26 Mar 2012 - Update Highest Rated Pain Stories Highest Rated Gain Stories Vodafail Local Facebook Page
Dear visitor,

Since its inception Vodafail.com has made a significant contribution towards raising awareness of the problems and issues faced by Vodafone customers.

Vodafone Australia customers have had the opportunity to voice their concerns, their fears and their troubles from every corner of Australia and beyond our borders. You have gathered the courage to stand up for your rights as consumers and to make your voice heard.

Each and every person who shared their story should have a sense of pride in this achievement and the changes that have occurred since the start of Vodafail.com.

More recently, traffic to Vodafail.com has declined significantly. Having achieved the goal of raising awareness and promoting concrete action in early 2011, we have now reached the point of closing Vodafail to new complaints. The site will remain online for as long as possible as a reminder and an example of what is possible when we share our experiences.

It has been a privilege to run this initiative and I'm am forever grateful for the help and support I've received. In particular I would like to thank Melissa, David and Travis for their continued efforts over the past 15 months. I'm also thankful and humbled by the support of ACCAN, Choice magazine and a wide range of media outlets, blogs and websites.

You can still browse existing stories and find out how to file a complaint if you are experiencing problems.

Until next time,

Adam Brimo

Share Your Pain

Vodafail.com is no longer accepting complaints.
Over the past 6 months traffic to Vodafail has declined significantly. Therefore we have closed off Vodafail to new complaints. We think you will find more joy in posting on any one of these fine product / brand review sites.

You can also post directly on the Vodafone community forums.

Other People's Pain

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14012 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Disgusted at 21 Jan 2011 06:10:57 PM
After reading a lot of comments and hearing a lot I have restrained up until now not to post anything here, but the time has come as now, am extremely frustrated and disgusted with the poor service and customer service for that matter given to us. Like a lot of people we have had the constant call drop outs, not able to call anyone even with full coverage shown on our phone's, constant call failed and the list can keep going as am sure you are all too aware. After several atempts with Vodafone and being on hold for up to 4 hours at one time we too have received the base answer of no its not us its your phone or it's your sim card, only after long persistance did they then say to us that "yes we are in a process of upgrading our system and yes we do seem to have a few teething problems". It was only after I contaced the Onbudsmen did they start to listen. Even after speaking with the resolution team we still seem to have issues with communication in what they offered us to do with our account. Promises, promises, it is getting beyond a joke. Now we have been offered to get out of our contract on the basis of us sending our phones back of which we have has just shy of 12 months. We currently use these for business although at this point we have had our own disgruntled customers as they have not been able to get hold of us with the current situation. Not too sure if I am being harsh or unfair but don't you think they would release you from your contract and let you keep the phone that you have been paying off for this period of time due to the anguish they have caused. If that they case and they want us to return the phones do you think they should give us a cheque for the difference of 1/2 the price of the phone. If it was Vodafone chasing one of their suppliers I am sure they would ask the same and persue until they got what they wanted.

Disgusted & Disgruntled

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14011 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Massive at 21 Jan 2011 06:10:53 PM
Live in Annandale, Sydney and can't get a signal in my house or throughout at least 40% of the city! The worst coverage I've ever had. Gutted I'm in a year contract.

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14010 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is crap at 21 Jan 2011 06:10:13 PM
This is my second post here, but came back to add that I phoned Vodafone two days ago and was on hold for more than one hour!!!! One whole hour!!! Can't believe this, especially given all the negative publicity they've had recently. Still can't even answer their customers' calls promptly. Good one Vodafone. You suck.

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14004 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Very at 21 Jan 2011 05:42:32 PM
We changed phone carriers... Big mistake to vodafone.. there is poor reception in my house, there is no reception at my parents or sisters places in Qld, my husband and I ring each other it drops out and it takes 3 attempts to have a conversation, i phoned to make a complaint and I was on hold for for and hour the first time and when I got through it dropped out so i haad to phone again and was on hold again.. when finally talked to someone they said there was nothing wrong with the service yet while we were speaking i could hear him and he couldnt hear me.. so again I phoned back and was told there was nothing wrong with the service. this has been going on since we changed phone carriers 1 year ago..I dont have any service at work either,,,We want out of the contract but it will cost us money to leave,, which i think is most unfair considering we are not the only people who are having trouble with vodafone,,, i cant wait to leave,,i will not be going back to vodafone when the contract is finished,, even if they resolve all this ... in my opinion it should have been recified sooner.... Not happy at all

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14002 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Way too fail at 21 Jan 2011 05:37:08 PM
I have been a vodafone customer since last four months. It was okay at first place but has been weird since last few weeks. I have been dealing with dropped calls, no network coverage, more than a day delay of voicemail, delivery failure of text messages and mms within Australia and even overseas, very very slow 3G, takes forever to load even facebook. No wonder I am one of those furious vodafone customers. We neef to put a pressure on them for a month free of service, wont pay monthly cap. Hope this helps the vodafone authority to fix it with a promise of good service!

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14000 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Hear this one!!! at 21 Jan 2011 05:27:04 PM
Trying to talk to sum one about the bad service they rang me back and put me on hold for 3 hour and I hung up! In that 3 hours I managed to have a knap, watch most of rocky the movie and checked the surf lol,, it's been bad we should all leave I'm not paying my bill and it would be nice to have a Aussie on the line for once...

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13999 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is security breach at 21 Jan 2011 05:25:53 PM
ever since the security breach ive been getting countless calls from random numbers and when i look them up on google it comes up on the scam/telemarketer website

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13997 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Very poor mobile internet service at 21 Jan 2011 05:16:32 PM
I lieve in Meadowbank, Sydney.
Has anyone had the same problem as I have?

I've been using vodafone for the past 4 months. SOmetimes it's really crap, but mostly were. (I couldn't get 3G connect for the first 2 weeks though)

However lately, the 3G coverage becomes really weak again. I can hardly use Skype to take to my parents oversea, and the internet speed is extremely unstable and slow...

The sadest fact is that it takes forever to be able to talk to Vodafone customer care center, and there's no one from Vodafone having the guts to tell everyone what the hell is wrong with their network issues.

Even if we cant use the mobile net, don't we have at least to have the right to know what went wrong and when the network service shortage will be fixed?!
And I'm sticking on a 12 month contract, DAMN!!!

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13996 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Reception at 21 Jan 2011 05:15:15 PM
When l signed up l specifically asked about coverage where l work. I work with kids so its important l have coverage... well l get none. I have tried calling them up several times and lm always put on hold for over an hour and a half to just give up before l can get put through to cancellations. I have asked if someone can call me back but l am told that sorry, cancellations cannot make calls to customers. I am constantly trying again but think that l am purposely being put on a dead line

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13983 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is hopeless/incompetant at 21 Jan 2011 04:23:17 PM
i live in the shoalhaven area. travel between sydney and south of ulladulla twice weekly. to be fair, i get OK reception/coverage whilst in sydney but .. have had a huge amount of drop outs lately.. coverage between waterfall to ulladulla is 40 -50%!!! looking at vodfones coverage map, i should get 100%% in those areas!i put up with there crap service for months but recently complained.. first call dropped out to their customer support , twice!!! next day tech support called and they dropped out whiile they had me on hold! next day i tried contacting them agaoin on 1555 and got the message" we are experiencing tecnical difficulties, call back"!! and on and on...! JOKES!! I CANT WAIT TO GET SHOD OF THESE CLOWNS!!

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13981 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is extremely at 21 Jan 2011 04:20:32 PM
I can't use my phone inside my own home and I am continually dropping out when I do finally get a line. This has cost me job opportunities and caused issues when I have rung hospitals to check on my mother when she was in. This has gone on for too long and I am switch to another provider.

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13980 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is extremely at 21 Jan 2011 04:16:48 PM
I can't use my phone inside my own home and I am continually dropping out when I do finally get a line. This has cost me job opportunities and caused issues when I have rung hospitals to check on my mother when she was in. This has gone on for too long and I am switch to another provider.

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13979 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Epic fail at 21 Jan 2011 04:15:34 PM
I was a loyal Vodafone customer for over 7 years but the last 2 months took the cake.

I had to ring them in December 2010 and I rang during my lunch break at 12:00pm I was on hold untill 12:37 pm and then i was lucky enough to speak to some Indian guy who was very painfull and hard to understand, when I complained about the amount of time I was on hold he told me that the Vodafone call centre was open 24 hrs for convenience so I called early the next morning at ^ am and you guessed it on hold for 18 mins for a 20 second call!!!!!!!!!!!

So i left Vodafone and joined Amaysim and i ahve been vewry happy ever since and I even had to call them once and I was on hold for less the 1 min :) .

I then recieve a bill from Vodafone telling me I had a credit owing to me of $53.94 So I rang Vodafone again at 6:30 am and and Iw as on hold for 9 mmins but I just had the dial tone no music or messages telling me what was happening I didnt know if something ahd gone wrong or not so I hung up and tried again and the exact same thing happened no music just a dial tone I was on hold for 23 mins when I'd finally had enough and hung up and sent the followong email:

I am owed $53.94 from vodafone as a credit on my bill and I have just been on hold for over 30 mins since 6:30am that is ridiculous!!!!!!!!!
How do I get my money back???? I require an answer by COB Friday 28 Jan 2011 or I will not hesitate to take this further.

The customer service your company provides is nothing short of disgraceful and I will never use Vodafone again!!!
All of the negative media reports about your company seem to be completely justified going by my recent experiences with your company!!

I'm still waiting................................

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13978 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Useless at 21 Jan 2011 04:03:54 PM
I have a iPhone with all the normal Vodafone issues. I've been told that they'll cancel my contract if I talk to network. So I phoned them. They told me they needed me on a landline in order to check my phone. They gave me a 1300 to call. I did but it was the wrong number and the woman who answered told me I was ne of many.

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13977 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is at 21 Jan 2011 04:02:33 PM
The reception has become so poor! first I ignored it but now it is really driving me crazy! that is it time for a complaint phone call!!! i tried calling someone today and yesterday 6 times till it would actually ring! what a joke! ridiculous!

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13975 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Fail at 21 Jan 2011 03:56:11 PM
I am still on hold to 3 (Vodafone as they use the same call center) after THIRTY minutes and still waiting for anyone to pick up. This is ridiculous!!!

I also had to wait at their store today for 25 minutes until someone got to me! That is HALF my lunch break! Please tell me, are they going to reimburse me for my time??

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13973 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Too Right at 21 Jan 2011 03:50:48 PM
Me is A Bruva from the muva land UK, Me's tring to call mi bitches for a bit of Knobbin and me can'ts gets no action. Please sort this mungrel out yeah, big upya Vodafone, Aight

Marko Sanchoosi

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13972 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Poor - 10 at 21 Jan 2011 03:50:45 PM
Almost EVERY call I receive or make drops out. There is huge blackspots all over sydney city, poor reception in the eastern suburbs (Vaucluse, Watsons Bay). To have a phone contract that your phone does not ring whilst it sits on your coffeetable due to the coverage in our capital city is terrible, especially considering one of my kids has a life threatening kidney disease.

I also asked Vodafone to check the coverage map for Blueys Beach, Smiths Lake and Pacific Palms as I have recently purchased a house in the area. The coverage map states FULL RECEPTION but in actuality there is NO RECEPTION for miles around, not even a bar. Great news again for me as my kid has a life threatening kidney disease and I can't use my phone at my new house...

The $45 unlimited plan seems too sweet. Why not bring customers down from $120 unlimited plans to the unlimited $45 plans? Greed? Just don't care?

Tethering internet always seems impossible, data is ssllllllooooooooowww, calls always drop out and there is terribly unreliable coverage..

Vodafone, you'll be lucky if you last a couple of years in this country the way your going..

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13969 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is retarded at 21 Jan 2011 03:41:33 PM
since i have been on my vodafail plan, i have had no reception at home, 3 of my friends houses, and sometimes even in Miranda Westfield.
Being over charged constantly even though im on a $59 dollar plan i end up paying atleast 15 dollars more, when trying to call vodafail about it, i sat on call waiting for almost an hour with the land line, the battery from the land line phone ran out before they could ever talk to me. after going to a vodafail store and telling them the situation they told me, everyone gets overcharged on vodafail and if i didnt like it i should sign up to Telstra or Optus, after asking a second question about bad reception issues they said vodafails hardware is old and they cant do anything about it, and that i should complain to someone that really cares like my mummy.
10 Feb 2011 12:35:57 PM: haha! wouldnt expect anything less than those answers from those Wankers lol


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13960 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is poor customer service at 21 Jan 2011 03:27:56 PM
My story is i went to a 3/vodafone shop in townhall TGV. im a existing customer with vodafone, and i wanted to upgrade to an iphone. but the store member Charlene advised me they dont have any stock for customer to upgrade, if i really wanted an iphone, i need to cancel my number and get a new one, since the stock they have is only for the new connections. at the time i did believed it wat they were saying, but i went to the little vodafone kiosk next door opposite JB hifi, i ask the staff in that shop if they have any iphone stock for customer to upgrades. the store member advised me they have the stocks and there is no such thing as different stocks for new customers and upgrading. i got a phone from their shop for upgrading, but that got me thinking there is some shops is trying to get customer to cancel their plan and start up with a new number so they can gain more commission from vodafone. so big thanks to the shop members in the vodafone kiosk opposite JB HIFI, and finger down for the 3/vodafone next door. POOR CUSTOMER SERVICE!!!

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13956 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is unreliable at 21 Jan 2011 03:18:48 PM
I've been with Vodafone for around 20 years. When they first started, things were great. Great connection & everything else. But over the last couple of years, I have had some rotten experiences - lots of issues with customer service. One incident: I complained that a friend of mine was not getting any of my mms messages ( picture file). The Indian accented call centre person claimed that Vodafone would not guarantee files larger than 100kb. What the? This was never a problem before. Also, my friend was getting messages from me at 2 or 3am - they were being delayed for several hours! I cannot rely on it to send urgent messages via sms. Too unreliable. Also call drop outs making me have to redial and pay the flag fall fee again. Grrr.

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13952 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is high at 21 Jan 2011 03:15:01 PM
NO signal in Sydney City railway stations. Very poor & loss of reception on many parts of the Sydney Northshore rail link. Vodafone website is cumbersome and too slow. Overall, VERY DISSatisfied with Vodafone. I'm going back to Optus.

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13944 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is How long is a piece of string. They fail..endlessly... at 21 Jan 2011 03:00:47 PM
After being a customer with Vodafone Australia for 10 years I have never, ever experienced the terrible service to the degree I am experiencing today. Fourteen months ago I decided to go for a new post-paid plan, choosing Vodafone was a given as I am one of the few people who believe in brand loyalty. It wasnt the most attractive plan available to me but I though "Hey, I haven't had any issues in 10 years of service, whats the harm in signing to a more costly contract?". This was MY fail, assuming the best from a 2-bit telcom struggling to keep its head above water..never again.
First it started with drop outs. In rural areas, then suburban areas, hell even on Pitt Street for a few days whilst at work. Often when I see coverage I ask my friends "Have you got reception?" Their replies were always yes, followed by an explanation of how great Telstra and Optus coverage is.
I lost a few hundred dollars throughout 2010 due to drop-outs with vodafone. This is with a majority of calls being made from North Western Suburbs and Sydney CBD. FAIL VODAFONE

Then there was the phone insurance issue. Another premium I pay for that I didn't receive without wasting valuable time arguing on the phone. My phone was water damaged and upon making a claim I was told it was rejected, due to physical tampering. I've owned the phone from new, nobody has touched the phone except me from new and I certainly have never, nor attempted to open the handset. I spent $140 on insurance premiums and then a further $150 for a replacement handset. The process spanned over 1 month and cut into 7 of my working hours. Thats more money than I care to share, but my was time reimbursed? No. Was there an apology? No. Did I pay a ridiculous amount to receive another poorly built handset that their consumer products team have selected? Yes. FAIL VODAFONE

Then I hear about lawsuits, and customer details being accessed remotely outside of Vodafone. Sweet, so now who knows which hands my credit card details lie with, or my personal details, or my call records, or my phone number. Wheres the privacy? FAIL VODAFONE

Then floods hit, a national disaster. Coverage was knocked out in Brisbane during an EMERGENCY. Thats just great Vodafone, poorly design your telco infrastructure so that in dire times nobody can use your service when they need to most. I wonder how much avoidable damage was caused thanks to people being denied a service they are entitled to?

After 10 years, this relationship has broken down. Im disgusted at the way you operate, and the lack of responsibility you take for troubles you cause your valuable customers. Im not paying my next bill, because Vodafone you fail.
30 Jan 2011 11:28:16 PM: "Then floods hit, a national disaster. Coverage was knocked out in Brisbane during an EMERGENCY. Thats just great Vodafone, poorly design your telco infrastructure so that in dire times nobody can use your service when they need to most."

Get a grip on reality with this particular point - all networks (yes, that includes Telstra and Optus) suffered some degree of service interruption, not just Vodafone.

Going by the postings of some Vodafone, Optus and Telstra customers on other forums, Vodafone were apparently the first back on the air. Not being from Brisbane myself, I can only take that at face value.
21 Jul 2011 01:47:15 AM: No phone company covers water damaged phones.

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13942 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Failed at 21 Jan 2011 02:59:41 PM
Signals are often weak and calls dropped out.
Rang Vodafone customer service and was advsed no problems with the connection.
The problems is not solved.

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13941 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is at 21 Jan 2011 02:59:37 PM
I checked in store and online for coverage before I signed up.After numerous calls to them at 2 1/2 hour wait time per call, They say they agree that I should not have been sighned up as even though coverage maps say I have total coverage I have none at all. They have sent me a post pack to send them back my phone, but no letter to confirm they will release me from contract. I have sent them four emails, and called the customer NO CARE line but still have had no confirmation I wont owe them anything.I dont think I can trust them if I just send back the phone.

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13940 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is extremely at 21 Jan 2011 02:59:00 PM
I signed up on 2year plan about 2yrs ago but due to crap service n stupid Lara n every other problem, worked out cheaper for me to cancel plan 3months on, since I was always been over billed. So I paid $800+ to cancel rather than $100+ for another 21months!

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13939 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Shonky all round at 21 Jan 2011 02:56:11 PM
For 2 years my calls dropped out and that was if I was lucky to even be able to make any calls!! It got to the stage where the only solution was for me to buy out my current plan and take on a new phone and plan...how stupid of me...I should have just changed to a different phone company. For the last year at least I have not been able to log into "myvodafone" online account and can never access my usage details. I rang Customer Care (which is an oxy moron) and was on hold for 1 Hour and 27 mins before getting through and was just told the issue was a network issue which would be fixed in 24 hours. What a crock ...They clearly have no idea because this issue has been happening for over 12 months!!!!!!! I have now escalated the issue via a complaint - so lets see if this ever gets sorted.

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13934 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is BAD at 21 Jan 2011 02:53:41 PM
when im in 3g sometimes i cant receive or make a phone call. as a read in the forum lots of people have some problem like me. however, when i call them, they said they need evidence about my problem. therefore at the moment i trying to collect as many evidence as i can. it has been 4 hours since i started it and i already got 4 or 5 evidences about how bad the vodafone service is. not only the phone call but the transfer rate also so slow. im trying to update my facebook and it took 5 minutes just to update it. i will try to collect these evidences and i will submit it on monday. hope it will satisfy them.

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13932 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Appalling data download on mobile phone at 21 Jan 2011 02:52:25 PM
There is just not enough grunt in their network for data download on my phone. It's appalling. VODAFONE are concentrating on growing their customer base with promotions like unlimited calls etc... Instead of focussing on fixing their tired old network. So frustrating. I've only got 3 months of contract left with them and I'll be churning back to Telstra, the good old faithful/reliable network that's full of grunt, and I'll NEVER EVER return to the VODAFONE network.

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13927 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Extremely at 21 Jan 2011 02:43:13 PM
Being a longstanding customer (12 years) allowed me to see the decline of customer service over time. This culminated in Vodafone failing to send me my bills for a 6 month period to the designated email address, and being unable to provide me with them in PDF format. Some customer service reps said they would send all of my bills to me (but didn't). Some reps said that there was a fee for each bill (but then said it wasn't possible to provide them). Some reps said that they needed the following shift to generate the bills (but never sent them through). All up I spoke to no less than 8 people to get my bills. I ended up getting all 6 bills, but there was no call details on them. I gave up and switched companies.

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13925 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is at 21 Jan 2011 02:38:37 PM
I live in Cronulla, NSW and am changing my carrier as my Vodafone does not work at least 50% of the time on weekends. As far as I've been told, this is a breach of the telecommunications act yet this has been ongoing all Summer and no site of any fix. I even entered the Cronulla Vodafone store to ask when this will be rectified and all I got was an embarassed shrug of the shoulders..

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13919 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is agonisingly awful at 21 Jan 2011 02:24:45 PM
21 Jan 2011 02:29:31 PM: zzzzzzzzzz....
21 Jan 2011 02:41:14 PM: a vodafone representative said zzzzzzz...see this is their attitude

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13918 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Utterly Useless at 21 Jan 2011 02:24:08 PM
I am on a 24 month contract for the iPhone 3gs. When I first signed the contract the lady in the vodafone store told me that if I wanted insurance I had to call up and organise it over the phone. So I got home and called only to be told that I had to purchase the insurance instore when I first signed the contract. I explained the situation only to be told, oh well. Great customer service..

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13914 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Hopless, get me out of here. at 21 Jan 2011 02:22:32 PM
Vodafone called me today with regards to a email I left on 30 Dec 2010. Kudos to them responding after close to a month (Punk intended). Over the last 2 weeks, I have managed to call them stating network coverage issues and initiating investigations. They have confirm poor coverage at my home (NSW 2137) and will be upgraded by Feb. Now, NSW 2137 is not even on the list of upgrade sites on their media report. Are they kidding me?

Both my wife and myself are on Vodafone, so chances of call dropping is x2. How did we manage to survive this for the last 2 months?

I'm still waiting for the billing team to contact me to offer alternatives. Get me out of my contracts please.

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13911 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is UberFail at 21 Jan 2011 02:19:11 PM
I signed up for Vodafone mobile internet. Paid $150 for the little modem and a SIM card. When I got it home I found that to get any reception at all on the thing I had to fix it to the outside of my house, and even then, reception drops out every so often, just like my phone service. I figured I'd try it for a month as some internet was better than no internet. I paid the $50 dollar bill at the end of December. After an infuriating month of having to wait hours for a page to load (if it loads at all) and constantly having Skype drop out on me in the middle of talking to my family back home, I get a bill for over $600. First they are claiming that I have not paid my first bill, even though my bank statement clearly states that I did; then they say that my fiancee and I used over 30G in under a month. I'm not sure how thats possible when the modem can't connect for over half the time anyway. But try explaining that to the tech support in India. They refused to take my complaint because their "records" show that I owe $600 dollars.

It gets worse....

I paid $150 for the modem and was told that it is unlocked and we are free to put in any SIM card we want... WRONG! Its locked to Vodafone. So I called their "help line" to get the unlock codes.... 45 minutes of holding... LARA... More holding...

The woman who I spoke to couldn't speak english well enough to know what an unlock code was. After speaking to her mangers manager and being disconnected and not called back 3 times, I was told to "go to the website as they did not know any unlock codes."
On the website, no unlock codes where available. And to get them I am required to pay $75 dollars.
I now have the number of the Ombudsman and will try to get them off him if I can get enough reception to make a call... And considering that I can't call my fiancee's phone when its 2 feet away from me I doubt I'll be able to.
21 Jan 2011 03:48:28 PM: My partner and I have the same issue. We have been told we used over 17Gb of data when we can't connect half the time. OUr unlocked mobile brodband dongles and the unlocked mobile phone are all locked to vodafone/crazy johns and can't be unlocked without paying. We had a billing enquiry done and they never called back about it. When I called them they said they did call us and gave us the results. Just another lie from vodafone

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13908 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is 100% at 21 Jan 2011 02:11:20 PM
Where do I start?
There are 2 significant Vodafails I have experienced in the last 5 years. Not impressed:

1. I have had my Vodafone mobile number since I joined the service back in 1997. It is my only number I use for business purposes as I am self employed. However between 5 and 7 years ago, a number of clients and friends commented that they had tried to call me but been put through to a guys phone instead. It was confirmed when on one of these occasions my friend asked him where I was, and he replied "Oh, I've been getting calls for this girl for at least 5 years". As soon as my friend actually managed to get hold of me and tell me, I rang Vodafone to confront them about why another customer had MY number and did they realise I had probably lost business because of it!
Well the charming girl advised me that she would disconnect me!!! In the end I don't know what happened to the 'other guy', but what they did was to disconnect my service for a few hours and then reconnect it (after I had to call them to do it). I was never given an apology once. All this whilst on a $149 business plan per month. DISGUSTING.

2. My husband and I purchased the wireless internet because it was such a good deal. Shame it had zero reception. It would take up to 6 hours to load a single internet page, like hotmail login. The poor guy I spoke to was so sheepish when he admitted that Vodafail had failed to actually supply enough infrastrusture to support the demand. We took it back and got our refund.

I am still with Vodafone due to the call costs, however my husband and I will shortly be changing to Optus so we can save money on a package deal with our home and internet.
21 Jan 2011 03:13:34 PM: I have their mobile internet too... It never works and yet they are trying to say we went over our cap and that we owe $650.

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13906 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Timing Fail at 21 Jan 2011 02:07:38 PM
I just got a text from a friend this morning... But it's date October 28th, 2010 at 3:30pm!!!!! Well done, you pathetic excuse for a telco, surely that's a new record!

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13904 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Poor Service at 21 Jan 2011 02:01:21 PM
Long time customer receiving too many call drop outs and as a result invoices have tripled. I have contacted Vodafone many times to rectify the situation and we have had Zero assistance in this matter.

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13897 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is VERY BAD at 21 Jan 2011 01:55:59 PM
Vodafone is a piece of shit. I regret signing up. My father was in hospital and my mother couldn't get through to me to let me know of the situation. Vodafone is not even worthy to be in the worst third world country. Vodafone has a duty to provide the service it agrees to do in the contract that we sign and they are ripping us off. I want my money back. VODAFONE GO FUCK YOURSELF

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13885 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Vodafiasko at 21 Jan 2011 01:24:55 PM
Non delivery of voicemail is common, if you are lucky it comes late. It is also not uncommon for multiple text messsages to arrive at once, some sent hours earlier by friends and family.

Vodafiasko is a regrettable institution.

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13883 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is customer service/SMS/3G sucks at 21 Jan 2011 01:22:43 PM
When calling for assistance to the vodaphone support number I have never managed to get through to a human in less than 40 minutes. The vodaphone store from which i signed up is no faster at getting through.
SMS are delayed by hours more than 75% of the time, so that it is not even worth texting anymore.
The internet through their 3G service on my iphone fails to connect more than half the time, despite supposedly good reception.
There is no excuse for such poor service. Who ever is responsible should be fired.
In the meantime vodaphone should offer to reduce fees and costs by more than 50% given they provide less than 50% of the service they have promised.
If I was a shareholder I would be considering legal action given the obviously negligent manner in which the directors are running the country and reducing shareholder value.

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13881 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is OUT OF COVERAGE at 21 Jan 2011 01:15:51 PM
21 Jan 2011 02:00:44 PM: why would you want to?

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13877 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is DIRECT DEBIT W/O AUTHORISE at 21 Jan 2011 01:10:58 PM
Upgrade to a new plan year ago & signed no authorisation form for direct debit for this plan. Some how i got charged to my cc every month. I've tried to cancel this service via web access with no vail. Vodafone you've failed me. I am your loyal customer for more than 10 years... I'm considering paying premium to Telstra for better service & customer service.
21 Jan 2011 02:16:13 PM: Telstra are shit and don't kid yourself, they invented the customer service technique you find at Vodafone!

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13873 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Massive Fail at 21 Jan 2011 01:02:16 PM
I have been a Vodafone customer for 10 years. For the overwelming majority of that time, I have been a prepaid account holder to avoid the problems associated with Vodafone customer service.

When I upgraded my telephone in 2006, a sales representative at a Vodafone store convinced me that the best option for me was to sign up on a plan. Needless to say, the best option for me was not to sign up to a plan. After only 4 months I had spent in excess of $600 of my usual spend because of the geared phone charges under the contract. I later learnt that performance indicators for sales staff largely revolved around 'signing people up' because Vodafone found it was the most profitable means of retaining customers.

I rang Vodafone Customer Service and after an hour of waiting and talking to different people I was able to agree that my contract would be cancelled and that I would only have to pay half the payout figure $150 to go back onto prepaid.

While the outcome was unsatisfactory in light of the misleading statements made by Vodafone's sales rep, I was eager to get out their customer system and back onto the prepaid plan. Accordingly, I followed the instructions provided to me by Vodafone's customer representative and purchased a new prepaid pack. However, the next correspondence I received from Vodafone was a letter demanding $350 in termination fees, followed by a threat to default me with Baycorp and letters from debt collectors. In response, I rang Vodafone and explained that I had entered into an agreement, I wouldn't be paying the amount demanded, and that I would be very upset if they defaulted me for a debt that I didn't owe. I also asked for an invoice for the agreed exit fee of $150. The operator said that the money was owing and that he would default me if I didn't pay immediately. I refused and he added a default listing with Baycorp as soon as our telephone conversation ended.

I then started receiving telephone calls from debt collectors, who I told not to call me. The matter was only resolved when I made a complaint to the Telecommuncations Ombudsman. The Ombudsman found that Vodafone should never have added the default listing and that I was entitled to a refund of amounts charged by Vodafone to remove it. However, despite agreeing to the refund, Vodafone never paid me, so I had to make a second complaint requesting payment. After the second complaint, I received a refund from Vodafone.

Needless to say, I would never again sign up to be a Vodafone contract customer.

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13871 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Massive Fail at 21 Jan 2011 01:01:32 PM
I have been a Vodafone customer for 10 years. For the overwelming majority of that time, I have been a prepaid account holder to avoid the problems associated with Vodafone customer service.

When I upgraded my telephone in 2006, a sales representative at a Vodafone store convinced me that the best option for me was to sign up on a plan. Needless to say, the best option for me was not to sign up to a plan. After only 4 months I had spent in excess of $600 of my usual spend because of the geared phone charges under the contract. I later learnt that performance indicators for sales staff largely revolved around 'signing people up' because Vodafone found it was the most profitable means of retaining customers.

I rang Vodafone Customer Service and after an hour of waiting and talking to different people I was able to agree that my contract would be cancelled and that I would only have to pay half the payout figure $150 to go back onto prepaid.

While the outcome was unsatisfactory in light of the misleading statements made by Vodafone's sales rep, I was eager to get out their customer system and back onto the prepaid plan. Accordingly, I followed the instructions provided to me by Vodafone's customer representative and purchased a new prepaid pack. However, the next correspondence I received from Vodafone was a letter demanding $350 in termination fees, followed by a threat to default me with Baycorp and letters from debt collectors. In response, I rang Vodafone and explained that I had entered into an agreement, I wouldn't be paying the amount demanded, and that I would be very upset if they defaulted me for a debt that I didn't owe. I also asked for an invoice for the agreed exit fee of $150. The operator said that the money was owing and that he would default me if I didn't pay immediately. I refused and he added a default listing with Baycorp as soon as our telephone conversation ended.

I then started receiving telephone calls from debt collectors, who I told not to call me. The matter was only resolved when I made a complaint to the Telecommuncations Ombudsman. The Ombudsman found that Vodafone should never have added the default listing and that I was entitled to a refund of amounts charged by Vodafone to remove it. However, despite agreeing to the refund, Vodafone never paid me, so I had to make a second complaint requesting payment. After the second complaint, I received a refund from Vodafone.

Needless to say, I would never again sign up to be a Vodafone contract customer.

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13866 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Because of overcharge now bad credit rating at 21 Jan 2011 12:51:23 PM
In 2007 I joined $79 Vodafone contract. After about 6 months on the contract I had apparently gone over the cap and got slammed with a $2,300.00 phone bill. I rang them and said there was no way in hell I was going to pay that amount. After many back and forth conversations they cancelled my contract and sent me a bill for $3,103.00. After many back and forth coversations regarding the new amount we finally came to an agreement to work out a price. They then referred my matter to Dunn & Bradhurst Debt Collectors finally in 2009 we agreed that I would pay back $1,183.00 because I still had the mobile phone that came with my cap. Two weeks ago I went to the bank to get a personal loan and got rejected. I make really good money. I have no credit cards. Never had a bad debit. So I requested a copy of my credit file from Veda Advantage which says "It was advised that a Telecommunication account was overdue due to payment default". Because of the negotiations I got a bad credit which gets cleared in 2012. Now I am in the middle of a big arguement to have Vodafone amend this so I can get a personal loan.
21 Jan 2011 01:11:27 PM: So you blow your cap to pieces, refuse to pay and it's Vodafone's fault. Perfect logic there.

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13865 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is i cant describe it here at 21 Jan 2011 12:50:01 PM
I ended my contract with Vodafone late last year, and switched to another telco who paid part of my unexpired contract with Vodadone. I waited and waited until I had to part with vodafone, with 200 dollar payment to them, I was so desperate to get out.
When vodafone called me in Australia 22 months prior to resign my contract with them, they gave me the Nokia E71. I set my phone up to use with my WIFI network at home, so I would not be downloading from Vodafone data and being charged for this. While I did use some of the data from Vodafone when I was away from home, doing internet banking and such, this was very very minimal. Everything was fine after a few bills, until one day they sent me an extra large bill of 1500 approx.

I rang around was told that I had downloaded a large amount of data, and after going back and forth, back and forth was told that the Nokia E71 would auto switch to gprs vodafone data when my wifi signal dropped out. I was always within range of my wifi at home and had a strong signal, so i explained that this could not be the case.
They told me that I my wifes phone also had been doing this as well, and thats why it had been such a large bill. But here is the thing, my wifes phone, had never never been connected at anytime. They told me that the htc phone my wife had, "automatically" updated "things" I still dont know what they are. They thought I came down in the last shower.
I am not stupid and know exactly how to work the phones i told them, and that my wifes htc phone had never auto downloaded before this contract, because this was my old phone, and never had anything like this happened before.

No matter what I said, I could not reason with the call centre in Egypt. I spoke to the manager in the Call Centre Eddie. He could not answer any of my questions regarding the issue. They could not even tell me what kind of data had been downloaded. He kept repeating himself, "you should had gotten a package that had capped downloading costs. He would not listen to anything I had to say. He cut my phone bill in half, but that was not the point, I wanted someone to make sense, someone to tell me what all the charges were about.
I tried to call someone in Australia. I called my local vodafone shop, and was told, you will have to call the centre in Egypt. We cant do anything. I emailed the Australia Sydney office and was told basically yeah yeah we know your upset, we cant do a thing, call the centre in Egypt.
So even though someone called me in Australia to resign the contract with me, they now could not call me to answer some of my questions.

sorry are you still with me???

When I called just before I ended my contract with Vodafone, the guy in Egypt told me he could not tell me the finalized amount owing on my account if I were to leave at that moment. It makes me wonder if this true, if, what do kind of computer systems are they running.

we could always sms a number to see how much of our cap, or what was owing on my bill at anytime, so why couldn't they.

After I left, I kept getting phone calls from them, and their market researches, and asking me personal details as to why I left....what was I paying now, why this why that. I was scared they were going to make up some more charges and send them to me.
I still am living in fear....the phones ringing....is that them??
21 Jan 2011 12:52:49 PM: Almost the same thing happened to me. Look above.
21 Jan 2011 01:18:17 PM: yawn
21 Jan 2011 01:27:32 PM: a vodafone staffmemeber said yawn
21 Jan 2011 01:40:18 PM: a Vodafone customer has no sense of humour.
21 Jan 2011 02:20:32 PM: not after they fuck you over we don't!
21 Jan 2011 02:26:16 PM: So you're claim is that the massively long winded story above is the most rivetting piece are literature you've read today?
21 Jan 2011 02:42:52 PM: So you're claim is that the massively long winded story above is the most rivetting piece are literature you've read today?.......
learn to write your sentences properly vodafone
21 Jan 2011 02:45:53 PM: most rivetting peice are literature you've ....what what what is that you are saying vodafone staff member i dont care about your wind problems
21 Jan 2011 03:22:17 PM: If that is a vodafone staff member I wonder if they are aware that its possible their IP address can be tracked.
23 Jan 2011 07:22:57 PM: Yeah I get your pain mate but even since your last phone they have changed dramatically and it is up to you to disable the handset settings and learn about how you're devices work. It was nice for them to chop the bill. Did you get advice on how to disable the data side? These days the plans all seem to have data so you shouldn't get that pain again no matter who you run with.

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13864 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is really bad at 21 Jan 2011 12:49:00 PM
Drop outs all the time. No usage in my own home. I'm missing out on lots of business. I have been with vodafone since they came to sydney and now the last months its got so very bad. Telstra works. What's happened!!!!!

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13861 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is IS 3Mobile network the sames as Vodfone? at 21 Jan 2011 12:47:15 PM
I'm on the 3Mobile network and it just does not work. Anywhere. Tried in Syd CBD, Wollongong Uni, Gold Coast. Everywhere I go it just does not work. Trying to make or take phone calls is impossible.
Have been back to 3Mobile and they're re-issued SIM card and keep trying to tell me it is my fault. My wife has the same phone with Telstra and never has an issue.
Any advice?
21 Jan 2011 01:38:31 PM: Since this is a Vodafone forum we don't care about your 3 problems
27 Jan 2011 04:18:40 PM: Vadafone and 3 are different carriers guys that's why the service/reception is different.

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13860 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Bad at 21 Jan 2011 12:46:42 PM
Coverage came in and out resulting in 33 failed calls between 12.30pm and 12.41pm on January 20th. Bars went from full to one and calls could not be made. This is appalling.

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13859 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Useless in Services, Accounts , Customer Service at 21 Jan 2011 12:46:33 PM
We are a small business with 26 connections. I am not able to speak to my account manager to sort the billing issues for the last one year, services issues as well. If i send him 10 emails he sends me one email saying that they are working on it. But it is more than a year and still working on it. I am not sure how this company is still operating. We have to 24 months contract and 12 months have gone. We will never go back to them again.

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13857 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is myvodafone account at 21 Jan 2011 12:34:22 PM
21 Jan 2011 12:46:12 PM: Hi, I have to disagree. Not all mobile carriers are the same. I used to be a 3 customer before the merge with Voda, then swapped over to Telstra and haven't looked back. Aussie call centre with minimal waiting times, bills are spot on, reception is great in terms of coverage and speed, and no, I don't have an affiliation with Telstra, just giving honest feedback!
21 Jan 2011 01:22:42 PM: Why are you wetting your pants cos you couldn't access their website? was it perhaps because you'd left it to the last minute to pay the bill? Must be their fault.
21 Jan 2011 02:10:54 PM: I have to agree with the 2 above comments. You should never leave paying the bill to the last minute as there might be problems as you said and the processing of a payment and letting the money clear will mean that it will take a few business days. I also think that we should stick to Telstra, i just made the move from Optus as they are just as bad as Voda, Telstra bills are always right, easy to read & understand & mobile internet is fast & reliable. Also i did have a problem too with the Vodafone online payment service, but it worked the next day.
21 Jan 2011 04:26:29 PM: I disagree with the comments above It's your bill and as long as you pay the bill on time then who cares!!!!!!! you should be able to access their stupid web site whenever you like!!!!!!!!!

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13854 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Poor Reception at 21 Jan 2011 12:32:47 PM
I divert my office/business to my Vodaphone after hours and alot of the time at home i have NO reception. Now have a 2nd telstra phone to divert my vodafone to when a call cant get through but dont like having to run and carry 2 mobile phones.

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13851 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Terrible Service at 21 Jan 2011 12:28:09 PM
My phone is constantly losing reception in open areas where most other phones have 100% coverage. I have replaced my phone with vodafone 3 times and changed sim cards. My internet coverage, anywhere in Sydney is poor and at times of travelling accross the city, will have recpetion drop out and then not return to my phone until i reset my phone.

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13846 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Totally at 21 Jan 2011 12:21:55 PM
Massieve network issues, delayed voicemail and SMS messages. Call drop off. I finally got in contact with the customer service after hours waiting on the phone and advised that there's no service is available in my area and they are unable to perform even a trouble shoot. I'm so sick of this situation and I have two mobile connections and pay over $100 per month for a service that I do not receive. The reason that I cannot disconnect is about another 10 months left on the contract tht I signed.

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13844 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Very at 21 Jan 2011 12:21:14 PM
Every time I ring vodafone for something, Lara answers the call but with too many bingles. She can't understand a word. I get annoyed listening to "I'm sorry, please say that again". I have to repeat myself over and over again. Very frustrating.

I hate Lara.

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13843 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is big rubbish at 21 Jan 2011 12:19:41 PM
i work at the hospital and 99percent of my shift thre is no covergae what so ever.
this shit company is a waste of space, i am thinking of changing if vodfail dont get the act toghter
lora the voice recorded bitch, they should replace her with real FUCKEN person sorry for the languages but that how a feel.
regards unhappy customer at all time.
21 Jan 2011 01:27:27 PM: Shouldn't have your phone on in a hospital anyway
21 Jan 2011 05:32:19 PM: Mobile phones are allowed in hospitals nowadays.

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13840 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Useless Data Access at 21 Jan 2011 12:16:00 PM
Middle of Sydney with full '5 bars' and I can't even load something as simple as Google Maps. (e.g to find out where I need to go)
Well, at least the GPS works - I can see a nice little blue dot in the middle of nothing!
Still, I count myself lucky as I see I can still receive calls - unlike other Vodafone folk on this site.
Vodafone - what are we paying you for!?

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13839 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is at 21 Jan 2011 12:15:40 PM
No reception in sydney CBD.
Ring Vodafone and they say it must be me, I say Ive being sitting in this same spot at work for years and nothing has ever been wrong before.
Numerous Drop outs

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13837 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is No reward for loyal customer at 21 Jan 2011 12:13:42 PM
I have been a vodafone customer for 10 years now and in that time i have never been offered a loyalty bonus for being with them for so long, no free phone mid contract or anything. All i was told by them was that i could get a free phone when i signed up for another 2 years! Ah no vodafone, anyone who walks in off the street can get a free phone when they sign up, you dont need to be a loyal customer to get a free phone!!
I just cant believe that when i told them i would be leaving them for another carrier they did not do anything to keep me!

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13835 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is hopeless at 21 Jan 2011 12:12:02 PM
on top of every other issue ive had with vodafone (a whole other story with netowrk issues like everyone else), this takes the cake. i didnt want my bill direct debited anymore , firstly due to their privacy issues, secondly as im planning on leaving them asap, so i logged onto myvodafone and cancelled my direct debit. to my surprise, they direct debited me today, overdrawing my account (i didnt have the money in there as wasnt expecting any direct debits). Just as a test, i went back into myvodafone, which showed the direct debit still active. i deactivated it, it told me the direct debit was removed, i logged out, logged back in, and SURPRISE! the direct debit is still active!,i informed them of this today, they didnt really seem to care that their website has such a flaw, didnt offer any compensation for the inconveniance, and unless i send them my private bank statement showing overdrawn fee i wont get any compensation for that (like hell, considering their record with my private information , they aint seein nothin!)

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13833 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is VERY! at 21 Jan 2011 12:09:13 PM
I get no coverage! I have to call people 100 times before I can actually get through to someone! My phone calls out half way through a conversation and I get text messages hours after they have been sent to me.

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13832 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is extreme fail at 21 Jan 2011 12:08:50 PM
i get no reception hardly anywhere all i have to do is take to steps to my left and im out of reception its ridiculous, Even when im in a shopping center i cant make calls or sends....

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13828 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Seriously fail at 21 Jan 2011 12:02:44 PM
Despite having full signal strength calls constantly go direct to voicemail. Ongoing autopay issues. Had enough, in the process of changing provider... Count me in on the class action!!

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13825 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Beyond Failure at 21 Jan 2011 12:01:23 PM
Ive been a Vodafone customer for a little while now and have had major issue when trying to use their 3G services for email & internet. I tried making the switch from Blackberry to iPhone on the Vodafone network and had extremely poor experience with it. Falling short of throwing the iPhone out my car window as the calls constantly dropped out, i tried a sim card from another carrier in the same phone and it worked flawlessly. So i had no choice but to switch back to the Blackberry and although it works with respect to sending and receiving emails, internet connectivity is poor at best and the phone reception is a major issue for me when the phone is in 3G coverage. Im paying for a 3G service, however I have had to manually adjust my phone settings to drop down to 2G so that I can get half decent reception and minimal call drop outs. Im fortunate as my contract is up shortly. I can definitely say that I will not be signing up EVER again with Vodafone and will strongly recommend to colleagues, friends and family to stay away, irrespective of how good a deal they think they are getting.

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13820 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Epic Fail at 21 Jan 2011 11:50:09 AM
Like many others, calls constatnyl dropping out. Poor reception. I should not be getting the country network in the metropolitan area. Data service that rarely works, and when it does, its terribly slow. Missed calls and messages and no notifications of such calls. Picture messages only come through from certain people, and sometimes a few days after they were sent.

The coverage thing is what gets me the most. Travelling from Banktwon to Ultimo everyday, no reception around bakstown at all. And it drops out constantly between bankstown and the city. Previously I was working in North Sydney, jsut after I signed up to this contract a little over a year ago now, and at the best of times had 1 bar of reception. North sydney is a major business area and should have soem of the best coverage. But no.

Havent bothered even contacting vodafone as I know it will be put to a call centre overseas where they will tell me that it is my handset and not the network that is the problem.

Vodafone should allow all digruntled customers to break thier contracs early without termination fees due to thier terrible service. I dont understand why its so bad here, in the UK and europe their coverage is fantastic.

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13819 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is stupid at 21 Jan 2011 11:49:50 AM
To make a long story short, my daughter ordered an IPhone 4 without my permission on my account. Made her cancel it the same day. Next bill comes in and im charged for the IPhone. Called and sorted out the bill and was told everythings okay we can see that the phone wasn't sent out. Bingo!! 2 weeks later an IPhone 4 arrives. Not to my address but my daughters boyfriends address. Left the phone and did nothing for about 2 months thinking they would chase it up. (High Hopes) I have rung twice and explained that I have an IPhone that im not paying for. Do they want to do anything about it? NO!!!
They told me to send it back by express post. Told them that they sent it they can pick it up. No one wants to do anything about it. Still have the IPhone. I bet there just waiting for it to be connected so they can charge me for it. Wont happen though. I already have an IPhone 4. No one could answer the question of how can they send a phone to a different address then is on my account. Wouldn't that ring alarm bells. If I was ordering a phone I would want it to my own address.
21 Jan 2011 11:58:53 AM: I'll buy your Iphone4 for $600 bucks if you want.
21 Jan 2011 12:08:06 PM: You must have one of the Iphones that both my wife and i ordered and never showed :)
21 Jan 2011 06:21:27 PM: Did you kick your daughter's arse for putting you in that position in the first place?

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13818 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is at 21 Jan 2011 11:48:29 AM
I've been reading some of the posts and it seems like everyone here are Vodafone customers, rather than 3 customers.

I have been a 3 customer for over 5 years and until the end of last year, I have been very happy with their service. Since around October/November, I have had problems with getting mobile broadband on my phone, as well as the dongle and in areas where I've had no problems before. The service (or lack of) at home and other places (even in the middle of Sydney CBD) seems to be intermittent.

I went into a 3 store and was told that this was due to the merger with Vodafone and this was the same response when I checked with Vodafone. Neither could tell me when the problem will be resolved.

Vodafone should be spending their money on fixing the problems, not sponsoring sporting teams! My contract expires at the end of the year and they will definitely be losing another customer.

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13817 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is worst at 21 Jan 2011 11:45:12 AM
i own a small bussines and keep getting drop calls all day every day an average of every second call after i ring them and wait for ages they ask me stupid questions like about the reception around where i live i explain to them i am on the road all day and it is happing every where yet still nothing i want out of my contract for they r not abiding by the terms and conditions but they tell it will still cost me this is crap and i cant do anything till my contract runs out plrease can anyone tell me if anything can be done to get out of this concract i have been a customer for 8yers and its getting worse

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13816 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Terrible at 21 Jan 2011 11:41:53 AM
I was a TPG customer before and didn't have any issues other than no coverage in remote areas which I expected from the beginning, but it's been a few months that I'm with Vodafone and the service is terrible, especially the data transfer is too slow and reminds me of Dial-up connections !

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13813 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Very at 21 Jan 2011 11:40:40 AM
When I signed up for this deal I had to give them my license number, and after that they send me an email confirming my details including the plan I signed up to....etc. In the email they send me the name In that email was correct, however the next 3 billing emails that they send me my name was mis-spelled!! One Letter only but it made a big difference!! So I called up and ask them to change it, and even tho they looked at the my details and admitted that they were wrong, they said, sorry cant do it here, you gotta go to a store with you photo ID to change it.. What I dont understand is that if they can sign you up on a plan over the phone or on the internet without looking at your photo ID, why cant they just change the name even tho they know that its their fault for entering the wrong letter. Because of their fault they require their customer to get out of their way to correct their mistake for them??
21 Jan 2011 01:35:57 PM: they have a copy of the form that you used to sign up on one of their systems. If it's spelt correctly on there you just tell them to look at it and therefore change it.

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13810 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Extreme at 21 Jan 2011 11:37:17 AM
I haven't had any phone service for 2 weeks. I can not make or receive any calls. I have tried to call Vodafone and the phone keeps dropping out.

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13809 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is biblical at 21 Jan 2011 11:33:58 AM
After being reassured I would be refunded $1000 (I was wrongly billed far more than this)on my credit card and my plan fixed to what I originally told it was serposed to be.......I waited....and waited.I contacted the TIO again and they said they would fix it.....Vodafone still havn't resolved any of the problems I have raised, nor held up thier end of the solution promised in Nov 10.....I HATE YOU VODAFONE YOU GO TO HELL... YOU GO TO HELL AND YOU DIE

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13808 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is a complete joke. at 21 Jan 2011 11:32:52 AM
i travel from guildford to the city in sydney every day, i have my vodafone blackberry and a telstra blackberry for support purposes at work.
both handsets are identical.
email is forwarded from the same address and same exchange server to both handsets.
the telstra one recieves them sometimes up to 30 mins before the vodafone one.
the telstra phone has full 3G coverage all the way to circular quay (except in the tunnels of winyard and town hall) which is to be expected but everywhere else it has full reception and i can browse web pages and do anything i like with it and pages load the same speed every time.

with the vodafone handset, it has 3G maybe 15% of the time, and during those times its only a few bars not full coverage and most of the time page requests just time out even when it says its 3G, infact its more responsive when it has dropped down to EDGE or GPRS and they are rediculously slow at the best of times.

i can literally do 15-20 google searches on the telstra one in the time i can get one search on the vodafone one.
from lidcombe to merrylands seems to be a hideously patchy area for vodafone and i am lucky to have any reception at all let alone think about data services.

i have had both phones for 6 months now, and this has been the case the whole time it really is a complete farce that vodafone can get away with charging people for a service like this.
the minute my contract ends i will be carrying 2 telstra blackberrys around....

its one thing to get a bad service and know its bad, its so much worse when you have the service you should be recieving for your money right there in your other hand.

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13807 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is should be shut down! at 21 Jan 2011 11:31:36 AM
Not only did calls drop out, reception was bad and their voicemail system is useless. I missed several very important calls because of vodafail, one of them being a job offer! I never got notified of a missed call and the voicemail wasn't working for weeks. I moved house and changed my address with vodafone, also had a redirection for my mail put on for 12 months, They kept sending the same bill to two different addresses. Called 3 times to correct the problem. Then the 4th time I called (cause it still hadn't been fixed) they tell me they couldn't find my details for my current address, which they were sending mail to, in the system and I needed some 4 digit pin (I could never remember) to change my address. I went through a series of departments about the stupid pin, then after an hour of the worst customer service ever, I asked to speak to a supervisor cause I was not happy. The person on the other end of the phone refused to put me through, gave me all sort of excuses that the supervisor was in a meeting etc etc, then finally 15 mins later they were out and ready to take my call. They refused to give me their contact details and didn't want to help me. 2 hours later and lots of yelling later I still wasn't even sure if the address thing had been sorted out. The call centre was in Egypt by the way! 2 days later my contract ended and I switched to telstra and have not had an issues since! Oh and they kept sending zero dollar amount bills to me for 4 months after my number had been switched over to telstra.

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13806 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is reception issue/over charged. at 21 Jan 2011 11:31:00 AM
Calls have dropped out reguarly since i purchased my new iphone on a plan with vodaphone. On two sepreate occasions the reception has completely dropped out for more then 5 days at a time. I am on a $49 a month plan barely use internet (as i have wireless in my home) and do not use my phone extensively, some how the bill for the last 2 months was $179.81. i don't see how that adds up.
Not only am i dissatisfied with my service as a customer, but i am also paying twice as much as i assumed.
21 Jan 2011 11:49:11 AM: This happened to me too, I was on a $65 plan and my bills were always $180 or over. Turns out it was an error on vodafone's end (of course) the sim they sent me for my iPhone was supposed to be for my mobile broadband. I dunno how this works tho since iPhones use a micro sim. Anyway vodafone admitted they stuffed up and owe me money. They might have done the same with you?

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13805 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Quite at 21 Jan 2011 11:30:54 AM
I'm sure alot of ppl know about that 3 months free access thing vodafone offered a few months back and I think its still on? (not sure) Anyway I got that offered in October and its January now going to be Feb and I got charged instead of free access, so I called up and the staff who I talked to still have to talk to his supervisor asking about this deal... like seriously shouldnt all staff know about this deal already? I'm also suppose to have 10% off my handset as well but they keep charging me full amount. not happy! =(

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13803 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is ordinary at 21 Jan 2011 11:30:26 AM
As a long time customer (10 years) i am very dissapointerd in the reduction of servive quality. What really irks me is it used to be so good (in capital cities), but I guess the push to increase the subscriber base and 3 merger has just stretched the system beyond it's capabilities.

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13801 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Poor regional coverage at 21 Jan 2011 11:26:39 AM
Last weekend (15th, 16th Jan 2011) I drove from Brisbane to Sydney. The network coverage of my iPhone 4 with Vodafone hardly ever worked whilst the Telstra NextG coverage of my iPad worked absolutely everywhere (even when I had to go inland to avoid the flooded Pacific Highway). Vodafone's claim of wide network coverage is just not true.

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13799 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is VodaFAILS to Deliver at 21 Jan 2011 11:26:16 AM
I live in the centre of Sydney (Paddington), the largest city in Australia. Should I then experience this message when trying to access my 3G network?

'Network Connection Failure - Please Try Again Later'

And drop me out of phone calls time in time out 'Call Failure'

The company can sponsor an event like the Ashes series!?! pay for advertising campaigns on prime time tv! but cant provide phone reception in major cities. Mobile phone technology is now almost 20years old, how havn't they got it right????

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13797 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is 100% Fail at 21 Jan 2011 11:23:57 AM
Constant call drops. Phone CONSTANtLY searching for signal. No internet when 3G signal is showing multiple bars. Totally unable to get a solid signal anywhere around Central Station.
I am SICK TO DEATH of being lied to by Vodafone support if and when I can actually reach someone. Now they've released a "script" to their vendors on how to deal with complaints
And they have the hide to try to say their infinite plans aren't tied to this mess. They still haven't learnt to tell the truth

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13796 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Fail or Frail at 21 Jan 2011 11:23:51 AM
Every third call is dropped, 3G internet is intermittent on both my partners phone and mine.
Then to add insult to injury the mobile phone 3g usage does not update within the stated 48hrs (which that in itself is a joke), usually taking 4 days or more ... which has led to excess usage charges!

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13795 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is I never knew that you had to pay for no internet at 21 Jan 2011 11:23:50 AM
I have a vodafone broadband dongle. When I first started to use it in early 2010, I had decent 3G coverage. Now, I'm lucky to have one bar of roaming reception. Ridiculous.

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13793 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Calls not connecting at 21 Jan 2011 11:21:33 AM
Vodafone are saying in SMH.com.au they are happy with the actions they''ve taken and that the service is much better. I am still experiencing hopeless service. On Sunday (16/1/2011) in Coles Neutral Bay store I could not call home (tried a number of times - call kept disconnecting before being answered by my wife). I called my wife's mobile - it connected and asked her to call me back using the land line - it worked fine. I then called her back on the same land line and this time it worked fine. All this time I was standing in the same spot. I have not seen any improvement in the service over the last 4 months when it all started going horribly wrong.

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13792 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is providing less that satisfactory service and support at 21 Jan 2011 11:21:01 AM
I called the Vodafone customer service number approximately 18 months ago advising them that text messages I could send sms messages from my phone, but that they were not being received by the sms recipient (or if it was received it was >24 hours after sending). They told me it was a problem with my phone, not the Vodafone service. So, I call my phone manufacturer - they agreed with me that it was a telephone reception problem seen as messages were being sent (and I believe I was being charged regardless of whether the messages were being received by sms recipients or not). Vodafone denied denied denied and said they could do nothing about it. These days my main problem is reception, although I still find the occassional sms is not received. So nice to read the articles lately (except for the ones stating client information has been circulated and stored in manner that was not secure) about Vodafone service problems across the country... makes me feel like my concern was (/is) valid. Thanks for putting the blame on everyone except yourself Vodafone.

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13789 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is 9 (on a scale of 1 to 10) at 21 Jan 2011 11:19:17 AM
I am so sick of never having a decent signal with 3G when surfing the net... it takes an incredibly long time to even bring up Google on my phone and sometimes it doesn't even work, even when i'm in the CBD of Sydney.

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13785 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Absolutely Dreadfull at 21 Jan 2011 11:16:48 AM
I was with Vodafone for 14 Years until last week. I finally had enough of the consistantly poor service they provide. Early 2010 I broke my phone and needed to claim onmy phone insurance. I was told to take the phone to the nearest Vodafone store and they would send it away and I would receive a new phone within 5 working days via courier. Given that I was now without a phone I thought they might replace the phone with Store stock. I was informed that this was not how things were done.

2 weeks passed and still my phone had not arrived. I became increasinyl angry and phoned Vodafone to complain. When I FINALLY got through I waas told there was nothing they could do to track the location of my phone or its estimated arrival date. They suggested I phone the store or Vodafone Insurance (which is an outsourced service ny they way.

A customer service person at the store took my name and number nad promised to follow it and call me back. I never heard from him. I phoned thie insurers and they wiped their hands clean saying it was nothing to do with them and they couldnt help. Everyone just passed the buck and no-one was able to tell me when my phone might arrive or when. Finally I had to phone the TIO who contacted Vodafone. A rep phoned me and said as compensation I could end my contract early and if I wanted another phone straight away I could then sign on for another 24 month contract. You must be joking right? Finally received the phone 2 weeks after the claim was put in.

This is not the opnly problem I have had with them but it is the most recent.

Trying to get a phone replaced under warranty with this mob can be a nightmare as well. I dont understand why if a phone is clearly faulty they cant just replace it on the spot. NO. it has to go to the "repair centre" where it is "assessed" and then they want to replace it with a refurbished phone. I dont want a refurbished phone! If its broken I want a replacemnet with a brand new one straight away. Subsequent research I have conducted suggests it is unlawfull not to replace the item straight away.

Anyway have just changed carriers. Goodbye Vodafone, I cant say its been a great 14 years.

P.S (tip for vodafone) Hire a larger number of more competent call centre customer service operators for a start. People hate waiting to talk to someone and it is even worse when you finally through the quality of the service is dreadful anyway.

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13784 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is very at 21 Jan 2011 11:14:57 AM
My phone is with vodaphone, my husband's is with Telstra. Most of the time I have little to no service whilst he has full service with crystal clear reception.
My bill this past month was 5 times the usual amount purely because my calls keep getting dropped and I have to call the person back. Multiple times.
I have rung Vodaphone to have my phone unlocked so I can use as foreign sim whilst travelling; first they couldn't find my phone on their system (it IS a phone bought under a vodaphone contract - unfortunately), then they say it takes a week to unlock and incurs a charge.. Previous phones with Optus were able to be unlocked almost immediately with no charge. It has been a week and still not unlocked.

Grrrr....!!!!! I don't understand how Vodaphone aren't subject to any sort of regulatory or fair trading governance that can call them on their blatant theft and immoral business practices.
21 Jan 2011 03:57:43 PM: They do their best to stand over clients, by referring to various clauses in contract, e.g. dont gurantee continual coverage etc etc.
There is government legislation which overrides their one sided contracts, and the wording is something like.... "Goods must be fit for the purposes which they were sold for"
22 Jan 2011 03:44:35 PM: unlocking is easy, computer nerds can do a "jail break" or get online something, something, vodafone unlock, think they extort about $80 for the privelage

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13780 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is OMG - Monumental! at 21 Jan 2011 11:13:10 AM
Just got off the phone with a vodafone another rep. None of them speak english!!!

How can they expect customers to continue using their service if they can't even communicate with customer service??

Come on. Vodafone, you outsource your customer service reps to India or where ever and it's appalling. I actually believe so many customers are leaving vodafone, that It could actually collapse.

Fire the management - immediately. Hire some people with common sense.

Unkind Regards,


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13778 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is not careful enough with internal communications... at 21 Jan 2011 11:11:38 AM
Came across the following link in an SMH article today - looks like a dealer FAQ prepared by the VHA Comms/PR team.


Appears that there are a number of escalation email addresses in here that dissatisfied customers could potentially direct their concerns to.
21 Jan 2011 11:22:47 AM: My - what an interesting PR spin this particular internal staff communication puts onto the current Vodafone situation.

It talks about netwrk improvements, customer retention etc.

Its great for a laugh - I think Vodafone remains in denial.

Vodafail should get a copy of this communication and put it on this site.

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13775 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is greedy & incompetent at 21 Jan 2011 11:08:10 AM
tried to order an andoid phone on the vodafone online store back in sept/2010. after waiting 4 days got a message to say couldn't process my order as insufficient indentification was produced??. I then cancelled the order with a customer service person. But wait there's more....about 7 working days after cancelling the order, abracadabra! the phone suddenly appeared on my desk at work (courier dropped it there without even a signature!) By this time i had already ordered a new android handset from Optus online, which was delivered to me within 48 hours!.
Anyhow, another call to vodafone customer service to organise returning the handset, and what a pain that was. I think i was on hold for periods of up to 1 hour or more!! just to speak to someone. By the way, it took me about 6 attempts and over 3-4 days to actually speak to someone who could organise for the handset to be collected. Finally about another week later the return satchel arrived and i sent back the handset. You thought that was going to be the end of the story..didnt you! Oh no, Xmas eve 2010, i received a Final Notice letter for about $133.00 demanding payment. I called their account dept and just went right off my rocker!!
touch wood havent heard anymore from Vodafail, and hope i never will.

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13771 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is poor network coverage at 21 Jan 2011 11:04:03 AM
Cannot talk properly, very poor reception, phone get disconnected during call.

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13770 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is 7 at 21 Jan 2011 11:03:12 AM
i have rang numerous times bout service issues with vodafone. to the point where i wanted out of my contract. im sick of talking to bombay when i ring. they struggle to comprehend what im talkin about. all ive been give is $20 credit towards my account (mind you, im still waiting for that. its been 2 months)
21 Jan 2011 11:26:58 AM: Agreed! Its so hard to try and communicate the problems to an offshore call centre! I want to speak to someone in Syd or Aust that knows what is going on. I am committed to getting out of my contact even though I have 18 months left to run. I shouldn't have to pay for poor performance...

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13769 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is NOT UP TO STANDARD at 21 Jan 2011 11:02:44 AM

Check this website out.
Vodafail dealers pose as customers, cancel contract & sign up for a new contract. This enables them to earn a higher commission. OOPS - you got caught !!!!!

What more can I say !!!!!

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13768 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Poor service at 21 Jan 2011 11:02:23 AM
Where do I start:

Waiting in phone queues forever.
Double / triple SMS's & then sometimes NONE.
Dropped calls / poor reception.
Took numerous calls to have my address change.

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13764 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is getting worse at 21 Jan 2011 11:00:02 AM
It's getting really frustrating when i can't access how much money is left on my cap. Every single time i SMS the number, or call through.. the service is temporarily down, try again later - how convenient?! This happens every single time I try to check it, so I will refuse to pay any fees that im billed if by accident i do go over! I won't even start on the lack of reception..
21 Jan 2011 12:54:27 PM: Stop gabbing on the phone so much.

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13762 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is extremly at 21 Jan 2011 10:56:18 AM
placed on hold for 74min and still received no action. I gave up

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13759 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Badly at 21 Jan 2011 10:53:28 AM
Hi Guys,

The owner of Vodafone is Three. I met several mates who used Three also facing problems like Three actually canceled their contracts in sudden and claimed that they were asking for upgrade.

I believe they are desperate for sales. Three is the trouble maker.

21 Jan 2011 12:53:44 PM: Vodafone and 3 are a joint venture. Get your facts straight.

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13758 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is Extremely at 21 Jan 2011 10:53:28 AM
I have WIFI and it is waaay slower than Dial up! When I try to speak to someone about it they suggest I move my modem closer to a window!!! Hello?? That is the technology expertise they provide? Or a woman who may or may not be frustrated with me, who has no phone skills and it 'appears' as if she thinks I am a complete idiot. Vodafone used to be GREAT. What the Hell happened!?!?!?!??!

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13755 Someone from NSW thinks vodafone is VERY at 21 Jan 2011 10:51:34 AM
I have been with Vodafone for over ten years and have been on a pre paid account I purchased a new I Phone on plan several months ago now. however from the time i recieved the phone i have had limmited service drop out calls all causing no end of greef in business and in personal my wife thinks im having an afiar as i dont answer her calls or hang up on her ... my work cannot contact me or my clients this is carzy now I just want to pay off my contract and find another provider .. dissapointed in how they treat a loyal customer ..
21 Jan 2011 12:52:58 PM: Yet another iPhone problem being attributed to Vodafone. Perhaps you losers should stop getting sucked in by Apple's slick interface and buy and HTC or Samsung instead.

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