i would need to use it. i am very sad that i am out of pocket for somethng i cannot use. i just cant wait until this contract is up and i can switch to another more reliable company.

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2194 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is just money minded at 27 Dec 2010 12:02:26 PM
I live in Tempe and after 11 pm there is very hard to find the vodafone network.

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2191 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is very poor and we should be compensated! at 27 Dec 2010 12:01:01 PM
I am sick of my phone connection dropping out mid call, loosing coverage and having to re-set my phone and the overall performance. I want to jump ship but can't afford it as I'm still in a contract. I hear it will take up to 2 years before the benefits come into play from Vodaphone buying out 3...what about your customers in the meantime - I want some kind of compensation and I want it now!...

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2190 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Totally Useless Company at 27 Dec 2010 12:00:48 PM
I live at Cabarita Beach, Far North Coast NSW and have NEVER had any reception at home!!! I can't receive, make calls or retrieve calls on my Vodafone mobile from my home. I either have to go down the end of the street or up into town to do any of the previously mentioned actions. Can send texts IF I wait long enough to get a signal, but often fails then also. Can take up to 2 days for my text to arrive at it's destination. Have been told on numerous occasions that new towers are being erected over the past 5 years but that is a load of hogswash. My niece works for Vodafone in Sydney and the rewards that they receive (overseas trips, dinners at top restaurants, grand Xmas parties etc)are fantastic. Maybe they should look after their customers as well as their employees. After my experience on 23/12/2010 though, I have now decided that it is time for me to look for another mobile company. Tried to send a message in Tweed Heads, which had full reception and received a SYS-ALERT and just thought that I had no texts left (I had over 90 only a couple of days before so this totally confused me). Sent a message for my account balance to find I had no credit at all. Proceeded to the Vodafone shop to find out that I had had $22 odd dollars worth of credit and my texts on 22/12/2010 but my credit was due to expire on 23/12/2010. This is the first time that I haven't been advised that my credit expiry date was getting close and advise to add credit. So they told me to call 1555 and ask for complaints which I did. After waiting ages for them to answer, I asked for complaints and was instantly disconnected. Did this again with the same response, so I guess it is time to give these loosers the flick and get on with the rest of my life.

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2189 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is rubbish at 27 Dec 2010 12:00:44 PM
i always have service but never can make phone calls.. iv tried different phones to test out if my phone has problems but the results are the same....

i dont understand why they can have so many dropouts so often.....

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2186 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is rubbish at 27 Dec 2010 12:00:17 PM
i always have service but never can make phone calls.. iv tried different phones to test out if my phone has problems but the results are the same....

i dont understand why they can have so many dropouts so often.....

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2182 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is No service in Thornleigh at 27 Dec 2010 11:59:20 AM
Being a customer of Vodafone for years but this few months we always have friend complaint that our phone is out of coverage and in lots of place we cannot get coverages.

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2181 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Vodacrap at 27 Dec 2010 11:59:13 AM
On the 30th December this month my contract ends with Vodafone, I am going to Telstra as the network is perfect and fast around my area (2155 Rouse Hill, Kellyville area) I either get three things in my top left hand signal corner, (No Service, Searching or just 1 bar) SMS are delivered late, VM come through at 1 or 2 am in the morning important messages that are delayed, or the pick some milk up from the shop message comes in after I been to the shops ? WTF enough is enough GOODBYE VODAFONE AFTER 10 YEARS !!!!

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2180 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is INDESCRIBABLE at 27 Dec 2010 11:59:06 AM

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2174 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Very at 27 Dec 2010 11:57:57 AM
My gripe is more with the original 3 mobile. I have just finished paying a 2 year contract out for a mobile dongle for my PC which never worked. WE were not able to use it at home or abroad. Likewise with our 2 mobile phones we have very poor receoption having to run up and down the street in the hope of getting some reception. Others in my family have the same problems. Of course I have lodged many many phone calls to 3 vodaphone to lodge complaints but always to no avail. they are always stupid enough to send a respsonse survey after my "customer experience with their tech section" and always give negative feedback, which never rates a response. When appropriate and less costly for us, we will change to another network.

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2172 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is terrible at 27 Dec 2010 11:57:39 AM
i call voda to fix the million problems i have and end up waiting on the phone for 2 hours
THEN they tell me theyll call me back and they dont
so i call again the next day and cannot even understand the people i speak to STOP TAKING ADVANTAGE OF CHEAP LABOUR AND GET SOMEONE WHO KNOWS WHAT THEYRE DOING
after half an hour of being on the phone to some idiot who tells me theres no way to fix the problem i go the a vodafone shop the next day and my problem is fixed in seconds
im leaving vodafone and im pretty sure im no the only one

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